Yanling Cave Sky

Chapter 112 Dream Ghost King

Gu Xiaoyi is really brave. There is a dark shadow in front of him, and he is chasing after him. After that, he shuttles through the woods. Because he runs in the woods, he doesn't have to use it. The shadow doesn't seem to run so fast intentionally. Gu Xiaoyi wears his feet and doesn't catch up with this person. He was tired and sweating profusely...

But the young man had only one meaning, that is, he must make things clear, continue to chase forward, and chase them. Suddenly, the dark shadow flashed, and disappeared. Gu Xiaoyi stopped his body and looked around. He didn't find anything. He asserted that the shadow must have been hidden in a corner. He slowly looked forward. Suddenly, he found that there seemed to be a firelight shaking not far ahead, which was relatively weak. His heart was moved. His heart said that as long as there were people here, it was easy to do things. I went up and ask a question or two. He continued to walk along the firelight. It seemed to be very close, but in fact it was not. It was quite far away. When he got closer, where the fire was weak? Here A large field, surrounded by wooden fences, and more than a dozen bonfires are lit inside. There is a huge shed on it, so it is not very obvious from afar. The shed is quite tall and large. I don't know why such a shed was built. Maybe it is afraid of being discovered by others. There are pillars around, and Gu Xiaoyi came to the open space. On the edge, he found a hidden place to live in his body and poked his head out to watch carefully...

He saw that the bonfire in the middle was the most vigorous. The rest were surrounded by small piles. Sitting on a table from north to south was not very high, about five feet. There was a high chair on the table, and there was a large table with many things on it. Because it was not very clear from a distance, it seemed to be a sacrifice. There is an incense burner with incense on it. There are two chairs on the left and right sides of the table. There is a person on each chair on the table. There are many people standing under the stage, all kinds of them. Standing there, they are motionless. Strangely, everyone wear masks and can't see their facial features!

Gu Xiaoyi didn't move, thinking that I would like to see what they were doing!

After a while, it may be the time. The person sitting on it stood up, walked to the front of the incense table, looked at these people under the stage, spread out their hands upwards, "Ah~~~! Dear children of Ghost Wangchuan, your souls are calling me, and your bodies are also calling to me. I will remember everything you have done for your mission. My people, you are great, you are brave, and you will live forever!"

These people under the stage also did the same action and said in unison, "Our respected Your Majesty the Ghost King, our soul belongs to you, and our body also belongs to you. We are waiting for your call at any time!!"

Gu Xiaoyi, ghost king? Is this leader called the Ghost King? What the hell are they doing? Look carefully...

See this ghost king and put your hands down. "You said, I will help you realize your dreams. I will let your souls live forever in the world. Come on, my people, I want to take you to another world...!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty the Ghost King!"

"Your ascension is in the center. After going to power and being baptized by the king, you can ascend to heaven safely!"

Then he patted his chin three times. The four people beside him stood up, came to the end of the table, and stood up in turn. The first so-called people got on the table. There was a large long bed in front of the table, and there was still white air on it. This man drank a cup given to him by the ghost king first. Holy water, then lay down, looked at the ghost king, and stretched out his hands. From then on, the man's head to feet were applied, but his hands did not touch the body, as if there was a breath from this person's body. He repeatedly raised his hands three times. Finally, he saw the man lying in **, and his body was empty and straight. The four people at the entrance of the next ladder were carried by two people and walked off the stage to the side of the largest bonfire in the center. It turned out that the bonfire was surrounded by rectangular pits, which were very regular. The width could just put down a person and put the man into the pit...

Gu Xiaoyi looked behind and said to himself, who are these people? What is this ghost king doing? Does he really know any magic?

I saw these people go up one by one, just like the first person, repeating the process just now. After a while, the pit around the bonfire in the middle were all filled, and all the people in the field were put into the pit. Then I saw the ghost king gestured at the four people, and the four people retreated separately. Behind him, the ghost king stood in the middle of the stage, with words in his mouth. Gu Xiaoyi couldn't hear or understand anything, but as he read it, a strange thing happened, and he saw the small fire around him, all of which were close to the big bonfire in the center. When he got close to the edge of the surrounding pit, he suddenly turned in. When the bonfire splashed, there was a sea of fire. Suddenly, the roof above it fell down and covered the sea of fire and soon turned into ashes...

