evil, please take care of yourself

Chapter 51

It's been a few days since I walked with my nature. Counting the days, Xiao Song's body has reached the age of 15. Xiao Song doesn't have any emotion in his heart. Sometimes different choices will put the same person on the opposite road. If she is just a well-knowing spirit, not Xiao Song who came to relieve her resentment, then I'm afraid she has fallen into the quagmire of np now.

Xiao Song curled her lips. Even if those men are all immortals, they are not rare to put them in *!

When night fell, Xiao Song rode a little donkey and stopped by an inn. She couldn't control the horse in her last life, and she still didn't have much affection in her life. Although the donkey is slow, it looks easier to bully and has good endurance. She bought one when she went down the mountain a year ago as a travel companion. Usually, I don't ride much. People who are used to walking with light skills will not like the feeling of being tossed on the back of a donkey. But occasionally when she doesn't want to walk, she still rides directly on the donkey's back. And when you go to a new place and see something new, you can also put it directly on the donkey's back when you buy it, so as not to lose the image of your big and small bags.

Therefore, although I have always felt that this donkey is quite cumbersome, I have never thought of changing hands.


Even if it is a trip, Xiao Song has never thought of abusing himself. After all, his body is still quite delicate. In case of carelessness, it will be great. What's more... she is really not short of money. I can't help it. She is a local tycoon. Who is she afraid of?

In addition to getting lost and can't find accommodation, she has to stay in the wild at night. In other cases, she usually stays in the inn, not to mention the quality of the inn, which is much more reassuring than in the wild.

Xiao Song rode on the back of the donkey and stared at the plaque with thick dust on the old inn, on which there were four big words "auspicious inn" that had faded. There is a string of faded red lanterns hanging by the door. Now it's dusk and not too dark. The lanterns have not lit up yet and swaggering in the wind. This is a place where she steps casually. It's quite desolate. She has been riding a donkey all day and hasn't met a family, and she hasn't even touched anyone. I don't think there will be any villages nearby, and the road at the foot is so narrow that I'm afraid it's far from the official road.

As a result, there is such a family in this barren place... The dilapidated and old inns have an indescribable sense of discord.

Xiao Song's eyes stared at the four words 'Auspicious Inn' became tighter and tighter. Although this name is not special, it appears in such a place. Isn't it a black shop?


Although Xiao Song has martial arts skills, she is still a good girl who doesn't like to make trouble. Usually, she doesn't bully others with martial arts. When she wants to bully, she must bully that person to death! Generally speaking, she won't go into this kind of inn that obviously makes people feel bad. But now this is obviously not a common situation. There is no dry food in the bag carried on the donkey's body, and her teeth have been eaten up after grinding for a day. Although she is not hungry, it is obvious that she needs to supplement dry food; the sky is getting dark again, and although it is not yet obvious, Xiao Song knows that once it is completely dark, it is the rhythm of reaching out... As a girl with a little girlish heart, she still doesn't really like dark things. . Insecurity is also a kind of force majeure!

It is estimated that there is no one else's house nearby, and her extremely sensitive hearing has told her this.

So, if she doesn't want to spend the night in the dark woods with small monsters hidden again, the inn in front of her is her only and last choice. There will be no such store after this village!


Is this the feeling of knowing that it is troublesome but having to provoke it?


Xiao Song didn't worry for a long time. A place like the inn was originally open for business and was sent. It didn't take long for her to stand here. The closed old door opened with a 'squeak' sound, and a thin and almost half flesh poked out from the shadow inside, describing the head of a withered man. Officer, do you want to be at the top or stay in the hotel?

Xiao Song shook silently. If the man in front of him didn't have a pair of spinning eyes, normal people would think he was a dead person when they saw this, right? Suddenly, I remembered that the Fengling girl in the original work was angry and hateful after breaking through the adultery between Mu Xiao and Yu Linlang. She ran all the way down the mountain. Finally, she was exhausted and had to stay in an inn. One of the staff in the inn seems to have this horrible appearance.

It is a little difficult for such a distinctive human being, even if she doesn't want to remember it!

So she said that although she was so far away from Bibomen and thought she was completely out of the plot, in fact, did the plot still reluctant to give up her and automatically came to the door?

Xiao Song stared at him without moving, and his eyes showed a murderous spirit.

The man was bluffed by the chill in Xiao Song's eyes. His whole face was withered and had no expression. Only a pair of flexible eyes rumbled so fast that he could hardly stop. The hoarse voice sounded tentatively: "Sguest, do you want to hit the tip or stay in the hotel?"

Xiao Song was silent for a long time, slightly under his head, sat on the donkey's back and looked down at him 135 degrees. Sensen said, "You are so fierce. Is this a black shop?"

The man was stunned and his eyes rumbled around: "The guest officer laughed. Our auspicious inn has been sent to countless people, and its reputation is guaranteed. How can it be a black shop?"

