The superstar little boyfriend of the evil president

Chapter 28 Love involves three people and will hurt one person

"Why hasn't that guy Lin Yuwen come yet?" Wu Duoduo asked others impatiently. The reason why he was impatient was that they had been waiting for nearly half an hour downstairs.

"I don't know. Yu Wen said he would pick up his friend soon," Xia Luolin said uncertainly. He believes that saying this may reduce Duoduo's impetuous mood. It can only be said that sometimes good people are not good.

"More, just put up with it," Chenchen said. In fact, when Lin Yuwen said that he wanted to bring a friend, he had an ominous foreboding in his heart. He was afraid that he really had a girlfriend, and he was even more afraid. He brought his girlfriend. Otherwise, if he had made up his mind last night, he could only hide it in his heart and never see the day again.

He is betting with himself. If not, he will confess to him. If so, he can only bless him silently in his heart. At this time, he was too nervous and his palms were also sweaty.

"Okay," he couldn't say anything when he heard Chen Chen's words.

Maybe this sentence is really fulfilled, saying that Cao Cao will arrive.

"Guys, I'm sorry, I'm late," Lin Yuwen walked into everyone and said apologetically.

Lin Yuwen thought that it should only take more than ten minutes to pick up Yan. Who knew that he was about to go out, but he was caught by Ji Fei's damn woman, so he took a lot of effort to bring Yan out. Ji Fei's damn woman didn't know how to follow Yan back to China. She was really a thick-skinned person. Wherever Yan went, she followed her, like a follower, and very pretentious, which was really annoying. At least he is very tired of that woman, and he doesn't know how Yan tolerates that woman.

"Who do you really think you are? Let everyone wait for you alone," Wu Duoduo looked at him playing with a hippie smile, which was really dazzling, so he muttered dissatisfiedly.

In Wu Duoduo's eyes, no matter what kind of smile Lin Yuwen is, he is a hippie smile, without a serious smile, and it is very dazzling. In his heart, prejudice also began to form slowly. No matter what Lin Yuwen did, there was always a feeling of picking bones in the egg. If he didn't say a word of irony, he would feel really uncomfortable.

After yesterday's incident, the relationship between Wu Duoduo and Lin Yuwen also officially dropped to zero, and they were bored. Perhaps it can be said that in Wu Duoduo's heart, Lin Yuwen has become his imaginary enemy.

"You..." Lin Yuwen wanted to refute, but because Yan was beside him, he could only bear it and stared at Wu Duoduo with hatred.

"Yunwen, who is the person next to you?" Xiaoyu asked curiously that such a handsome person exists like a demon.

They noticed from the beginning how such a wicked person can be ignored. This is Lin Yuwen's friend, which makes them feel incredible. However, the most shocking thing was Xia Luolin. He stared at the people next to Lin Yuwen with dull eyes. What's going on? He didn't expect that the friend Lin Yuwen was going to bring was him.

And the moment Chenchen saw Mu Yingyan, he was relieved, not his girlfriend. Now he has become more nervous and suddenly a little timid. Does he really want to confess to him? The heart is beating faster and faster.

"This is the friend I told you last night, Mu Yingyan," Lin Yuwen proudly introduced to everyone.

In fact, the most surprising thing is him. Yan actually came to the bachelor's day party with him, and he just mentioned it casually last night.

Yesterday afternoon, although they discussed how to celebrate the bachelors ended in failure, but when they returned to the dormitory in the evening, they discussed how to celebrate Singles' Day, so everyone discussed to climb the mountain on Singles' Day. And he told Yan about this matter, and the reason why Yan wanted to go was that it was very interesting and he also wanted to go, so he asked everyone's opinions, but everyone did not object.

Sure enough, he still can't believe this reason, or is it because of him? Lin Yuwen took a look at Xia Luolin.

"I really didn't expect that Yu Wen knew such a person," Zhang Linan's face was unbelievable, but it seemed to be normal. Lin Yuwen's appearance was also biased towards the evil family, especially his Danfeng eyes. Why did there suddenly be such evil in the world?

"What kind of person?" Lin Yuwen is very unhappy. What is such a person?

"Linan means that people like evil people can see words like enchanting at first sight," Li Yuliang explained for Zhang Linan.

"Hehe, thank you for your praise," if other people generally hear this, they will definitely be angry, because a boy should not be used to describe the words handsome and handsome, but to describe a girl's beauty. But Mu Yingyan was not angry because of this description, but smiled and said modestly.

So because of his smile, the words that Li Yuliang just said appeared in everyone's eyes. It was enchanting and charming, just like bathing in the vernal equinox, making them stand there with dull eyes.

"Go ahead, I won't go?" Xia Luolin suddenly said to them who had not recovered.

"Huh? Why, Luo Lin, everyone looked at him puzzledly.

