Search for fairy tracks

Chapter 28 Swordsmanship

Xuanlong put away his heavy sword, adjusted the true qi in his body, and said, "The skill of Kuimen is long with speed. We can't catch up now, not to mention that my true qi has not fully recovered."

"Brother Xuanlong, that woman has been fighting with you just now. Then it doesn't matter, right?"

Xuanlong waved his hand and said, "It doesn't matter. That woman just wants to take Xiaoqing away and doesn't want to be our enemy. She doesn't want to be cruel. She just wants to pester me. So there's nothing wrong with me."

"That's good. What should we do now? Chiba hasn't found it yet, and Xiaoqing was taken away by her senior sister again. Alas..." Zhang Xun said melancholy.

"Brother Zhang, don't worry. When I recover, I will definitely help you find Miss Li and Xiaoqing."

"Xiaoqing was just arrested by her senior sister and was punished at most. She didn't worry about her life. Chiba still doesn't know whether she is alive or dead, so I'm very worried. It's all my fault for my incompetence, otherwise Xiaoqing would not have been arrested, and Chiba must have found it. Zhang Xun said with regret.

"Brother, don't blame yourself too much. These things are not something you can stop. Since you know that you are incompetent, you have to devote yourself to practice and practice the skills your father left to you as soon as possible, so that you can protect the people you want to protect and fulfill your father's last wish."

"I know, I will definitely do all this!"

"My true anger has just recovered a little, and a fight just now has been chaotic. We are now going to the Shennong altar in Shennongjia, where the natural aura is full, which can make me recover my true qi faster."

The two walked along the road for a while, then crossed into the mountain forest and walked along the mountain road to Shennongjia.

After two days in the mountains and forests, I finally came to the edge of Shennongjia.

At night, they found a shelter from the wind, and the two sat down. Although the mountains and forests here were lush, the branches and leaves were not long enough to cover the sky and the sun. The silver-white soft light made the forest as bright as day.

Xuanlong took out a wine pot from his waist and took two sips and said, "Although it is close to Shennongjia, there are not many demons, birds and beasts. It can be said that there is no one. You can sleep peacefully tonight, and I can also rest and recover."

Zhang Xun wondered, "Isn't this Shennongjia full of monsters? Although this place is on the edge of Shennongjia, there will not be any one?

"Not far ahead of this place is the Shennong altar. Inside the altar, there is a wild monster sealed, named Luo Hujiao. The upper body of Luo Jiao is a human body, and the lower body is a snake tail, with four hands. It is very violent and will be swallowed when he sees living things. Therefore, these fierce beasts of Shennongjia dare not appear near this Shennong altar.

"Then will we let Luo Hao find it here?"

Xuanlong laughed and said, "Brother Zhang, don't worry, this Luo Haojiao is sealed under the Shennong altar, and there is a formation around it, and it can't get out. Although this Shennongjia monster is strong, it is a beast after all. How can it know this, so it dares not get close to here at all.

"Since this Luo Zhuo is so powerful, the monsters of Shennongjia are extremely afraid. Who on earth has such a magical power to seal this Luo Zhuo here?"

"I haven't heard of this, and this array is also extremely strange. Even the immortals don't know where this array comes from and who it is, and they can't see through this array."

The two talked for a while, Xuanlong began to meditating and adjust his true spirit, and Zhang Xun also began to practice the "Magic Soul Curse".

The magic soul curse is divided into 40%: the first layer of demons, the second layer of soul to escape God's punishment, the third layer of heavenly punishment leads to heaven, and the fourth layer of spells to cross the heavenly disaster.

Relying on the true qi of Li Yuan absorbed in his body, Zhang Xun meditated on the first layer of the magic soul magic spell and began to practice.

Gradually, Zhang Xun felt the evil qi in his body and began to move. Suddenly, Zhang Xun was surprised to find that since his body could produce true anger, this evil true qi was getting stronger and stronger. Slowly, Zhang Xun's whole body was wrapped in purple Zhenqi, just like when Li Yuan was ready to absorb Zhang Xun's innate soul that day.

Zhang Xun felt that there was a force in his body, which constantly devouring the evil qi in his body, and then released it. In this way, it circulated repeatedly, and the evil qi in his body became more and more. Zhang Xun thought: Isn't it the true spirit that I gave birth for my courage, but this unknown power?

In this way, the true qi in Zhang Xun's body kept increasing. Zhang Xun continued to recite the first layer of the "Magic Soul Sky Curse": the mind method of the devil. I don't know how long it took. Zhang Xun felt that the true qi in his body no longer increased, so he stopped practicing and felt that there was a sense of truth in his body. The existence of qi is not like that. Although there is true qi in the body before, I can't feel it at all.

Looking at Xuanlong and seeing that he was still meditating there, Zhang Xun did not disturb him. He took out a copy of the code of merit and jade slips brought out in the strange palace before.

In the past few days with Mu Nanqing, Zhang Xun already knows how to identify the skills in this jade slip. That day, Mu Nanqing also helped to look at it. The jade slip seemed to record a set of swordsmanship, but it was strange that he could only understand a little, and he didn't know what to say in depth.

Zhang Xun now takes advantage of the moonlight and looks carefully. The familiar feeling appears. This swordsmanship seems to be what he has practiced before, but Zhang Xun can't think of the specific moves of this swordsmanship. After practicing a few swordsmanship formulas, Zhang Xun didn't understand what it meant. Suddenly, the unknown power in his body appeared again, and this time it was not to devour the true qi in his body, but as if to fly out of his body.

In an instant, light flew out of Zhang Xun's body. Zhang Xun opened his mouth and was so scared that he couldn't speak. The light flew into the air and slowly condensed, and as seen in the strange hall that day, the light slowly condensed a sword.

Another scene appeared in Zhang Xun's mind that he had never experienced. In my mind, I saw myself holding the sword condensed by this light and fighting with a man in purple. This man in purple again! Who the hell is he? Why does he always appear in my mind!? Zhang Xun thought.

Zhang came to his senses and looked at the sword in the sky. He suddenly felt that the sword was his own, because the sword always revealed a sense of familiarity in front of him.

raised his hand and raised it into the air. The sword seemed to understand what Zhang Xun meant and suddenly flew into Zhang Xun's hand. The moment he got the sword, Zhang Xun found that he understood the swordsmanship formula recorded in the jade slip.