Yanling Cave Sky

Chapter 2 Tao Yuan's birth

Just as the tiger was rampant, this scene was seen by one person. Then he quickly took down the carving bow behind him, pulled out three golden arrows, put the arrows on the string, and aimed at the tiger's head. With a "kake, bang", the arrow left the bow string. From then on, people took the bow and arrows to send out the arrow, no more than three seconds in the current words. It can be seen that this person is agile and moves quickly.

With the sound of a bow string, everyone stared blankly. The tiger's body had flown out eight feet away and died. Looking at it again, everyone couldn't help but be shocked. The tiger weighed three arrows, one arrow hit the left eye, one arrow hit the right eye, and the third arrow hit the throat more, no difference; after a After a while, everyone turned around and looked around. They didn't know where the arrow came from; Zhang Zhao's eyes were sharp: "Your excellency, look!" Everyone looked in the direction of their fingers and saw a person standing not far behind them!

This man is seven feet tall, with a yellow and white mirror, combing his hair and the sun and the moon. He tied his hair with a graceful line. Two ribbons floated in front of his chest, wearing white hanging plain, squeezed water and silk at his waist. He stepped on thin-sole fast boots, a treasure carved bow on his back, and a few golden arrows inserted in the arrow pot. He was really proud to face the wind. The young man was beautiful and looked like two. In the early teens, especially these bright eyes, next to a basket of medicine collection, with some herbs collected in it...

After looking at it, everyone quickly moved forward. Deng Jiuru was worthy of being a generation of virtuous. He quickly got up and came to the beautiful young man and held a fist: "Thanks to the help of the little hero today. Otherwise, we will become the food in the tiger's belly. Please come and receive a gift from us!"

Seeing this, the prince hurried forward to welcome him: "You don't have to be polite. You don't have to see injustice. Eight great help each other. This is the duty of chivalry. Now there are beasts. Even if they are called others, they will not stand by."

Lord Deng looked at the prince again and said, "I don't know your name. Where is Xianxiang?"

The prince said, "My name is not worth mentioning, but I came to Nanshan to collect medicine today. You don't have to worry about this matter."

Lord Deng said, "The prince's virtue is really unrequired. If the prince refuses to leave his name and surname, it will make me really wait..."

Before the adult finished speaking, the people around him also said: Yes, yes, please be sure to leave your name. Even if we drink a glass of thin wine, we are very happy..."

The prince thought for a moment and said, "Well, in that case, it's inconvenient for me to refuse. I'm a person in Luzhou under the jurisdiction of Chenyang Village under the jurisdiction of Anqing Town. My surname is Tao Mingyuan, and my name is Dongtian..."

Before the prince finished speaking, Wang Ren said in surprise, "What? Are you Tao Yuan, the hero Tao, who is known as the 'three swords and swallowing mountains and rivers'?!"

The prince looked at Wang Ren and said, "That's right, it's me." Although Lord Deng didn't know much about the world, the eighty-one sects of the five sects and thirteen sects, but when he saw that everyone was so surprised, he must know that the prince in front of him was not an idle person, so he repeatedly asked, and then he took Tao Yuan to the governor's office of Luzhou and climbed all the way. After talking about it, Tao Yuan also knew that this was the honest official Deng Jiuru and Lord Deng, and he was also very happy.

Before the banquet, the two talked happily, and the adult asked, "Tao Xia, do you live near Luzhou City now?"