The superstar little boyfriend of the evil president

Chapter 27 Singles' Day, you have to run naked to be outstanding

As we all know, Singles' Day, November 11, comes from the fact that there are four numbers "1" shaped like four smooth sticks on this day, and bachelors have the meaning of being single, so November 11 is widely circulated as "Singles Day" and has become a festival for singles. Singles' Day was born in the early 1990s at Nanjing University and then expanded to Nanjing universities and then spread to various universities. It is one of the representative products of interesting culture on campus. As a group of students bid farewell to the campus, the festival has gradually been brought into society, and now it is now a popular informal festival.

On the basis of Singles' Day, due to the marriage of men and women's marriage, there has been a strip festival. On November 11, it is "Singles' Day" to celebrate single life; it is "Singles Day" to participate in dating activities to get rid of the bare body. On the other hand, married people celebrate November 11 as the "Loyal Couple Day" with four 1s with two pairs representing "one husband and one wife, one family" and "one life, one mind", and many newlyweds specially chose to get married on this day. In addition, some young people regard this day as a day to congratulate themselves on being able to live independently without the care and support of their parents.

Singles' Day has become a popular single holiday in society. Extension from 1, January 1 is called "Little Singles' Day", January 11 and November 1 is called "Singles Day", and November 11 is called Big Singles' Day because there are four 1s, of which the "Big Singles' Day" on November 11 is commonly known as Singles' Day. The mascot of Singles' Day is four deep-fried dough sticks and one steamed bun. Four deep-fried dough sticks are the four "1" in 11/11. The steamed buns represent the middle point and are also replaced by eggs. On Singles' Day, some "singles" will choose various ways to celebrate.

Men's bachelors are called "light", women's bare bodies are called "mingming", and those who become double pairs are called "doubles". The male bachelor's famous grass owner is called "undressed", the single female flower owner is called " blind", and returning to the bare body is called "light restoration".

For Xia Luolin, Wu Duoduo, Lin Yuwen, Chenchen and Ruan Yiyu, who are singles at this moment, they are also extremely excited on this day, because their bachelor's holiday is coming.

"Brothers, tomorrow is Singles' Day. Have you thought about how to pass it?" Wu Duoduo announced it loudly with some excitement.

"Really? Tomorrow is November 11th?" Zhang Linan asked curiously, as if he had beaten chicken blood, and said happily, "I'm also looking forward to tomorrow."

"You are looking forward to wool, not bachelors," Wu Duoduo said with some disgust.

"Damn, with you, can't I take off my clothes?"

"Vinde, are you sure you want to take off?" Xia Luolin asked calmly, as if he was watching a good play.

Everyone also looked at the tension man as if they were watching the play. What they were looking forward to more was Li Yuliang's reaction. If the reaction is strong, the more wonderful the play will be. If there is no reaction, it can only be said that it is boring. Of course, he is as smart as Li Yuliang, and it's not that he doesn't know the ideas of this group of people. He wants to see his good play.

" Lin, you can't misinterpret me so much," Zhang Linan muttered.

"In the celebration of Singles' Day, there is the celebration of running naked," Chenchen kindly reminded them not to care too much about Zhang Linan's move to take off, but they don't know, is this a good intention to do bad things?

There are eleven creative ways to celebrate Singles' Day, although it is not necessary to celebrate in this way, because after all, everyone's personality is different, and of course the way of celebrating is different.

The first creative way: flash, take the No. 11 bus on November 11.

The second creative way: drink stuffy wine, and you can vent your depression on this day.

The third creative way: Kuaidou, go and fight with the person who took away your love.

The fourth creative way: just as mentioned by Chenchen, no one may run naked in China, but it is relatively popular abroad. The body is your own. You can do whatever you want. Take advantage of this day to be a thorough bachelor.

The fifth creative way: form a party and gather bachelors to form a bachelor alliance, which may be a good choice.

The sixth creative way: work overtime, let the busy overtime enrich yourself, so that you don't think too much.

The seventh creative way: karaoke, singing in KTV, in fact, this way may be more popular with modern people.

