The superstar little boyfriend of the evil president

Chapter 39 Homosexual attraction, opposite sex repel each other?

A week passed, and Li Yuliang silently counted the number of people. He found that they seemed to have another person? Not only him, but also others found that they collectively looked at the extra person with a blank face. And this extra person is unconscious and leisurely eating his lunch.

And the person who eats his lunch is Xia Luolin's current club, Meng Hangpei, the president of the guitar club, and how can Meng Hangpei, who is known as familiar with him, care about this?

"Yunwen, what will Yan do this week? Why didn't I see him," Chenchen asked curiously. When Xia Luolin heard Chenchen ask questions about Mu Yingyan, he paused. He was also very curious. Since Chenchen's birthday, he has become a little abnormal. He goes out early and comes back late every day and doesn't go to class. Up to now, he can chat calmly with others, but he doesn't even look at him. Whenever he comes forward to talk to him, he immediately walks away, as if he is deliberately hiding from him. He should not offend him, right?

"Yes, where did Yan go?" Wu Duoduo also asked curiously.

"Are you talking about that beautiful boy?" Meng Hangpei asked doubtfully.

"Well, but I have never figured out that I would know a guy like Lin Yuwen, which has always made me feel incredible, just like a virgin and Luo Lin, which surprised me," Wu Duoduo said incomprehensiblely.

"Hey, Wu Duoduo, what do you mean," Zhang Linan stared at Wu Duoduo and asked dissatisfiedly.

"Vinth, shall we solve Wu Duoduo together?" Lin Yuwen put down his chopsticks, pinched his fingers, and said to Zhang Linan with a smile. If you dare to despise him, it seems that you really don't want to live.

"Well, that's the intention, too," Zhang Linan looked at Wu Duoduo with a smile.

The two looked at each other, with a treacherous smile on their faces, and two demon horns appeared on their heads. They slowly walked to Wu Duoduo. They had always wanted to do this, but they just didn't find an opportunity. Today's opportunity is rare. If they miss this opportunity, they may regret it for life.

Wu Duoduo looked at the two of them nervously. He could tell from their smile that it was definitely not a good thing. He was right. He was not allowed to resist. Lin Yuwen raised his feet and Zhang Linan raised his shoulders. What they had always wanted to do was to throw Wu Duoduo out of the canteen. Because more than half of the lunch time has passed, there are not many people in the canteen, and there is no need to worry about any sensation.

"1,2, 3," Lin Yuwen shouted the slogan. The two threw Wu Duoduo in the air three times before throwing people away. They threw them out without hesitation without any consideration.

Before the others could say anything, they saw a perfect parabola in front of them.

"Ah," Wu Duoduo rubbed the painful fart and stared at Lin Yuwen and Zhang Linan with resentment. He really didn't expect that these two people would be so cruel and really threw him out. Without revenge, Wu Duoduo read the three words upside down.

"Are you all right?" Seeing this, Meng Hangpei got up and walked into Wu Duoduo. He stretched out his hand in front of Wu Duoduo and looked at the resentful face of the people in front of him. He felt very interesting. After getting along with him this week, he also learned about the man in front of him, gossip and poisonous snake, with a heartless smile hanging on his face all day long. I really don't know why he He will be attracted to him, and this person, like him, is a male silver. Perhaps this sentence can only be used to explain that fate is so wonderful.

"Thank you...thank you," Wu Duoduo put a hand on Meng Hangpei's hand. Meng Hangpei took the opportunity to pull him up. Maybe it was too hard. Wu Duoduo rushed to his chest. He was reflexive and put his hand on Wu Duoduo's waist. Wu Duoduo was stunned because of surprise. The group of people next to him also looked at the two people hugging each other in front of him and looked at each other, which meant that there was a play, there was a play.

"Yes...Yes..... I'm sorry," Wu Duoduo reacted and hurriedly pushed Meng Hangpei away from his arms. He lowered his head. At this time, he was already blushing and heartbeat. He apologized with some swallowingly and did not dare to look directly into Meng Hangpei's eyes at all. Because he was afraid of his eyes at this time and betrayed his heart. He hypnotized himself in his heart. He likes Chenchen. He won't fall in love with him so quickly. No, he won't.

