evil, please take care of yourself

Chapter 52

Xiao Song was silent for a long time. To be honest, this feeling of being asked to marry by Lizhu Qin is really ecstatic. It feels like Yu Lan proposed to her as Xiao Xia... but it seems to be different. Maybe for her, Yu Lan is just a child, a junior; while Lizhu Qin... is a familiar and strange brother.

She can refuse a junior without pressure, because subconsciously, she won't take the words of the younger generation seriously at all, just like a joke, and that's all; but Li Zhuqin, not only is not a junior, but also a serious and almost old-fashioned person... An ordinary and serious person She really can't doubt the authenticity of such serious words in such a serious tone - although she sincerely doubts it. She wanted to change the topic, but it was really difficult to do it. Li Zhuqin's serious eyes when he looked at her could not tolerate her to say some irrelevant words, and even made her not have the courage to refuse.

This is really a bad phenomenon.

Xiao Song is very self-aware. She believes that she is a girl with soft ears, a typical type that eats soft but not hard - although she has tried to gallop towards the broad road that is soft and hard, after all, her nature is difficult to change and cannot be completely changed, especially for those who are still close to her. That's even more so.

The thing she hates most in her life is being threatened. What can't be said? It is one of the things she hates the most. As a naturally anti-bone girl, if others threaten her, it is something that is inherently dispensable for her, and she will resolutely resist to the end. As Xiao Xia, she was able to make such a decision in front of Xiao Qiu, except for her own reasons, and the most important reason was that Xiao Qiu used the wrong method. The more he wanted to imprison her and keep her by his side, the more she wanted to be free and completely stay away from the teenager... In the end, although the end of the fish dead net was a little tragic, it was inevitable.

But if someone else changes a more euphemistic way, maybe she will be soft-hearted, and then she can't tell if she sells herself confusedly - of course, it's not that unrelevant people are begging for something, she will be soft! There is another crucial premise on her characteristic of eating soft but not hard. She is not a Virgin. Therefore, this so-called soft but not hard is only effective in front of specific people - at least it must be the person she doesn't hate! If Mu Xiao begged bitterly in front of her, she would not have kicked him to death!

Lizhu Qin used this method, which is simply amazing. Xiao Song said that he had no room to say anything more and was suppressed to death by him. There was an illusion that everything was wrong! Under this illusion, she really began to think about the feasibility of his suggestion according to Lizhu Qin's meaning ←_←!

By the saying, in the last life, the great god did ask her not to have that relationship with any man, otherwise she would be left as an npc; but in this life, the great god did not make such a request again, but only said that she could go back after solving the grievances for Fengling... So, in fact, even if she really married There is no problem with Lizhu Qin and then something... right?

=convex=! What the hell is she thinking about? Is it true that there is a need for that until menopause?

Well, this is actually not shameful, it's just a little... a little weird.

I can't help it. The girl who has been an old maid for three lifetimes is about to get used to a person's life. I really can't afford it!


In comparison, although Lizhu Qin is more than a little better than others, this is after all *... What's more, she does not have such deep feelings for Lizhu Qin. In her heart, she still regards him as an object that can be used more or less. The initial feelings are not pure, but in fact, they have long been doomed to the future. Although for her, the assumption of marrying Lizhu Qin is not so unbearable than marrying someone else, and she does have a certain degree of goodwill towards this brother, but it is not enough for her to be willing to marry him under the pressure of this * world - even if she is not actually a love theorist, if If she is really lonely or wants to settle down, it is completely acceptable for her to find such a person.

However, after all, she still prefers the normal world. Even for her now, there is no big difference in living everywhere. Counting the three years of the last life and the more than ten years of this life, the obsession of wanting to return to my body has dissipated a lot. It's good to go back, but it doesn't seem to be too bad. She just doesn't want to become an Np without autonomous consciousness. If she can still have her own consciousness, live soberly, and live without the control of others... then it's actually almost the same everywhere. What's more, human nature is forgetful. After so many years, ask yourself, how much impression does she have of her first self?

Even the appearance... is a little blurred.

How many years can her body last? This is a complete unknown number. Recently, she has been sleeping longer and more frequently... According to this trend, it will be a matter of time before she sleeps to death. It's already like this. Why bother dragging down another outsider? For her, she doesn't feel that a person's life is a kind of loneliness. She is willing to enjoy it as a normal life.

This trance feeling was entangled in her heart for several seconds. Xiao Song reluctantly suppressed the uncomfortable feeling, sighed, restrained his eyebrows, and covered all the feelings. There was only peace left in his black eyes: "Brother Li, why do you want to marry me?"

