evil, please take care of yourself

Chapter 22

"Even if you don't recognize me as a teacher, I'm still your master... I will always be your master!" Xiao Song spat fiercely in his heart, "Xiao Qiu, I didn't let you go out to practice in order to learn these useless thoughts! Play these useless tricks! You are so disappointed as a teacher!" It's really heartbreaking!

Xiao Qiu raised his eyebrows and laughed at himself: "Yes, I thought the master had put me out to practice, just because he didn't want to see me. It turns out that I misunderstand the master's... good, bitter, use, heart!"

This made Xiao Song very embarrassed. No matter how thick-skinned she was, she felt a little ashamed when she was looked at by this mocking and sarcastic eyes.

The lady who has been poked by others can't afford to be hurt!

Xiao Qiu, are you actually possessed by something strange?

Why did you always take the implicit shy route before? Why did you suddenly change to the route of complaining?!

She can't adjust it, and she won't be used to falling!

Xiao Song took a deep breath and felt that it was not a way to go on like this. He did not repent. The road went to the dark rhythm. Even if she had the eloquence of heaven, she could persuade him to turn back. Xiao Song pinched his fist, his face was deep, and he walked towards Xiao Qiu step by step. Xiao Qiu did not respond, and there was no sign of fear on his face. He only lazily hooked a pair of charming swallow eyes to look at her.

Sure enough, you can't be careless!

Xiao Song walked to Bai Yu's bed and looked at him for a moment. For a moment, he felt that this product would be too big? She wants to strangle him uncontrollably. How can she break it? How good it would be if she could learn the martial arts of acupuncture points! Unfortunately, none of the books of the Ziqing School is related to it.

Xiao Qiu won, and Xiao Song is greedy and afraid of death... Oh, no, the girl who cherishes life really dares not gamble on her precious life.

Unable to bear his harassment, she silently looked away, lowered her body to pull off Xiao Qiu's collar, pulled out his belt, and immediately dispersed - he only had a thin middle coat inside, and the neckline was pulled extremely open, which could not cover the good scenery under his coat. Xiao Song was also a little stunned. He didn't expect that under the thin-looking teenager's clothes was another scenery, which could not be linked to her imagination at all - the teenager's figure was excellent.

Xiao Qiu was motionless and his posture was very casual. He didn't have a sense of crisis at all. He only squeezed his thin lips and looked at Xiao Song's movements thoughtfully: "It turns out that the master actually likes this?"

Xiao Song twitched the corners of his mouth, teenager, you think too much! In her hand, she took off Xiao Qiu's dark coat, grabbed her shoulders and trembled, and put it on herself. By the way, she picked up the belt and tied it up by herself - although this is a deep mountain forest, she can't go out in this bloody underwear!

In this conservative ancient times, wearing underwear is like shaking outside and running naked!

She is also very conservative and doesn't want to run naked.

She casually brushed her long hair behind her back. After sorting it out, she took a look at Xiao Qiu and said neatly, "That's all I say. You can take care of yourself." Turn around and leave.

The teenager's slightly low voice came from behind: "Does the master want to leave Qiuer and leave alone?"

Xiao Song didn't look back and walked faster and faster. If it hadn't been for her straight waist and her body, he almost thought she had fled in confusion.

After a while, Xiao Song rushed out of the door.

Missed the teenager's last sentence and muttered: "Master, you owe me a life-saving favor, but you haven't rejuvened it yet."

He slowly sat up, and the internal force ran unimpeded in his body for a week, and the yin and yang palms were completely invisible by him. After straightening his skirt, he raised his eyebrows slightly - now that he has made a new choice, there is nothing to hesitate about.

Next, he should harvest what he deserves.

No matter what he wants, he will get it himself, regardless of the cost.


It is extremely troublesome to crack the twelve heavenly gate array, much more troublesome than to create it - with Xiao Song's ability, even if the character breaks out to death, it is impossible to crack it.

