Yanling Cave Sky

Chapter 70 Dream of Three Updates

Everyone returned to the inn. It was really tiring today. Although they were not in a good mood, there was nothing they could do but to refresh themselves and wait for the next day's war, so everyone went back to their rooms to rest after dinner in the evening...

When he spoke, it was already the third watch. The night was quiet, and people were already asleep, but one person was still worried. He couldn't sleep. This person was Wang Yanling. There was a moon tonight. Because it was only the sixth day of the first lunar month, it was not particularly bright. Wang Yanling looked a little stuffy in the room. The fresh air outside and walking in the yard, he thought of Tao Yuan and Yuer. He didn't know what happened to them now. They have been so long. How come the people who sent letters to Luzhou Prefecture have no information? If they return to Luzhou Prefecture and see that I haven't come yet, are they worried about me?

and a series of other things still emerged there. He inadvertently went to the west wing. There were four people living in this room, the first four elders living here. There were still some lights in it. Wang Yanling wanted to see if the old men had not rested yet.

But as soon as he walked forward, he found that the dark shadow on the room flashed and disappeared. Wang Yanling's heart moved and said in his heart: Is there an assassin?

Thinking of this, he sneaked down the slope of the back room of the west wing and looked up. He found that there seemed to be a person lying on the back slope. Wang Yanling said: He must not be a good person, or how could he be sneaky?

Thinking of this, he jumped up to the top of the back slope and looked in the air. Isn't there a man lying there, lifting a tile and peeping into the house with a knife behind his back.

Wang Yanling's body did not stop in the air. He took the opportunity to lie forward, picked up his two ankles with both hands, and worked hard back. This time, the man was completely unprepared. This time, he suddenly dragged him down from the back slope and broke a few tiles. Wang Yanling saw that he was about to fall. On the ground, his waist and eyes were piled up, and he turned around in the air, turned over to the top of the man's head, stepped on his back with his feet, and stepped on him and fell back to the ground. However, it can be clear that Wang Yanling did not force it. If he competed hard, the man's life would be gone. Because he wanted to catch a living, he did not exert force, but He also underestimated this person. At first glance, his body was trampled on. If he fell to the ground, I'm afraid his life would be worried. This guy rolled on the ground in the air, rotated in the air, and got out of Wang Yanling's feet. Wang Yanling looked at it and said to himself that this man's light skills were good, and this move could be avoided. At this time, his feet had landed, and he quickly walked for a man.

The man's body also fell to the ground. With one palm on the ground, he stood up. As soon as he stood up, Wang Yanling also came in front of him. His left palm stood up and clasped the door of the man's face. The man didn't look good. Before he stood firmly, he had to force him to lie on the ground. Wang Yanling slapped the air and watched him lie on the ground. Wang Yanling also lay on the ground, pressed his palms down, and claslammed the man's left and right Huagai acupoints. This person was not willing to fail. He kicked the ground hard, rubbed his body back desperately, and rushed out more than five feet away. Wang Yanling's palms were empty, but he did not stop attacking because of this.

Then look at his palms supporting the ground, just like the current gymnastics. His feet are back, with his hands as the axis, and his feet slammed on the person's lower abdomen. When he came, my God, what kind of tricks are these? His body rolled desperately to the left. Wang Yanling's feet stepped on the air, but he also took the momentum. Standing on the ground, he raised his left leg and kicked the man's waist violently. The man's body soared into the air and turned several times while rotating in the air. Wang Yanling kicked it empty. Then he watched Wang Yanling's left foot fall to the ground, pedalling on the ground, and his right leg flew up with a bow. Just over the man's body and bounced his arched right leg out. "Plap", This is too awesome. People who want to hide are bound to ascend to the sky.

This kick just kicked the man's buttocks and kicked the man to the ground in the air. The guy rolled a few times on the ground and did not move. Wang Yanling moved forward and tried to grab him, but he thought was a little simple. As soon as he touched the clothes of the visitor, he saw the man suddenly turn around and gave a bright dagger. Wang Yanling's throat was stabbed, and he arrived at once. Wang Yanling just wanted to catch him. As soon as he saw that he had changed his move, he felt bad. A dagger had arrived.

Because the speed is too fast, Wang Yanling can no longer dodge. What should she do in a hurry? Wang Yanling's head went down slightly. He opened his mouth and held the incoming dagger in his mouth. It was impossible for this person to pull it out. He just wanted to be clamped by the pliers. The man pulled back hard. Wang Yanling saw the opportunity and suddenly opened his mouth, which just fell down. Wang Yanling went up and pressed the two arms of the comer. His hands were like steel hooks. It was impossible for the man to move, but he still wanted to be a strong crossbow. Wang Yanling rode him, hooked his legs back, kicked Wang Yanling's back, and Wang Yanling's legs backed away and pressed the camer's legs. This time it was an end. , no one can move...

