yao ding

Chapter 14 Strange Old man

Take a deep breath and relieve your nervousness. Push the door of the house open.

I saw that the house was dark and I couldn't see my fingers. A moment later, a little fire suddenly shone, making Yun Yixian couldn't help covering his eyes. The firelight came from a brick stove, and there was an old man like a dead bone standing next to the road.

The old man** is on his upper body, the bones in his chest are all protruding, and his lower body is just tied with a sack. A head and body look extremely incongruous, and the head is covered with white hair, which is extremely neat. The old man's face was extremely incongibility, but his eyes were bright, greedy and arrogant, as if looking for prey.

Yun Yi leisurely looked at the old man and saw that he was as thin as a firewood, but the eagle looked at the wolf. I can't help wondering, is this old man the guy who wants to test me?

The old man tightened the sack tied to his waist and cleared his throat and said, "I've been waiting here for a long time!" Yun Yijian saw him talking and asked quickly, "Where is the sacred object you mentioned?" I have passed the test. You should also fulfill your promise to give me that bullshit, and then let me out!"

The old man coughed twice and said, "The boy is so slippery. At that time, I was talking about three tests. You only passed two ways and wanted me to let you go. There was no door fight!" Yun Yixian couldn't help saying, "Old man, then tell me quickly what the third test is. I'm fine, and then leave this gloomy place!"

The old man said angrily, "What the hell! This is my private house. Although it is not as luxurious as those large families in Tiandu, it can also be called a luxury house!"

Yun Yixian looked around. In this house, except for a stove that keeps beating in the stove, it is a dirty bed and a greasy table. When the old man saw him looking at the pattern in the house, he was unhappy and said hurriedly, "Bad boy, the third test is very simple. As long as you clean up the house, the sacred object will naturally be yours. And I will also send you away."

Hearing what he said, Yun Yi picked up a firewood on the ground and lit it in the stove to illuminate the house. But the ground of the house is covered with oil, and the dust on the walls can cover a grave. As for the bed and table, Yun Yixian couldn't even bear to look at it.

The old man looked at Yun Yixian proudly and said to himself, "I'm afraid you can't pass this time!" My room has not been cleaned for more than 100 years.

Unexpectedly, Yun Yixian accepted it, carried the black sword on his back, and walked towards the table. The old man saw him wipe the table with his sleeves. He laughed and said, "Okay, okay! Boy, clean it up slowly, and I will help you with some water!" After saying that, I didn't see how he would move, but when he saw the wind blowing outside the window, it rained heavily in an instant. The old man raised his hand and a strong wind opened the window. And the strong wind outside the window blew in the downpour.

Yun Yixian suddenly felt a cold body. He said angrily, "This rain has rushed in, and you have kept your house alive!" At that time, I'm afraid it won't be clean for three days and nights!"

But the old man didn't worry him. He didn't know where he conjured two buckets. The big bucket is half tall and extremely large. Obviously, the weight is not light. If it is loaded, it is no longer a minority. The old man grabbed a bucket in one hand, turned around a few times, and actually put all the rainwater blown into the bucket.

Yun Yijian was stunned to see that he had missed this skill. Even if he had practiced for decades, he may not be able to do this old man. This old man is skinny, but his strength is so strong. I'm afraid he has already surpassed the realm of the soul emperor!

The old man raised his head and roared at the wind outside the window, and the window was tightly closed. I don't know if the old man blew the window close or the wind stopped outside the house. But Yun Yixian only said that the old man was extremely powerful, and it was better not to offend him.

The old man put the barrel on the ground, laughed and said, "Kid, if you don't clean up the house honestly. Just live with me in this house for the rest of your life!" Yun Yi said that it would be better to live with you on the spot than to live with you all your life! So he said to the old man, "Bad old man, you want me to clean this up. Why use so many despicable means? First, let the three lion and scorpion king lead me in, then send two one-eye beasts to attack, and then let me cross the 10,000-story ladder in fear. I was scared to death by you. If you directly asked me to help you clean the room, I wouldn't want to agree!"

The old man immediately laughed when he heard his words, and then said with his stomach in his hand, "I didn't expect you to be smart. The previous tests test your courage, mind and belief. And my test is to test your patience. In my estimation, it will take at least ten days for this mansion to be completely cleaned up. And I still don't eat or sleep, and wash all day and night.

Yun Yixian did not distinguish from him, and his subordinates accelerated his movements. When the old man saw him like this, he said, "Okay. Just clean it up here. I will see if the sacred object is intact. If you can pass the test, I can give it to you. After saying that, he flashed and went out of the door.

At this time, there was wind and rain outside the house, and lightning and thunder. Yun Yi said leisurely, "This old man is so thin and weak. If he can't stand the wind, rain and cold and dies on the road, it's not good!" If this old man was hit by lightning and died, I would have to stay in this damn place for the rest of my life. Stinky old man, you must be fine!"

Thinking so in his heart, his subordinates did not stop at all. In the past ten days, the strange old man has never appeared.

The black coat that Wanzong sent to him has been torn after more than ten days of wear and tear. Yun Yixian was also dirty at this time, but she did not give birth to lice and fleas. Yun Yixian looked at the house, which was almost cleaned by him inside and outside, leaving only the small piece around the stove. Yun Yixian decided to take a day off and clean the stove the next day.

