Blood God Laugh

Chapter 109 Secrets of the Old World

Chapter hundred and nine, the secret of the old world

The fire in the Ironwood King's Palace has spread all over the city and burned vigorously. The ironwood soldiers will quickly retreat to the Iron City under the cover of the fire, and the foreign army has to travel around the city.

Zhang Qian looked back at the Fire City and looked to the west. It was the north of the sand of death. I don't know how long Mo Bai's ghost army can last. Will Yu Wen be dangerous or too much to do this?

The secret room was red, and the statue blurred his face. He was melting, and the hot molten pulp kept dripping, dripping on Tie Yuwen sitting cross-legged under the statue, and there was a painful howl.

The melting slurry flooded the iron temperature and covered the howling. The fire also completely drowned the secret room. Except for the fire, nothing could be seen. In the raging city, countless alien coalition forces kept passing around the city.

The Ironwood Kingdom is not far from the Iron City. It only takes half a day for the alien army to reach the Iron City, and the Kingdom of Sidari in the east also began to retreat to the Iron City.

The aquarium army and soldiers are divided into two roads, one of which come through the source of the hills and will soon arrive in the south of the Iron City. In addition to the sand of death in the west, the Iron City is under the full siege of hundreds of ethnic groups!

Looking down from a sky tower in the Iron City, the 800-mile Iron City, including the dungeon, is almost full, and nearly half of them are old, weak, women and children.

"If all the clans really come in, alas..." Vernina sighed.

"If the divine throne is not born in time, all races will come in." Orion made a calm statement.

"He will do it..." Vernina looked at the sand of death.


The sand of death, in the endless depths of the whirlpool, the huge and bright white divine crystal stood instead of a bloody wind Yang, with a bloody whirlpool above his head. The blood power is endless, and the wind Yang is also swallowed.

There are also Yang Er, Kuang Jiangchen, and 18 splits standing on hundreds of divine crystals around. With the support of infinite blood power, their strength has reached an amazing level.


Countless old soul sounds laughed, and the blood demon god struggled desperately to pull the golden chain turned into the soul of the Dragon God. The golden dragon head was full of painful expressions.

"When this demon is out of trouble, he will definitely repay the thousands of years of imprisonment, so that you can wait for the blood soul to be purgatory in his waking up and become the slave of the lowest blood soul forever, ah-hahaha!"

"Hmm! The old demon gods have died. Now you are just making do with some remnant souls. When I recover 30% of my blood, I will draw all your soul blood, and then extinguish your withered soul with the fire of the pure soul, leaving no trace!"

"Thirty? Ah-hahaha! Your stupid good body has already wiped out 50% of the blood power, and the remaining demon has gained 30%. Even if you swallow the whole divine world, only 20% of the blood power!"

"Thirty? Thank you for telling me. No matter how much you grab, it will be my blood, and you will eventually return to the original owner!"

"You're wrong. That's the blood power of the devil, and you should return it to the original owner!"

"You're wrong. That's the blood of endless creatures in the old world. If you wait to devour countless spirits, the crime should be punished!"

"What a kill, isn't the 'old world' you said to destroy it?"

"You..." Feng Yang was frightened, "What on earth did you do to the old world?"

"Ah-hahaha, you're finally scared! Do you know how the 'old world' came about?

The blood demon god stopped struggling, and his soul looked directly at Feng Yang, rarely without any hatred, and even full of pity, which made Feng Yang feel panic for the first time.

"Quickly, what the hell is it!" Feng Yang shouted.

"In the old world, I summoned all the star emperors and demon souls swallowed by you, and even the powerful souls that were killed before you appeared, but only one soul was missing!"

"Who is it?"

"Blood God!"

"He..." Feng Yang trembled.

"I opened the seal of the burial ground, and there was no corpse of the bloody god at all. He was not dead. His death was a conspiracy to destroy the world!"


Feng Yang frowned and tried to recall the bloody and black death continent, which was the continent where he was really born, a demon corpse that was countless times larger than the divine world of the Wan Dynasty.

"It's a conspiracy!" The blood demon god affirmed, "Where did the old world come from? Hahaha, the lord of the old world is the blood god. It is he who opened up the road of the demon god, and it is also the road that he wants to destroy the demon god!"

"You mean...?"

"No, at least you are not all!"

The blood demon god looked at the sky, and the blood body of the demon god hidden in nothingness also shot two bloody eyes. He saw Feng Linger, who also merged in nothingness, and also felt the lotus petals that calmed his body.

"Your lotus mother is the real blood god. You and she are just inheriting the will of the blood god, conceived and destroyed as one, ah-haha..."

The blood demon laughed for a long time and finally laughed gloomyly:

"Do you know why this demon is still immortal? It was your lotus mother who saved this demon, because the divine world of all dynasties was once again dissatisfied with her. It was she who wanted to destroy the world, ah-hahahaha!"

"Mother Lian..." Feng Yang trembled all over and didn't want to believe it. "Impossible. Why did you fabricate this meaningless lie!"

