Yanling Cave Sky

Chapter 321 Ren Wei Detective

Bao Shirong came to Bao Zheng's house, and then also solicited Bao Zheng's advice. Bao Zheng also agreed to Bao Shirong's practice, but he asked Bao Shirong not to be reckless so as not to scare the snake! Bao Shirong nodded, chatted with Bao Zheng for a while, and then got up to say goodbye. Bao Zheng did not send him out. Just a few of his men sent Bao Shirong to the gate, and then waved goodbye. Lord Bao returned to his house with several knights. It was no different from usual, and he did not say that he added Shuanggang. , or some other strict guard measures, Lord Bao found the four chivalrous men and the hero Wang Renwei in the study and asked them to listen closely to the surrounding movements. Then everyone began to talk in detail. Their voices were very small, only the people in the room could hear them, and the people outside could not be heard. Wang Ren Wei is actually holding a breath in his heart. Why? Because this time, Lord Bao just took the four chivalrous men from east, west, north and south to visit various palaces, but did not let him go. He was not unhappy. Why did he say this? I was also born and died with adults. Why don't I receive such attention? In terms of martial arts, the four chivalrous men may not be my opponents. This time, check the inner eyes of the capital. Why don't you want me to participate in such a major thing? I have to make something to show you. I, Wang Renwei, am not here to eat free food! Wang Renwei made up his mind secretly!

Lord Bao said, "Everyone gathered today. Today, we visited two royal palaces and my uncle respectively. I analyzed that Zhao Yang's eyes and ears should be hidden around us, passing on the news to Zhao Yang from time to time. I think Zhao Yang is also sitting full preparation now. You What do you say?"

Bei Xia said, "Yes, he must be thinking about some countermeasures against us now, or he has already set up the dragon gate array and let us drill into it!"

Lord Bao nodded and said, "Yes, Beixia's analysis is extremely reasonable. I think we will definitely see some clues when we go to Longtubo's house tomorrow. It would be better if any evidence can be found, which is more beneficial to us!"

Everyone was fully prepared and waited for the arrival of the next day. After that, everyone went to sleep one after another. Wang Renwei followed everyone out of the study, then returned to his room, lying in front of ** and thinking about it. Finally, he decided to visit Longtubo Mansion tonight. Wang Renwei's idea was really high. I'm bold. In fact, it's also to help Lord Bao do things well and don't let others laugh. It's useless for me to come here. It's not to poke here, but also to show my strength. I don't have to be the four chivalrous people. I can still make better achievements. Based on the above ideas, Wang Renwei held his breath. He rested early and slept until the third watch. He got up. At this time, the night was quiet and there was no sound at all. Wang Renwei listened carefully and made sure that there was no breath at all. Then he was relieved that if he was found, he could not go. Wang Renwei changed his night walk. Clothes, carried his big abacus, and then prepared his treasure bag and put it on his body to see that Zhou's body was tight. Then he gently pushed the door open and flashed. He came out of the room and looked left and right. There was no one. His feet rose up and went to the room. There is no sound. It can be seen that Wang Renwei's light skill is not inferior to Tao Yuan. After he came to put it, he looked around with his arms, argued the direction, then leaned down and rushed directly to Long Tubo's house. Did the one say that he knew where Long Tubo's house was? In fact, Lord Bao said more than once. How could he not recognize it? Besides, although the capital is prosperous, it is not so big, so it is not difficult to find it. In a short time, he came to the vicinity of Longtupe's house. He did not dare to appear in the vicinity of Longtupe's house, because he was afraid of being found by the people in the house, because Analysis, at this time, Longtubo Mansion must be a dangerous place. It should have dug down deep pits and other tigers and leopards, sprinkled incense bait to fish for Jinao. I'm afraid there are people everywhere, and many pairs of eyes are staring at him, so he is also very careful. Wang Renwei went up a tree and condescending. Looking at the whole Longtubo Mansion, although It's midnight, but it's still brightly lit, and there are still many people walking around. Wang Renwei's heart is shocked. He said that it's so late. Why does the house seem to be like the daytime? What is this? Do you have to be on duty for one night? In this case, it is not easy to go into the house to find something or news. Later, Wang Renwei thought, if it is easy, what should I, Wang Renwei do? Isn't that meaningless? I really shouldn't think so. I'm going to move the earth on this old head today! Let's see if I am Wang Renwei or you Zhao Yang! See? Now Wang Renwei is still twisted!

