Blood God Laugh

Chapter 122 Ending together

Chapter 122, die together

As the god of the sea, Meixuan's vocal music skills and watercraft can be combined into various strange attacks, opening up in the wonderful rhythmic center and embracing the embrace of deadly watercraft.

The empty rain, the rain pulls out long lines, like the strings of the harp, Meixuan transforms countless projections, stirring the romantic piano sound in the rain, swinging the golden tail that is more ** because of shame, and the smile on the face gives people a gentle sea breeze, with a faint daughter's fragrance.

Under the light song, the falling rain converges into the sea in the void, and the slow waves blow on the sea, making people want to take off their shoes and boots to feel the waves of tender care.

Many aquarium women play on the sea. They are naturally aquatic, mostly half-length mermaids, with the beauty of the human race, the joy of fish, singing loud songs, and freely rushing to the waves that have become **.

Under thousands of feet of blood, the sea is just a lake. The waves unconsciously cover the knees of the blood demon, and it seems to show some enjoyment, but the blood demon will never be moved by the beauty.


The bloody hand suddenly fell into the deep sea, setting off a huge wave. The sound of noisy and disorderly waves destroyed all the beautiful rhythms. The blood hand raised it and grabbed an water-blue ice gun.

"Hahahaha, a good trick, a good artifact, destroy it!"

The blood-colored knife said to the ice gun, "Kka!" The suppressed ice gun broke in response, and the empty rain line also curved on all sides like broken strings, falling a little blood in the surging sea, and the blood-stained sea turned into a wave of blood, covering the beautiful blue sea stars.

The blood wave broke through the sky of the blue sea stars, followed by a big blood-colored knife, one knife and two halves, easy.

The scream sounded in the array of the thousand gods. Meixuan is one of Fengyang's five wives. If she falls like this, Fengyang is bound to be crazy.

The heart of the sea-blue world collapsed with the blue sea stars, but a bloody divine crystal rushed out, carrying the dying Meixuan, which was the last life-saving technique left by Fengyang to the five women.

"Where to escape!"

The blood demon reached out and grabbed it, and chased the whole arm away from the body. A mortal god actually had two divine crystals. The blood-colored divine crystal made the blood demon realize that Meixuan's identity was very important in the divine world of all dynasties.

"Get out of here!"

The bigger blood hand patted the blood demon's arm, and then the void was fast, and tens of millions of blood demons were destroyed, but Yang Er couldn't save all the people, and the stars were collapsing one after another!

The demon god array is immortal. Yang Er and other blood elements have killed countless blood demons. However, that resurrection made them bored and full of anger and nowhere to vent.

And Feng Linger of the main array has not been able to find the head world. Perhaps the only way to kill the blood demon god is to kill all the demon bodies in the same moment!


Feng Yang roared, and the blood grabbed and tried his best to reach into the mouth of the demon god. He had sensed that Meixuan's blue sea stars were destroyed. In anger, he burned a lot of blood power again, and the remaining blood power was less than half a layer.


Feng Yang finally opened the blood mouth of the demon god, and the sound of blood power spread the whole thousand gods array. "The gods obeyed the order, quickly withdraw from the demon god array and escape from the void!"

The gods were stunned and thought they had heard it wrong for a moment, until Feng Yang repeated, "The gods obeyed the order and fled quickly. Bai Yi, Yang Er, Jiangchen and Heifeng Maiqi left behind!"

"Brother! What are you going to do!" Feng Linger spread the voice with her mind and showed her worries.

"Lizi, take them away first. My origin is outside. Everything will be fine!" Feng Yang understated, but he had made up his mind.

"The gods obey the order and withdraw from the demon array!" Feng Linger has guessed Feng Yang's plan, and this is the only way now.

"Hahahaha, where to escape!"

The blood demons quickly besieged and chased, and the slow-moving stars were difficult to escape smoothly. Even the three or five blood demons joined together to kill a star, and the defeat fell like a mountain, and the stars collapsed one after another!

A god also seemed to guess Feng Yang's intention and roared, "Lord God, Nigudin is willing to stay and fight against the demon god with the blood god, and vow not to die, even if they die together!"

"Swear not to die and die together!"

The soldiers of the all-spirit array were rendered, shouting under the power of the stars, and a torrent of blood to death.

"Swear not to die and die together!"

One star after another responded, and the whole array of thousands of gods burst into unprecedented passion. One after another, the stars stopped the retreat track and launched a desperate counterattack against the chasing blood demons.

Even if Fengyang has been rendered, he must not make the gods crazy. He can only take a step back and drink the sound of blood power;

"The gods obey the order, and those who call the names withdraw from the demon array, and the rest will kill the blood demons together!"

"The Angry Sea is the true god, tortoise!"

"The real god of black demons, autumn spirit and dark snow!"

"Ten arms are a true god, how real arms are!"

"The god of blizzard, the storm!"

"Golden Axe True God, Golden Red Cliff!"

"Fire dragon is a real god, stupid two!"

"The true god of life, Xingya!"

"Goddess Aoki, Fleur!"

"Goddess of Meihai, Meixuan!"

"Dwarf God of War, Lulaqi!"


