evil, please take care of yourself

Chapter 21

Xiao Song felt that he had done something wrong this time. Who told her to endure it for so long, but she couldn't hold back the cowardice when she couldn't go up and down, and it came out! If Xiao Qiu is dry wood, she must be a fire. With such a fire added, it is impossible for this pile of firewood not to be burned - unfortunately, she realized too late, and now she is absolutely bound to die.

Looking at Xiao Qiu's evildoer's intention, I'm not going to let her go at all!

She was so seriously injured that even if she lay there silently, she was still a dead end; what's more, she was forced to do strenuous exercise?

Is there no return?!

The energy came out of her body little by little. First, her limbs lost consciousness, and then her body... In the end, she couldn't see anything clearly in front of her and fell into a complete darkness and chaos.

At the moment before facing death, Xiao Song was very scared... It seemed that he was still in tears... He was even scared to beg for mercy โ†_โ†! Well, she doesn't remember anymore.

But she is really going to die, and she doesn't feel anything.

Because I have accepted this inevitable ending from my heart and know that I will die anyway, so there is no special fear.

What only three felt was probably that Xiao Xia's body was finally turned into a gorgeous corpse because of her, which was much more miserable than the original work! However, she helped her live for so long, and also changed the ending of Yu Lan's corpse at the bottom of the cliff - as for whether she is dead or not now, I don't know. Anyway... she is worthy of her... right?

Secondly, she hasn't lived enough! It's really unwilling to die so early!

Again, how could she be so unlucky?! Among so many people, she is so miserable! Is it the reason for her poor character?

Xiao Song said he was very sad that he couldn't see the culprit who sent her here before he died.


And when Xiao Song opened her eyes again and saw Xiao Qiu's close cheeks at a glance, she was still a little surprised in anger - even if she died, how could this evil come?

Is this the legendary ghost?!


It's the first time Xiao Song has seen Xiao Qiu sleeping quietly. Some people's movements and quietness are a good picture scroll... For example, the unique demon in front of him.

He lay quietly beside her, with his cheeks facing her. His delicate face looked pale and almost transparent, and his slightly deep eyes were closed at this time, which would no longer make people feel uncomfortable and oppressive. The long eyelashes drooped and cast a thick shadow under the eyes. I don't know when the long ink hair fell off, the hair was scattered, covering the side face, and a wisp of blue silk fell into the open skirt... People couldn't help but want to explore the past with the return of the green silk.

It looks quiet and peaceful.

If it hadn't been for the slight ups and downs in his chest, Xiao Song would have thought he was dead.

After all, this man slept without any movement, which was a little scary.


It turned out that she didn't die.

Xiao Song's mood is very complicated. If she dies like this, she doesn't have to face such a scene... Moreover, maybe she can go back?

However, being able to continue to live is indeed better than death. After all, she doesn't know whether she can go back.

Anyway, the world is beautiful, life is long, and she doesn't want to die.

lowered his head to check her clothes. In addition to the tearing of the outer garment that could not be worn again, the red underwear was properly worn on her body. Although the wound was still a little painful, there was no other feeling of anything wrong with her body... Almost gave her the illusion that nothing had happened... But she knew that the things before she fainted were not a nightmare, it really happened.

Xiao Song gently took his hand away from his waist and moved two steps to shrink to the corner of the bed. The knife wound under her chest was no longer painful. She pressed it, and there were some protrusions, which seemed to have been bandaged.

She looked almost strangely as if she were falling asleep Xiao Qiu - he didn't use it against her?

Not only didn't, but also saved her?!

This is too unscientific!

He obviously wanted to kill her, didn't he? Aren't you looking forward to her death?

Then why do you have to spend all these efforts to save her? Wouldn't it be good to just watch her die like this?

He only needs to let it go and do nothing to achieve his goal without a bloody knife.

He gave up such a good opportunity?

It's incredible.

- She really doesn't understand the teenager's mind.


Closing his angry eyes, he was just a good-looking teenager and didn't look as dangerous as before. Although the body has grown, there are still some tender suffs in the corners.

Xiao Song stared at his face for a moment.

Kill him!

Kill him!!

Kill him!!!

If he dies, she doesn't have to be so frightened!

This idea came out of Xiao Song's mind, just like a weed meeting the spring breeze, growing wildly at an unstoppable speed. As long as she kills him, her biggest threat in the world will not exist! For the remaining two months, she didn't have to be so worried every day! Kill him and you can do it once and for all! Don't be afraid anymore - I'm afraid that when he suddenly has an idea that is against her and she can only let the mermaid have no resistance as she does today!

Xiao Song's eyes fell on his throat - it may not be impossible for her to kill him before he wakes up!