"Xiaolin, are you still angry about that day?" Hearing that Xia Luolin couldn't go, Mu Yingyan asked uncertainly.

Xia Luolin did not answer, because he didn't know how to answer. Maybe the factor of that day still existed, but the main reason was still him and didn't know how to face him.

Everyone looked at them doubtfully. The most surprising thing was Lin Yuwen. They didn't expect that they had already met. What's going on? When did Yan meet Luo Lin? Why didn't he know?

"I'm sorry, I'm suddenly not feeling well. I'll go back first," Xia Luolin said apologetically to the crowd and turned away from their sight. Even if he said he escaped, he was not ready for the time being and met him again.

"Lin," Zhang Lin wanted to catch up, but he was pulled by Li Yuliang and shook his head at him, signaling him not to catch up. He was puzzled, but in the end he didn't catch up. He knew that Yuliang must have seen something.

Although they don't understand Xia Luolin's behavior, since he is uncomfortable, they don't say anything more, but they know that Luo Lin's sudden discomfort may be related to the man in front of him, so let him calm down and not disturb is the best choice.

Mu Yingyan stood there vibly, without recalling, and his eyes were full of loss and disappointment. Has he begun to hate him? His heart hurts so much. It hurts so much that it seems that I can't breathe.

Is this only true that he suffered by himself? If you listen to Ji Fei's advice and don't go to him for the time being, will he not face him with such an attitude and ignore him so much? Who will tell him the answer?

"Yan, what's wrong with you?" Lin Yuwen looked at Mu Yingyan, who had been in a daze, and asked worriedly.

"No... It's okay, by the way, Yuwen, I'm sorry, I have something else to do. I'll go first," Mu Yingyan apologized to Lin Yuwen. Without waiting for Lin Yuwen to speak, he turned around and left.

As Lin Yuwen thought, Mu Yingyan asked Lin Yuwen to take him because he heard that Xia Luolin was also going. Now, since he doesn't go, what else is he going to do?

What does it mean? Obviously, he wanted to chase Luo Lin. He was really a person of words. Lin Yuwen sighed helplessly. Although he didn't know what happened between Yan and Luo Lin when he was a child, he still heard Yan mention it, but it seems that there is another person in Luo Lin's heart, the person named Mu Yinhan? He didn't know whether to tell Yan about this matter. He didn't want to see Yan injured, but this matter has always been entangled in his heart.

"I'm sorry, my friend left in advance," Lin Yuwen said guiltily.

"It's okay. Shall we still climb the mountain?" Ruan Yiyu asked.

"I think so. I guess everyone is not interested in climbing the mountain now. Let's break up," Li Yuliang suggested.

Everyone agreed to nod. It's also good to go to their own Singles' Day. They don't have to climb mountains, and they don't have to be together to be lively.

"Yu Wen, do you... have any other arrangements later?" Chenchen walked into Lin Yuwen and asked nervously.

"No," Lin Yuwen answered without thinking, because he was going to do a very important thing today, and this matter was also approved by Yan.

"I have something to talk to you about. Can I talk about it separately?" Chenchen said a little, and his tone was full of caution. He was afraid that he would refuse. If he refused him, what should he do?

"Well, okay," he also wanted to have a good talk with Chenchen.

He went to Yan in a depressed mood yesterday, hoping that he could help analyze it, so he told Yan about his feelings for Chenchen. Finally, Yan told him that he liked Chenchen and had reached the point where he could not extricate himself. At first, he was scared by this sentence. He didn't expect that he had reached this point and reached the point where he could not extricate himself. It turned out that he had loved him so much.

After hearing Li Yuliang's suggestion, Wu Duoduo wanted to invite Chenchen to spend Singles' Day with him, but he didn't expect that Chenchen actually went to Lin Yuwen. Looking at Chenchen's complicated expression, he asked Lin Yuwen so carefully. He stopped and watched the two of them disappear in front of his eyes. Who can tell him what's going on? Is it possible that the person Chenchen liked yesterday is Lin Yuwen? He was shocked by his idea. He forced himself that it was not true and impossible. How could Chenchen like the ruffian Lin Yuwen?

"Duoduo, think about it," only Ruan Yiyu has not left yet. When he saw that Wu Duoduo was a little abnormal, he guessed that he could see that the person Chenchen actually liked was Yu Wen. He patted Wu Duoduo on the shoulder and said comfortingly.

Think about it? What is open-open? Wu Duoduo asked questioningly, "Have you seen it for a long time? Can you see that Chenchen likes Lin Yuwen?

"Well, probably," Ruan Yiyu said uncertainly in order not to stimulate Wu Duoduo. How could Chenchen's performance be so obvious that he could not see it, but he knew that there were still people who didn't see it. For example, in front of him, and Yu Wen probably didn't even see it.

This can only say that their feelings are too slow?