The eighth creative way: single dinner, give yourself a wonderful date, and let the food satisfy yourself.

The ninth creative way: poetry meeting.

The tenth creative way: to gang up, on November 11, set a goal for yourself and pull N people into the army of bachelors.

The eleventh creative way: giving gifts to each other, Singles' Day is most suitable for secret lovers to confess to each other and give gifts to each other. ( See Baidu Encyclopedia for details)

Ruan Yiyu told everyone about these ways of celebration.

"Wow, which one should we choose? It doesn't feel good," Chenchen said admiringly.

"Choose to run naked, which is very good and will definitely attract attention," Lin Yuwen said with a positive face.

"We won't stop you." Everyone said.

I heard that bachelors are also graded, bird-level bachelors - not that you don't want to find, but that you can't find them. A rookie-level bachelor - in the middle of two periods of love, purely resting. The level of ashes-level bachelors who go in and out of thousands of flowers and see through the world," Xia Luolin added.

"I don't think I'm at any level," Wu Duoduo curled his lips.

"I'm not one of them," Ruan Yiyu also agreed.

"Do you really want to run naked? Yuliang, do you agree?" Wu Duoduo circled the topic again and also attracted their attention. They looked at Zhang Linan in an incredible way, and looked at Li Yuliang beside him with great interest, looking forward to his answer. Similarly, his answer could only let them down.

"Of course I don't mind, and I also want to see the ** of Li Nan," Li Yu looked at this group of people with a good smile, with an indifferent attitude. It's a pity that they won't be paparazzi in the future. Isn't it a pity for this group of paparazzi people?

Although they have been together for nearly a month, the deepest step is just kissing, although sometimes they will help each other. Handing in and so on, but they didn't finish the whole process, but they were not in a hurry for a while. At this time, they were still students. They had a long time to finish the whole set. Although he really wants to eat Linan now and let him follow him with all his heart, he just wants to think about it.

"Go away," Zhang Linan said with a red face and a thick neck. It's not that he hasn't seen it, and his whole body has been touched, and he didn't help him. He also coaxed with Lin and others, which made him very depressed now. He really turned his elbow out and looked white.

"Huh? Really? Yuliang, you haven't fallen on the virgin, have you? Lin Yuwen patted Li Yuliang's chest, looked malicious, and asked with a treacherous smile.

"Isn't he a virgin or a virgin?" Xia Luolin was also very surprised. He thought that he wanted Li Yuliang like this. He probably jumped over it a long time ago, but he hadn't fallen down yet, which was an incredible thing.

Zhang Linan stared at them. Shit, these people are not talking about Singles' Day. Why did they involve him again? However, everyone didn't dump him at all and continued to gossip.

"Is it? Yuliang, can't you?" Wu Duoduo asked uncertainly.

"Can you try it?" Li Yuliang raised his eyebrows and wanted to see him shrive. He was not a man. He was so easy to bully.

"No, forget it. Don't bully your friend's wife," Wu Duoduo curled his lips.

"Wu Duoduo, I'm too lazy to complain about you," Lin Yuwen looked at Wu Duoduo with white eyes.

"Originally, what I like is Chenchen," Wu Duoduo looked at Chenchen shyly, suddenly took Chenchen's hand, and asked expectantly, "Chenchen, would you like to let me get out of Singles' Day from now on?" With a deep face, he was actually quite nervous when he said this. What he said was actually true. At this time, he also wanted to know how he had feelings for him, which was also a test.

It's natural for him to nod his head. If he refuses, take it as a joke and laugh.

"Eh?" Chenchen looked at Wu Duoduo in surprise. She was completely shocked by this sentence and did not react.

"Wow, Duoduo's true confession," Xia Luolin also looked at Duoduo incredibly. I guess it was a joke, but he didn't see any signs of joking from Duoduo's face. He thought with some uncertainty in his heart that he didn't really like Chenchen, would he?