A hundred gods in a row, the true gods are preferred, and almost one god in each of the hundred clans is named. Such a choice is undoubtedly to keep the fire to the greatest extent, so those named cannot protest.

"The named person immediately withdrew from the demon array and escape from the void. There must be no mistake!"

"Father, I won't go!" Only the green children protested.

"Greener, your father has his arrangement. Don't make trouble. Let's go out first and wait for your father outside..."

Friel persuaded Lv'er that only she and Meixuan, who had been destroyed by the five women, were named. She knew that Feng Yang wanted her to take the lead and take out all the named gods.

"Go quickly--!"

Fengyang roared, and the arms holding the blood mouth of the demon god began to tremble, and the gods could only quickly rush out of the blood mouth with a hundred stars.

After the last star went out, Feng Yang loosened his arms, but at the moment when the demon god's blood mouth closed, more than a dozen stars rushed back, including Fury and Lv'er.

"You are messing around!" Feng Yang is angry.

"Good nonsense, hahahaha!" The blood demons laughed wildly, "All of them are going to die. The stars that have just escaped have been secretly adhered to the blood souls. Even if they escape to the end of the void, they can't escape the blood soul slavery!"

"Hmm, there is no chance, you will definitely die!"

Returning to the blood demon, Feng Yang no longer cares about the disobedience of Fuli and Lu'er, and glanced at the gods left behind, thousands of gods and more than 600 stars.

"Listen to the gods and form a star shield array!"

600 stars are closely arranged, and all the sky blends to form a spherical star shield, which is 100 times more defensive.

Yang's second-class blood elements and 100 blood clan strong men all returned to the star shield, and a continuous flow of blood was injected into the wind Yang, brewing the last blow.

The blood demons felt the crisis and immediately divided into two groups. One group frantically cut the lotus petals covering the blood of the demon god, broke the last lockdown, and the other group hit the star shield desperately.

The bloody knife drips a lot of soul blood, and the blood demons also begin to consume the real blood soul origin, even in the immortal demon god array that cannot be recovered.


Crazy chopping, splashing soul blood, Feng Yang's blood god transformation can increase a layer of blood power to more than three layers of blood power. Similarly, the soul blood of the blood demon can also exert more than three times the power of blood power.


The star shield shook. Under the powerful shocks again and again, most of the soldiers of the array of all spirits had already been defied. The five internal organs were crazily blooded, and the body was almost dead. What they still insisted on was only an unyielding spirit, burning the soul and desperately absorbing the power of the stars.


After slashing again and again, the lotus petals of the blood of the demon god cracked, and the two white lotus that consolidated the town trembled outside the void, and the divine light sprinkled began to weaken.


Wanchen's guardian, who guarded the wind Yang Benyuan Shenjing, finally ignited a colorful flame, like a colorful sun hanging in the sky of the divine world of the Wan Dynasty, but this gorgeousness can only be a flash in the pan. If the wind Yang can't return in time when she withers, the result can only fall.

Everything has reached the most critical moment. Yang Er's hundreds of thousands of blood slaves have transmitted all their blood to Feng Yang, and their faces turned pale one by one.

However, Yang Er's temperament has always been fierce, raising his feet and shaking them into a blood fog, and he did not let go of a trace of blood.

The blood body of the top 100 blood clans is also shrinking. After shrinking to a hundred feet, the palms disperse one by one and turn into the last blood force.

Although the blood clan is only the blood slave of General Kuang, he has been regarded as an old friend for 90,000 years. Now all of them have left, making General Kuang's blood and tears stop.

The magic dragon family is a combination of blood power and the power of dragon demons. They have condensed the power of dragon demons into dragon eggs one by one, which can be regarded as the last kindling, and then hit the blood body of Fengyang more directly.

The Miao people inherit the art of blood. Each king is shaped with blood. The insect bites the owner's finger. After absorbing the blood, he cuts off the contact with the owner and devotes himself to the contribution of blood.

Under the infusion of blood power, Feng Yang's blood body increased by ten feet. On the contrary, Yang Er, Kuang Jiangchen, Heifeng Maiqi and the blood spider shrank by ten feet.

The blood spider shrinks at the fastest speed, because endless blood gushing out of her body, Bai Yi gently stroked her head, a little reluctantly, pulled out a small soul crystal, and then the blood spider turned into a blood force and poured into the wind Yang.

At the same time, under the crazy chopping of the blood demon, there was a gap in the shield of the stars. A blood gas invaded and turned into a famous blood demon who killed the star shield. The blood demon burning the original soul blood was terrible. The big knife cut horizontally and pushed and pulled swept away all obstacles.

The blood-colored waves swept through the Wanling array one by one. A famous general's body shook and turned into blood mud. The unyielding will sent all the blood to the center of the Star Shield before death with the power of the stars.

For the blood demon, this is also the craziest moment. The burning soul blood is even more intense, turning into a blood gun and projection. No matter how the locked target escapes, it will never be possible to get rid of the pursuit of the blood gun unless it is defeated head-on with strong force.

Countless golden swords form a torrential river, and a blood gun is cut down in the golden river to drift with the river, and the locked target can never be killed.

