Search for fairy tracks

Chapter 27 Caught

After listening to the woman's words, Mu Suyao frowned slightly and said coldly, "Even if Xiaoqing didn't play with the thing explained by the teacher, she would not die. If she insists on going back with us, then we just need to use strength."

"What the senior sister said is reasonable. Everything is at the senior sister's instructions." After listening to Mu Suyao's words, the woman did not dare to refute. It can be seen that Mu Suyao is still very prestigious among these seniors and sisters.

"Xiaoqing, senior sister is asking you once, will you go back to the teacher's door with your senior sister?"

Mu Nanqing looked at Mu Suyao, his eyes were full of fear, escape, and desolation, silently shed tears, and shook his head in silence.

"Alas..." Mu Suyao sighed when she saw that Mu Nanqing still refused to go back with her. Xiaoqing, since you insist on going back with your senior sister, don't blame your senior sister. After saying that, Lian stepped and flew to Mu Nanqing.

"With me today, I won't let you take Xiaoqing away!" With an angry voice, Zhang Xun stood in front of Mu Nanqing.

Seeing a person suddenly rushing out and standing in front of Mu Nanqing, Mu Suyao stopped and asked, "Who are you?" Do you also have to take care of our family affairs?"

"I... I... My name is Zhang Xun! He is a friend of Xiaoqing. Zhang Xun saw that Mu Suyao's eyes were fierce and powerful, and he couldn't help but be a little timid and stammered when he spoke.

"Xiaoqing's friend? Even if you are Xiaoqing's friend, you are not qualified to take care of our affairs. I must take her back today!" After saying that, he flew up and attacked Zhang Xun, trying to force Zhang Xun away and catch Mu Nanqing.

Suddenly, Mu Suyao turned around, pulled out the soul-chasing knife and split back. With a "dang", the soul-chasing knife bounced a epee.

Mu Suyao turned around, put away the soul-chasing knife and said, "The man from Tianjian Villa? It seems that your cultivation should have reached Jingtian, but it seems that you have been seriously injured and hurt Zhenqi. That move just seemed to be a little weak.

"My skills are from Tianjian Villa, but I'm not from Tianjian Villa."

"Oh? This is strange."

"Stop talking nonsense. I won't let you take Xiaoqing away today."

Mu Suyao sneered and said, "Huh... Don't think that your cultivation has reached the peak. I'm afraid of you. You are seriously injured, lack of true qi, and you can't exert all your strength at all."

"Can you try it?"

"Hmm! Don't measure yourself!" After saying that, he pulled out the soul-chasing knife, carried out the true spirit, and attacked Xuanlong.

Although Xuanlong said it badly, he knew his injury, but in order for Xiaoqing not to be arrested, he would never retreat. In an instant, Mu Suyao's soul-chasing knife came to his eyes. The black knife body drives out the mysterious light.

Forced the true qi and condensed on the heavy sword. Xuanlong knew that he could not avoid the knife, so he was ready to follow. Mu Suyao's cultivation has reached the British period. Although this knife has not used all its strength, Xuanlong, who has only recovered 20% to 30%, could not take this knife.

With a knife, Xuanlong retreated, and the tiger's mouth seemed to crack, and the true air all over his body almost dispersed. Steady, Xuanlong said, "Why don't you use all your strength?" Do you look down on me, Xuanlong?"

"Today, I just want to take Xiaoqing back to my teacher, and I don't want to make more trouble. Our shadow Kunlun is very chaotic now, and it is not easy to hold a grudge against Tianjian Villa.

"I said I'm not from Tianjian Villa." Xuanlong said angrily.

"Whether you are or not, at least what you practice is the skills of Tianjian Villa. I won't be embarrassed with you today, but Xiaoqing, I must bring it back to the teacher."

"Sister, don't talk to them too much. You hold this man back, and I'll take Xiaoqing." A woman with Mu Suyao said.

Mu Suyao thought for a moment and nodded, "This is the best. You take Xiaoqing to go first, and then I will follow. Although this man's cultivation has reached the peak, he has been seriously injured and lack of qi. I can get rid of him as soon as possible."

The woman nodded and answered, and then grabbed Mu Nanqing. As soon as Xuanlong saw the emergency, he hurried to Mu Nanqing's side. A black knife was across his chest, and Xuanlong quickly raised his heavy sword to block it.

"I won't kill you or hurt you, but I won't let you prevent us from taking Xiaoqing away today." Mu Suyao said coldly.

After listening to Mu Suyao's words, Xuanlong was even more anxious. The scoundrel was entangled by Mu Suyao and couldn't get rid of it.

Seeing the woman rushing up, Zhang Xun protected Mu Nanqing behind him to prevent the woman from catching her. Seeing this, the woman slapped Zhang Xun on the chest, grabbed Zhang Xun, sent him aside, and then sealed Mu Nanqing with a confinement. The woman's technique is extremely fast, and this series of movements has been completed in an instant.

Zhang Xun was slapped and flew to one side. Lying on the ground, her chest was a little stuffy. There was nothing serious. The woman saw that Zhang Xun was an ordinary person, so she was not lucky, but hit him aside. Even Xuanlong could not detect the true qi in Zhang Xun's body. This woman only regarded Zhang Xun as an ordinary person.

Looking at the place of Munanqing Station, there was no one. He turned his head and found that he had been controlled by the woman. He couldn't help but stand up and ran to the woman.

The woman was slightly surprised and thought that Zhang Xun would not stand up for a while after winning the palm just now. Although that palm did not contain true qi, her strength was not light. Unexpectedly, Zhang Xun just took a breath, stood up and ran to her side. Isn't he an ordinary person and a true person? But why can't I feel his innate soul and true spirit? His body is still extremely strong, and he can withstand his own palm.

"You let go of Xiaoqing!" Zhang Xun said loudly as he ran.

The woman snorted coldly and said, "Mu Nanqing is a person in our door. Naturally, we are qualified to take her back. Don't mind your own business, otherwise it will be as simple as the palm just now."

"Yunxuan! Now that you have caught Xiaoqing, don't say more. You go first, and I will then go back to Baidi City directly!" Mu Suyao ordered.

Yunxuan untied the confinement on Mu Nanqing's body, carried Mu Nanqing's skirt, and flew away with several women.

Zhang Xun saw the urgent and chased forward, but Yunxuan and others went up to the head of the tree, and their figure disappeared in a flash.

Mu Suyao saw that her sisters had taken Mu Nanqing away, so she carried up her true spirit and waved the soul-chasing knife. The demonic knife light forced Xuanlong back, and then her figure was empty, and she also left with the crowd.

This knife light is mainly to force Xuanlong back. The speed is not very fast, and Xuanlong easily dodged it.

"Brother Xuanlong! What should we do?" Zhang Xun asked anxiously.

(Ah! What a mess! Ask for some comfort!)