Blood God Laugh

Chapter 108 Blood Demon Reappearance

Chapter 108, the Reappearance of the Blood Demon

The bloody battle in the mainland of the Wan Dynasty gradually escalated. After the 100 races killed the Iron City and the sand of death, the blood demons that had disappeared for a long time reappeared. Instead of going to the Iron City, they appeared in the old nest of the Hundred Clans.

The old, weak, the sick and the disabled have no resistance, but the blood demons also kill to the fullest. A trace of flesh and blood are not wasted, and a blood soul is not let go, and they are all included in the bloody projection world.

All ethnic groups have left the last blood species and arranged some elite soldiers to protect them. These blood species are babies, children, and the future hope of the hundred ethnic groups.

The Hawkeyes are the most eye-catching race. They can see objects more than ten miles away, and even a little mouse can't escape their sharp eagles.

The strong people in the clan can look at hundreds of miles or even thousands of miles, turn their eyes into sharp arrows, and hunt the target invisibly thousands of miles away. They are the best at assassination and tracking.

But now, a blood demon is staring at a valley with tens of thousands of eagle-eye children.

Blood splashed, without a trace of premonition and reaction, thousands of Hawkeye warriors who protected children have all been killed, just like they killed their prey with their eyes, making their prey die inexplicably.

A glance penetrated the space, penetrating a blood fog, and a blood demon appeared. The head was broken, but the blood gas surged, and the blood surface reappeared intact, bloodthirsty and ferocious.

"Hahahaha, I didn't expect that the nobleman still has a boundary to protect the young, but your eagle's eye is not on fire. Die, and none of them can escape!"

The blood demon holds the king's knife and does not dodge. He steadily steps forward in the endless shooting of his eyes. The hole body pierces the arm has no effect on the blood demon, and the blood gas floating outside the body can recover the injured body in an instant.

Hawkeye is full of fear. He is not afraid of death. If he wants to escape from the blood demon alone, he can't stop him, but there are thousands of children behind him. How can he retreat and how can he escape!

"Wait, I volunteered to become a blood slave, and please let go of my young people!"

"Hahaha, ha ha, killing you is also a blood slave!" The blood demon laughed wildly, the knife was cut, and the king's knife phantom was a hundred feet, without a trace of pity.

"Ah-!!!" The strong man of the Hawkeye roared, "I'll fight with you, eagle, pierce the soul!"

A flying eagle shot out of the two-eyed eagle, with a sad sound. This is the soul body of the strong man of the eagle-eyed clan. It flashed with the enemy and penetrated into the body of the blood demon, and the cut-headed king's knife was stagnant in the air.

After a long time, the body of the strong Hawkeye trembled, and thick black blood flowed from his eyes, and the surrounding space fluctuated violently, which was a precursor to the collapse of the body world.

"Hahaha, I am an immortal blood soul. With your soul power, I am simply vulnerable. I will give you another journey!" The blood demon laughed, and the hundred-foot king's knife continued to be cut.


Wang Dao separated the valley, and the collapse of the body world caused space chaos, and countless fragments scattered and shot. In this case, mortals could not survive, let alone children in the valley!

But the blood demon protected them, and the bloody projection world earned all the Hawkeye children.

What reflects their young eagle's eyes are dead bodies, the dead bodies of the old people in the clan, the dead bodies of sick women, and the dead bodies of disabled soldiers in the war. Those pairs of eagle eyes are open, empty and godless.

The blood is still overflowing and converging into a stream, which is very complicated, but it is a very natural bloodline. Then countless small blood pool, and suddenly a ferocious blood face appeared on the blood pool, and its eyes are eagle eyes.

The bloody eagle eyes shot into the children's frightened eyes, and then the fright disappeared, flashing bloodthirsty, and the young hands picked up the blood in the pool of blood and drank.

The blood demon was laughing wildly. In his wild laughter, the bloody eagle-eyed children began to swallow the flesh and blood of the people. Bloody and nausea happened to a group of children, which was even more unacceptable and unbearable.

They grew up quickly, and the children swallowed countless corpses, and then they grew up, a big one, looking bloated, with bloody faces and dozens of pairs of eagle eyes.

"Blood Demon-Fa, Rongling!"

The bloody faces swam to the bloated and childish head, overlapping one by one, and the blood color of the eagle's eye is brighter and sharper.

"Blood demon-Fa, gather spirits!"

Tens of thousands of bloated eagle-eyed blood spirits devoured each other, and finally left thousands. On the contrary, the bloated is no longer, except for the high raised back, which is still bloated.

"Hahahaha, blood demon-fa, eagle!"

hrill and long roar, a pair of wings broke out of the bloated back, with blood-colored feathers, revealing the clouds in the sky, and thousands of blood eagles soared in the blood.


An old fairy stepped on the clouds. Longyan had a long beard and looked at the broken valley. He couldn't help sighing, "A step late, is the Hawkeye is over like this..."

Suddenly felt a fluctuation. The hill not far from the valley was a whole cemetery, burying the eagle-eye people of all generations. After death, some strong people's eagle-eye spiritualized and silently guarded this place of rest.

The old man waved his hand to screen dozens of eagle-eye light and said to the illusory eagle body, "The old man has no malice. He is ordered by the Lord God to lead the blood of the nobles to a safe place."

The eagle roared, and a tomb split from the middle. Dove of the trembling children had fear on their faces, and the young eagle's eyes were full of tears. They saw the terrible scene.