Jin Jiantian, who has completed the Golden God Kendo, has the courage to set foot on the golden river and took the initiative to kill millions of blood demons.

Chen Yun and Yuer are two gods in the dream world, even the blood gun will be confused again and again, and eventually exhaust all the blood power and burning soul blood.

The nightmare spread, and the blood demon who fell into the dream heard a childish roar, like a tiger roar, but he found himself entangled in a snake tail. Looking up, the tiger's head and a snake tail were several times the size of this strange child.

With a burst of blood, it shook the entanglement of the snake's tail. After dozens of moves, the blood demon killed the super monster, but like the demon god array, another snake tail wrapped him out of thin air and resurrected the monster.

Kong Xi and Chen Aier are both magicians. The Mars and Mercury given to them by Fengyang are almost pure elemental worlds. The two enter the stars, similar to demon gods, incarnating two super elemental people.

Water and fire work hand in hand, looking at each other, the fire element is the main attack, the water element is the main defense, and the cooperation between each other is seamless.

But in the face of the immortal blood demon, no matter how tenacious the gods on the star shield are, they will eventually exhaust their divine power and be slaughtered by others.

"The Hammer of the God of War!"

Lulaqi shouted. He was also one of the gods who were named, but he rushed back at the last moment. The power of the hammer of the god of war was not weaker than that of ordinary real gods, and the golden hammer head hit the blood gun.


smashed a piece of blood fire, "Ha, ha..." He was about to laugh and solidified his divine body, because there was also a blood-colored soul gun in the blood fire that penetrated into his soul world.

Blood and fire burned, and the golden crystal in the soul world had no way to escape. Lulaqi also burned the source in the roar. All the divine power, even the armor of the god of war, turned into a magic power injection hammer.

On the deathbed, the infinite huge golden hammer fell, like a falling sky. The blood demon's million-foot blood body was smashed into blood mud, and the golden light of the God of War automatically ignited, burning all blood.

The dwarf god of war Lulaqi fell, and only a golden god of war crystal could not be destroyed. It automatically returned to the crystal of Feng Linger's main god, but the blood demon will be resurrected again outside the star shield.

The dance of the beautiful gauze has always inspired the soldiers, but the pink gauze has been dyed with blood, and the original pink and attractive skin is oozed with a layer of blood.

"Magic art, the eyes of nothingness!"

A pink eye shot the blood gun, and the blood gun was virtual and real, but this look also turned the physical blood gun into a soul gun, and then the soul gun completely blurred in the pink eyes.


Spraying blood, Lisha can't hold on. After a double shadow, another Lisha escapes to the center of the Star Shield. At this moment, a blood gun has penetrated the Lisha in place. The figure is illusory, and the blood gun is just the demon crystal inserted.

Another shot of blood rod penetrated Vernina, and then Fleur, who escaped with the blood crystal carrying them who had fallen in a sense.

As Feng Yang's wife, only five of them can have the protection of Feng Yang's blood crystal. Other gods were burned by soul blood, and all of them fell immediately!

The golden river finally collapsed, and the golden sword sky fell under the chopping of several bloody knives;

Burning blood and fire spread throughout the world of nightmares, and Chen Yun and Yuer fell;

The water dried up and the fire went out, and Kong Xi and Chen Aier fell;

The storm that went back and fell;

The snake's hair fell out, and the goddess of the snake sea fell;

The magic dissipated, and the true god of night demon fell.

One after another gods fell, and Feng Yang finally gathered all the blood and shouted as the main god Feng Linger:

"Wanchen Star Array, open it!"

Tens of thousands of body circles rushed out of Feng Linger's body and rotated around them one by one. Although each body world is less than 100,000 feet, it is much more mature than Fengyang's.

"The gods obey the order and give up the star shield!" Then he drank it again, "Wanchen Guardian!"

Ten thousand times the spin speed, wrapping the surviving gods, all the brilliance into one, almost enriching the whole demon god's chest and abdomen, only Feng Yang is outside the protection.

"Quickly, break the lockdown!"

The blood demons shouted in horror and rushed to the edge of the demon god array. The lotus petals that sealed the blood of the demon god were full of cracks. Maybe they only need a few more strikes to completely break it.

"It's too late, kill me!"

Fengyang's blood is so high that he can only lie flat in the demon array, accounting for nearly one-third of the length. The violent blood power made the blood demon hiss scream one by one, attacking the town more crazily, and rushing to escape from the demon array.

"Hahahaha, in the name of the Lord of Blood, I summon my blood power to burn with me!!!"

Fengyang's blood body rushed out endless blood and fire, instantly spread all over the whole demon array. The blood power was of the same origin, and the blood power in the blood demon's body was also instantly ignited. In the flame that devoured everything was a crazy struggle of a fire body and the sad scream of countless blood souls.

The demon god was immortal, and the blood demon who was first to be burned was resurrected, but the blood power that condensed out of thin air was immediately ignited. It was still the blood fire burning body that was resurrected, twisting the painful blood face in the flames.

Under such burning, the real blood demons returned 108. At the moment when they were burned at the same time, it was the time when the demon god array completely perished.