Search for fairy tracks

Chapter 103 Policy

With his mind to make up his mind, Wang Ye will not pursue more on the words of this little guard. After all, this matter is also good for him. Turning back, he looked at some people in the Western Camp Army who managed the punishment together with the group and the little guards. This little guard found a total of five officials, all of whom were old people who had passed their fate. Wang Ye immediately asked, "Are you the officials who manage the punishment in this Western Camp?"

When the five officials saw the Prime Minister asking themselves, they all knelt to the ground. Among them, the first grade is a longer. Looking at the official's clothing, he should be the leading official in the management of punishment in the Western Camp. The leader replied to Wang Ye: "The subordinate officer visited the Prime Minister. I don't know that the adult came to inspect the army of our Western Camp, but he has missed the distance and neglected the lord, and asked him to forgive him. Several subordinates are the officials in charge of this reward and punishment in the western barracks, and the subordinates are the officials of this punishment department.

Hearing the words of the old man who was not yet his own, Wang Ye waved his hand and signaled that the officials kneeling on the ground were all up to speak. However, these officials did not dare to stand up, because the Prime Minister has entered the army of the Western Camp. They still don't know that since the Prime Minister has to send someone to find him, I'm afraid the Prime Minister must be unhappy. Therefore, at this time, these people dare to get up presumptuously, even if they are the Prime Minister's signal, they dare not get up easily. After all, the people present have never been with the Prime Minister and do not know the Prime Minister's temper. If he is a smiling tiger who likes to hide knives in his smile, it will not be easy to do. So it's nothing to kneel for a moment. First of all, take good care of the Prime Minister.

When Wang Ye saw that he had signaled him to stand up and reply, these officials who managed the punishment still knelt on the ground and dared not stand up. This is an official's experience that Wang Ye told Wang Ye why these officials who managed the punishment still knelt on the ground, even if they got their own sign, they did not dare to stand up. Wang Ye also knew in his heart that unless he said it himself, these officials who managed the punishment would not stand on this ground until they knelt down until they left. Wang Ye didn't want to see these officials kneeling in front of him and talking to him. In this way, it's annoying to see them, and he is still thinking about dealing with several people in this room?

At present, he said to these officials kneeling on the ground to manage the punishment in the Western Camp's barracks, "I came to patrol this Western Camp's barracks on the order of the emperor. Presumably you all know it, right?"

Several officials kneeling on the ground nodded and said repeatedly, "How dare you hide the Prime Minister? The officer knew about it.

"This time, on the order of the emperor, I came to inspect and rectify the things in this army in the barracks of the Western Battalion Army, so that the soldiers of the Western Battalion can prepare for everything, go to the coastal area as soon as possible, and put down a group of rebels in Luwang City, who set up a mess on the crime. In order to do what the emperor told him as soon as possible, he did not stir up some etiquette. He took the brigade's troops and came to inspect the army of the Western Camp. Therefore, it is reasonable that you didn't know that you had come to the army of the Western Camp and didn't come out to welcome you. As the saying goes: those who don't know are not guilty. You and others didn't know that this official had come, so that's why. Presumably, you have also heard of some officials. I don't like vassal and elegant people, and I don't like other people's flattery. If you don't welcome this, I won't pay attention to it. I won't blame you for this and give you some trouble, so you'd better wait up and don't kneel on the ground. I replied that if you still can't stand up, I will really give you some trouble. Wang Ye said half jokingly to the officials kneeling on the ground.

These officials kneeling on the ground said so before the meeting. If they were kneeling down, they would really not give face to the prime minister. A group of officials kneeling on the ground said repeatedly, "Thank you." As soon as the words fell, the old man who knelt in front of him and claimed to be the stew of the punishment department in the Western Camp took the lead and stood up, and several people behind also stood up.

Seeing that these people stood up, he nodded and continued, "Let me say a very disrespectful thing. Although I came to rectify the military affairs in the Western Camp Army by the order of the emperor, my purpose this time is not for the emperor, but also for the generals of the whole Western Camp Army. Shi, the army of the Xuanyuan court came with the whole Xuanyuan court.