Gu Xiaoyi looked behind and cheated. He thought, "Oh, my God, what kind of person is this? They have been burned to death. Needless to ask, these people on the stage are definitely not good people. What do I dare to do? I finally met someone, but I didn't expect it to meet them like this. If I rush out now, I must do it with them. I have never seen the martial arts of this person who claims to be the ghost king. If I start, I'm not sure at all. Why don't I see what they are going to do next? I will secretly follow them to see where their nest is!

Suddenly, I saw the ghost king's big sleeve shaken, and the sea of fire was gone and dark! Gu Xiaoyi's heart was a little hairy, and his body was full of goose bumps. In fact, there was a strong light just now. Suddenly, the light disappeared and he couldn't see the objects at night clearly. In fact, today is the stars in the sky, and there is also moonlight. Although it is not very strong, Xiaoyi closed his eyes, recovered for a period of time, and slowly opened his eyes. The moonlight and starlight were looking for those people. Gu Xiaoyi looked at the open open space, came out of the grass with courage, held a sentry stick, and came to the open space tremblingly. First, he came to the scene of the accident and took a closer look. There was nothing, not even a trace of fire. Gu Xiaoyi's body was cool, and his heart said What a ghost, what's going on! He checked the open space several times and found no traces of hollowing. Is everything in front of me hallucinations? He looked carefully again. The table was still there, making sure that it was not an illusion, but if all this was true, why didn't the people who were buried just now have any trace? How could those fires suddenly go out?

He came to the table and looked at it. The table was still there, and the things on it were also there. He touched it with his hand, and it was all stone. The five chairs were all made of stone. He had seen that the cup of holy water the ghost king had just given to his people was also on the table, at the end of his hand and he didn't take it. Move, it turned out to be a stone, so how did you pick up this cup? The doubts in Xiaoyi's heart are one after another, and he is puzzled!

He circled dozens of times on the table and found no suspicious signs. Suddenly, he became interested in the stone bed, that is, the bed on which he lay on and touched it with his hands. There was no special feeling. It was made of stone, but he suddenly felt that the bed felt very cold, Xiaoyi I didn't take it too seriously and didn't find anything. Did you go back empty-handed like this? Xiaoyi himself also hated himself. Why did he see these people not go there directly? Even if he fought with them, he really got nothing. As soon as he was angry, he subconsciously kicked the stone bed and made a strange sound. Xiaoyi listened carefully, which seemed to be empty, Gu Xiao Yi will be interested right away!

He opened the fire fold. This thing is a must-have for night pedestrians. How can he not take it without it? With the light, he carefully observed the stone bed. There was nothing special. He came to the table again and remembered the wine glass that had just been picked up. Suddenly, his heart lit up. Could it be that there was an article in this wine glass?

He carefully took a look at the wine glass with a fold of fire and found that there seemed to be traces of friction on the table. He thought about it. Just now, the wine glass was up and did not move, so I moved it to both sides. Thinking of this, he grabbed the stone wine glass with his hand and twisted it to the left without twisting it. Then he twisted it to the right. The glass moved. He twisted the glass again and twisted it 90 degrees. With a force, he picked it up. There was nothing special about the glass, and there was no reaction around it. , he used fire folding to illuminate the bottom and table of the cup and found something wrong. He found that there was a hole on the table, that is, where the base of the cup was placed. The bottom of the cup was a five-star shape, and the table was also inlaid with five stars. He put the cup back, twisted it to the right again, twisted it 90 degrees, and suddenly Hearing the "kak" behind him, he didn't scare Xiaoyi to death! He shivered and settled down. Looking back, it turned out that the wide bed wall of the stone bed was open and it was a secret door!

Gu Xiaoyi was shocked. Why did he feel so uncomfortable? When he touched it with his hand, his sweat soaked his clothes, that is, a martial arts practicer. If he was an ordinary person, he would have been scared to death several times. Gu Xiaoyi sat in a chair and rested for a while, wiped the sweat on his forehead, and then crossed his heart and said in his heart. : How can you get a tiger if you don't enter the tiger's den! Today, I drank my head and hit the golden bell. I'd like to see what's in it?!