Blood God Laugh

Chapter 123 Finale

Chapter 123, Finale

Under the blood and fire of the demon god array, the colorful brilliance guarded by Wanchen is gradually fading, and the remaining gods guarding them are anxiously observing the endless blood and fire world outside the guard.

The blood demons will not accept their fate so easily. Every resurrection will burn their soul blood in a sad scream and make a crazy blow to the sealed town. As long as they break the Fengzhen, the blood of the demon god can be fully resurrected and forcibly force Feng Yang out of the demon array.

The three emperors of the blood demons line up in a triangle to form a blood array. Other blood demons will inject a large amount of blood into the bodies of the three emperors when they are constantly burning and reborn, and continue to replenish them.


Mo Bai attached the ghost world to the demon array and opened the passage of the ghost world in Wanchen Guardian.


The passageway of the ghost world opened beside an emperor, and endless ghost fog surged out, surrounded by the ghost body and condensed, pouring all the power of the world, and Mo Bai's ghost body soared.

"War soul sacrifice, gather my war ghosts and swords!"

The immortal soul knife is full of fighting spirit, but the burning blood and fire are inseparable from the enemy and me. Mo Bai and the ghost knife both ignited a blazing bloody flame.

"Fire of war, blessing of war!"

The ghost knife burned itself, and the green ghost fire melted with the blood and fire, and the knife was cut down, accompanied by Mo Bai's ghost cry, "Blood demon, eat your ghost grandfather!"

The blood demon was shocked and angry, and instantly looked ferocious, "I want to die, I will take you to die!"

Irrelying the cut ghost knife, the body of 100,000 feet of blood and fire rushed forward and grabbed the ghost body that could only be aligned with his knees.

"Mo Bai!"

The corpse screamed, the death sickle was a ring, and the corpse world was opened, and the corpse dragon rolled around the fire claw that grabbed Mo Bai with rolling corpse liquid.

"Lingya, what are you doing? Go back!"

"If you want to die together, it is difficult for Fengyang's blood and fire to burn them, and your ghost fire is not enough!"

"Hahahaha, good! You and I have a trace of soul in Fengyang's hands. As long as he does not die, you and I will fall in love in the afterlife, war ghosts and gods, burning!!!"

"The corpse and spirit world, burn!!!"

Mo Bai's green color, the elegant green of the corpse, and the blood of Fengyang, and the three-color male fire finally couldn't hold on. The blood demon of one of the three emperors finally couldn't hold on and turned into a beam of three-color fire and rushed to Fengzhen.


The demon god trembled, and the cracks of the lotus petals spread infinitely. The blood demon saw hope, angered the burning wind Yang, and shocked Wanchen's protection.

"Go and stop them! Ten thousand stars, Feng!"

Wanchen Guardian suddenly exploded, and tens of thousands of bodies blocked the area where the blood demons attacked crazily. At the same time, the gods also controlled their own stars and became Mars under the burning of blood and fire.

The fall was doomed. Feng Yang heard Vernina's farewell and Meixuan's song, and saw the last magic dance of Lisha, as well as Bai Yi's sweet smile. Furiel waved to him on the green tree of life, and the blood and fire burned the tree.


Feng Yang was crying and roaring. He could not stop the burning of blood and could not stop. With the roar of blood, the burning of blood was more fiercer and fierce, and Feng Yang's blood was gradually fading in the burning.

The blood array of the three blood demon emperors has been broken, and they suddenly gathered all the burning blood power. All demons are one, a deadly blow, and the huge blood and fire fist hit the demon god Fengzhen.

The two white lotus flowers of Fengyang and Feng Linger in the void are still waving a faint divine white light, and the cracked lotus petals on the blood of the demon god also began to shine slightly with silky white light, then white, the cracks healed, and finally spread like ripples, void light!

The blood body of the demon god is like wearing a heavy white lotus prisoner's clothes, and all the blood demons in it, including the bloody fists, can't move!

"Lotus Mother!"

The call is full of surprises. The two white lotus contain a trace of consciousness of the two brothers and sisters, showing the body of their consciousness, showing the yearning for their mother and the desire for maternal love.

"Lotus Mother!"