On the fifteenth day, Yun Yixian was busy from the bright sun in the early morning to the sunset. Looking at this new house, Yun Yixian actually has an inexplicable sense of achievement and satisfaction. Just then, a crock suddenly fell out of the stove. The tile pot was tattered, but with a terrible aroma.

Yun Yi hurriedly picked up the crock and looked inside. At this glance, it was found that there was a slowly a jar of amethyst coins in the clay pot. In the currency of the Dinghun Continent, one gold coin is 100 silver coins, while one silver coin is 100 copper coins. But this amethyst coin can be exchanged for 10,000 gold coins!

This jar is heavy to buy, and obviously there are a lot of amethyst coins. That is to say, what Yun Yixian is holding at this time is definitely a "rich jar"! Yun Yixian suddenly struggled in his heart. This jar full of amethyst coins is absolutely more than enough to build an army or buy several islands. If this jar is taken, it will definitely rise in the future.

In other thoughts, this jar is the strange old man's thing. It's inappropriate to take it yourself. Moreover, if you are caught by the old man, it will be difficult to save your life.

But it's a pity that such a large can of amethyst coins is not in the bag. After all, money is useful at all times.

Yun Yi struggled for a moment, but decided to put the tile pot back into the stove. Thinking that since the old man hid the money in the stove, he certainly didn't want people to touch it. No wonder he said that his mansion was a luxury house. It turned out that he had this tile pot to make a treasure of the house!

At this time, the old man came in with a wine jug and burp. He staggered to Yun Yixian and pointed to the stove and said, "In my tile pot, there are a total of 3664 amethyst coins. Did you count carefully just now?

Yun Yixian was shocked and said that there was no greed, otherwise the old man might make things difficult for me again. Unexpectedly, after taking a sip of wine, the old man squatted down and said to Yun Yixian, "Have you cleaned up these amethyst coins?"

Yun Yixian shook his head and said to himself, this amethyst coin is much cleaner than your old man's house! Seeing him shake his head, the old man put his arms around her shoulder and said, "Since you haven't cleaned it up, let's keep cleaning up." 3164 pieces. Wipe it clean one by one. You can't lose one. Of course, you can't lose one more!"

Yun Yi said leisurely that it is possible to lose it. How can there be more! More than 3600 amethyst coins are more than 36 million gold coins! This old man dares to give it to me to clean up. He is really confident in his strength!

Yun Yijian saw him squatting beside him and waiting, and did not leave, as if he was afraid that he would become greedy and take away his wealth. He silently wiped the more than 3,000 amethyst coins one by one. It was not until the next morning that Yun Yixian wiped the can of amethyst coins clean and counted it dozens of times to make sure that none of them was missing.

The old man also stayed beside Yun Yixian this night, giving Yun Yixian how the Great Western Dynasty was established and how the founding emperor was. Yun Yi listened with relish and didn't feel sleepy. He completed the task this night.

At this moment, Yun Yixian handed over the tile pot to the old man, and his whole body lay on his back on the ground and fell asleep. No matter how the old man shouted, he refused to wake up. Seeing him like this, the old man showed a soft light in his eyes, as if to say to himself, "What is it a child?" It's not like my old bones."

When Yun Yi had a big dream, he finally woke up and saw that the old man was still sitting beside him. He said that the old man was so patient that he kept himself all night. So Yun Yixian pushed the old man's shoulder in order to wake him up. However, no matter whether Yun Yixian is pushing and pinching, the old man is still.

Yun Yixian was shocked and pressed his finger among the old man without breathing at all. Yun Yixian said that the old man was dead! Yun Yixian quickly stood up and used a "Shenmin skill" to bring the old man back to life.

Unexpectedly, the old man has obviously been dead for a long time, and his soul has not known where to go. Yun Yixian couldn't help but be anxious. He didn't know how to leave this damn place. I was anxious and kept walking, trying to think of something.

Unexpectedly, I walked to the stove and saw a piece of white paper pasted on the tile jar containing amethyst coins. There was a dense boy on the white paper, and I thought it was a book to leave.

Yun Yi read it casually: "It's beyond my expectation that the stinky boy can pass the test. The sacred object I mentioned is still in this stove. Go and see for yourself. I don't expect to survive tonight. I'll leave this jar of amethyst coins for you. Anyway, I don't need it when I go underground.

Yun Yixian read here and applied for loneliness. Although the old man made it difficult for him, it made him more tenacious, and the story told by the old man made Yun Yixian's understanding of the whole continent a deeper. Yun Yi glanced at the old man's body and said, "Senior, I will bury you alive."

"Your dress is also quite ugly. You like black windbreakers with long hem, don't you? In the partition of my table, there is a set of clothes. You can wear it at ease. That suit is absolutely spotless and fits you. There is also a sword next to the clothes. You can also take it with you. When Yun Yi read here, his nose was sore that he almost couldn't help crying. The old man had never known him and left all these good things to himself.

"It's easy to go out. If you get the sacred object, the house will automatically sink into the ground, and I can also be grounded. If you want to go out, stand at the top of the house and wait until the house completely sinks into the ground, and you will return to the morning fog forest. It's not easy to get that sacred object. Remember to be very careful!"

"I'm asleep, boy, remember not to disturb me!"

Yun Yixian's heart was full of mixed feelings. He kowtowed to the old man and reached for the stove!