Yanling Cave Sky

Chapter 71 Seven Stars of World War II

Jin Ziyu taught Zhuang Daomin and told him the story word for word. What should we say about Zhuang Daomin? Anyway, his nature is not bad. Unlike other village owners, he often kills people. He is also a little out of place with others. Why did he come to ask him this time? Question mark Zhuang Daomin also has his own plan. In fact, he took the initiative to invite him. He said, "Brothers, I think this task will be handed over to me. It's not that I'm bragging. I dare not say that I'm very strong in martial arts here, but in terms of light martial arts, I'm afraid no one is as good as me, so I'm willing to take risks!"

When you heard what he said, it was not unreasonable. I wanted to bring him a help, but I was declined by Zhuang Daomin, saying that bringing people can only be my burden. I am very convenient and free to come and go. Even if I am found, it doesn't matter. With my light skills, no one can catch me!

So he came alone, and he also had his own purpose: first, he also wanted to know whether he was listening to one side of the words, that is, whether he was deceived and did not listen to slander;

Second, he also wants to see what kind of tall people are coming here. In case it is true, his side has a good chance of winning;

Third, he also wants to try his martial arts. Can he really come and go freely in front of the heroes, show him his skills, and tell them that our Qixing Island is not easy to mess with!

After listening to Jin Xia's words, he fell into meditation. His mind turned sharply. Jin Ziyu saw that there was a door and then said, "Grandman Zhuang, didn't you come to listen to the truth today? Well, I'll tell you clearly! Now, in addition to our nine elders in Shandong, my tenth brother's 'white-haired pine' Zou Huachang is about to arrive. Master Chenguang of Hualan Temple is here, the famous black and white heroes in the world are also here, and the five Taishan elders in Shandong are also here. This is our current lineup. I don't know. What do you think of the earth?"

As soon as Zhuang Daomin heard it, the old man was sincere. Well, I also handed it over. He clenched his fist at Jin Daxia, "Old knight, since this has been said, I also have no reservations. In addition to our seven stars, Qixing Island also has Zhong Xiaoxiao from Bishui Lake and Pansheling, the last of the five real people. There is also the spiritual arhats who vomited blood by you. In addition, we have also invited the two uniques in the north and south. Our * are these two unique. Liu Yanqing, the old man in the north, and Li Yanhong, the old man in the north. If we really can't do it, we rely on them!"

When everyone heard this, their hearts trembled. Why, the two unique skills of the north and the south are great. Who doesn't know and who doesn't know? The seven treasure knives in the hands of the old man of Nanjue, across the martial arts, and the six machetes in the hands of the old man of Beijue are invincible. At a glance, who can be their opponent? So everyone is very uneasy in their hearts!

Jin Ziyu asked Zhuang Daomin, "Grandhero Zhuang, thank you for your blunt words, but I don't know what you are going to do next?" Zhuang Daomin said, "Will you let me go back?"

Jin Ziyu said, "That's natural! We won't embarrass you!"

Zhuang Daomin nodded, "Then thank you very much. I promise to go back and keep my mouth shut. I won't say anything. I also promise that I won't stand on the stage this seven-star ring!"

Jin Ziyu thanked Zhuang Daomin, and everyone sent him to the hospital. Zhuang Daomin punched everyone, "Guys, we'll see you later!"

After saying that, he flew to the room and disappeared into the night...

Everyone went back to discuss it. It seems that this matter is still troublesome and everyone else has dealt with it. It is this two-south two-parts that really give us a headache, but there is nothing we can do. Everyone is not sure. In the middle of the night, everyone is also sleeping. Let's take it step by step...

All night, it was dawn. Everyone had finished washing and took the brigade to rush to the seven-star ring. Today is the second day to open the rally. There were 30% more people watching the scene than yesterday. Young and old heroes sat in the East Stand. Seeing that the people in the West Stand were earlier than them, they were all seated. As soon as they arrived in the East Stand, they saw from A man came down from the west stand and flew to the ring. This man came to the stage, punched the people under the stage, and then punched the East Stand. "Dear martial arts heroes, heroes of the world, I am Zheng Daoyuan, the owner of Qizhai on Qixing Island. Today, I was the first to go to the stage. Yesterday, I was the third of the ten elders in Shandong. Old Tong Fengshan Tong Laoxia did not win or lose. Let's continue to compete today. Tong Laoxia, please come up!"

How can Tong Fengshan be stopped by him? Flying on the seven-star ring, holding the dragon's stick, and then watching Zheng Daoyuan press the spring with his hand and the purple sword out of its sheath. The two have nothing to say. They fight together in one place. This opening scene is very wonderful. The hero is nervous about the hero and the stage, and they all work hard for their own people. The audience is stunned. Attracted by this wonderful fight.

