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Chapter 104 Dealing with Fundamental

The stewor said, "What the Prime Minister said is very true. When the emperor was the prince, he didn't only know how to have fun every day. At that time, the prince was both civil and military. Bows, horses, swords, poetry and literary talent are all great achievements. At that time, the prince, in the eyes of the late emperor, had already been cultivated as the Xuanyuan court and the future emperor. The ministers in the court also looked at the prince in this way and expected a lot from him. However, I didn't expect that after the prince ascended the throne, his heart would change so much. Now sitting in the Hongde Hall is different from the East Palace at that time. Alas..."

"This person is all like this. Once the position is changed, the whole person will change. As a prince, if you don't excel, how can you keep the status of prince? After all, this prince is not alone. Later, he had to accept Datong and released this nature. It's just that today's emperor, although it's fun, he is not mediocre. It's just that these rebellious ministers said some fancy words all day long, blinding the emperor. Doing something that suits the emperor's appetite is to completely blind the emperor. Why did Lu Wangcheng's rebellion in the coastal amnesty state rise? These corrupt officials have never reported it. They all want to suppress this matter and get some benefits from it. Wang Yedao.

The steward was shocked when he heard the words and said angrily, "Your Excellency, is this true? How could such a thing happen? Lu Wangcheng, the coastal guard of Amnesty, also knew something about the rebellion of Lu Wangcheng. The rebellious slogan of Lu Wangcheng is the famine in the Central Plains today. This famine is due to the reason of the good time and place, but it can't be blamed on local officials. However, these officials concealed this matter and did not listen to the emperor. The emperor could not know how to open the treasury, open warehouses and release grain to relieve the people who are in deep fire!

"You are right. Lu Wangcheng, the general of the coastal amnesty state, is the reason for the famine in the Central Plains, and it is the reason for raising troops to rebel. If these officials did not hide the disaster and did not report it, even if they did not report it, and privately did a good job of helping the disaster victims, and the people got relief and fewer exiles, then Lu Wangcheng, who rebelled, would not have this opportunity to gather people's hearts. Now these local officials have received the above instructions and just made some simple relief, which is of no use at all. As a result, a large number of disaster victims have left the Central Plains and went to the three rivers and coastal areas of Neba Shu. This rebellious Lu Wangcheng only needs to do some simple comfort work to collect these disaster victims and exiles and get a lot of people's hearts. If it goes on like this, it will be very unfavorable to my Xuanyuan court. Wang Yedao.

"Nowadays, these officials are all doing for their own interests. How can they care about the lives of the people? If it goes on like this, it will be difficult to calm down the rebellion of the amnesty state." The stewman said worriedly.

"When I come to the Western Camp Army this time, I must rectify the Western Camp Army so that the soldiers in this army can all go to the coastal state with ambition to calm down the chaos. It's just that I made an unannounced visit to this army today and found that there are too many things to deal with in this army. How can such an army quell this rebellion? Wang Ye was worried.

"Alas... What the adults said is really right. The soldiers in the army of the Western Camp have not experienced war for more than ten years and have long developed a loose character. The soldiers in this army are all like this. How can they have the momentum of soldiers? There are also many business, weapons and equipment, and logistics in this barracks that need to be repaired and sorted out. But I don't know how long the emperor gave the emperor to do these things? The stewman asked.

Wang Ye replied, "Today, I also took a look at the arsenal where armored clothes were stored. But there are a lot of problems to deal with. Most of the weapons in the arsenal have become rusty. Some have removed the rust and may still be barely used, while others are embroidered and dead, which are like scrap iron and cannot be used. It is estimated that sorting out the weapons of the entire arsenal is not enough for half of all the soldiers of the Western Battalion. As for the armored helmets, clothes and other things worn by the soldiers, they were even more damaged. Before I entered the tent today, I just smelled the rotten and musty smell of the clothes in the tent today. How can such armored clothes be worn by soldiers? How can you defeat the enemy by wearing such equipment on the battlefield? Not to mention fighting, in this momentum, it will be inferior to others.

