Yanling Cave Sky

Chapter 9 Encounter Caixia

I don't know how long it took. Tao Yuan opened his eyes and couldn't see clearly at first. He closed his eyes and recalled what seemed to have happened: he explored the Snake Ridge at night, saved the little lotus girl, fought a group of thieves, and later was plotted and hid in a house. Aren't I in the flower cellar?

How could it be...?

Where is this place?

Tao Yuan thought nonsense in his heart and opened his eyes again. He saw that he was lying on a **. There was a curtain outside. Tao Yuan tried to move, but felt a little dizzy.

He slowly sat up and gently opened the tent with his hand. Then he could see clearly: the room is very beautiful, the tables, chairs and benches are all made of hardwood embroidery, and the four parallel screens in the middle are embroidered with birds, fish and insects, which are lifelike. On the left is the dressing table, and on the right is a pair of mandarin duck tea tables...

Tao Yuan was looking at it when he heard the sound of footsteps. He quickly put down the curtain and lay motionless. These were two girls who came, and one of them said to the other, "I don't know if the prince has woken up? He was really desperate and was saved by our young lady. Last night, I heard from the big boss that there were assassins entering the mountain and many people on the mountain. I also heard that the third owner's arm was broken..."

While talking, the girl slowly opened the curtain and looked at it: "Maybe he was poisoned too deeply, and now he still wakes up. Let's go and report to the lady!"

The two withdrew, and Tao Yuan heard it very clearly, "Oh, I was saved by their lady. Alas, it seems that I'm still in Pansheling. The big boss should be Zhang Zongwu. What's going on?

Tao Yuan thought nonsense and felt that no one would come for the time being. He slowly came down from **. He just took two steps forward and fell to the ground. His body was so soft. He calmed down, held the table to stand up, came to the door, opened a crack, looked outside, and as soon as the sun shone into the room, he quickly stabbed Tao Yuan again. I closed the door and thought it was daytime. I thought it was night. What time is it now?

He woke up in the room for a while. When he saw a teapot on the table, he felt that his mouth was dry. He picked up the teapot and drank half a pot of water from his mouth to mouth.

Look, this water is a good thing. It's the source of life. As soon as the water comes, the hunger comes up again, and the twelve-fold building of the internal organs opens the drum.

Suddenly the door opened and a person walked in from the outside. Tao Yuan was very scared. Just as he was about to say something, the man waved his hand and motioned you not to talk. Then the man closed the door and came to Tao Yuan gently. He looked up and down carefully at seventy-two eyes.

He looked at Tao Yuan uncompassed and his face turned red. Finally, he couldn't help saying, "This girl, why do you look at me like this? Do I look like a girl's old friend?

In fact, the girl was fascinated. When Tao Yuan said this, the girl also blushed with shame: "Ah, how do you feel now? You must be curious about why you are in **. To tell you the truth, I saved you. If you hadn't found it in time, I'm afraid you would have...

As soon as Tao Yuan heard this, he quickly stood up and said, "Thank you for saving my life. Do you dare to ask the girl's name? I will come to thank you in the future!"

The girl smiled and said, "You don't have to say so. It's better to save people's lives than to build a seven-level Futu. Alas, I'm also accumulating some virtue for our family. My name is Zhang Caixia, and my brother is the Dazhai here advocating Zongwu."

When Taoyuan heard this, he was shocked, and his heart was nervous, and his face appeared. The girl looked at the words and understood: "You don't have to worry too much,"

Speaking this, he sat opposite Tao Yuan. He first got himself a cup of tea, poured a cup of tea for Tao Yuan, and then said, "You are the person who wants to investigate outside, right?"

Tao Yuan didn't say anything and stared at the girl with both eyes. Zhang Caixia took a sip of water: "You don't have to be afraid. If I want to hurt you, how can I keep you until now? To tell the truth, in fact, although I grew up in Pansheling, I am different from them, and even more different from my brother. I can't get used to the things they do outside. I have also persuaded my brother many times, but he ignored it, and even asked me if I was his own sister because of some things. Next time, I had to break off my brother and sister relationship with me. As soon as I was angry, I moved away from a courtyard not far from the mountain and never went to the front mountain again. Two days ago, I heard that Ouyang Hua, the owner of the five villages, grabbed a girl. I was also very angry, but I couldn't help it. I wanted to leave the girl several times, but I couldn't do it. Later, oh, that was yesterday In the evening, I was embroidering in the room. Suddenly, I heard someone smashing the door outside and opened the door. It turned out that it was my eldest brother and several village owners with some soldiers and asked me if I had seen a stranger come in. I said that no one had come here for a long time, let alone strangers. They hurried away and didn't know that I was The girl who robbed was rescued, and one person also injured many people in the village. I think they will kill themselves if they have done many injustices. Later, I thought about it. In case this person is hidden in my courtyard, I really want to see him, so I sent some close maids to search in the courtyard. When I find you in the flower cellar, I will order someone to carry you to the room. As soon as I checked, I knew that you were poisoned. I knew that you were poisoned by three-headed monsters, so I saved you with an antidote. This is what happened in the past.

Tao Yuan thought while listening and observing the words. Looking at the girl's sincere face, his heart was slightly relieved. "The girl saved me. I'm not afraid that the people in the village will know that this is not a drag on the girl. I will say goodbye. The girl's kindness will be rerated in the future!"

Saying this, Tao Yuan stood up and walked out, and was pulled by the girl, "Sir, wait! Listen to me!"