The two played 50 rounds, and there was no winner. Zheng Daoyuan thought to himself, "The old boy is really difficult to deal with. Alas, why don't I win him in a hundred ways!"

Thinking of this, Zheng Daoyuan was fighting. Suddenly, he slipped under his feet and did not stand firmly, so he fell on the platform. Tong Fengshan saw that there was an opportunity to take advantage of it. As soon as the old man entered, he raised the stick and smashed it. However, as soon as his dragon stick was raised, he saw Zheng Daoyuan's sword supporting the platform, and his whole body stood up. He raised his right leg and kicked the old man's abdomen. Tong Fengshan was trying to avoid it. This kick was kicking the old knights away. An arc kicked him off the ring. The old man Jin Ziyu didn't see well, and then went down to the East Stand. It was too late to save people. He had to borrow his way and look at his feet in the east stand. The top of the man flew out, catched the third, and gently fell into the dust. At a glance, the old man Tong clenched his teeth and his lips were blue. The old man quickly pushed the palace to give him blood by massage. After a while, the old man Tong slowly opened his eyes, opened his mouth, and sprayed blood on the ground, and then he fell unconscious. It was the old man Tongxia who had decades of skills. In addition, he did not fall to the ground this time, so he had no worries about his life, but at least he had to lie in ** for half a year to recover and suffer internal injury!

Mr. Jin rushed to carry Lao San back to the inn to recover from his injury. He just wanted to go on the stage in person. Unexpectedly, someone had already stepped on the ring before him. He saw who it was. It was the fourth brother's iron fungus. He carried a tiger double basket to fight against Zheng Daoyuan. There were 50 rounds in one fight. Zheng Daoyuan saw that the fourth iron master's martial arts skills were not inferior to Tong Fengshan, because He has been playing for a while, and his physical exertion is very heavy. When he meets Tiemu'er, he is obviously exhausted. Now he has reached 50 rounds. This guy is sweating profusely. At a glance, the fourth master saw that the moves were tightened, and the double baskets danced like flying. Later, the fourth master made a move called double-colliding basket. The upper basket slammed Zheng Daoyuan's neck, and below A basket slammed Zheng Daoyuan's lower abdomen. Zheng Daoyuan didn't look good at it. He couldn't take care of it. The sword lifted it up and jumped out of the upper basket. At the same time, his body shook the left side vigorously, but slowly, the front of the fourth master's basket was a sharp one. The circle was full of rings, and the rings were blades, which was extremely sharp. A ring just crossed Zheng Daoyuan's back waist. This suddenly drew a cut more than four inches deep, which made blood jump. Zheng Daoyuan turned over and fell down with a "Ouch". Fourth Master Tie saw that he was not dead. As soon as he stepped forward, he was about to attack. Suddenly, he heard that the evil wind behind him was not good, and the fourth master knew that someone had fallen behind him. With his hand, he quickly rushed forward and flew over from the far away body. He looked back and said, "What kind of person!"

As soon as he looked at the man, holding a blue sword in his hand, it was Ma Daofeng, the owner of the six villages of Qixing Island. At this time, the people in the west stand quickly came to lift Zheng Daoyuan down. Everyone went back to the west stands to check and found that this basket was fierce enough to destroy Zheng Daoyuan's kidney. One, Zheng Daoyuan is already unconscious. He quickly ordered someone to treat the injury. Zheng Daoyuan's life was saved, but even if he was cured, he was completely useless. Why, the kidney was gone? Didn't that person say that there was still a kidney? Yes, in fact, this boy's kidney used to be bad. According to the current words, there is a kidney atrophy, and the other is good. Now this good kidney is broken, and the other one has atrophy, so he is also a useless person!

Besides, on the stage, Ma Daofeng shook the blue sword and was about to fight with Fourth Master Tie. At this time, another person came up from the stage. Fourth Master Tie saw that it was the second brother's 'iron hook silver hook' silver phoenix friend. Why did Second Master Yin come up? He saw that Lao Si had been fighting for a while and couldn't make the same mistake. He was afraid that Lao Si would suffer losses, so he entered the seven-star ring! After replacing the fourth master of iron, the fourth master of iron was warm in his heart. Thanks to the second brother, he got off the ring and returned to the East Stand!

As soon as the blue sword saw, the iron fungus went down. He thought it was impossible to stop him, so he sprinkled all his anger on the silver phoenix friend, and the sword went smoothly, "I will not die under my sword, sign up and fight again!" Yinfengyou, your second master Yin!"

As soon as Ma Daofeng heard it, "Oh, Yin Fengyou, I don't care about your Fengyou, take your life!"

As soon as he rushed forward, the sword was trying to split Huashan Mountain, and the big sword hung down and cut it down! Second Master Silver saw that the sword was coming. He was not in a hurry. He set the double hook and cross flowers on it and opened it! The sword just touched the double hook, and it was a splash of Mars! Two people are fighting in one place!