However, if you want to get out of this battle safely, there is not only one way to crack it.

Like Xiao Qiu, as long as you find the door of life, you can pass the illusion array; and for Xiao Song, I'm afraid this will not work. If she enters the illusion array, she may not be able to come out alive like Xiao Qiu. After all, she has too much obsession in her heart and is easy to be deceived... Of course, this kind of thing is not certain. Maybe she looks weak, but in fact, her heart is very strong and she will not be deceived at all.

However, she still doesn't want to test her character and luck as a matter of last resort.

Xiao Song's plan is that since he can't break through the array and is not sure that he can break out safely, then don't enter the battle!

This is the result of Xiao Song's more than two years of research.

So... she jumped directly and flew over ←_←!

At the level where she now completely regards floating as instinct, although the consumption of flying too high is much larger than usual, the time to survive a range of array is still not a problem.

Sure enough, light functions are very useful!

Xiao Song is a sneaky back Ziqing faction, and even she feels that her serious owner seems to be a thief when she returns to her home.

The faction is as quiet as an empty city, with no voice at all. Although it used to be quiet, there was still something wrong with this degree of silence. She thumped in her heart and had a bad feeling. Could it be that this group of crazy things really slaughtered her Yulan little bean sprouts, an uncle and aunt who had no sense of existence and an old housekeeper who ran errands and did chores?!

Xiao Song's heart tightened and felt a little uncomfortable. After all, people's hearts are made of meat, and it is impossible to have no feelings for so long. Even in her cognition, they are just npc, but two years later, even if she still insists on treating them as npc, at least it will not be as pure as at the beginning.

Although she felt that this matter was a big deal, she also vaguely thought that Yulan's little bean sprouts were also bad and less auspicious, but Xiao Song still held a glimmer of hope in his heart after all - maybe it is not impossible for this group of people with different personalities, age and... to go out for a barbecue together. !

After seeing a large pool of blood in the backyard south of the Ziqing faction, Xiao Song's heart instantly sank into the bottomless abys and could never be found, and the fluke mentality disappeared. This yard, which was originally piled with rockery, planted flowers and plants, dug a lotus pond, and has a little elegant smell. Now it is more like a huge bloody slaughterhouse. As soon as he entered, Xiao Song smelled a very strong smell of blood.

She frowned and looked inside. In the whole backyard, red blood was sprinkled everywhere, which was particularly dazzling. The long corridor was dripping with mottled blood and disappeared into the depths of the corridor and disappeared among the flowers.

After Xiao Songyin's flowers and trees, the remnants of the sunset shone on her face through the gap between the leaves. Her fingers under the black sleeves curled up, slowly clenched them into fists, and their trimmed nails pinched into the palms without pain. Sure enough, she didn't feel it at all. She really wants to shout to see if there is anyone?! Is anyone alive? She needs someone to tell her what happened to make it so tragic? Where the hell did Little Bean Sprout and Yu Lan go?!

She wanted to ask, who did this?

She must kill that man!

Angry and sadness stimulated this physical violence, that is, if her dog for two years was killed, she would hate to kill the murderer! What's more, these old and weak women and children are living people who have been with her for two years!

But her reason is still there. After all, Xiao Song did not dare to act rashly. Before she figured out the enemy, she didn't want to put herself in - she wanted to avenge these innocent people. As long as the situation allowed, she would definitely take revenge. But no one in this world is more important than himself. She will definitely not do such a thing as losing her life in order to avenge others.

She is selfish.

I don't know... Maybe there are really people waiting for her in this faction!

I have to say that Xiao Song is the truth again.

She searched the faction and did not find Yu Lan and others. She didn't even have a body, but found two sneaky lurkers near her residence. Xiao Song has no memory. If others are too impersonal, she may not be able to remember for a long time. However, the two lurkers are really more open and upright. They don't bother to change the Hu family uniforms. They wear short gray clothes and can fight without even their sleeves. They are also embroidered with golden ** on their sleeves.