"Real?" Wu Duoduo lowered his head and no one could see his expression, but Ruan Yiyu knew that Duoduo must be very sad at this time and thought about how to comfort him.

"I'm sorry, Xiaoyu, I want to be alone," Wu Duoduo said apologetically.

Ruan Yiyu nodded with understanding. Love is really a hurtful thing, but fortunately, he listened to his brother and did not touch it.

"At the age of ten, I met a boy who was more beautiful than an angel, and there was always a faint sadness in his eyes. I don't know what sad things he had. In the 16 days together, I have never asked. Although I was curious, I knew he didn't want to say," Xia Luolin knew that he had caught up. He also knew that he was standing behind him, so he slowly talked about what happened when he was a child.

He came to his secret base again, because only here can calm his mood, and he must have guessed it.

As he thought, Mu Yingyan stood quietly behind him, listening to his words quietly without saying a word. At this time, he didn't know what he was thinking. It seemed to be blank, because he didn't expect him to say this.

"In the 16 days with him, I have been very happy. It is no exaggeration to say that these 16 days are the happiest days I have had in 17 years, but..." Xia Luolin turned around and looked directly into Mu Yingyan's eyes. Why did he have a sad expression in his eyes? Why did he show a panicked expression because of what he said? He didn't know why he said it, but he said it for no reason.

"He left. On the first day when the cherry blossoms withered, he left. I heard that he died in a fire because of a fire."

When Mu Yingyan heard the word fire, a trace of fear and uneasiness flashed in his eyes, and his hand unconsciously pinched into a fist. He was afraid, as if the fire had burned up in front of him again, but it was just fleeting. He quickly hid such negative emotions, because he couldn't Let him see anything. As careful as Charlotte, of course, he found a slight change, but why was there fear in his eyes?

He walked slowly to him, stared at him, and continued to say word by word, tapping Mu Yingyan's heart, "But I don't believe he is dead. I know he must not die."

"Yes... Is that right? Are you so sure?" Mu Yingyan did not look into his eyes, but turned his head aside, stared at the trees beside him, and replied in panic.

"Why avoid my eyes? Why don't you dare look at me?" Xia Luolin pressed forward step by step. What's wrong with him? Obviously, he has been sure that he is cold in his heart, and he has made up his mind, but he will no longer forgive him for any reason.

And now he should not worry about feelings. His main task now is to study and then avenge his mother. He wants his father and woman to have a good life.

Even if he admits that it is cold now, what's the point? It's impossible for him and him, but even if he thinks so, he will force himself and warn himself. As long as you meet him, these words to warn yourself will pass away with the wind like air. Maybe he just wanted to make sure whether he was or not, and he comforted himself like this.

"I'm sorry, I'm too excited. I think so. The body of a child has been identified at the scene of the fire. How could it not have died," Xia Luolin turned around and said sarcastically.


Mu Yingyan didn't know how much despair he had when he answered this. He also heard the ridicule in his words. He wanted to tell him about the fire seven years ago, about the cold in his mouth, which was indeed dead and died in the fire. Because he doesn't know whether he likes the cold he mentioned or Mu Yingyan who is standing in front of him now. Perhaps the main reason is that he can't lose his position as heir because of this. He wants to become stronger. Only by becoming stronger can he protect what he wants and keep him from being hurt.

"I still remember what he said to me. He said: Xiaolin, shall we be together when we grow up? Xiaolin cooks, I wash the dishes, and we do what ordinary couples do, like ordinary couples, okay?" Xia Luolin continued to talk calmly.

No one told him about his story, which has been hidden in his heart, because it is a secret that belongs to them.

"In the end, he still went his word," he said, and he couldn't help smiling bitterly.

"He may not have lost his promise, he may have had no choice but to suffer, and maybe the fire that year was strange," Mu Yingyan said quickly.

"You said it was possible. If so, why didn't he appear in front of me?"

"Because... I don't know, and I'm just guessing," Mu Yingyan wanted to say something, but finally he couldn't help saying it.

If he is willing to wait for another three years, three years later, even if he doesn't like him, even if he finally chooses to forget, he will make him fall in love with him once and rely on him shamelessly.

Even if he has fallen in love with someone else, he will snatch him back from that man's hands.

"It's much better now. Maybe it's time to have a girlfriend to start a new life tomorrow," Xia Luolin said pretending not to care at all, and this is also what he really thinks.

Imagine how shameful it is for a 17-year-old boy to say that he has never been in love.

"Well, that's not bad," Mu Yingyan didn't find it. When he said this, his tone trembled a little, but he knew that when he heard him say this, he deeply stung his heart. He seemed to tell him that it was not good, but in what position should he say this?

"Yan, would you like to help me? Help me choose a girlfriend," Xia Luolin stared at Mu Yingyan and asked.

"'s okay."