yao ding

Chapter 15 I'll follow you!

When he stretched out his hand, Yun Yixian was shocked. Because his hand seemed to have been bitten by something!

Yun Yixian felt a sharp pain and quickly pulled out his hand, and the thing that bit his hand was also brought out by him. Yun Yixian took a closer look and found that it was a little lion the size of a fist. The little lion was covered with golden fur, burning like a flame, and a small face looked indescribably cute, and the mane behind his head was like a crown, making the little lion look majestic.

"Oh?" Regardless of the pain in his fingers, Yun Yixian pulled the lion down, gently put it on the ground, knocked on its head and punished it. The little lion roared quite unconvinced, but did not do anything to Yun Yixian. Yun Yixian secretly guessed that this little guy was the "sacred object" that the strange old man said?

Put the little lion into the tile pot. Yun Yixian stood up, walked to the table, knocked on the table, and finally found the dark compartment in the table. The dark compartment neatly stacked a set of clothes and trousers, with a pair of long leather boots on the left and a dark sword and a ring on the right.

Yun Yixian did not immediately change the clothes and trousers, but carefully looked at the ring. The ring is made of pure gold, inlaid with a scarlet jade, and the pattern carving also looks extremely simple. Yun Yixian put the ring on his thumb, and all the things next to the ring suddenly disappeared.

Yun Yi rushed to the table, shook his head like a wave drum, and said to himself, "What about the clothes, trousers and the sword? Come out! I don't want to run on the street bare!" He thought so, that the clothes and trousers appeared neatly in front of him, but they were not so neat. Only then did Yun Yixian understand that this ring could originally store items. After several attempts, I learned how to use the ring, and threw the tile pot in it.

Wow~ Finally, you can leave this damn place! Although I have been worried and worked hard for more than ten days, it is still not a loss. Not to mention what's strange about this little lion, the things left by the old man alone are enough for me to use for a while!

Yun Yixian saw that the room had begun to sink. With the soul of luck under his feet, he climbed up the brick gap with both hands, supported himself hard, and climbed to the roof with difficulty. Yun Yixian couldn't help sighing. If he was in the realm of the soul king at this moment, he would be able to fly in the air, and he would not climb to the roof with such a awkward posture.

Standing on the roof, the sun above the head is shining, and the surroundings gradually become green, and the red-roofed black brick house underfoot gradually sinks into the ground, as if it had never appeared. Yun Yixian looked around. It was the morning fog forest. At this time, it should have been noon. Yun Yixian only felt dirty and hungry. Then he walked to Mirror Lake. After so many days, Wanzonglin should have left long ago. He would not stay by Mirror Lake and wait for me to throw myself into the net!

However, after a few steps, Yun Yixian suddenly stopped again and thought that I was going to take a bath in Mirror Lake. If the black dragon in Mirror Lake didn't let me wash it, would I not be dangerous? Never mind! Yun Yixian shook his head vigorously and decided to clean his body first.

Mirror Lake is picturesque outside Tiandu City, but few people pass by. Because this place is too close to the morning fog forest, if it hadn't been for the southern region of the Western Dynasty, people would not have been reluctant to cross this forest. And the water of Jinghu Lake is so clear that most people can't bear to stain it.

However, Yun Yixian is a guy who doesn't care about anything! Although he knew that there was a dragon at the bottom of the lake, he believed that as long as he didn't provoke the dragon, the dragon should be too lazy to argue with him. It's just borrowing the dragon's territory to take a shower!

The wind is gentle and the sun is beautiful! I feel relaxed and happy!

I don't know how long Yun Yi has been soaking in this mirror lake. She only feels that the sun is warm, majestic, and indescribably comfortable. So much so that he himself lost his mind and indulged in this wonderful feeling.

It's just that someone disturbed his elegance. I only heard a crisp and surprised scream by the lake: "Ah--"

Yun Yixian heard the sound and struggled in the lake several times, trying to escape to the shore. But this hurried and flustered almost choked to death. He grew up by Mirror Lake and has excellent water quality. After a few breaths, he stabilized his body and looked at the place where the sound was made.

A little girl stood there, bent down and stared at Yun Yixian. The little girl was only seven or eight years old, dressed in red, like a blooming rose. The little face seems to be made of ceramics, but it is pink. The eyebrows are curved, the eyes are large, and the eyelashes are curly. The little mouth pouted slightly and looked like a crystal pudding from a distance. The fiery red hair is tied with two heroic braids, and the golden bells hanging at the end of the braids are floating with the wind--

"Okay...so cute" Yun Yixian stared at the little girl and couldn't take his eyes off it. When the little girl saw him staring at her like this, her face turned red, then turned around, turned her back to Yun Yixian, and held the pair with braids in her hands.