When Wu Duo pushed him away, he seemed to be a little disappointed. Did he really fall in love with him? He stared at Wu Duoduo, and he thought uncertainly in his heart.

"Yu Liang, what's wrong with these two people?" Zhang Linan also noticed the abnormality of the two at this time, walked to Li Yuliang's side and asked in Li Yuliang's ear.

"Like you look," Li Yuliang answered Zhang Linan's question while playing Taiji. Zhang Linan looked at him with a black line. What he wanted to ask was what he looked like?

"Yu Wen, you ignored my question again," Chenchen broke the silence and said to Lin Yuwen. In the past few days, every time he asked about Yan's whereabouts, he ignored his questions, changed the topic, and obviously didn't want to answer him. He thought angrily. Is this question so difficult to answer? He also cares about Yan. At least he is his cousin. Thinking of this, Chenchen's face also turned red.

And Lin Yuwen doesn't want to answer, because he doesn't know how to answer, because...

"Yan has been busy with engagement these two days, so he is so busy," Lin Yuwen took a deep breath. In the face of Chen Chen, who is so persistent and does not give up, he can only tell the truth.

In fact, he didn't figure out why Yan suddenly agreed to be engaged to Ji Fei's woman. Fortunately, he was not old enough, otherwise he would not be engaged but married now. But what he can be sure of is that the reason why Yan agreed to this marriage must have nothing to do with him. He took a look at Xia Luolin, who was distracted by his words, why did he lose his mind? Don't you think it's ironic to make such an expression now?

Everyone was surprised to hear the news. The most surprised thing was Xia Luolin. He didn't expect that this would be the reason why he would not go to class. It turned out that the words he said to Duoduo that night, and the owner of those words was really not him. He smiled bitterly in his heart. He really didn't expect this. His heart was so uncomfortable. What should he do? He kept asking himself in his heart, and he seemed to be really confused.

Is it all because of this that he has ignored him since Chenchen's birthday? He was like a clown and played the role of a childhood sweetheart in front of him. Finally, he remembered that he was the only one who agreed seven years ago.

"Is this true?" Wu Duoduo did not believe that this was true, because he believed that his intuition told him that the person he mentioned that night was definitely not the person to be engaged now.

"Yun Wen, Yan's engagement partner, does he like that person?" Chenchen asked.

"How can Yan like it," Lin Yuwen replied with a wry smile. He also seemed to ask Yan, but he hadn't seen Yan again for a week, and the reason why he knew it was from Ji Fei's mouth. In fact, he was not sure if this was true?

Seeing that everyone in the family was busy, he was sure that what Ji Fei said was true. He was the last person to know such a big thing in this family. He knew that it must be Yan who told them not to tell him that they were really brothers?

"Then why are you engaged?" Ruan Yiyu suddenly remembered that his brother had also experienced such a thing. He didn't understand why there was a political marriage? How can two people be happy together like this?

"It's not because someone is empathetic," Lin Yuwen said and pointed it out. If it is said why Yan suddenly agreed to the engagement, or after he knew who Xia Luolin's girlfriend was that night, it would be decided.

"Someone?" Li Yuliang grasped the keyword, which could show that the person Mu Yingyan liked should be among them. He ruled out one by one in his heart, and most likely he was the only one. He looked at Xia Luolin and looked at Xia Luolin's faint appearance, which also made him confirm the conjecture in his heart.

The empathetic love mentioned is probably about the fact that Luo Lin and Duoduo are together, but what he can be sure is that Luo Lin and Duoduo are definitely not together? As for why they are together, only they themselves know.

Because of Lin Yuwen's words, not only Li Yuliang guessed it, but also Ruan Yiyu guessed it. It seems that he has to ask Luo Lin well and enlighten Luo Lin.