"Go with Grandpa, forget everything just now, forget all the killings, Grandpa will take you to a place where there is no killing!"

The old man's voice is gentle and magical, soothing the young and broken heart.

The fear on the children's faces disappeared, and the trembling of their bodies stopped, erasing the tears of the eagle's eyes, like a child who had just woken up, which was a mess and knew nothing.

The illusory eagle body nodded to the old man, and then returned to its original shape one after another. First, there were pearls of eagle eyes, and then round pearls, hanging on the children's necks.

From guarding the resting place to guarding the future.

"Let's go, there are still a lot of children to answer!"

The old man disappeared with the children, and the most alive of the whole Hawkeye clan is this cemetery.


The reason why the Southern Alliance desperately resisted the Hundred Nations was that it required a large amount of blood sacrifices for the birth of the throne. Hundred Nations knew that the human race led by the two ethnic groups of immortals was also forced to be involved in a bloody battle.

The Southern Region Alliance and the Hundred National People's League add up to only 100,000, but nearly one million people of the human army came to the southern region. On the way, they encountered the interception of blood demons to compete for blood power.

fighting in the Iron City, the ultimate gathering point of blood is the sand of death, which becomes the blood support of Fengyang.

But in it, the gathering point is the virtual blood body of the blood demon god outside the sky, and all the souls of death will become the power of the blood soul of the blood demon god.

The blood demon army is only millions, and almost all the old nests of the hundred clans have been slaughtered by the blood demons. Even the immortals can only pick up a small number of children from all ethnic groups as quickly as possible.

Therefore, these millions of troops are almost all blood spirits achieved by hundreds of children. The simple and young souls can exert the power of the bleeding soul, like a natural blood spirit, which is fierce and cruel.

Millions of interceptions, thousands of times the gap, even if the interceptors are all strong people above the domain level, it is equivalent to finding their own death.

But these blood spirits are indeed domains, and they do come to exchange death for life. Blood demons do not care about the life of blood spirits, as long as they compete for blood power to the maximum.

A round of blood moon in the sky, the demon moon clan likes to sing long in the moonlight, turning into blood spirits and enhancing the sound effect several times, as beautiful and touching as song, but this is a life-threatening song.

Many warriors looked up when they heard the sound and blurred their consciousness in an instant. It can be seen that the empty white soul came out of their body and were swallowed as soul food by the demon moon clan.

There are many orc warriors in the human army, and the lion, tiger, bear and wolf are still a little fierce, but the human warriors will never regard the beauty of the fox head that is incompatible with beauty.

Ugly dance is the patent of the fox people, which makes the warriors tremble with disgust, and the rhythm that makes people want to go crazy, but the effect is so obvious that the lost human soldiers wake up one after another.

And under the effect of fox man and beast art, the brigade of orc strong men rushed to the demon moon clan.

Lu Gula is the ninth son of the Tiger King. He once fought with Chen Yun. A tiger roar covered the long sound of the demon moon clan. Together with the extreme line of fire, he cut the throat of the demon moon clan and shouted:

"Bah, I really can't figure out how the human race can be fascinated by such an unpleasant cry!"

"Well, Sister Ya's voice is still beautiful, which makes Myra powerful all over!" Myra held the bear god stick, smashed a demon moon clan into blood flowers with a stick, and laughed excitedly, "Hahahaha!"

The blood eagle's body is not as good as the magic dragon, and the blood light of the eagle's eyes is like a dense storm. Without the protection of the city, pieces of human warriors are shot into a blood screen.

The fire burned again, and countless firebirds flew out of the elemental world and rushed to the ruthless eagle-eye killer.

Kong Xi did not embark on the road to heaven, nor did Chen Aier.

Magicians are the favorite of heaven and earth in the divine world. They can directly call the power of heaven and earth. They are already pseudo-divine realms and are the most direct executors of the rules of heaven.

But because of this, everything they have been given by heaven and earth, not from themselves, so magicians have little chance to achieve the true god.

The firebird wrapped around the blood eagle, and the flame was the end of evil. The blood eagle roared, and the blood-burning eagle rushed wildly to the dense human camp.


The blood and fire exploded and died cruelly.

The multi-armed and multi-legged tribes have become crawling huge fierce beasts. The blood scales and knives of the beasts are invulnerable, and tens of thousands of beasts are rampaging. The people of the human camp turn their horses upside down and throw their flesh and blood away.

Chen Aier took off the water elemental world hanging around her neck. The ice blue was thorough and beautiful. She held her hand like a sacrifice and blew gently, and a large piece of ice fog came out.


There are only two simple words, but a large number of blood beasts are frozen.

"Breaked ice!"

is still two words, the beast's body is cracked, and the blood-colored ice on the ground.

"Melting ice!"

With a sacrifice with both hands, the rolling blood was brought into the water elemental world, refined, condensed into a blood cell and sent to Kong Xi, who was connected by fire.

A blood demon suddenly appeared, waved a knife, cut out the fire, and easily intercepted the blood cells. He was about to swallow and turn them into strength, but another blood wind came, protruding out the dragon head and swallowing the blood cells first.

"Haha, delicious, really delicious!" Black Wind Maiqi looked at Feng Linger, "Little girl, give me a few more condensers. It will take a lot of blood to deal with them!"

The magic dragon came to help. There are several women in white on each magic dragon, with white lotus blood, and countless blood fell from the sky. Compared with devouring, there is nothing more thorough than insects!

kill, kill, kill...

Everything is only killing, endless, when will all this end...

Do you really want to completely destroy the world?