Yanling Cave Sky

Chapter 113 Bold

Gu Xiaoyi is really unambiguous. He dares to go anywhere and doesn't ask about the price. Now he left everything behind, opened the mechanism, and took pictures inside with a fire fold. It seemed to be quite deep, but he couldn't see anything. He didn't think much about it. He leaned in first, and then slowly rubbed back and passed. After a while, the whole body went in. Xiaoyi's heart crossed, and his hands were loosened, and he slid down with a "bang". Fortunately, this passage was a slope!

After sliding for a while, the speed slowed down and slowly stopped. Gu Xiaoyi opened his eyes. It was dark and he couldn't see anything. He touched his hands blindly, as if he had touched something. He took out the fire fold and took a picture. Xiaoyi was so scared that he sweated coldly and suddenly flowed out. He touched it was dry. Xiaoyi clenched his fist tightly. According to this scary skeleton, it was a punch. I don't know how long this skeleton has been. Shit. With one punch, he smashed the skeleton. Sheila scattered on the ground and looked around. It was all this thing. Xiaoyi looked at it and seemed to be a tunnel. It was quite Wide, he stood up and couldn't touch the top of his head. He groped in step by step with the whistle stick and walked for a while. A wall flashed in front of him, as if it were a dead man...

Gu Xiaoyi saw that there were two torches on both sides of the wall. He lit the torch with a fire fold. This time, it was so bright that he could see everything clearly. He looked for the exit and repeatedly thought about the scene that had just happened. He felt that those people must have gone from this tunnel, so they disappeared so quickly!

But he searched for a long time and found nothing, but he did not give up and continued to look for it. He firmly believed that there must be a mechanism to go out! Knocking here and touching there, finally found that there seemed to be some problems with the two lit torches. He came to observe carefully and found the flaws. There was a dark groove under the torch on the left, and there was also a dark groove under the torch on the right. Gu Xiaoyi tried it separately, inside There was an iron pimple. Xiaoyi calmed down and remembered that when Luzhou Prefecture broke the Zibohou Mansion, there were also many organs and the design was very exquisite. Will this organs also be virtual and real? I have to pay more attention to it. He really thought so!

He reached out and took out something in the treasure bag. It turned out to be a long velvet rope. He first tied the iron pimples on the left with velvet rope, because the iron pimples were convex and concave on the current gear, he tied all the velvet ropes to the concave part, and then made a circle in front of him, so that he pulled it in the distance. , can twist the iron pimples, and it's all ready. Gu Xiaoyi dodged far away. First, he stepped on the land and made sure it was on the ground. He lay on the ground, pulled the velvet rope with his hand, and the iron pimples turned. With such a twist, he saw the ceiling open "kaba" and smashed down a big iron cage from it and fell to the ground. How much force it was. Gu Xiaoyi broke the velvet rope and splashed a lot of dust. Gu Xiaoyi was secretly happy. At the same time, he heard the string of bells ringing. Gu Xiaoyi realized that someone had to come immediately, but he resolutely decided not to leave and had to confront these people!

As expected, as he expected, the opposite wall turned around, and many masked people came in from the other side. Everyone held a ghost-headed steel knife in their hands, and one of them came in and looked into the cage, and was stunned! Brothers, I said, is there something wrong with the mechanism because it hasn't been used for a long time? Why did it fall down by itself? There is nothing?!"

The men don't know what's going on, "Head, this is really strange. That's not right. There must be someone. Otherwise, who lit the torch here?"

Head, "No, it seems that we have been found by outsiders. Outsiders have come in here. Hurry up and report to the ghost king. Let's search here and be sure to catch the intruder!"

As he spoke, a little boy in the team turned around and went in. The others searched ahead. Gu Xiaoyi was not far away. The space here was limited. Gu Xiaoyi said that it would be better for me to do it first and catch them off guard. Thinking of this, Gu Xiaoyi suddenly rushed forward, waved the whistle and rushed here. The head of a man is just a stick! The wind arrived. These people actually looked for someone and were on guard, but the sudden attack was also unpreventable. This stick hit the head of the leader. The stick hit this one into the wall. The others looked at it, "What kind of person!" When they were so stunned, Gu Xiaoyi's whistle rod arrived. He bowed left and right, beating the little boy at a loss and fled back one after another. Gu Xiaoyi followed him to the other side of the wall. When he came to this side, he saw that it was brightly lit. It was a large and spacious room with stairs in front of him. It seemed that he could go up there. Gu Xiaoyi doesn't know where to go. Let's go step by step!