"Lies? Did the lotus mother ever stop you when she separated you? All this is influenced by her in the dark, she is pursuing perfection, and you are the defect in perfection, the evil in beauty!"

"Then why did she save you, the evil demon!"

"Because the divine world of all dynasties is already full of evil, she wants to destroy you, and she wants to kill you completely, but you are the inheritance of her evil will. She can't kill you with her own power, so she wants to use the hand of this demon!"

The body shook, and Feng Yang almost fell off the divine crystal, "Then why did she conceive me again..."

"Because the devil discovered her secret and her evil, because the devil has been so strong that she can't control it, because the devil wants to completely kill her evil perfection!"

"I see."

Feng Yang looked up, and the pain and contradictions on his face have disappeared. "All this is indeed arranged by the lotus mother. Every step is developing according to her wishes, and now you are still in her wishes..."

The blood demon god was suddenly shocked, "What are you talking about? I have long been out of her control!"

The evil smile recovered, "You are right. The lotus mother is indeed going to destroy the evil, but this evil is not me, but you. It is you who gather all the evils into one, as long as you destroy you..."

"Hit!" The blood demon god screamed, "It's completely a lie. Even if you all add up, you are not the opponents of this demon. You will all die and become the slave of the blood soul of this demon, ah...!!!"

The blood demon god began to struggle again, and the dragon god gold chain was broken into thin and long, and the suppressed divine crystal also trembled slightly, reaching the edge of getting out of trouble.


8100 Tongtian Tower is the strongest attack weapon in the Iron City, and the maximum range of silver light can roar hundreds of miles away.

Like the disaster of heavenly anger, the silver light fell angrily, and a ring of light waves constantly harvested a piece of life.

An alien warrior got up from the ground and turned around to sweep. He was surrounded by corpses, mostly feet, some were still standing, and the bodies on them had long been nowhere to be found.

"Ah, ah--"

Crying, tears mixed with fresh blood.

Almost all the crossbow guns were pulled by dozens of heavenly strong men, and the thick metal guns fell to the ground one after another, making a trembling roar.

The thick smoke and fire are difficult to dissipate, flooding a large area of land. Through the fireworks are countless pits, the broken limbs slowly flowing blood, and the pits are filled with war blood and corpses.

Under the powerful bombardment of magic cannons and crossbow guns, the alien air force could not be taken off at all. Each team of alien warriors had to die to rush to the Iron City, and then face the cover of countless arrows, firestones and magic, but countless alien armies are still bravely charging to death.

The human race led by the two clans of immortals and gods has already killed most of the blood demons, and then surrounded the hundred clans half on the outer layer, and nearly ten thousand miles is nowhere to be killed by people.

The soldiers on the front line have no way out, but to wave their knives to move forward. Even the domain-level strongmen are no different from ordinary warriors. The field of protection is destroyed by a knife, and then dismembered by countless swords.

There are war and cooking smoke on the battlefield. It is not easy to have a full meal. If you still want to rest, it is really a luxury. Maybe death in battle is the final rest.

The blood has become a river, and a large number of soldiers have killed, drinking blood and eating meat, and eating the flesh of corpses.

Life is so lowly that at least it is only a victim of blood sacrifice in this war of extermination.

The senior officials of all ethnic groups began to wonder whether this war was worth it. There are tears in their eyes, but now they are just a pawn and have no way out.


A boundary strong man hid among ordinary soldiers and rushed to the foot of the Iron City. The outermost wall was all steel, even if the boundary did not collapse with a blow.

"Bang, bang, bang..."

More than one boundary rushed over. Dozens of strong forces were concentrated under one wall, and powerful combos tilted the wall. The southern warriors on the tower were shaken by seven holes bleeding and fell with a large number of city defense equipment.


The city collapsed, and foreign soldiers rolled in, but more tall iron walls were still waiting for them, and there were hundreds of towers to conquer in each city.

The colorful tower has turned into a colorful pillar. This is the five-eping array laid by the Protoss. The base is on the top of each tower, which is a hundred times stronger than the city wall.

Arrow rain and rolling stones fell densely from hundreds of colorful pillars, and countless crossbows roared in the city, forming a deadly hell with fireworks and earth rumbling.

Several strong people in the domain rose into the air and wanted to rush to the top of a tower to break the base. As a result, a magic magnetic light passed through, and their eyes suddenly turned white, which was the last scene of their lives.

The strong man in the boundary can only lead the team himself, and each of them leads dozens of domains to rush up to the tower. It is more real than destruction to take down a tower, but the magic magnetic cannon can even blow 100 miles away.

With the lives of hundreds of territory warriors, he finally broke the five elements of a tower, but the battle to seize the tower has just begun.

There was no door under the tower, only countless piles high, with powerful crossbows or magic muzzle, so countless corpses fell from the sky.

To such a level of bloody war, death is the most terrible thing. No matter how afraid of death, people will eventually collapse their minds and seek death crazily. Only death is a kind of relief.