"Lotus Mother!"

called, but did not get a response from Lian's mother, which made the brother and sister anxious.

"Mother Lian, are you still angry with our brothers and sisters?"

"Mother Lian, we are all right!"

"Mother Lian, will you come out and see us?"

The brother and sister seemed to be injured children and shed tears.


responded with a gentle sigh, which excited the brother and sister, and a surprise appeared on their faces with tears.

"Lotus Mother!"

"Okay, I hear it!"

A white lotus appeared in the bright void, and the divine body of the lotus mother appeared on the lotus seat, and one or two small three lotuses were reunited.

Before he was still a villain, Feng Yang's seal to Lian's mother was like a warm white lotus, always accompanying him, quietly soothing his bloodthirsty impulse all the time.

Then the lotus mother conceived the evil body again, and the real Fengyang was born, and he only had a vague memory of his mother. Most of the images were still described from his father Fenglong.

A simple white dress with a face similar to Feng Linger, but the tall black long hair is like a married young woman, showing a beautiful and elegant sense of maturity.

The bright black eyes have a faint smile, showing love for the brother and sister. There is a small white flower, five white petals, and a red stamen in the center.

This is a kind of flower that the brother and sister are very familiar with. The mother's name once had the same name as this flower, blooming all over the mountains and accompanying the sleeping mother. Their names are white star flowers.

Fengyang suddenly realized another meaning of the white star flower. The red stamen is actually blood-colored. Only under the purity of the white petals can he show the bright red kindness.

Lianmudong knew Feng Yang's voice and said gently, "There is no absolute good or evil in the world, but it originates from people's hearts. If it is right, it is good, and if it is evil, it is evil."

"Mother Lian, I understand!"

Feng Yang nodded, and the lotus heart of the white lotus under his feet turned blood.

"As long as you understand, come to me and I'll tell you my story."

Lian's mother gently hugged the brother and sister. The mother's warmth made them very happy, and then Lian's mother began to tell her life:

/"Before a long time, the bloody god turned into a white lotus as a star, floating in the void, ignorant, and finally fell on an ordinary star.

See countless creatures, autonomously shape other people, experience the colorful stars, feel the joys and sorrows of other people, ...

Then set foot on thousands of stars, experience more beauty, feel more sorrows, and be more fascinated. He wants to gather thousands of life stars and countless spiritual clans in the void. This is the original idea of the world.

At this time, the bloody god is just a small star spirit, unable to move the stars.

But I felt the star power of the same origin in the stars, so I entered the heart of the main star, devouring the star power, and my body became bigger and bigger. This is the beginning of the road of demon gods.

After the star power was swallowed, the stars were dead, with all the creatures above the stars, but the body increased a thousand times, and the excited blood god did not notice these, but saw hope.

On some stars, the bloody god has more than a dozen strange friends, who sincerely invite them to teach the art of star devouring, and want to jointly complete the feat of the world.

So these dozen people began to devour crazily and make friends, which was out of control. In the later period, the divine body was infinitely huge, and even the whole star was swallowed directly, destroying countless stars.

When the bloody god reacts, there are few life stars in the whole void.

In the end, the bloody god can only forcibly stop the devouring of the demon gods, gather countless dead stars from the void, and order them to fill a little star power to restore the vitality of the stars.

And ordered all the demon gods to transform themselves into stars, fertilize their bodies, and distribute the conceived creatures on each star. After endless years, they finally achieved a vibrant world.

But at this time, the demon god finally had some unbearable desire to devour the stars again on a large scale.

After learning about it, the blood god was furious and killed all the demon gods who violated their orders. Several people were the original friends, and this is how the name of the blood god got.

Therefore, the demon gods secretly colluded and joined hands to kill the bloody continent where you were born.

But the bloody god did not really die, and still retained the original star white lotus, which is me, your lotus mother. I conceived you to completely destroy the road of demons. /

Saying this, Lian's mother looked at Feng Yang.

"And you, my child, I thought you were the last orphan on the road of the devil, so I secretly influenced Shantai, let her separate you, seal the town, and then slowly pass on my dream to Shantai, so that she can recreate a new world!"