However, looking at Chenchen's appearance, Duoduo was destined to be frustrated in love. He couldn't help but look at Wu Duoduo again with some sympathy. In the car back from Lijiang, he always felt that Chenchen should like Lin Yuwen. Although he could not see how Lin Yuwen had feelings for Chenchen, he could take this opportunity to test it. Lin Yuwen's feelings for Chenchen.

He took a look at Lin Yuwen. At this time, his face turned blue, and his eyes stared at Wu Duoduo holding Chenchen's hand, and his eyes were full of anger. He was probably stimulated by Wu Duoduo's words. Does that mean that Lin Yuwen also has feelings for Chenchen? He still thinks too much and wait and see what happens.

However, the atmosphere at this time also began to gradually become a little different. Where is the specific difference, Charlotte can't say. In short, there is no pleasure just now.

Lin Yuwen patted Wu Duoduo's hand holding Chenchen's hand and looked at Wu Duoduo angrily, but he cared more about Chenchen's reaction.

"Lin Yuwen, what are you doing?" Wu Duoduo looked at the hand that was patted by Lin Yuwen and looked at Lin Yuwen angrily. Naturally, his tone was not much better. Does this guy want to make trouble again?

Yes, what is he doing? What's wrong with him? He clearly said that he gave up what he liked, but when he saw Wu Duoduo holding Chenchen's hand, he unconsciously wanted to separate their hands, which made him feel particularly dazzling. Perhaps what he cares about most is Chenchen's attitude. He has been waiting for Chenchen to break away from Wu Duoduo's hand, but he is still disappointed after all. Chenchen did not open Wu Duoduo's hand. Suddenly, he thought sadly why he didn't break away from Wu Duoduo when he broke away from his hand like that day. Or, in fact, anyone can do it, but he can't hold his hand. It seems that he hates him very much.

Chenchen should not be blamed, because he was still shocked and did not react, and his face was even more blank.

"I didn't do anything. I'm just not used to it, because Chenchen has someone he likes," Lin Yuwen said calmly. He thought he was also particularly entangled when he said this.

"What did you say?" Wu Duoduo was stunned by Lin Yuwen's words. He must have heard it wrong just now. He didn't believe that Chenchen had someone he liked.

In the same way, not only Wu Duoduo was stunned, but others were also stunned. Even Chenchen, who had just reacted, was also stunned. He just said that he had someone he liked. Has he seen that he likes him? Chenchen guessed it in his heart.

How could he see it? He obviously has a good hidden secret, not to say that there is no secret that can be hidden, so what will he think of him? Will he be disgusting? Do you feel disgusted when you are liked by someone of the same sex? He lowered his head and dared not look at him, let alone face them.

"Chenchen, is this true?" Wu Duoduo asked with some trembling.

"What I saw with my own eyes is still fake?" Lin Yuwen stood in front of Chenchen and answered angrily, although he was also a little uncertain.

"Lin Yuwen, I have been unhappy with you for a long time," Wu Duoduo stared at Lin Yuwen angrily.

Is that right? Do you want to fight?" Lin Yuwen also asked fearlessly.

The two stared at each other, their eyes met, and no one retreated. It can be said that at this time, lightning, thunder and sparks were everywhere.

"Enough," Chenchen suddenly stopped and stared at Lin Yuwen with a little trembling tone, "I have someone I like, so what?" Chenchen never thought that his words would hurt two people at the same time.

The two stopped and looked at Chenchen with an injured expression. Why are they still playing monkey tricks like this? So all this is true?

"I know, you continue to discuss. I have something else to do. I'll leave first," Lin Yuwen said to everyone apologetically. Without waiting for others to say anything, he got up and left.

"I'm sorry, I have something else to do, and I have to leave first," Wu Duoduo said with the same apologies.

The two people who were still quarreling chose to leave at the same time, which made Chenchen very depressed. Did he say anything wrong? Because he never thought that Duoduo would like him and want to be with him. He has known Duoduo for so many years, and he has never seen any traces of Duoduo's love, and it is unlikely to think that Wu Duoduo is confessing to him at this moment.