Her eyes searched around, but there was no sharp weapon that could hurt people in the secret room - she originally wore a wooden hairpin on her head, made of sunken wood, which was very sharp, and she deliberately wore it for self-defense. But during that struggle, it was also lost a long time ago. Killing with bare hands... She is definitely not good at it. But don't move too much. Instead of killing him, he will wake him up. At that time, he will take her army... That's not worth the loss!

Xiao Song's eyes fell on the candlestick hanging on the wall, which should be usable!

She stood up and wanted to step over Xiao Qiu to get the candlestick... Just got out of bed and took down the candlestick, a slightly lazy whisper came from behind her: "Master, what are you going to do?"

Xiao Song looked back at him reflexively. When he didn't hold his hand firmly, the candle oil spilled down and dropped a little red spot on her hand. Xiao Song was in pain and gave a gentle "hist" sound. He subconsciously loosened his hand, and the whole candlestick fell to the ground with a "bang". The candle on it fell off, rolled a few times, and went out. The sharp blade was exposed where the candle was originally inserted on the candlestick.

Xiao Qiu's eyes moved from the blade to Xiao Song's hand, where a small area was red, and his white skin was still covered with cold and hard candle oil. "Is the master going to... kill me?"

Xiao Song covered his hand, frowned, refused to speak, and was deadlocked with him. Just glanced at the candlestick that fell to the ground, silently thinking about how sure she was to kill him now - well, she was not sure at all.

What a sad fact!

The teenager's eyes flashed, and he saw all her small movements in his eyes and was in a good mood. He comfortably stretched his limbs, raised a hand lazily, propped up his side face, and the ink waterfall was scattered in front of his chest. There was a smile on the corners of his lips. The swallow's eyes looked at her for a moment and said leisurely, "If the master wants to kill me, now is the best time."

Xiao Song's heart moved and looked straight at him.

The teenager was lazy and said carelessly, "The master was hit by the double palms of yin and yang. It's really dangerous... It's only a little short. The poison gas is about to enter the heart, and then it will be back to heaven."

"I crossed my internal forces and knew that the man was indeed cruel to take the master's life. That palm was extremely vicious and could not be resolved by ordinary means." The teenager's voice was lazy, with little strength, and no ups and downs, as if he was just stating an idle matter. "In desperation, I had to pull the palm from the master and lead it to myself."

"I have sacrificed a lot for my master. Is the master very moved?" A pair of swallow eyes looked at her.

Xiao Song thought silently and didn't listen to his last words into his heart at all.

She just found that her original blood had returned to normal, and the yin and yang palms had indeed been resolved - but she did not believe that Xiao Qiu would sacrifice so much to save her.

"Shouldn't you be happy that I'm dead?" Xiao Song's words contained uncontrollable hostility.

"It's time to be happy." The teenager smiled and condensed his smile, and admitted this generously.

Xiao Song frowned and didn't mean to appreciate it at all: "In this case, why do you have to save me?" Isn't it good to be so happy?

The teenager's smile gradually condensed at the corners of his lips, "I don't know... Why did he do this out of this?" His hand stroked his chest without a trace, and when he found that she was really dying, it hurt here. At that time, I only felt blank in my mind and only thought - what should he do if she was gone?

What should he do if she dies?

If you can't find her in this world. Love or hate has since lost the object of sustenance.

What's the point of him living?


He couldn't give himself a satisfactory answer.


His life is corrupt enough.

He doesn't want or want to let the only warmth that has appeared in his life disappear.

Even if it is finally caught, it's just a mirror... It's better to miss it.

The teenager recalled this, but his expression was slightly regretful. "Unfortunately, when he reacts, he has already done it."

Although I repeatedly told myself not to care about this guy's poisonous tongue... For a moment, Xiao Song was still so angry that he almost fainted... At least she is still his nominal master now. Can't you say this better?! What's the matter with such a regretful expression?! Do you regret that you wanted to save her when you smoked?!

Xiao Song's eyes frequently swept to the candlestick on the ground and could hardly move his eyes. Is it more likely to escape, or is it more likely to kill him... or is it more likely to be caught and killed? - He doesn't seem to be very good now. What helped her suck the palm power should not be fake, but she didn't know if there was any small action in it.

Do you want to kill him?

If you really can't get rid of this disaster at that time, then it's the best policy.

Xiao Qiu withdrew his eyes and lay lazily on the jade bed. Obviously, he made a very casual move, but he brought a charming posture. The master hates me very much, doesn't he?"

Xiao Song was stunned, and a "yes" almost blurted out.

He didn't need Xiao Song's answer at all and laughed at himself: "I did something like that to my master. Naturally, the master hates me."

Xiao Song is silent.

