Yanling Cave Sky

Chapter 322 Blood for Alliance

Wang Renwei is really a bold man. He visited Long Tubo Mansion alone at night and wanted to find some evidence that was beneficial to his people, but it was not so easy. He lay on the ridge of the room and looked at the situation in the room. Zhao Yang gestured and spoke while talking. His face was full of red light. He seemed to be very well maintained. He saw the big Zhao Yang looked particularly happy. "Okay, since you all have such determination, you are also invited by the Lord, so I am here to express my last statement to you. As long as I become a major event, you are the founding fathers of the country. Hahaha, following me is actually equivalent to you. Half of it was successful! Haha!"

"That's right, that's right! There is definitely nothing wrong with following the Lord! We have all followed you!"

"Okay, don't be impatient. Our big event this time is actually about whether everyone's fate has changed! What I want to say is that if we are just like this and have no evidence, it is absolutely impossible. Well, we will all make an alliance today and set up a word, that is to say, we have made a cute single orchid spectrum, and everyone also shows our determination! How about it?"

In fact, Zhao Yang knew very well that he knew that it would not be possible to tie others without this thing, so he must use this method to tie everyone's hearts together, so that he could use his strength in one place and his heart to go to one place. As soon as he proposed this, there were many supporters, fearing the sky. If it is not chaotic, some people begin to coax. Most of the time, it is like this. When no one says it, it is silent. Once someone takes the lead, there is a follow-up. This statement is not true at all! Some people began to shout, "Your Majesty, our hearts are all yours. We have been yours all our lives. We will do whatever you do. We are willing!!! I will follow the Lord all my life, whether it is life or death!" When some people did this, the people behind them raised their arms and shouted that they were willing. In a short time, they incited all the people in the whole hall. This force was huge. Wang Renwei could see clearly in the room and hear it clearly. In this way, Wang Renwei felt a chill behind his head and said that it was true, really It's about rebellion. How many people have to die? Anyway, I must get the whole Mengdan Lanpu in my hand. This is the most important evidence and a powerful evidence for the implementation of arrest. It can be said to kill many birds with one stone! Wang Renwei looked down and saw the skeleton Taoist priest. Of course, Wang Renwei didn't know who he was. When he listened to his introduction, he judged that it should be him and waved his hand. "I understand everyone's mood. I'm also very happy to see everyone like this. Well, let me do it first. I'll go first. With a head, sign my big name first and press my fingerprints!"

As he spoke, the skeleton Taoist priest was the first to come to Zhao Yang's bookcase, picked up the pen, wrote his name, the skeleton Taoist priest, on the first page of the notebook, and then pressed his fingerprints, broke his index finger, and dropped a drop of blood into the big bowl. He waved to everyone, which means that I have finished it. Come on, everyone! Of course, the first one on the first page of Mengdan Lanpu is naturally Zhao Yang!

When the skeleton Taoist priest did this, some dead men began to take the lead, and then lined up one by one. Zhao Yang looked beside him and stared at them one by one. His eyes were like a thief to see who dared not do this and slapped him to death. Zhao Yang is now very cruel, just like before. Zhao Yang, who grows flowers and grass, is completely different. He is simply reborn. While people line up here, they look at Zhao Yang with the afterglow of the corners of their eyes. My mother, if anyone dares to say no, they can eat us now! They all signed obediently, drew the bet, and all of them dripped blood as alliances. Zhao Yang was very satisfied. This period of time was actually relatively long, but Wang Renwei was still very careful. He carefully looked at everyone's appearance and remembered as much as he could remember, at least a slight impression!

It was finally finished one by one. Wang Renwei listened to it and had nothing to do, so he didn't say anything, so Wei was not interested in listening to this. After a while, Zhao Yang waved his hand and everyone dispersed. They went back to their respective rooms. There were only Zhao Yang and skeleton Taoist priests left in the hall. Looking at the people dispersed, Zhao Yang breathed, "Master, our first task this time has been completed. Now I Their people are not enough. These people are all people in the world. Although their number exists in every corner, it is good that the goals are scattered enough. Even if any clues are found by the government, we can immediately know what's going on and respond in an instant. These Jianghu heroes Jie, they are just a small part of my strength, but this power will also increase my strength, and the master is thoughtful and has raised a lot of people for my apprentice!"