At this time, the door of the west wing opened, and a group of people called out. At first glance, it was the four old heroes, led by the hero Jin Ziyu. Jin Ziyu saw that Wang Yanling pressed this person under his body. This man was wearing a veil and dressed in black. He understood at a glance. Several people quickly helped and the man in black was rope. Tied up, Wang Yanling also stood up. Jin Ziyu asked, "Yan Ling, what's going on at this time?"

Wang Yanling told the story of the incident. Several old heroes and Wang Yanling pushed the man in black into the room. This man didn't say a word. Jin Ziyu took off the veil of the visitor. As soon as he looked at the person, he looked a little familiar. Suddenly, he remembered, as if he had seen this man in the Jiang family some time ago, carefully and Thinking about it, it is one of the seven village owners of Qixing Island, but I don't know which one it is. Jin Ziyu is happy, "You must be the village owner of Qixing Island. I don't know which one you are?"

When this person was recognized, there was no need to hide it. "Yes, I am the owner of the five villages on Qixing Island, and the 'Green Sword' is too!"

The people in the room are in an uproar. Qingjianzi Zhuang Daomin is famous. Who doesn't know?

Jin Ziyu came forward and untied his rope. Everyone was stunned and said, "How could he finally catch a pair of his rope?

Everyone was puzzled and overwhelmed Zhuang Daomin. Jin Ziyu also personally moved a chair for him, asked him to sit down, and gave him a cup of tea. Zhuang Daomin's heart was also messy. Jin Ziyu also sat down and looked at Zhuang Daomin with a smile, "Zhuang hero, I I've heard your name for a long time. Today, I'm really lucky to see that Jin Ziyu is polite!"

Zhuang Daomin heard that this is Jin Ziyu, the oldest iron ruler of Shandong...

I wanted to return the gift and was stopped by Jin Daxia. "Master Zhuangzhai, please sit down. I have a lot to say to you!"

As soon as he wanted to speak, he was stopped by Zhuang Daomin, "Old knight, I want to interrupt first. I don't know if I should say it!"

Jin Ziyu heard, "If you have anything to say, please speak face to face!" Excuse me, who is the person who caught me?

Jin Ziyu was happy and called Wang Yanling to his side. "Zhuang hero, the person who fought with you is him." He pointed to Wang Yanling with his hand. Zhuang Daomin looked up and down at Wang Yanling and saw that this young man was in his 20s, upright, strong, and very long. "Who is he?"

Jin Ziyu said, "He is Wang Yanling, who is known as the 'cold silk sword, sword shines in the world'!"

Zhuang Daomin heard, "Oh! ~~~~," pulled a long tone, which shocked everyone and said, "What's wrong with this person?" You are Wang Yanling, and you are indeed a rising star! I admire it!"

As soon as everyone saw that the atmosphere was not bad, Jin Ziyu asked, "Grandman Zhuang, I also have a question to ask in person!"

Zhuang Daomin heard, "Okay, old man, please tell me!"

"What's the matter with your visit to the inn tonight?"

Zhuang Daomin blushed and said, "Well, if you don't tell lies in front of a real person, then I'll tell the truth. In fact, I was also entrusted by the people of Qixing Island this time. I just want to explore your reality. In fact, I just want to see who is here and how powerful it is now? Then go back to make arrangements, know yourself and your enemy, and you will be invincible in a hundred battles!"

As soon as Jin Ziyu heard it, this was also true. Jin Ziyu asked again, "Grandman Zhuang, I have a saying that I don't know what you think of this ring? Do you think we should fight or not? Who do you think is right?"

This really stopped Zhuang Daomin. He pondered and didn't say anything. Jin Ziyu continued, "Grandman Zhuang, I can see that you may be deceived and be deceived by the traitors. Do you know what the five real people in the world have done? Let's talk about Li Bingxuan, a real person of Shuiling, who colluded with Zibohou, deceived the girl, and used his heart and liver as medicine to train immortal elixir. His brother is the owner of the village of Bishui Lake Pansheling, and is also evil. He also wants to avenge his brother, but he died under the sword of Tao Yuan. Besides, Huoyun real Ma Decheng, works for the tiger and helps Helping Mantis Village do all the bad things, the Mantis Village bullied the people and robbed the people's women. Ma Decheng not only ignored it, but also shared the same anger with them. As a result, Kong Yiji, a Jinguan Taoist, killed his good friend and Jiang Zitao, killed them all by any means in order to avenge his brother. In addition, he also washed the gold. Fighting in the village was cruel, and then deceived Wang Yanling's trust. It took ten days to kill Wang Yanling and almost killed him. The same is true of Zimu Zhenren Lu Zhengxuan. Zhuang Daxia, do you understand people? Listen, is it right or wrong for them to do this? It's really annoying to quibble on the ring and say that you want to avenge them!"

Jin Ziyu's oscillating words are reasonable, and Zhuang Daomin is also speechless for a long time!