The superstar little boyfriend of the evil president

Chapter 49 Whoever it is, there is also a coward's day

Zhang Linan never thought that everything Li Yuliang said would be fine. Maybe this is what he has never thought of in his generation.

When Li Yuliang sent him home, he always looked at him in an incredible way. Didn't he say that he would go back in two days? Why today... He hopes he can answer for him.

He quietly waited for him to give him an answer, but when they returned to his house, he did not answer his questions. He looked at him puzzledly. He was very puzzled. Why did he do this? Is he ready to give up? Obviously, he didn't give up. Why did he give up? He couldn't help speculating in his heart.

"Yu Liang, are you...?" Zhang Linan stood in front of his house and asked his doubts. He hoped that it would not be what he thought. Maybe he couldn't wait and wanted his family to agree with them as soon as possible, so he took him home. He comforted himself in his heart. However, why is his heart faintly uneasy? The uneasy factor keeps beating in his body, as if to tell him that he is about to lose the person he loves in front of him.

"As you think, let's break up," Li Yuliang stood in front of his house, stared at him, and said calmly, without any ups and downs in his tone.

"Eh?" Zhang Linan didn't believe what he heard. He believed that this sentence would come from Yuliang's mouth. He must have heard it wrong and had hallucinations. Does the uneasiness in his heart refer to this matter? Impossible. He must be joking with him. This must not be true. He will not do this to him. Don't they love him well?

"You heard it right. We broke up. Maybe breaking up is our best choice, isn't it?" Li Yuliang knew what he thought, so he said this sentence cruelly again, because he didn't want to see his painful expression again. It only happened for a day, and he became so thin and had no spirit at all.

Zhang Linan, who was originally heartless, has disappeared. This is not the result he wants. He thinks that he can't care about anything, but it's just his self-righteous idea. He can't care about anything, but he cares about him most. However, his persecution has made him what he is now. Love has reached the abyss. As long as the person he loves is happy, he can do anything for him. Even if he let him go, as long as he can be happy, he will let go, no matter how unwilling he is.

"No... I don't believe it. I don't believe you will do this to me. We... Isn't it agreed? If you want to be together forever, please tell me the reason why you broke up... Reason." Maybe he knew this and probably knew whether he should die or not.

"I'm tired of... I'm tired. I'm tired. I'm really tired of loving you." After saying this, Li Yuliang turned around and left, because if he didn't leave, he was afraid that the remaining reason would disappear. He was afraid that the darkness would swallow him up and then possess him selfishly. He... You can't do this.

Only by saying this may make him give up.

Looking at Li Yuliang's decisive back, he did not catch up. He bit his lips, stood still, slipped to the ground, and leaned against the door weakly behind his back. Hearing the reason for breaking up, he smiled. He laughed for such a clumsy reason that he would not believe it. He didn't believe that what he said was true. He clearly said that he loved him the most in his life, but now he wants to abandon him. Has he ever thought how hard his decisive words are to him?

Why did you say such ruthless words? Why did you tell him now that he is really tired of him? Does loving him really make him so tired? Tears flowed into a river when he said that, wet his clothes. He really loved him and loved him very much.

There was no focus in his desperate eyes, like a dead body. When Liu Mei was about to go out to buy vegetables, she found Zhang Linan who fell to the ground. The moment she opened the door, she was shocked. When she noticed that it was her son, she was relieved and thought it was someone's prank.

"What's wrong? What's wrong?" The old man heard his daughter-in-law's cry and hurried to the entrance, fearing that something would happen to his daughter-in-law.

"It's okay, mom, do you think this is a man?" Although he feels very much like his son, his son is not so embarrassed.

"It seems," the male grandmother squatted down and turned the face of the person lying on the ground in the direction of them. This is indeed her own male, but how did she lie on the ground? Still lying on the ground in front of his door, which has not been seen for a day, has become what it is now.

His face was so pale, without a trace of blood, cold all over his body, and no temperature. If it hadn't been for his breath and heartbeat, they would have thought that their precious grandson had died or something.

"Wake up, wake up, stand up..." Although yesterday's incident made me unhappy because of this, I can't bear to blame anything when I see my son like this now. They only love Linan, and how can they bear to let him suffer a little grievance?

In fact, after this night, they seem to have figured out that as long as Li Man can live a happy life, they will also try to accept the fact that he likes men.