At this time, these people also reacted. They waved the knife in their hands and fell out with ruthlessly towards Gu Xiaoyi. Gu Xiaoyi's eyes turned red. He said that I couldn't show mercy today. I waved the whistle stick and tried my whole body to solve it. In this fight, Gu Xiaoyi also had two strokes. He was capable of beating those chivalrous men. I'm afraid it's still a little hard, but beating these little guys is no different from cutting melons and vegetables. This guy is very happy. He beat these people to cry for their father and mother. He ran early and picked up a cheap one. He ran late and died of his life. Gu Xiaoyi finished beating down, followed the wounded soldiers and went up the stairs!

When he came to the top, he saw a door. He came out of the door and came to a place. Then he looked at the place where the place was very wide. It was a natural cave. The light ball made the light loose, shining like daylight. Looking at the front, there were five people sitting. It was the five people he saw in front of the field. He judged that it was just that. Because of wearing masks, I'm not sure. There are people on both sides. Masks cover their faces. Seeing the true face of Lushan, it is quiet. Except for the sound of water dripping in the cave, there are many piles in the center of the cave, and there are chains wrapped on them. It is estimated that it is for binding people, but one thing is very strange. These people are like wood carving clay sculptures, none of them move, and they can't even hear the sound of breathing!

Gu Xiaoyi looked at it, which one did he play? He jumped to the middle, facing the high platform, and pointed his hand to the guy sitting in the middle, "Who the hell are you? Pretling to be a ghost here! Why don't you show me your real body and let me see what kind of virtue you are!"

But after shouting, these people didn't seem to hear it. Gu Xiaoyi shouted loudly, "If you don't make a sound, then I will turn you all into ghosts today!"

He looked at the people around him and captured the king first. I have to catch the leader first. On the one hand, I can seize these people, and on the other hand, I can know everything I want to know from his mouth! Thinking of this, Gu Xiaoyi flew up to the high platform and came to the leader. At this time, he was also very nervous. He was seven or eight feet away and pointed to the man's head with a whistle stick, "Why don't you talk? Are you afraid of the young master?! If you don't answer, I'll see who you are!?"

As he spoke, he picked off the man's mask with the head of the whistle stick. He was still young. The so-called young maniac was not fake at all. He was still not careful enough. You didn't think about why these people moved. His mask touched the mechanism. He also saw his face clearly and knew that he had been fooled. , what's the matter? It turned out that he was not a real person, but a mud dummy. He put on human clothes and faked the truth, but there was a hidden mechanism in it. It didn't matter if he picked a mask like this. He sprayed two streams of yellow smoke from the dummy's nose. The range was quite far. In fact, it's not far away. There was a smell that pierced Gu Xiaoyi's nostrils. Gu Xiaoyi I felt so fragrant. This smell was bad. I sneezed, and then I felt that the world was spinning, the whistle stick fell to the ground, and lay on the ground, which was unconscious...

I don't know how long it took. Gu Xiaoyi opened his eyes in a daze and found that he was in a black hole room, a cold bed. His body was chained. If he wanted to move, he was bound to ascend to the sky. Suddenly, a figure in front of him flashed a person, shawl, and his face was full of blood. , grinning, his hands stretched forward, reaching to Gu Xiaoyi's neck and came over. Gu Xiaoyi looked at this person while struggling. Looking carefully, isn't this Grandpa Gu Sifang? Xiaoyi thought to himself: Grandpa, open your eyes and have a look. I'm your grandson. How can you bear to do something? He wanted to shout, but he couldn't shout out. He was afraid, anxious and impatient. He suddenly felt cold and opened his eyes. There was a bright light in front of him. Xiaoyi thought about it. It turned out to be a dream, but he swept his eyes all over, which scared him very much!

I'm still in the cave. Those mud fetuses are alive. They are fierce and evil. This time, they all moved. The mask is different from the one just now. There are two holes in the middle, revealing two eyes, and each of them is shining! Looking at him, Xiaoyi looked at himself, which was tied to a pile in the middle of the hole and tied by an iron chain. It was very difficult to move! It turned out that someone poured cold water on such a thrill just now! At this time, Gu Xiaoyi looked at it and fell into the hands of the enemy. He was very unwilling. He thought of Grandpa again and said to himself, "Grandpa, where are you?"