After listening to Wang Ye's words, those officials were all in awe. I thought that the Prime Minister was the same as those first- or two-grade elders in the imperial court. In addition to doing something corrupt and harming the country and the people, how could he pay attention to this country, the imperial army and so on? It is the right way to think about how to live faster every day. However, he did not expect that the Prime Minister in front of him was not as he imagined. He was a shameless, immoral and incompetent official. I didn't expect to say this. Immediately, the stewistrate of the punishment department in the army leaned over to Wang Ye and said, "Your excellency can say this, even if the emperor is here, he does not care about the crime of disrespect in the words of the older people. The lower official thought that the adult had been sent by the emperor to rectify the military affairs of the Western Camp army, and he must have gone through the scene to let the soldiers in the army see and deal with the emperor's affairs. Unexpectedly, the adult actually said that he came to do this not only for the emperor, but also for the army of the Xuanyuan court. When adults are in such a high position, they can also think about this court, for the sake of the country, and for the people of the world. This is really a great blessing of my Xuanyuan court. The lower official really admires the Prime Minister.

Wang Ye smiled and said, "My words come from the bottom of my heart. But as you said, I am now in a high position and have the honor to sit in this Xuanyuan court, so I must think about the whole Xuanyuan court, for the people of the world, and share the worries of the emperor. What you just said was wrong, but you are a little too high-ranking. I have also told you before that I don't like these slippery words, so your words can't get into my ears. That's what Wang Ye said, but he didn't show an unhappy look because of the steward's words. After all, most of Wang Ye still agrees with what the stew manager said, but these last few words are a little too much. Of course, if you listen to it with others, you may not feel it, and you will feel very useful. However, this is not in line with Wang Ye's taste.

The steward quickly explained when he heard the words, "Your Excellency is so elegant that he is really far from such a corrupt official. However, the subordinate's words have not been said, but just said some facts. Isn't it a great blessing for my Xuanyuan court to have an upright man like an adult and a wise person as the prime minister? As soon as he finished speaking, several officials behind him also echoed. Some of them sincerely agreed, and some of them followed him, which was certainly not enough to be humane.

"Even so, you can't talk about it, so that I will be a famous person." Wang Yezheng said, and then sighed, "Alas... Although our Xuanyuan court has been founded the country for thousands of years, in the past thousand years, the court's policy has not been as open as in the previous dynasty. It is not like the previous dynasty. It just wants to solve the problem of food and clothing for the people, but I don't understand that this industry and commerce have developed and the people have become rich. These problems are naturally Then it was solved. It can be seen how wise the ancestor emperor of our dynasty is.

The stewor's interface said, "What the Prime Minister said is very true. If a court divides all walks of life into a noble and lowly, it will be very unfavorable to the development of the community. Although this people take food as heaven and have no food, this country will be subjugated. But if you blindly pay attention to this food and don't develop other industries, then this country can only be a country that allows people to eat and warm clothes, and cannot become a big country with a strong and rich people. The ancestor emperor of my dynasty can see that these are indeed wise and martial arts.

Wang Ye nodded and said, "What you said is really wonderful, which shows the wisdom of our policy. But the court has a good policy, and it can't be implemented without good officials. Like a good horse, Bole who hasn't met it, how can you let this good horse exert its magic power to travel thousands of miles a day and 800 at night?

The stewor said on his forehead, "Your Excellency's metaphor is very transparent. The meaning of this must be those officials in today's court? In fact, even if adults don't say it, the people in the world also understand it very well. But what can we do? These corrupt officials are not two, but all over the world, in all states and prefectures. Most of them are still high-weight.

"Alas... this is exactly what I am worried about. Today, the emperor is not a mediocre and incompetent person, but he is more playful, and he is talked about how to have fun all day long, so that the emperor has forgotten the imperial court and the people, and this daily imperial class is not taken. In this way, it has been more than ten years, and there have been more and more things in this country. Wang Yedao.