However, no matter how they call, there is no sign of people on the ground opening their eyes, which makes them very worried.

"Mom, what do you think we should do about this? Linan can't wake up no matter how he calls. Is he sick? Li Mei's tone was full of worry, afraid of what would happen to her son.

"Isn't it? Wasn't it fine yesterday?"

"Let's carry him into the home first," Li Mei's mood has stabilized. They have never seen such a Zhang Linan, because it is extremely difficult for Linan to get sick all year round, but now he can't sleep. If nothing happens, he will definitely not stop them. They can do whatever they like. As Luo Lin said, it is their own choice, and what will happen in the future is also their own business.

They still like Li Yuliang very much. In the past four years, Linan has also been taken care of by Yuliang. Although she doesn't quite understand the love between boys, as long as they are happy, maybe that's enough.

If Grandpa Linan is very doting on Linan, then Li Mei is only more or less, and the whole family's love for Zhang Linan is almost doting.

When Li Mei and Linan's grandmother tried their best to carry Zhang Linan into the room and carried him to his **, it can be said that they were exhausted. Imagine that after all, their strength is limited. An old man and a woman, lifting a man of more than 100 catties must be very difficult.

"What do you think Linan is doing? What the hell happened? He came back without knocking on the door and lay on the ground like a dead body. Where did he go yesterday? Didn't you go to Yuliang's place?" Looking at Zhang Linan with his eyes closed all the time, and his face showed pain, which made the old man very anxious.

"This stupid child..." Li Mei stroked Zhang Linan's cheek and gently touched the eight-shaped eyebrows.

"Would you like to call Yuliang or something? Or make a phone call and ask Luo Lin, what's wrong with Linan? Grandma Li suddenly thought of this and asked her daughter-in-law.

"Well, then I'll call Luo Lin," Li Mei also felt very feasible. Originally, she wanted to go to the living room to call, but she was pulled by Zhang Linan, who was asleep, as if she had heard their conversation. "No." It's like talking to yourself, saying these two words.

Li Mei, who had no strength in the first place, couldn't break away from her son who held her arm tightly at this time. She had no choice but to hear her son say no, wondering if she had a conflict with Yuliang?

"I said, why are you here again?" Lin Yuwen looked at Li Yuliang, who had been depressed from one door and thought to himself, shouldn't he be with a virgin at this time?

"Can't you come? Hearing your tone... We... Or not a friend?" Li Yuliang didn't care about this. He walked to the sofa in the living room and noticed that Yu Wen was not only alone at home today, but also Chenchen and Yan.

"Shouldn't you accompany the virgin at this time? Why did you come to my house?" Lin Yuwen rolled his eyes. He was just talking. Did he care about him like this?

"We broke up," Li Yuliang said disapprovingly, sitting on the sofa.

In fact, at this time, a quiet may be better, but he doesn't have the courage to go back to that house. The family built with Linan is easy to be swallowed up by loneliness when he stays alone in the house. He was afraid that as soon as he returned to that house, he would lose himself and find Linan, but he could not be so selfish to have Linan. He can see that Linan cares about his family very much. Maybe everyone can see that it won't be so painful if they don't care.

"Huh? Why?" Chenchen was shocked. Mu Yingyan looked at Li Yuliang in an incredible way, and Lin Yuwen looked at him as if he were an alien.

This is something they didn't expect. They really didn't think of a virgin and the breakup in front of them. What they didn't expect was that they broke up because they thought they could live a happy life all the time? This is not a joke, is it? Or do family factors really affect them so much?

Because Chenchen doesn't know what happened between Li Yuliang and Zhang Linan, even if he kills him now, he can't believe that they broke up, which is impossible!

"I said... Aren't you and the virgin good? How did you break up?" They collectively looked at Li Yuliang's fierce appearance and let him know that he should be frank and lenient, otherwise he would sit in prison. Only by resisting strictness can we go home for the Spring Festival.

"We broke up and broke up. There are so many reasons," Li Yuliang leaned against the sofa, looked at the ceiling, and said calmly.

"Is it because of the virgin family?" Mu Yingyan doesn't believe that there is no reason why. If two people who originally loved each other break up, at least there are one or two reasons. If he likes a person, he can believe that there is no reason. If he likes it, he likes it.