Feng Yang is silent. His blood world can be a star or a demon god's blood body, which is indeed an alternative demon god's road.

The mother's words continue.

"But I was wrong. After the first blood element in the human race to the road to the demon god again, I found that the blood element was crazy because the shadow of the soul of the demon god was hidden in the blood power.

Therefore, the road of the demon god has not ended. As long as any creature accidentally integrates a trace of the remnant soul of the demon god, it may lead to the full recovery of the road of the demon god.

So I went back to the world, where it was already bleak. Only thousands of sleeping star emperors were pregnant, and after conception, it would be a new round of devouring.

So I let go of the soul of the blood element and helped him devour all the souls of the sleeping star emperor, but there are countless remnant souls of demons in the void, which need to be completely destroyed.

So I secretly influenced the Miao clan, let them create insect demons, devour the shadows of the demons connected by blood, and then gather all the demon remnant souls with the soul of insects and demons.

The blood demon god who gathered all the remnant souls recognized my identity in my previous life and got rid of my control with the endless blood hatred.

You all know what happened later, which led to today's battle of extermination.

Alas, it's all my fault, destroying two worlds..."

The words of Lian's mother silenced the brother and sister for a long time. The cause and effect of everything were so complicated, and the behind-the-scenes instructions were really as the Blood Demon God said. It was created by Lian's mother.

It is impossible not to be angry, but even if Lian's mother does not do so, all this is inevitable. One day, the demon god will find this ten thousand stars, and then endless wars will come one after another.

Feng Yang raised his head firmly, "Mother Lian, as long as we work together, we will definitely end the road of demons and gods, and a new world will definitely be established!"

"Hmm!" Feng Linger nodded, "I believe in my brother. As long as our family is of the same heart, we can do anything!"

"I believe you too!" Mother Lian smiled and said, "As long as your brothers and sisters are of the same mind, nothing can make it difficult for you."

"Lotus Mother!" The brother and sister felt something wrong, "What are you talking about, what about you?"

"You have inherited my will, and I should have dissipated. The blood demon god is still in the right place. If you want to end the road of the demon god, you must start from me, the ancestor of the demon god. My child, pass on my will well. I will wait for the new world in the void!"

"Lotus Mother!!!"


The bright void ignited a white flame, and the powerful divine power penetrated the blood of the demon god and extinguished the blood fire of Fengyang. Everyone felt a warmth in the white light flame. When they opened their eyes again, they were surprised to find that everyone had stood in the divine world of all dynasties.

The ten thousand times the power to suppress Fengyang has been transferred, the colorful Wanchen guardian has also extinguished the flame, and the crystal of the source has returned to Fengyang.

Looking at the void from afar, the blood of the demon god is burning and struggling in the white flame, and the ten thousand times suppression of the ten thousand stars has been transferred to the blood of the demon god.

"Lotus mother..."

Feng Yang burst into tears and rushed to the void. His blood power has been exhausted. All the blood power in this battle of gods and demons have been destroyed, and all the remnant souls of demons and gods are about to be nothing in the white flame, including the lotus mother.

"Lotus mother..."

The motherly love that the two brothers and sisters yearn for most is so short. The white flame is not only burning the blood of the demon god, but also warms everyone's hearts and soothed the blood hatred accumulated in the battle of extermination.

"Lotus mother..."

The brother and sister cried while crying. The blood of the empty demon god had stopped struggling and disappeared into the void with the white flame, leaving a flower slowly floating towards the brother and sister, with five white petals and red stamens in the middle.

"It's all over..."

Feng Yang turned around and returned to the divine world, but at the moment he turned around, there was another wild laughter in the void.

"Ah-hahaha, you have all been fooled, ah-hahaha!" The blood gas surged out of thin air, and the blood demon god resurrected!

"Impossible!" Feng Yang turned his body in shock.

"How can we not be resurrected when we are not in the demon array at all? Ah-hahaha!"

"Go away--!"

Fengyang turned around and roared, supporting a small ten thousand-day star array to block the blood of the demon god. At the same time, he also understood that when the blood demon's layer of blood exploded, the blood demon god, who was a puppet but also the head world, did not return to the demon god array, and he was still in the divine world of the Wan Dynasty.