Yun Yixian coughed awkwardly and swam to the shore quickly. He changed the suit of clothes and trousers left by the strange old man. His whole body looked heroic and elegant. Looking at this suit, Yun Yi said leisurely, "That strange old man also said that I like clothes with long hem. The hem of his clothes is not short! But I like this line, workmanship and material--

The little girl neither turned her head to look at him nor left, but kept holding the pair of braids on her head. Yun Yixian felt strange when she saw this, so she walked over and whispered behind the little girl, "Hey~~"

"Ah!--" The little girl was obviously shocked by him. She let go of her braids, jumped forward, squatted on the ground, held her knees in her hands, and her whole body kept trembling, and then cried. Yun Yixian didn't expect that she had such a hand. She blushed and hurried to the little girl and said softly, "Little sister, don't cry, don't cry. I'm the big brother who just took a shower in the lake.

The little girl suddenly turned her head and blinked at Yun Yixian with a pair of big jewel-like eyes. Seeing that Yun Yixian was already dressed neatly at this moment, she looked extremely pleasing to the eye. He stopped crying, but asked Yun Yixian, "Are you the guy who just took a bath in the lake?"

Yun Yi scratched his head, was at a loss, and nodded uneasily. After ponding for a moment, the little girl said with a depressed face, "I, I just saw your... your... ouch! It's just the way you don't wear clothes!"

The little girl's voice is extremely beautiful, but for Yun Yixian, it is the sound of chasing souls. The little girl shook her head with regret and said to Yun Yi with a bitter face, "I... My mother said that if I see a man... without clothes in the future. I have to... follow him for the rest of my life. And...and you can't go back on your word."

"Uh..." Yun Yixian squatted next to the little girl and felt surprised. She always felt that since she left Yue Xingyuan, things had been strange. First, I met the unreasonable guy Wan Zonglin, and then I met the strange old man who refused to let people go. Now I met a cute baby who wanted to stick upside down...

The little girl said, "Hey! You ~ heard ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ no ~ ~!"

Yun Yixian was still stunned. Hearing her shouting, she immediately came to her senses and asked, "Where is your mother?" I'll take you to find her. You don't have to follow me all your life. You saw it... and you saw it. What's the matter? And only the two of us know what happened just now. If you don't say it, I won't say it. Even if others smell it, we pretend not to know, and nothing will happen!"

As soon as the little girl heard this, she immediately stood up and said, "No! I swore at my mother's grave! As long as I see a man's...**. Then I will have to follow him all my life. I can't be sorry for my mother, and... and I... ouch! And I have no place to go! Even if you don't want me to follow you, I have to follow you! In a word, I'll follow you! Are you going to take me or take me in?!"

"..." Yun Yixian suddenly lost his temper. He never thought that this cute little Lori would have such a tough side. I had to stand up, lower my head, and said helplessly, "Okay, my little aunt, you can follow me in the future. But I don't have the ability to protect you. You have to take care of yourself."

The little girl was quite disdainful: "Who will protect whom?" With that, he made a move of his left hand, and a light long bow appeared in his hand. The long bow is snowy all over, carved with many wings and clouds, which looks light and sharp. The bowstrings are tight, but very tense.

Yun Yixian looked at the bow and knew that the bow was valuable just by its appearance. The material of the bow and bow string is obviously not ordinary. Yun Yi looked at it for a moment and decided that it was a peerless magic soldier!

However, Yun Yixian is not interested in cheating children's things and asked, "My name is Yun Yixian. You can call me brother in the future. What's your name?" Seeing that he was not interested in his bow, the little girl put it away, raised her little face and said, "My name is Meng Han. Drunk dreams, dreams of death, sad wind and cold rain.

Yun Yi was shocked when he heard it. It was shocking that she knew how to use idioms, and it was surprising that the idioms she used were too "desolate". However, Yun Yixian didn't care so much. He touched Menghan's head and asked, "What are you going to do?" How could you come here alone?"

Meng Han did not avoid his intimate action. He blinked his eyes, took his braids, stamped his feet and said, "It's not because there is a big bad guy in the family! Mom and dad, as well as uncles and aunts, all... couldn't beat her and were killed by her. Mom tried her best to let me escape. I hid for a few days before I dared to go back and buried my parents. I came out this time to avenge that big bad guy!"

Revenge! Yun Yixian heard these two words and shot in his eyes!

Suddenly, a charming voice came: "Hahaha! Take revenge on me! Just standing here and shooting hundreds of arrows for you, you may not be able to kill me! Is this the new Kaizi you found? Not bad, but I'm beautiful, but I don't know how many years to live!"

"What kind of person!" Yun Yixian suddenly put both swords in his hand!