Li Zhuqin's answer was very neat and calm, and his dark eyes were deep: "I thought it was very suitable for us to be together."

...what is suitable?

Xiao Song twitched the corners of her mouth and was embarrassing. Is this the answer telling her that the questions she has been struggling with for so long are all floating clouds? In fact, they don't like her to love her at all to marry her, but they are more suitable to marry her and live together? Although this statement relieved her, it was really the best for her. But at the same time, it also gave her a faint... annoyance.

Nonsense, even if she has such an idea, it doesn't matter which woman is so true! Even if she is old, her face has not thickened with the accumulation of years! This statement that you just want to live together is really hurtful...

"Brother Li's words are so unreasonable." Xiao Song squeezed his lips and advised with a face, "Even if you marry another girl and I marry another man, what does it matter? At most, we can get closer to our family and visit us often. Why do you have to be so troublesome? It's a burden to marry me!" This girl is unhappy. Look at what she said. It's so strange!

Li Zhuqin's eyes became deeper and deeper. After hearing Xiao Song's words that were getting more and more wrong, his dark eyes finally surged up, bringing an earth-shaking feeling of forbearance. He clenched her shoulder and straightened her in Xiao Song's struggle.

The strength was a little strong. Xiao Song was in pain and stretched out his hand across his chest to open the distance between the two. Li Zhuqin lowered his head and his wet and warm breath was close to his face. Xiao Song's heart skipped a pat and struggled to separate his face: "Brother Li..."

He stared into her eyes, with a suppressed anger in his deep eyes, and his thin lips moved slightly, revealing word by word: "You are not a burden, never. I will cure you..."

Xiao Song coldly dismantled the stage: "It's good to be cured, but what if it can't be cured? No one knows better about my health than me. If it hadn't been for any miracle, my problem would not have been cured. Although the senior brother is powerful, he is not a fairy after all. He can't rise up the flesh and bones of the dead, can't he?

"There is no miracle, then I will create a miracle for you."

Xiao Song looked at him for a long time, suddenly opened his mouth and said little by little, "Yes, it's a pity... I don't believe it." When did the senior brother learn to say these sweet words? Men say these words to deceive women with purpose. What's the purpose of my brother saying these nice words to me? Don't blame her for speculating on others with such a vicious mind. It's really... The kind girl thought about it, but she still felt that instead of dragging on to the end to hurt each other - of course, this possibility is not too great, and it is too difficult to hurt her psychologically. How powerful she is!

However, instead of dragging like this, it's better to die early and live early. You can say all these words and break those delusions that you shouldn't have, and you can also be at your own. Lizhu Qin is the only person in the world who has given her warmth. She can't repay. Now that I think about it, the best reward is not to drag him up - she can't give him a future.

"I do have a purpose."

Brother, do you dare to be more honest?

Also, is it really okay to say such a thing to a dying person?

Xiao Song was stunned and didn't expect him to say such words so openly. For a moment, he was blocked so that he had nothing to say. He just followed him in a daze and said, "Oh... what is it?"

"I don't want to marry another girl, and I don't want you to marry someone else."

Xiao Song is slightly dull.

"You should have known, didn't you?" Word by word, aggressive. I like you. How long do you want to escape?

Miss Xiao Song, who was dumbfounded by these hot words, forgot to take the domineering queen's route for a moment and was beaten back to her original shape. She said, "...I will die."

The corners of Lizhu Qin's lips hooked slightly: "If you live, I will live with you; if you die, I will die with you. Biluo Huangquan, wherever you go, I will go there with you and never abandon you.

This is really beautiful...

Xiao Song felt tragic in an instant. He was about to die, and even inexplicably provoked a love debt!

Xiao Song held his breath, unexpectedly broke away from his shackles, retreated to one side, and there was a faint alienation between his eyebrows: "I haven't heard of today's words. It's better for my brother to forget it. After all, in my heart, my brother has always been my brother, and this kind of words are not suitable for me... Ah!" Her arm was pulled, and the next second she was pulled into a hug, and the face-to-face look made her have nowhere to hide. After a moment of sterling, Xiao Song's eyes became bigger and bigger, and he was about to push him away. Unexpectedly, Li Zhuqin pressed the back of her head first, aimed at her lips and kissed her hard... fierce plunder without a trace of pity. Xiao Song immediately struggled, but her waist was firmly imprisoned. The more she moved, the tighter she became. In the end, she seemed to be wrapped by an iron arm and closely with his body. Through the thin clothes, she could feel the lines of each other's bodies. She could no longer move any more, and could only passively withstand the fierce plunder of the other party.