After the shock, despair appeared on the faces of the surviving gods.

Escape, where to escape?

Even if you escape to the end of the void, you will one day be found by the blood demon god.


The gods burned their souls and turned into the last force to kill the blood demon god. Even if they die, they will die in a vigorous battle. Even if they die, they cannot be enslaved by the blood soul.

Fengyang can't stop it. They have been defeated. They have been defeated so completely. Looking back at Vernina and other women, the sacrifice of Lian's mother saved them, but eventually they have to die together, which is also a kind of eternity.

With a simple slap, the bloody void storm was involved in the rushing gods and fell in the bloody wind. Even the thousands of stars of Fengyang could not resist. They burst one by one, and the completely resurrected blood of the demon god was invincible in the void.

"Ah-hahaha, it's useless to burn the soul. As long as there is a trace of wandering soul left, this demon god can call you, blood soul slave, slave..."

The frightened blood face, the raised blood palm was uncontrollably static, and countless blood souls separated the blood body of the demon god and flew to the divine world of all directions, just because of the call that only the soul body could hear:

"The array of soul summoning, gather!!!"

In the divine world of ten thousand dynasties, deep in the heart of the earth, he said that he was a puppet, but it was also that he gathered all the remnant souls of demons, so he was also the lord of demons.

His blood soul has long been compatible with the soul of insects and demons, regardless of each other. Countless blood lines spread to the center of the earth of the whole divine world. At the moment when the remnant souls of demons converged to the center of the earth, he smiled.

The soul of insects and demons is like a spider web, which turns the remnant soul of a famous demon god recalled into 108 blood stars, centering on the divine world of the world of the void.

Fengyang, who escaped from the void storm, shouted angrily, "Lingzi, gather the power of ten thousand days to destroy the divine world. He wants to form a blood soul world!"

"Where is the Dragon God!"


The Nanling Mountains roared, and the mountains rumbled and retreated from the surface rocks. Millions of golden dragons soared in the air, except for a golden dragon horn.

As soon as Feng Yang pushed his hand, a 99-story exquisite pagoda turned into the horn of the golden dragon and returned to the Dragon God. Then with a dragon chant, a bloody dragon rushed out of Fengyang's body and blended with the Dragon God.

Like Feng Yang and Feng Linger, Feng Yang's red sister is actually the rebirth of the Dragon God.

The color of golden blood, the dragon is majestic, the dragon god controls the rules of heaven and earth, and the real god of law enforcement in the divine world of all dynasties.

The two brothers and sisters separated two dragon horns, and the two mutilated ten thousand bodies coincided with the ten thousand stars in the void one by one.

In the heart of the earth, the remnant soul of the demon god laughed wildly:

"Haha, I still look at you. Since you have formed a blood soul world, I will really integrate with you and let you become a real blood demon emperor, ah-hahaha..."

"Blood Demon Emperor?" He sneered coldly, "What a magnificent name, but I have remembered the name of my previous life, and my name is also Feng Yang!"

In the shock of the remnant soul of the demon god, in the madness of cold laughter, the soul of insects and demons burned.

"The array of soul extermination, burn!"

The soul fire spreads, and the remnant soul of the demon god can't escape the stickiness of the spider web no matter how hard it struggles. Compared with the distortion of the remnant soul, there is a gratifying smiling face in the soul fire.

The persistence and firm belief of endless years, although it collapsed once, it finally found the real source, and the bloody resentment of the dead can finally be appeased.

At the same time, 108 blood worlds spewed blood fire to the divine world of the Wan Dynasty.

At the same time, Feng Yang, Feng Linger and Dragon God spoke at the same time, "Wanchen Star!"

Tens of thousands of stars crashed into the divine world. This is the most powerful explosion in the void, but it did not explode even a single fragment, only an eternal burning giant star.

Endless years have passed, and the burning has finally stopped, and the void has returned to darkness. A free star passed by nearby. Suddenly, with a "instigation", the trajectory turned straight and disappeared from the void.

Dozens of departed gods who were named came back to check several times, but they did not dare to approach, because the center of the dark void was hidden by an extremely huge black hole, devouring everything passing by.