"How can it be a joke?" Xiao Song's expression was extremely serious, "The second child in the black shop looks like you." This is pure lying with eyes open. Which black shop's facade is not good? If every black shop's second child is not a good person at first glance, which fool will go in and be cheated and killed?

"The guest officer's words are really interesting. Hey hey, I don't know which way the guest officer is from?"

"The sidewalk."

The sidewalk... What is that? So, is he ignorant? ←_←?


"I want to stay in a hotel." Xiao Song came down from the donkey and straightened his clothes. He arrived at the door almost in an instant and pushed the door open casually. His movements seemed to have no strength, but in fact, he could not be underestimated. He almost didn't make the withered little two stag. Regardless of Xiao Er's attitude, she left a sentence, "Take good care of my donkey. If it doesn't eat well or sleep, I'll come to you." Then I stopped looking at any withered man and strode directly to the second floor - there was nothing I could do. It was really hurtful to see this man. In the original work, this man is also one of the people who insulted the Fengling girl - it is really unbearable. Looking at such a dead bone-like face, it is not only unsightly, but also quite appetizing. No wonder the wind bell girl can accept the ending of np in the end and go through such a level of man. After baptism, other men are good.

Xiao Song thought silently that since the plot refused to let her go, then simply end this den and save himself the effort to find it.

Another person emerged from his head. This time, he was a fat man with a fleshy face, five times the size of the thin man. He trembled and smiled with an evil and flattering face: "I don't know which room the girl wants to live in?"

Xiao Song really wants to cover his eyes. Even if he has seen the description of these individuals in the original work, he still received a lot of impact when he saw them again in reality, which really exercised people's mental stress resistance. Thinking in a mess, Miss Xiao Song on her face was very calm and said coldly, "Tianzihao Room."

"Girl, come with me, and I'll show you the way." The fat man came out when he heard the noise, so he didn't know what happened in front of the store. Now when he first glance saw a beautiful girl, he only felt that his index finger moved greatly and he couldn't wait to overwhelm the matter directly. He hasn't touched a woman for nearly three months, not to mention such a beautiful woman! Even if he knew that it was not the time to do it, he couldn't help but be lustful. When Xiao Song pushed the door and entered, he took the opportunity to touch Xiao Song's little hand. Is the girl alone? In this wilderness, it is still quite unsafe to be alone.

Miss Xiao Song said that she immediately blew her hair. Suddenly, she felt that Wei Ranfeng, the most unpopular in Bibomen, was so cute now. She was about to kick away the damn fat man, and one hand had clasped the fat man's wrist. Xiao Song looked at the person in surprise: "Brother Li?"

The fat man's lifeline was buckled, and he screamed in pain. Lizhuqin's face was calm and calm: "She is not the person you can touch. There is no next time." Obviously, there was no threat, and it was just an ordinary admonition, but in the fat man's ear, he felt fear for no reason.

The lifeline was released, and the fat man rolled and crawled away, and his buttocks urinated, but there was a trace of viciousness in his eyes.

Xiao Song saw that kind of vision... After walking for a year, she hasn't seen such a thorough bad guy! I am more convinced that these people can never stay. Even for the harmony of this * world, this kind of scum cannot be left. Even if she is not the Virgin Mary, she will break a ring this time and play the way for heaven.

Withdrawing his eyes, Xiao Song looked at Lizhu Qin with a dark look in his eyes: "Brother Li, why are you here?" This feeling is so sudden that she doesn't like it.

"Come and find you." He took Xiao Song's arm and clasped her pulse door with his fingertips. Knowing that he was diagnosing her pulse, Xiao Song would naturally not resist. Seeing that his face was getting worse and worse, she couldn't help asking, "Brother, what's wrong with you?"

Li Zhuqin's voice was full of chagrin, and his eyes were full of accusations and heartache: "How long have you stopped taking medicine?"

"One month." Xiao Song didn't feel anything. After all, she doesn't care so much about this kind of life and death. From the beginning, she has known today's results since she decided to practice magic skills. Now it's too pretentious to regret it. However, when I saw Lizhu Qin's heartbreaking eyes, I still felt an indescribable feeling of guilty and inexplicably doing bad things. After a long time, she could only comfort herself: "Life and death, wealth and honor are in heaven. Brother, you don't have to..."

"You won't die!"

"It doesn't matter. I don't care about these."

Li Zhuqin's calm face almost collapsed, with a little blood in his eyes, "You won't die! I will save you!"

Xiao Song was scared, but the original feeling of estrangement was scared away. This was too heavy, and she didn't know what to say for a moment. She stole his not so good face. After thinking about it for a long time, she had to laugh and said, "You don't have to care about this kind of thing. It's up to fate. I think my life has been very good, very leisurely and smooth. Even if I die immediately now, there is nothing to regret. At first, it was just nonsense, but later, it was a little sincere. In fact, it's really nothing. If she is told to die immediately now, she is also afraid; but when she thinks that her death is not the end, maybe it is just the beginning of the next fate, and the feeling of fear fades. Anyway, no matter how much she toss, she just lives in a different way, so what is there to be afraid of?