Chenchen looked at them with an inexplicable face. What happened during his busy period? But it's not easy to take a day off today, so he must ask. Because his scene in the film revenge was completed, and his agent did not help him take any more plays. He could also have a good rest, just waiting for the actors to finish and dub the film. This department was also completed, and the rest was handed over to the staff.

Although he likes acting very much, he is just so busy that he is still a little unaccustomed to it. He doesn't like it at all.

Although he is still a newcomer, he needs a lot of opportunities to make himself appear and let more people know him, but he doesn't care about not be famous at all, because for him, he is enjoying the happiness brought by acting. Therefore, now he only takes over his favorite role, so there will be more free time in the future. In this way, he can be well with Yu Wen, he thought so.

Li Yuliang did not answer, and his expression was stunned. It seemed that he was said to be the central matter. Maybe it was really a family factor that affected them.

"So, Li Yuliang is also a coward?" If Yan is the same, then Li Yuliang and Zhang Linan broke up only for family reasons. Lin Yuwen believes that he can't accept this answer.

"A coward is a coward," Li Yuliang did not refute, because he himself thought he was a coward.

"Ah... Ah... Ah..." Lin Yuwen thought he was going crazy. After being together for four years, he broke up so easily. He scratched his head impatiently, and he couldn't accept the result. 10 of them will be happy forever and will always be happy.

"Yuewen, calm down," Chenchen looked at Lin Yuwen worriedly. Although he still didn't know what had happened, the influence of this matter was not small.

"Yu Liang, have you ever thought about the feeling of standing a man?" Mu Yingyan is 100% sure that this matter must have been raised by Li Yuliang. He has always believed in his sixth feeling.

"The Linan cares very much about the views of his family. If his family disagrees, then the Linan may be unhappy, and compared with his family, perhaps in Linan's heart, family is more important, but this is understandable. I can understand that if I value what I value most My family objected. Even if I like each other in my heart, I can't let it go, so I can't be so selfish to have a man. Although Li Yuliang was talking to them, he was actually telling himself to warn himself.

"This is just your guess. You must not have asked Li Nan's mood, have you? Ask him how he feels, whether losing his family makes him more painful, or whether losing you makes him more painful. Why did you decide so arbitrarily? Have you won the consent of the male family? You didn't even fight for it, so you put Linan to death. You dumped Linan inexplicably. Maybe you don't love Linan anymore, that's why you say so. I'm too disappointed with you." Chenchen can't listen anymore. He vaguely guessed a little, but even so, he gave up without fighting for it. What?

They all looked at Chenchen in an incredible way, because they really didn't expect Chenchen to say this, and Li Yuliang didn't expect Chenchen to say that he didn't like a man? How can he not love him?

"Chenchen..." Lin Yuwen has never seen such an angry Chenchen. Now because of Li Yuliang and Zhang Linan, he is so angry that his face has bulged into a steamed bun face. He really didn't expect that even the angry Chenchen can be so cute. He is really a lucky person, as if he went forward to kiss his steamed bun face. It's really cute. Come on, make him more and more fascinated.

What is he thinking? At this time, he can't think about this. He should be more serious and continue to sit upright.

"I'm sorry... I really can't stand it anymore," but even if he apologizes, Chenchen doesn't think he has said anything wrong, but he seems to be too excited. Ah, the apology is just because of this, that's all.

"Why don't I love him? Do you know how painful he is when his family opposes? It's only a day. It seems that it's been a year in Linan's heart. He always wakes up at night and can't sleep well. His family's words to him have been echoed in his mind. He, who values his family so much and chooses to be with me, I don't seem to have the ability to make him forget these. I can You can give him everything you give him, but... It seems that this can never be given to him.

Li Yuliang said weakly. Now he finds that his strength is really small. He has never been so irritable. Now he really regrets saying that he hasn't fought for it. How can he know that his family will definitely oppose it to the end? These are problems that he doesn't want to face, but he has to face it. Right.

"Same-sex together is not as simple as imagined. Since you chose to be together at the beginning, these obstacles must be faced. I think you must have thought about such problems when you were with Linan at the beginning. So why do you give up now because of this obstacle?" Because he and Xiaolin both came here like this. Linan's parents care about Linan very much. This is what they know. Since they care, of course, there will be something that can't accept such a thing at the beginning. There will always be an adaptation period. Didn't he even think of this?