Long Yingying has already woken up and has been watching the void far away, waiting for the miracle to happen, and there is also a fool accompanying her.

Silly Er has always been very obedient. When Feng Yang asked him to withdraw, he took him away, and he, like Long Yingying, firmly believed that the boss would come back.

The empty years are endless, the destruction of the road of demons, the extensive inheritance of the road of stars, and the bright stars can once again be seen everywhere.

The black hole hidden in the dark suddenly generated a slight fluctuation, "Du--!" Shoot a fiery red glow.

"Ah--stupid pig!!!"

Long Yingying screamed, and the sleepy fool suddenly woke up, and then stared at the remaining fiery red in the void. The fiery red brilliance had shot far, far away.

"Don't be in a daze, chase it!"

dragging the stupid two, Long Yingying chased the brilliance excitedly, but the speed of the brilliance was so fast that he could only hang behind from afar.

"How can that thing run so much!" The fool in the chase couldn't help complaining.

"Don't talk nonsense. Follow me. If you can't catch up, you will look good!" Endless years have been waiting. No matter how long it is, Long Yingying is willing to pursue it, at least she is chasing hope.

After they left, the dark black hole made a deep collapse sound, and at the moment when the black hole completely collapsed, it shot out a blood-red glow again.

And the pursuit of the two stupid two is millions of years. No matter how powerful the god is, he will be tired. During this period, Long Yingying sleeps with the stupid two. Long Yingying sleeps, and the stupid two carries Long Yingying on his back.

Crossing the endless void, they saw countless stars. At this time, the two found that the void was so broad that there was no end, and their former Wanchen star array or the world was not just a relatively desolate void. Of course, it is now colorful.

"That thing stopped!"

Silly Er woke up Long Yingying with a hoarse voice and followed the already slow red glow. The two found that this was just a small star burning flame on the surface, but the flame was extinguishing.

"Fool, come on, let's go up and have a look!"

Stepping on the stars, the hazy virtual red color is erupting with volcanoes everywhere. Although there is no sign of life, the two can feel the huge star power contained in the star.

"Wow, a strong seal!"

Long Yingying was surprised that she was now the limit of the virtual god. If it hadn't been for watching and waiting, she had begun to achieve the empty god of pregnancy and reach the end of the road to the stars, but her divine prying was rebounded back by this little star.

"Stupid two, try it!"

"Good! Look at my Fire Dragon God!"

"You pig--!"


The fire dragon god rebounded, which was the former crow knife, which bounced into the void from afar and burned brightly, but this little star seemed to feel something and automatically rotated around the burning flame.

"Don't, don't put the knife away, just let him burn there, don't put it out, we'll wait."

Waiting, it is another endless time. The volcano on the surface of the small stars has stopped, and ice water has appeared, converging the sea, turning into a beautiful water-blue star, and breeding countless lives.

"Run, Tyrannosaurus Rex is coming!" A savage kept running around several leaves and dragging thick sticks.

"Ah--you pig, how did you lead this guy home and lose his stick!" Other savages also screamed with fear, grabbed the vine, and one rippled far away and fled.

Long Yingying, who observed in the void, smiled, "Silly two, I can sense that Brother Feng is about to wake up. The next change must be the Ice Age!"


After the author's story.

Blood Smile is the author's first book. Despite his poor grades, he gritted his teeth and persisted. It took ten months from writing the first word to the end of the book.

The million-word complete book may not be much in the reader's eyes, but as far as the author is concerned, the author has a sense of pride and achievement in insisting on the completion without the lack of understanding and support of his family and friends.

The Blood God smiled in a hurry, and there were many unsatisfactory things. Some people even told me that they couldn't understand and wrote in a mess.

However, the newcomers who write for the first time can persist in multiple blows, and I believe that this persistence can more or less impress several readers.

The ending of Blood God Laugh is the birth of the earth. I believe that readers can see that the ending is also another beginning. The author's next book happened on the earth. There is a shadow of Blood God Laughter, but it is not an absolute postquel, and the style will be completely different.

Please look forward to and support. Goodbye!


PS: In addition, you can also help recommend it. Although Blood God Smile is not well written, it is not uneye-catching. It is completely free to complete this work.

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