The skeleton Taoist smiled and said, "Your Majesty, this is what I should do, but it's far from enough, but I'm not too worried about these people. The only thing I'm worried about now is that Bao Shirong has returned to the capital safely now, and according to the news from our ears, Murong Qingfeng, the first master of Goryeo, has He was arrested by them. In fact, this is also public. As we know what happened in Shangqiu, some other Korean warriors were also arrested. After being escorted to the capital, Bao Shirong kept entering the palace. I guess he went to Zhao Zhen to report! I don't know how they discussed it, and I don't know if Murong Qingfeng has told us about it. I'm worried about this!"

Zhao Yang nodded, "Master's worry is necessary. We have to prevent it. In fact, I have been thinking that since Bao Shirong can safely escape from Shangqiu, what does this mean? It shows that this person is difficult to deal with. Originally, he is an extremely difficult role to deal with. Now, it seems that there are still masters who help secretly, which is even more difficult to deal with. We must act carefully. In fact, I don't care about their masters, even if they have high martial arts skills. Now that my heavenly disabled magic skills have been practiced to the sixth level, I guess I have He is the first master of the Central Plains, and no one is my opponent, right? Master!"

"Yes, I'm not worried about your martial arts, but you are the only one who has such martial arts. How many people can you deal with?"

"Hahahaha, Master, why are you confused? Since I have such magical skills, I can easily sneak into the interior and kidnap the emperor in the middle of the night to hold the emperor to make the princes. Do you think this is not the last move of my bargaining?"

The skeleton Taoist priest smiled and said, "Hahaha, the Lord is still thoughtful. Unfortunately, although your martial arts skills are amazing, is there any master to compete with you? This does not mean how high your martial arts are and cannot be detected!"

"Yes, what the master said is very true. In this way, I can't detect how high my martial arts is! Come on, Master, have a cup of tea first!" As he spoke, Zhao Yang picked up a cup of tea and handed it to the skeleton Taoist priest. The skeleton Taoist priest didn't think much about it. He took it, drank the cup of tea with a smile, and then put the cup on the desk! But as soon as I finished drinking this cup of tea, I felt something was wrong and felt a little uncomfortable. When I said that I was uncomfortable, the strength came up. The skeleton Taoist priest knew that it was not good. He covered his stomach with his hand, and then pointed to Zhao Yang with his hand. "You... You... What did you drink for me?"

Zhao Yang smiled and said, "Ha ha, Master, what I gave you was developed by yourself. You know that after drinking, your power will double, but after removing the power, you will burst and die. Unfortunately, this medicine is extremely difficult to configure. We only have so many, and only enough for ten people. I added a handful of medicine to the tea, so that your martial arts skills will be improved ten times in an instant. Then you are the first master, and I will take you to do an experiment!"

"Good! You evil, you... You...!" After saying a few of you, I was unconscious. I opened my teeth and claws, and my facial features were distorted. Wow, I screamed! When he saw someone, he rushed over and ran directly to Zhao Yang. Zhao Yang saw that he was also relatively nervous, because he knew the effect of this drug, and gave Wei Baode a little some time ago, and then Wei Baode disappeared, indicating that this medicine was very crazy. He knew why he gave it to his master today. What about it? In fact, it is not surprising that it is very easy for a person to become good and bad, so once the situation that can't be cleaned up comes at this time, he will do everything he wants to do unscrupulously. In order to save himself, Zhao Yang can only sacrifice the skeleton Taoist priest, because the skeleton Taoist priest knows too much! I have no choice but to do it!

Zhao Yang saw that the skeleton Taoist priest came for him, put his palms together and directly hit Zhao Yang's chest. Zhao Yang did not see it well, and his body retreated back and got rid of the palm of the skeleton Taoist priest. Then Zhao Yang shook his hand and his body was strange, so he directly used the "sky" on his forehead. It began to turn red, and then it turned red all over. As soon as he waved, he fought with the skeleton Taoist priest. Inside the hall, the wind was loud! Wang Renwei is on the ridge of the room, how can he miss such a beautiful nest fight? Keep watching the situation in the house!