He lazily found a comfortable angle, raised his eyebrows and reminded her, "Now I've been slapped by yin and yang, and I can't act rashly. If the master wants to take my life, now is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Xiao Song was more silent. The original murderous heart was said by him, but it slowly disappeared - she did plan to kill him, but is this really a good time? He may not be able to act qi, but he will never reach the point where he has no power to tie the chicken, at least he can't let her kill without a backhand. Xiao Qiu's nature is that she learned in the original work that he lacks love, trust, doesn't trust anyone, and will never hand over his life to anyone.

Whoever wants him to die... will die first!

If he is willing to save her, he can't be unprepared. If it harms herself, she believes that he will definitely only watch her die and will never move a finger!

So, did he say this now to test her?

He still has hope for her... So he decided to give her another chance? Let's see if she will kill him?

Shocked by his own ideas, Xiao Song had a cold war in his heart - if she really followed her intention to kill him, the last bit of friendship would be worn out, and he would definitely kill her without hesitation, right?!

Xiao Song silently stepped back, suppressed his fear, tried to calm down, and said as calmly as possible, "I won't kill you."

Xiao Qiu paused and looked up at her: "Master...don't kill me?"

Xiao Song looked at him silently: "Yes." God knows how wrong she is to say this "yes"!

Xiao Qiu looked straight at her, suddenly smiled, her eyes were deep, and she couldn't see her emotions: "Even if I humiliated you so much, forced you, and almost took your body and did such a disrespectful thing to you, the master is still willing to spare my life?"

Xiao Song almost spit out a mouthful of black dog blood - teenager, please don't be so straightforward! Her fragile glass heart can't stand it!

With her silence as a default, Xiao Qiu stopped laughing and said with no expression, "Master is really... kind."

I don't know whether this tone is ridicule or mockery. In short, there is an indescribable awkwardness in Xiao Song's ears. Teenager, are you scolding her for her hypocrisy?!

If she has the strength like you, she will cut you directly! It will definitely amaze you with her frankness!


Xiao Qiu is not a fool. On the contrary, he is still very smart. Naturally, he can see the struggle in her eyes - he obviously doesn't like it, but he is obviously disgusted! He insulted her like that, regardless of her wishes and forced her... If it hadn't been for her dying, she would have died in front of him in just one step. He would certainly not have cared so much. Even if it was forced or wishful thinking, he would have asked her without hesitation! If he can't get her heart, he will get her body. Even if she has no heart, he doesn't care.

Even if he is given another chance to choose again, he will not regret what he did today.

If you are as stubborn as him, it is difficult to atone for his sins even if he dies!


He is now rarely kind-hearted and puts this opportunity to kill her enemies with her own hands. Why did she hesitate?

-She obviously wanted to kill him!

If it were him... His eyes were in a trance, and he could be ruthless to everyone, but if the target was her, I'm afraid even he himself could not predict what would happen - after all, saving her this time was not in his original plan.

In the original plan, his master was dead.

And he has also avenged her...

It's just that the man is so stupid that he dares to think of him! Killing him like that still seems to take advantage of him.


"Do you want me to kill you in such a tone?" Xiao Song was silent for a long time, broke the deadlock and asked him.

"If the master wants me to live, it would be better." Xiao Qiu suddenly raised the corners of his lips and said, "In any case, Qiu Erxiao has been thinking about the master for so long, but he hasn't got the master's body. If he dies like this, he will be very unwilling."

"..." Xiao Song's face turned black, "Can't you use internal force?"

"I will never deceive the master." He hooked his eyes slightly and admitted frankly, "What, the master is going to change his mind?"

"I said I wouldn't kill you, so I really won't kill you."

He was silent for a moment: "Can Qiuer ask why the master let me go?"

Because I can't beat you, I'm afraid that if I don't kill you, I will be killed!" Anyway, you are my apprentice."

Xiao Qiu's eyes were sarcastic and hit her mercilessly: "Oh, let's talk about it. Which apprentice would want to get his master's body?"

Xiao Song choked: "People will make mistakes, as long as they repent in time..."

"I'm afraid Qiu'er won't repent..." Xiao Qiu interrupted her faintly, "If the master wants to change his mind, it's still too late."

I killed you! Kill you, kill you, kill you!

Xiao Song was so angry that he almost ran away from the south wall. He couldn't wait to kill him... No, there was no way to vent the anger in her heart with one knife! It must be a thousand knives! He was so chop that his parents didn't recognize him!

But seeing his fearless attitude, she stepped back again... Sure enough, she is a life-threatening girl!

"Xiao Qiu!" Xiao Song scolded him with a black face, "If you are still a little rational, you should remember that I am your master!" Put away your rebellious thoughts!"

He smiled gracefully: "If that's the case, then I won't recognize you."

You want to be beautiful!

"A teacher for one day and a father for life." Xiao Song rolled his eyes with anger, "Even if you don't recognize me as a teacher, I'm still your master... I will always be your master!" Xiao Qiu, I didn't ask you to go out to practice so that you can learn these useless thoughts! You are so disappointed as a teacher!"