"Chenchen, let's go," Lin Yuwen walked over and took Chenchen's hand, looked at Xia Luolin again, but said lightly, "Yan has never forgotten you, even after 7 years."

Xia Luolin was shocked again. When he came to his senses, he looked up at Lin Yuwen puzzledly, but Lin Yuwen led Chenchen to leave the canteen and disappeared in front of them.

What does he mean by this? Why did he suddenly say this? What's wrong with him? When he had expectations, he gave him the deepest despair and made him no longer have any hope. Should he have been waiting for him? When will it be the day he looks back at him?

"Luo Lin, are you all right?" Ruan Yiyu asked worriedly.

Even the single-celled Zhang Linan knows what happened. Mu Yingyan should be the person Lin has been in love with, right? He looked at Xia Luolin with the same worry. He was afraid that something really happened to him. Such a serious thing, engagement is equivalent to getting married. What should Lin do?

"No...nothing," Xia Luolin shook his head. He was really fine. What could he do? That was his choice and had no right to interfere. He held back his tears to prevent him from staying. He got up and staggered away from the canteen. He would not let anyone see his embarrassment.

Ruan Yiyu looked at Xia Luolin, who was so unconvinced, and was very worried that something would really happen to him. Now they all guessed that what Lin Yuwen said was about someone's empathy, probably referring to Xia Luolin. When Xia Luolin left, he followed him and did not disturb him.

Wu Duoduo also understood that the person who mentioned that he was going to chase him back that night was Luo Lin. Was it because of him that that made their relationship so tense? Thinking of this day, he also felt a little guilty.

He took a look at Meng Hangpei beside him. He didn't miss any heartbeat. Maybe Yan was right. Love is the spark of life and the sublimation of friendship, and he may be mixed with feelings in the friendship, which is just a throbbing for Chenchen, and isn't Zhang Linan the same? It's time for him to make it clear to Luo Lin, and it's time to explain to Yan about his relationship with Luo Lin and the agreement between him and Luo Lin.

"Meng Hangpei, I have something to say to you," Duoduo looked directly into Meng Hangpei's eyes and said seriously. Even if he was rejected, he could not say it. He just expressed his feelings. It was his business to agree or not.

Seeing such a serious Wu Duoduo, Meng Hangpei may have guessed that things should be very important, so what should he say to him? He couldn't help speculating in his heart. If you want to know what it is, you can only get the answer if you keep up with him.

Wu Duoduo was uneasy on the way. Although he thought so much, he was still really nervous. He tried to find a place where there was no one. When he paid attention to a remote path, he stopped and turned to look at Meng Hangpei, who also stopped. He took many deep breaths, squeezed his hands, lowered his head and closed his eyes. , biting his lip, and after these preparations last night, he slowly opened his mouth.

"Meng Hangpei, I... like you." The confession passed through the grass, the woods, and the voice echoed, so that Meng Hangpei could not consider whether he heard it wrong. He could clearly know whether the other party was confessing or a homosexual, but how should he react? He is moved by him, but it doesn't mean that he likes him, and they have only known each other for a week. This is not the main thing. The main thing is that the person in front of him should be dating Luo Lin. Now he confesses to him, what is this?

Looking at Meng Hangpei, who had been surprised, Wu Duoduo knew that his confession probably scared him. He would feel incredible when he was confessed by a same sex. Even if he refused, he could not say it. This was also just an explanation. He just conveyed his feelings to him. He didn't want to regret anymore. When he understood his feelings for Chenchen, he just didn't have the courage to miss him until now. When he met the person he fell in love again, he really didn't want to regret it again.

"Duoduo, are you kidding? We are all of the same sex, and..." Meng Hangpei was interrupted by Wu Duo before he finished speaking.

"I like your heart is true, and I never joke about my feelings, because we can't stand the tossing of jokes. I think I also guessed what you are going to say behind. I'm sorry, because my confession will cause you trouble. I want you to apologize here, just as if I didn't say anything. Goodbye," Wu Duoduo forced to hold back the tears in his eyes and didn't let him flow out. He pretended not to care at all and pretended to be ready to leave. He didn't want him to pity him because of this.