"The subordinate also understands what the adult said. It's just that these things can't be held accountable to these visors. Most of the reasons come from this. It also costs two taels to repair these weapons and equipment. However, as far as the subordinate knows, the Privy Council in charge of this matter has not been issued for several years. As the saying goes: It is difficult for a skillful woman to cook without rice. Without this silver liang, how can the stewul in the army repair these weapons and equipment? Of course, this matter can't be said to be the responsibility above. The officials in this army are also unresponsible people. Even if they are given some maintenance money, the subordinates think that they will be counted into their own arms, and there will not be many that can be used in this business.

Wang Ye replied, "I also know what you said. In front of the armor camp today, I also promised the stewer that I would get some silver for them for maintenance. I have also drawn up a plan in my heart to discuss this matter with Master Zhou and Liu Shumi of the Privy Council. I believe that at the previous juventh, these two are corrupt and mediocre, and they dare not do more.

"The Prime Minister is wise. If the Prime Minister comes forward to talk about this matter, the silver two of the equipment in the maintenance army will definitely come down." The stewman leaned over and fell down again.

"The silver two of this maintenance can come down, but I still have other plans in my mind." Wang Yedao.

The stewman asked puzzledly, "Since you have got the money for maintenance, you should let the stewsmen of various departments in the army hurry up and tell the soldiers to repair and sort them up as soon as possible. The lower official doesn't understand. What else do you plan to do?

Wang Ye waved his hand and said, "Although your words make sense. But I didn't think about it more deeply, and I didn't think about it enough.

"The subordinate is ignorant, please give me some advice." The stewman said modestly.

"A person's body is sick and extremely uncomfortable. After using a strong medicine, he immediately felt no longer and became more normal. Do you think this person's physical problems have been cured? Wang Ye seemed to ask a question that was not the answer.

The steward listened to Wang Ye's words and was stunned. He was a little puzzled by the Prime Minister's words. But then I thought that the Prime Minister's words were not so simple. It must be a metaphor. After ponder, the stewman said, "Your Excellency means this: Your Excellency not only has to deal with all the improper things in the Western Battalion Army this time. Or should we find out from this root cause so that such a thing will not happen in the barracks of the Western Camp in the future?

"Although what you said is not all right, it also basically shows the meaning of this official. This time, I will not only deal with the improper affairs in the military camp of the Western Camp, but also clean up these stews and people. Otherwise, all these improper things have been dealt with now, but the person who did these improper things is still doing his stew there. Then this improper thing only deals with the surface and does not touch its fundamentals. Such things will definitely happen in the future. Therefore, this time, I will definitely learn from the life-saving Langzhong and give a thorough cure to the Western Camp army that is now terminally ill. Wang Yedao.

"Your excellency is wise, if you rectify the Western Camp army like you, the Western Camp Army will not be like this in the future. In the future, my Western Camp army will definitely be the first royal division of my Xuanyuan court!" The old man in charge said excitedly. The stewman can't be excited now. Although he is only a stewed officer of the criminal department in the army, although he is a stewed officer, he is not a real general, and his status is slightly higher than these ordinary soldiers, and sometimes he is even bullied by some veterans.

Although this old man in charge is only a stew in charge of a small punishment department, he also has great ambitions in his heart. However, the luck is not good, and the official career is everywhere. Unlike some officials, they have a variety of relationships and have this inextricable relationship with those high-level figures. Therefore, this is almost a year old, and it is just a criminal department in charge of the Western Camp Army. If it goes on at such a speed of promotion, it will not be possible to enter the court and discuss state affairs with those first-class and second-class members to assist the emperor.

Although this official career is very unsmooth and has been excluded everywhere, the blood in the old man's heart that serves the court has not decreased or disappeared because of these difficulties. Although he is nearly old, he is still as patriotic as the time of the imperial examination, and generally wants to serve the court. Therefore, the Western Camp army has become so corrupt and rotten, and the stewman is also anxious in his eyes. But he is just a small punishment department sman, which is anxious. It doesn't help to be more dissatisfied with the Western Camp army. After all, you are just a small stewid, and you are not qualified to take care of some things in this army.