At first sight of such four ingenious men behind Hu Lingdang, a beautiful woman, Xiao Song couldn't help complaining in his heart.

It's really difficult for her not to remember.

This matter is really related to Hu Lingdang!

Xiao Song's eyes were cold. She was almost killed and almost lost her life. As well as the account of the Ziqing faction being destroyed, she really had to calculate with Miss Hu! You are not kind and unrighteous. Since this person tried his best to kill her, she doesn't have to be polite to her! Miss Xiao Song carefully searched the Ziqing School again, but found no one else. The wing where Miss Hu Lingdang lived had already been empty.

I'm afraid she thought she was dead and avoided the suspicion.

Xiao Song sneered coldly and passed by the kitchen when he floated back. He did not hesitate to turn in and took a suitable kitchen knife. He borrowed this amazing light work and returned to his residence. After weighing it, he looked at a stronger and more difficult to deal with, he sneaked into him. After that, it was an unexpected knife according to the heel of the man's neck. He immediately cut his plasma and went to see the king of death.

Killing is really not as difficult as she thought. It's just a knife. Even she hasn't remembered it herself. A life has disappeared in her hands. Xiao Song looked at the corners of his eyes and ran over as soon as he heard the sound. Now he stood tremblingly with another man not far away, adhering to the good habit of cutting grass and not getting rid of roots. The spring breeze blew his roots completely, venting his anger and cutting many knives fiercely. The more he cut, the easier it became. There was nothing to be afraid of at all. She cut people. She kills people. As long as the dominance is in her hands, she should be afraid of those people! What is she afraid of?!

I have to say that Miss Xiao Song is overexcited and blackened ←_←!

The thin man's courage also became thinner with his figure. He heard a muffled hum when his partner was cut. After all, the two were ordered to stay here and monitor. In case, they were not far apart, and they could also take care of each other. But when he saw the scene of flesh and blood, he could no longer move his feet. He always felt that the old woman was not a good person, but he couldn't guess that she was a god!

This...this is not a woman!

Women should be as gentle and beautiful, slim and generous as his young lady! It's not like this... You can rush out and chop people into meat sauce with a kitchen knife!

His young lady is the daughter of the leader of the martial arts alliance. Needless to say, there is no one who dares to come to offend her on weekdays. What their brothers say is better is to protect the safety of the young lady. To put it bluntly, it is that she is still powerful and use it as a facade. How can I ever see such a real knife* scene? It was the limit not to scream like a woman on the spot. It was hard to hold it down, but it was also two wars and did not dare to move.

After Xiao Song inhumanely chopped a cannon fodder, he wiped the blood splashed on his face and quickly floated the blood-stained kitchen knife directly to the neck of the goods that had no resistance and even had some difficulty in standing firmly: "Where have my people gone? Say it!"

The blood on the cold knife was still warm, and there was a * touch on his neck, which made him creepy: "No...no...I don't know."

Xiao Song's eyes did not blink, and raised his hand was a rude knife, drawing a deep mark on his arm. The man held his arm and screamed in pain. His legs were soft and he could no longer support it. He wanted to fall to the ground. Xiao Song's kitchen knife followed him like a shadow and put it on his neck, making him dare not move again. .

"Auntie, I really don't know! I don't know if you killed me!" The man lost his former prestige and screamed in tears.

Xiao Song sneered and had the courage to joke! Another knife was cut, and the wound was in the same place. The opening became deeper and deeper, and the blood flowed, which instantly wet half of the man's clothes. The man screamed more and more bitterly, and his heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys were shaked.

The wound was so painful, the blood was still flowing, and there was a knife on her neck. The vicious woman didn't even move her eyes from beginning to end. The man's spirit almost collapsed, but he also knew that he could not collapse now. If she collapsed now, he did not doubt that the woman would not be at all. Yu killed him who lost his use value. I had to hold on, suppressed and howled, and said, "I really don't know that early this morning, our brothers went down the mountain with the young lady. After that, the young lady asked us to come up the mountain. At that time, there was no one on the mountain! I really don't know... I really don't know!"