What is this? What does it mean? What does it mean as if he didn't say anything? How could he think that he didn't say anything? This sentence attacked his heart. No, that's not the case. He didn't know what he was going to say at all. Did he think that he was going to reject him? How could he do this? Meng Hangpei grabbed Wu Duoduo, who was about to turn around and leave. He lowered his head, opened his eyes wide, and looked at the ground. Wu Duoduo looked at his move in surprise, and his eyes were full of puzzlement, because he couldn't see how his expression was at this time.

"No, you don't know what I'm going to say later," Meng Hangpei suddenly looked up, stared at Wu Duoduo, and roared, with his eyes full of sadness and pain.

Is that right? So what are you going to say? Is it because of him that Wu Duoduo saw such a grumpy Meng Hangpei for the first time? It seems that it really caused him trouble. What will he say later? There was a trace of expectation in his eyes.

"Maybe I also like you, but what about liking each other? Have you ever thought about what you should do in the future when your family and society are against it? Meng Hangpei pointed out the facts.

"I don't think there is anything wrong with same-sex marriage, and don't same-sex marriages are allowed abroad?"

"That's abroad, but you live in China."

"What's wrong with being of the same sex? The people we like happen to be of the same sex. What's wrong with that? If you really encounter those problems. If we really fall in love, no matter what the obstacles are, I will make breakthroughs layer by layer, meet gods, kill gods, and kill Buddhas. Wu Duoduo suddenly remembered what Mu Yingyan said to him that night. At that time, his firm and serious eyes would say this. He really loved Luo Lin, and he also looked firm and serious.

"Yes... ? If it was that easy, that would be good," Meng Hangpei was shocked by Wu Duoduo's words. It turned out that he had such an awareness, but he should not have said this to him, but he still hesitated because of this.

"In the final analysis, you are just timid," Wu Duoduo looked at Meng Hangpei with some disappointment, but he would not blame him. He knew that homosexuality was really difficult to be recognized in China. But is that why? And are you reluctant to be with a woman you don't like? Live a plain life? From the moment he knew his feelings for Chenchen, he found a girl to date him, but he was never interested. Even in that aspect, he knew that he could never be with a woman again in his life.

"It's good that you have this kind of awareness, but... Didn't you date Luo Lin? Why did you say this to me?" Meng Hangpei ignored his sarcasm and asked the doubts in his heart.

"Why are Luo Lin and I together? You just saw that there are already people you like in Luo Lin's heart. How can they be together? If I were with Luo Lin, I wouldn't have stood here now," Wu Duoduo explained. He didn't know why he asked this question. Since he asked, he told him and also told him that Wu Duoduo was not a heartless person, let alone do that kind of stepping on two boats.

"So that's it," Meng Hangpei was relieved when he heard his answer. The reason why he asked just now was also to see if he was aware of whether he was aware of it. If he wanted to be together, he had to overcome these difficulties. If he didn't have these awareness, he would talk about being together or something.

Wu Duoduo looked at Meng Hangpei's relaxed expression at this time. He felt puzzled. What on earth did he want to give him a happy moment.

"Duoduo, let's be together," Meng Hangpei looked at Wu Duoduo and said.

"Ha?" Wu Duoduo was obviously shocked. He stared into his eyes and wanted to find a flaw in his eyes. Was it a joke or just because he sympathized with him?

Meng Hangpei held Wu Duoduo in his arms, kissed his lips, told him with action that he was not joking, and told him that he was serious.

"Okay, I'm serious. I like Duoduo," this time it was Meng Hangpei's turn to confess and stared at Wu Duoduo affectionately.

"Well," Wu Duoduo nodded in a daze. He was not dreaming. He seemed to have really found his happiness.

When Xia Luolin and Chenchen sitting in the secret base heard the whole process of Wu Duoduo's confession, Wu Duoduo naturally did not expect that there were other people around him, let alone those he knew.