Yanling Cave Sky

Chapter 1 Nanshan Hunting

Deng Jiuru, the governor of Luzhou, Anhui Province, is a clean official with two sleeves of breeze. Under his governance, it can be said that the people live and work in peace and contentment, and there are laughter everywhere, and every family can not be closed at night...

On this day, Lord Deng had a burst of painstaking efforts**. He heard that there were many beasts in Nanshan, so he called his capable generals: Zhang Zhao, Malu, Wang Ren, Wang Yi, four squad leaders; and these four followed the adults to travel south and north. After wind and rain, they can really be said to be taken care of each other, life and death.

Lord Deng asked: I heard that there have been many beasts in Nanshan recently. I don't know if it's true?

Zhang Zhao held his wrists with his hands as his chest: My lord, is that right? Is he very interested in this Nanshan beast?

Lord Deng said: Yes, recently, my painstaking efforts** have seen that the people live a rich life, and everyone has joy from their hearts. I am very gratified, but my daily life is also boring, so I want to change the direction of life and go hunting. I don't know what you think?

As soon as Wang Ren heard this, he applauded his good hands: My lord, subordinates and others are also bored in the house, and they also want to think about a different life. When you mention this, our hands and feet are itchy now, and we haven't moved our muscles and bones for a long time...

Wang Yi couldn't wait to interrupt Wang Ren's words: Then, when shall we start?

Lord Deng laughed: OK, let's go now!

So, the magistrate's office quickly moved, leading the horse and preparing the hunting equipment. At about two o'clock in the afternoon, Lord Deng flew on his horse. He saw him wearing gold silk armor, a big red cloak, his lower body wearing crotch pants, wearing fast boots to grasp the tiger, hanging swords in his waist, and bird wings. There is a "five hook god flying silver gun" hanging on the ring winning hook, with a bow on its back and a carved arrow inserted in the carved pot, which is majestic. Each team also hung their own swords and were heroic.

Lord Deng didn't lead many people. In addition to the four squads, there were eight strong soldiers, accompanied by the four squads. Eight soldiers followed, and the team set off...

Nanshan is located in the south of Luzhou, about 50 miles from Luzhou City. Here, the mountains overlap, strange rocks Hengsheng, and the mountains are very steep. Most of the wood weeds, especially at night, are often haunted by fierce beasts. It's okay during the day, but there are also many beasts.

Lord Deng and his party came to the foot of Nanshan and looked at the mountains. They entered the mountain along a path, but it was strange. Along the way, they did not find any beasts, not even a pheasant. Lord Deng couldn't help but be a little disappointed, and the four squads were also a little tired, so the speed of the horse It fell unconsciously... As he was walking forward, the wind suddenly rose, from small to big, and a bad wind came. Lord Deng was a little surprised and quickly got off the horse. Several people led the horse behind the tree. Everyone had just tied the horse. One of the guards, with sharp eyes, looked forward and shouted, "Your Excellency, look, there are tigers!" Everyone went straight ahead. If you don't look at it, you can't see it. At first glance, you will be scared to see a gorgeous tiger running in a storm not far ahead. As the saying goes, there are beasts in the wind, and there must be abnormal movements in the mountains and forests. These horses collapsed to the ground as soon as they saw the tiger's four legs. At this time, the tiger was not far from the team. Four classes At this time, he also woke up and quickly pulled out his knife from his waist to protect the adults. In fact, these four people have experienced countless battlefields, but it was the first time to fight with fierce beasts. The four people were also nervous for a while. When the tiger saw the people, he was happy and thought that he could finally have a full meal, so he opened his mouth and rushed to hunt. Team.

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