Thinking of this, he quietly jumped down from the tree and touched the back of Longtubo's house in a circle. There were fewer lights here, but there was still light, but it was a little dim! Wang Renwei is also very experienced. Although he has been a shopkeeper for so many years, he dares not relax his martial arts experience in walking in the world, so he stretched out his hand and took out a stone from the treasure bag. In fact, it was called Wenlu Feihuangshi and gently threw it across the wall. I don't know who designed the Longtubo Mansion. , the wall is very high, and it is impossible for ordinary people to go up. If you become a famous chivalrous man, if you are not good at martial arts, it is not easy to jump up. The big wall is two feet high, but there is still no problem for you to throw a stone. Wang Renwei listened outside and purring. After a few sounds, there was nothing Wang Renwei looked up and looked at the big wall, two feet high. Wang Renwei also took a deep breath. With his martial arts, to be precise, it should be light martial arts. Whether he can jump up or not, he is also uncertain!

He looked at the left and right and saw that there was no one around. It was indeed all calm. First, he withdrew about ten meters. He had to run first. He had to use this strength and then go up again. Then he praised his feet a little. Suddenly, his body left the ground, vertically up to a foot high, and then he kicked the wall with one foot in the air and put his body. There was a slight deviation from the big wall, and then rose five feet high. Then he kicked the wall with his right foot. His body rushed up five feet to the top of the big wall, which had already exceeded the big wall. Wang Renwei instantly pulled out of the hundred treasure bag and grabbed the chain lock. He shook his hand and hung it on the wall, so someone would ask. Why can Wang Renwei reach the height of the wall? Why doesn't he pick up the wall with his hand? In fact, Wang Renwei was afraid of any mechanism on the wall. In case he had it, he would be unlucky. In this way, he could see everything on the wall and knew it in his heart. Then he used the flying hundred chain lock, hooked the wall, and then stuck to the wall, climbed up along the hundred chain locks, came to the wall, and grabbed the flying hundreds of chains. The chain was put away, and then calmed down a little breath. Looking down, the backyard was very deserted and there was nothing, but a few angry wind lights were shaking all the time. Wang Renwei confirmed everything was correct. He floated from the wall and fell to the dust. There was no sound. Wang Renwei quickly held his breath, and then He sneaked down and tried his best to shadow his body, walk in the shadowy place, touched around, and finally touched the back of the house, but no room was lit with lights, so Wang Renwei thought it was a house. What I want is not a house, but to listen to what they said behind their back first!

He quickly went to the back slope. As soon as he opened his eyes, he found that there was a hall with bright lights. He thought that it was the place he was looking for. If he didn't enter the tiger's den, he could get the tiger. I went to have a look. I guess they would not find it with my light skills. Thinking of this, he quietly came to the hall. Later, he verticaled the house, came to the part of the tile ridge in the middle, raised a tile, and then peeped into it from the cracks. I found that there were really many people in it. There were all kinds of people in a large room, men and women, old and young, all of them. There was a person sitting in the center, and it was really long. It's good, that is, there is a more conspicuous mark on this forehead, which looks like a heavenly character. Because his position is relatively high, he can see part of it, but it is impossible to see all of them. I saw the person in the middle, calmed down, and then said, "Guys, don't be impatient. , I gathered everyone today. In fact, it's just one of our regular meetings. We are still talking freely. Bao Shirong didn't die in Shangqiu, so we have to raise our vigilance. Do they know whether our goals have leaked? It's hard to say about us now. Today, the spy I sent reported that Bao Shirong took the four chivalrous men from east, west, north and south to the two princes's house together. I don't know what he wanted to do, and two people were missing in our house. So far, there is no trace, no audio or letter. I spread so many people, but I still found nothing!"