Yanling Cave Sky

Chapter 10 Secretly Set Life

Zhang Caixia pressed Tao Yuan to the chair and said, "Son, there is no doubt that you are going out now. It is daytime, and there are patrolling soldiers everywhere. You must be looking for you all over the mountains and fields. Aren't you going to die? Yes, the prince may have strong martial arts skills, but you have been injured. Although the poison has been removed, it has not healed. Look at your very weak body now. How can you resist it? If you fall into their hands, it will not have a good end!"

As soon as Tao Yuan heard the girl's words, he sat there meditatingly. As soon as his spirit eased, he felt that his stomach kept screaming. Taoyuan frowned. Miss Caixia understood what was going on and smiled and said, "You must be hungry. I have already prepared food for you. Come on! "

While talking, two maids came in, carrying two wooden boxes in their hands, and came to Caixia: "Miss, this is the meal you called."

When he said this, he opened the box and put it on the table. A fragrance pierced Tao Yuan's nostrils, which was really unbearable. Tao Yuan looked at it with his eyes, 'braised carp, steamed hairy crab, golden beef...'

A total of eight dishes were served, and two pots of high-quality bamboo leaves were served. Two pairs of bowls and chopsticks were placed in front of the two people. The maid left and the door closed.

Miss Caixia picked up the wine pot and filled Tao Yuan with a cup first, and poured a cup herself. "Son, if you believe me, how many questions do I want to ask?"

Tao Yuan thought that this girl was also a frank person, and thought that this is also the territory of Pansheling anyway. I don't care what, so I might as well open my heart. Thinking of this, he drank a cup first: "Girl, please say something. I can't talk about it!"

"May I ask your name? Where is Xianxiang?"

Tao Yuan did not hide it: "My surname is Tao Yuan, and my name is Dongtian. Jianghu people are known as 'three swords, swallowing mountains and rivers'. I live in Zongyang Village, Anqing Town, Luzhou Prefecture."

The girl was shocked when she heard this, "Are you the famous Tao Yuan, Tao hero in the world? The little woman is disrespectful..."

Tao Yuan also returned with courtesy: "I dare not",

Caixia involuntarily looked at Taoyuan again. It was amazing. The girl's heart was about to fly out. She was completely attracted by Tao Yuan's appearance and inner temperament. The girl's heart beat wildly and thought, "I'm 19 years old this year, and I'm also a big girl. How many people flatter me have been rejected by me. Jue, is today the opportunity given to me meet Tao Yuan? Does God also want us to be husband and wife?

When the girl thought of this, her hands trembled a little, her lips trembled, and she looked a little unnatural. She deliberately made a second, "Little Red, bring me the meal,"

He said to Tao Yuan again, "Son, you see, I only care about the food. The meal hasn't come yet. It's really not well served. Come on, I'll have another drink."

Xiao Hong brought the meal and put it on the table. The girl casually said a few words with Tao Yuan and left. As for what she was going to do, Tao Yuan did not know. He was the only one left in the room. This time, he could eat it safely. This time, he swallowed it. In a short time, he ate a ditch full of trench and ate 16 bowls in the current words. There were no eight dishes left, and one drop of two pots of wine left. This time, my heart was bottomed out, and my whole body seemed to be full of strength. I stood up and walked around the room a few times, moved my muscles and bones, and felt comfortable for a while...

Suddenly, as soon as the door opened, the maid named Xiaohong came in and looked at the table. She couldn't help widening her eyes and couldn't laugh. She said to Tao Yuan, "Sir, our lady, please come to the upper room for a chat."

Tao Yuan followed Xiaohong to the upper house. Xiaohong turned around and walked away. Tao Yuan saw that the house was very unique and exquisitely carved. Just looking at it, he heard someone talking inside: "The young man came in and talk"

Tao Yuan walked in and lifted the curtain. A girl standing in front of him was Zhang Caixia. Looking at it carefully, the Caixia girl was blessed. "Son, please sit down."

Tao Yuan is also a human being. He also has seven emotions and six desires. He suddenly has a good impression on the girl in his heart, but he quickly suppressed it and said in his heart, "How can I be with the sister of a thief...

This is absolutely impossible. Although she saved me, she is also very honest with me. If not, I just can't. Thinking of this, Tao Yuan asked, "What's the matter with the girl calling me to come?"

Caixia looked at Tao Yuan's expression and felt a little sour in her heart. As soon as she turned around, she said, "Son, in fact, I want to talk to you about how to send you out of Pansheling."

Tao Yuan heard: "Oh? What can the girl do?

"Originally, I wanted to send you to the back mountain at night, and you left from the back mountain, but Xiaolan, whom I sent, went out to inquire and found that the back mountain was full of soldiers. I was afraid I couldn't get out, so I thought hard and decided to send you out of the mountain now?"

Tao Yuan can't wait: "Girl, how can you get out in broad daylight now?"

"Do you know what day it is today?"

Tao Yuan shook his head, and the girl continued to say, "Today is the temple fair. I happened to take the opportunity to take the temple fair to send you out of Pansheling, so that the prince will be wronged to sit in a sedan chair with me."

Tao Yuan doesn't know how she feels about Miss Caixia now, as if she is hazy in the clouds, but anyway, she still has a feeling of gratitude...