And he already has someone he likes. Didn't he see it? Why do you still have a hurt expression? He really doesn't understand him.

"Hey, infatuated people are always ruthlessly hurt," Ruan Yiyu sighed.

"Yes," Xia Luolin agreed. Anyway, he thought that the person he liked in Chenchen's mouth affirmed Lin Yuwen, but I don't know who Lin Yuwen said? So there is a misunderstanding between them? And Lin Yuwen likes Chenchen? Otherwise, when I heard Chenchen say that there was someone I like just now, I was so hurt and wondered if I should help them.

But Lin Yuwen is too mysterious. It is estimated that the family background is also very complicated, but the road of comrades is not easy to go. He is afraid that innocent people like Chenchen will be hurt. However, as long as they like each other, he will still help them, and the future will still be on their own. You have to look at them.

"What are you talking about? Why can't I understand a word?" Zhang Linan asked Chenchen's voice. Chenchen also couldn't understand what the two were saying.

"Anyway, no one is in the mood to discuss how to spend Singles' Day now, so Li Nan and I have left," Li Yuliang took Zhang Linan's hand and said to everyone.

"Hey, Yuliang, what's wrong with you?" walked out of the classroom and looked at Li Yuliang, who was walking fast. Zhang Linan staggered to keep up with him.

"Because I want to have more time to tutor Li Men, I don't want to delay too much," Li Yuliang said without looking back and took it for granted.

"Ha?" It's tutoring again. At this time, as long as he hears the word tutoring, his head is about to blow up. Although he is reluctant, he knows that he is all for his good and has to put up with it.

"Yu Liang, do you think Chenchen really has someone he likes?" Zhang Linan asked curiously.

And Li Yuliang did not answer, "You'd better take care of yourself. If you don't do well in the exam this time, you can wait to be punished."

When Zhang Linan heard Li Yuliang's words, he suddenly became desperate. He was not in the mood to know other things and stopped asking more questions.

"Chenchen, don't you really know what they both mean?" Xia Luolin asked kindly.

"Heart? They? How can it be," Chenchen waved her hand and obviously didn't believe what Xia Luolin said.

Duoduo is impossible, and Yu Wen is even more impossible. He already has a girlfriend. Although he also wondered why he patted Duoduo's hand just now, he also obviously felt the traces of Yu Wen's anger, but he knew that they were impossible. Yu Wen was a straight man.

"Luo Lin, don't say it, let Chenchen feel his feelings for him," Ruan Yiyu suggested to Xia Luolin.

"Well, that's right."

Why do they say that? Why can't he understand? Is he really too stupid? It's still too slow. At this time, he just wants to confirm one thing. What he can be sure of is that according to the dialogue between Xiaoyu and Luo Lin, he doesn't know that he likes him, so he has a wounded expression?

"Luolin, Xiaoyu, can I ask you a question?"

Xia Luolin and Ruan Yiyu nodded.

"Yu Wen...does he really have a girlfriend?" Chenchen asked cautiously, and his heart was full of tension.

As long as he is sure of this matter, he will know what to do. He just heard Duoduo and Linan say in the dormitory that he knew that they did not need to lie, but no one had seen Yu Wen's girlfriend. If he has a girlfriend, he will give up. If not, he wants to try. He wants to fight for his happiness. If they don't know, then he should fight or give up. He suddenly felt a little confused and regretted asking this question.

He didn't see that Wu Duoduo seemed to be joking. In the end, he still helped Wu Duoduo. Lin Yuwen was a little bitter in his heart. He was a big fool and a big fool and scolded in his heart. Why is he so dull? With anger, he decided to go to Yan to complain.

Similarly, Wu Duoduo is also depressed. Now he knows Chenchen's intention, but he just regards him as a friend. He looks up to himself and always thinks that Chenchen likes him. Now I finally know the result. Chenchen already has someone he likes, but he won't give up like this. He is Wu Duoduo. He gave up so easily, but Wu Duoduo can't do anything. After thinking about this, the flame-like fighting spirit was rekindled.