"But I have it!" Pain gushed out of his eyes, which made Xiao Song very shocked. The hand holding her wrist unconsciously used a little strength, and Xiao Song almost had a toothache. He roared and said, "I don't want you to die. Even if it's my life, I won't let you die!"

"Brother Li..." Xiao Song looked serious and said seriously, "I don't need you to sacrifice like that. If the price is your life, I'd rather not." Anyway, for her, living like this is already a life. So although she cherishes it, she doesn't care about squandering.

"Are you worried about me?"

"Yes, you are different to me." Xiao Song took a deep breath, "You are the only brother I identified."

Li Zhuqin's eyes were slightly cold and seemed to calm down, "I don't regard you as my sister."

While talking, she has been brought into the door - the peeping eyes in the corridor are really annoying. Everything went well. Xiao Song followed him into the room without any vigilance. He was distracted - even if he was her brother, she seemed to have too little defense against him. This cognition made him a little indescribably unhappy while satisfying, because he didn't know whether she was so informal in front of everyone.

The moment the door was closed, he suddenly hugged Xiao Song and pressed her on the door. Xiao Song did not realize that such a big change would happen. After all, although there was some estrangement in his heart, he never believed in the character of Lizhu Qin. Subconsciously, she always believed that Li Zhuqin would not be unfavorable to her, so she was unprepared. And now, it's just subconsciously struggling. But he hugged her waist tightly and said in a hoarse voice, "Don't move... I won't hurt you."

Xiao Song doesn't like this ambiguous feeling, but she is willing to believe him. Even if this situation is really... After earning two earns, she will no longer move, but she frowned slightly and reluctantly suppressed the irritability that kept rising in her heart: "Brother, let go of me." She still doesn't like to have too much intimacy with people of different genders.

"Why did you leave?" He didn't let go of her, was reluctant, and he buried his face in her neck and felt her powerful pulse. He asked gently, "Why don't you wait for me? Why can't you... wait for the promise I'm willing to keep?" At the end of the words, there was an unconcealed bitterness.

Different does not work together. Even if she is different from others, the ending is the same. Well, this girl admits that she has a taste... Li's brother or something is really good for Dongfang Xun.

Of course, there is no need to say such words. It's useless to talk more about what has happened.

He seemed to know what she was thinking and muttered, "Linger, I have paid off the master's kindness. I am no longer a member of Bibomen."

Xiao Song was stunned and his eyes were wide open: "What do you mean?" She felt very uncomfortable. She suppressed the churning mood, "You know? How come?" She obviously disguised it well, and she never showed any emotion that she should not have for Dongfang Xun.

"When you first showed your feelings to me, I guessed."

Hey, hey, what does it mean to show your heart?! Can you be more specific?

"Later, I went down the mountain to investigate and find out your background, and I also guessed the reason for everything. At first, I didn't understand the meaning of your words. After contacting this experience, I also understood. It's just that between understanding and not understanding, after all, it's been so many years.

Xiao Song looked complicated and didn't know what to say for a moment.

"I'm sorry for making you so isolated and helpless." He whispered and firmly in her ear, "From today on, I won't leave you again."

Xiao Song's heart jumped. This kind of ambiguous words are really easy to make the peacock open the screen, but the back of the peacock is self-indulciful. She realized this in her heart, but she couldn't stop her mouth quickly. Almost after he said that sentence, she subconsciously retorted: "Brother Li, I only have brother-sister friendship with you. Don't misunderstand." After saying that, I really want to slap myself.

Li Zhuqin smiled and said, "I know."

Xiao Song's eyes were uncertain and chagrined: "Then you...?"

"I don't care."

"But I care." Xiao Song wanted to push him away, but he couldn't push him away. If he wanted to use force, it was really difficult to start in the face of such an acquaintance!

"What do you care about?" Lizhu Qin asked her, her eyebrows were half restrained, and her long eyelashes drooped, casting a thick shadow under her eyes.

Xiao Song was dumb and quickly cleaned up his messy mood and said calmly, "Why do you say that? I will marry someone in the future. If you want to marry a wife, we can't never be separated.

"I'll marry you."

Xiao Song screamed in her heart. After a lot of toss in this*, she should like Feng Ling as usual. Shouldn't she like Feng Ling also be involved? She is not Mary Sue. What should she do if she doesn't feel happy at all?" We are brothers and sisters!"

"No. Even if it's the original, we are just brothers and sisters. Li Zhuqin had a faint smile on the corners of his mouth, "Now, I have been expelled from the teacher and am no longer your brother."

Xiao Song was silent for a long time. To be honest, this feeling of being asked for marriage is really very ecstatic. It feels like Yu Lan proposed to her as Xiao Xia... but it seems to be different. Maybe for her, Yu Lan is just a child, a junior; while Lizhu Qin... is a familiar and strange brother.