Xiao Song impatiently raised his knife to cut: "If you don't know, you don't know. What are you howling! Are you still a man?!"

The man suddenly covered his arm and was silent, but his resentful eyes came directly →_→ Can't a man be afraid? Can't a man howe? Men can't be treated as animals! Even if the animal is cut down like this, will it still howle?!

Xiao Song did not intend to do it, but said coldly, "Where is Hu Lingdang? Take me there!"

The man changed his depressed and scared appearance and suddenly rose up and said righteously, "You vicious, inhumane and inhumane. It is difficult for the old woman who can't tolerate killing people without blinking eyes. It turned out to be the idea! You have to die! Even if I die, I will never betray the young lady!"

Vicious? Fierce? Inhumane? Loss of conscience? Is it unreasonable? Killing people without blinking an eye?


Why doesn't she like to listen to these adjectives?

"Okay, I'll fulfill you!" Xiao Song was as good as flowing, and he cut it with a sharp knife, and the blood splashed three feet in an instant.

"Oh..." The man covered a finger that was cut off, and ten fingers connected to his heart. That's a pain! He burst into tears on the spot, but unexpectedly insisted, "I won't say it!"

Xiao Song smiled and said, "There is backbone! I like it!" Cut it down again with a ruthless knife!

Listening to the sound of the man's ghost crying and howling, she was distracted for a moment and said to herself: It's really not afraid to cut people!

"You...didn't you say you like it? Why... do you want to cut it? Oh...Oh..." The man's injured heart.

Xiao Song was stunned and then looked at him with a strange look: "No one told you that women's words should be heard in reverse? Since you won't say anything when you die, I have to fulfill your loyalty and send you to death!" After saying that, he raised the bright white knife again and cut him again.

The man hugged his head and screamed, "I said! I said! I'll say it! Don't kill me! Don't kill me...woo-woo."

"Do you want to say? What a pity, it's late!" Xiao Song smiled and said, "I have changed my mind and don't want to hear from you."

"Girl! Don't kill me! I don't want to die!"

The man screamed sadly and wanted to grab Xiao Song's clothes with his hand. Xiao Song immediately retreated vigilantly and picked up the kitchen knife against his neck. You'd better not play tricks! Otherwise... I, a vicious, inhumane and inhumane, can't tolerate the blinking old woman who kills people. There are many ways to make your life worse than death!"

→_→ The man's eyes were weeping, and his heart was ashes: "..." He was wrong, he was really wrong! This old woman is not only vicious, vicious and inhumane, and her conscience is not enough to kill people without blinking, but she must repay her!

Xiao Song Youyou said, "Who said that you would not betray your young lady even if you died?"

An eight-foot boy was driven crazy by Miss Xiao Song!

Xiao Song took back the kitchen knife and held it across his chest: "Okay, I'll give you a chance, you say."

The man was stunned by the turning of the peak circuit and looking for vitality. "Miss is... at the foot of the mountain."

Xiao Song sneered and really said that she was farting! He turned his hand neatly, raised the knife and cut it according to his head!

"The Tianzihao room of Wanyuan Inn in Shanxia Jixiang Town!!!"

The tip of the kitchen knife with a cold light stopped at a centimeter on his head, and Xiao Song narrowed his eyes: "It would have been better if I had said it earlier? After so much pain, I don't know whether what I said is true or not... Men are really mean!"

Girl, are you getting angry?!

"What I said is true! Absolutely dare not deceive!"

"It's true that nature is the best." Xiao Song slowly withdrew the kitchen knife, rubbed it on his neck, and rubbed off the layer of blood. Sensen said, "If it's fake, I will make you regret why your parents gave birth to you!"

The man suddenly felt that he would never love again.