Xiao Song was frightened by the kiss. In that fierce kiss that didn't look like this explosive person should have, she even felt something called 'anger'.

Why... be angry?

What did she say wrong?

Also, even if you want to be angry, shouldn't the person who should be angry be her poor victim?!

This illusion of being punished stunned her all over, and a subtle sense of grievance suddenly permeated her heart and provoked the sourness in her eyes, so she also missed the opportunity to resist again and was completely plundered by Lizhu Qin. When she finally remembered to resist again, he had let go of her. Xiao Song's legs were not stable at all, and his whole body seemed to be sucked away, so that his whole body was a little soft. She gasped and leaned on the door. Her eyes were a little lax, but she still stared at Lizhu Qin sharply. However, his face was very calm, and he didn't even breathe at all. His whole body was normal as if what had happened was just an illusion. If it hadn't been for two abnormal blushes on his white face, I'm afraid that even Xiao Song thought that the plunder was just an impractical dream she had done.

He reached out to pull her skirt, and Xiao Song slapped him reflexively: "Go away!"

He did not dodge and was slapped by her firmly. The crackling echoed in the room, and even Xiao Song was stunned. She couldn't believe that she would beat her former senior brother so rudely. Time seemed to be stagnant at this moment. In an instant, Xiao Song actually had an inexplicable apprehension - obviously she was not wrong. The person who was ungrate was herself, facing Li Zhuqin, who did not resist Ren Jun's disposal, still felt uncomfortable - at least she was also a person she had used. A capricious person like her is not something she is willing to take advantage of.

Li Zhuqin quickly turned his head, but there was no anger on his face, but said calmly, "I'm sorry... your clothes are loose."

Xiao Song wiped his lips with the back of his hand, trying to wipe away the smell left on his lips, but the smell was difficult to erase. After hearing Li Zhuqin's joke with a vague smile, she found that she didn't know when her clothes had opened, revealing the crooked belly pocket inside that was difficult to hide the spring light. The old man blushed, took her clothes with her hands together, and stammered awkwardly, "Why... are you sorry?" In fact, she shouldn't have asked such nonsense. She still feels uncomfortable in her heart.

"I'm abrupt, and you deserve to hit me."

There is nothing wrong with saying this... But can you not say it so elegantly? Why does it look like she is making trouble for no reason? Obviously, it's true that you are wrong first ←_←!

Xiao Song was a little annoyed and stared at him fiercely. He was about to say something to hit this person, but he opened his mouth again.

"I'm sorry, but I don't regret it." The tone is light, but a little self-deprecating. If I don't take the initiative, will you only treat me as your brother in your life? Linger..." He sighed and stroked her cheeks, with mixed emotions in his eyes: "No brother would do such a thing to his sister... I just want you to understand that I have never treated you as a sister. You are a woman, a woman I identified a long time ago... Do you understand?"

This kind of Lizhu Qin... made her very stressed and had a feeling of being deterred. She subconsciously swallowed a mouthful of water, and suddenly remembered that she had just melted with this person. In this saliva... Well! I want to spit it out, but I can't spit it out. It's really embarrassing and uncomfortable: "I..."

"If you still don't understand, I can do it again." He said lightly, which didn't seem to be joking at all. With that, he stretched out his hand directly and wanted to hold her.

Xiao Song's heart suddenly changed. I'll go! Is this guy really still a reserved Lizhu Qin?!

She patted Li Zhuqin's hand, put her hands across her chest, subconsciously made a defensive posture, and said hatefully, "Brother, please be self-respecting!"

"Self-respect?" He chewed the two words in a playful whisper, as if it were very interesting. What is self-respect? If I take care of myself, will you promise to marry me?"

What is this and what! Xiao Song was full of black lines and slightly turned his face to ignore this face with a little expectation. He said without hesitation, "No, I don't want to involve my brother."

"Even if I don't think it's an involvement?"

"Yes... people are valuable in self-knowledge." Xiao Song lowered his eyebrows, and his long eyelashes drooped softly, casting a shadow under his eyes: "On the past love, my brother still... let me go."

"Apart...Apart?" Li Zhuqin smiled, first smiled, and the corners of his mouth were pulled up, pulling out a beautiful arc, which made people palpitations. The smile expanded in the blink of an eye and slowly turned into a laugh, as if he had heard something interesting... Xiao Song's eyes were stunned. Gradually, the smile stopped. He straightened his slender waist, and his eyes were stained with a layer of water mist, with an indescribable confusion. His cheeks were blurred because he laughed too much. Compared with his usual pale elegance, it was really gorgeous.