The superstar little boyfriend of the evil president

Chapter 50 Forgotten Childhood Memories

That year, Zhang Linan was five years old, and it was also the season when the cherry blossoms were flying all over the sky. He went to play with his grandmother to play, passed by the tall cherry trees in the suburbs, and watched the cherry blossoms spinning in the air, which made him move forward and was deeply attracted by the scenery in front of him. So for the three days of staying at his relatives' house, he would go to the cherry tree he passed by and watch every day.

There are no cherry blossoms where he now lives, which is also the first time he has seen cherry blossoms, pink cherry blossom petals, which fascinates him deeply.

"Who are you?" The boy noticed that the boy who was the same age as him was standing next to him. They had been together for three days, but they never said a word. However, this day was the last day he stayed at his relative's house, and he was about to leave.

But I don't know why he was a little unwilling and didn't say a word to him, so he boldly asked the doubts in his heart, and the childish childish voice spread in the air.

"Shouldn't you report your own name before asking someone else's name?" Because Xiao Linan's sudden opening of his mouth made the boy stunned for nearly 10 seconds, because he didn't expect that he would suddenly open his mouth, which really surprised him a lot. He looked at him with some surprise.

"Yes... ?" Xiao Linan opened a pair of big eyes, and his big watery eyes looked particularly innocent.

"Yes, this is basic courtesy," the boy nodded like a little adult.

"My name is Zhang Linan, Zhang is Zhang Linan's Zhang, Li is Zhang Linan's man, and the man is Zhang Linan's man," Xiao Linan introduced himself.

"Is there any difference in this introduction? I still don't know what the word is," the boy rolled his eyes.

"Is there no difference?" Xiao Linan doesn't understand. He has always introduced himself like this, and the adults also said that he is so smart that he knows how to introduce his name, so that people can remember it after listening to it once. In fact, he remembered it when he watched his favorite cartoons, but he was also very smart.

"Of course there is no difference."

"What's your name?" Xiao Linan is not sad because he said so. At worst, he will never introduce himself like this again.

"I can't tell you to maintain a sense of mystery now," the boy said slightly mysteriously.

"Huh? This is unfair. I told you the name," Xiao Linan muttered, indicating that he was very unhappy at this time.

"As long as you play with me, I'll tell you, okay." The boy looked at Xiao Linan's reaction and felt very cute, but he will leave here tomorrow. He and his parents came here on vacation. Although they were on vacation, they actually didn't go anywhere. It is said that this is a place where parents met and fell in love. Therefore, his parents decided to go to their two-person world and let him play alone, which made him angry, but there was nothing he could do. He was still young and didn't know how to resist, so he had to compromise.

He also accidentally found this place. When he found it, and he was already standing here, looking dull and lovely. He also learned from him and looked at the sky. They have been like this for the past two days, and no one has broken the silence. Originally, he was going to take a step first and talk to him, because he was leaving tomorrow. He didn't want to leave regretfully. For the past two days, he has been struggling with how to speak and has not thought of the right topic. But he didn't expect that he took a step ahead of him. Does this mean that they are all the same and want to play with each other?

"Okay," Xiao Linan nodded with consent. There is no way to make him broad-hearted and fat. ( PS: In fact, Xiao Linan wants to be spacious)

"Do you know any interesting games?" In the past five years, the boy has been self-trained and rarely played with other children, because he likes to hide quietly in the corner and look at his favorite fairy tales and so on.

"A lot, like this," the little man took the boy's hand and motioned him to do it with him, because the game needed two people, and they were just two people. He stood in reverse, and the boy also learned to make this posture with him. In this way, his four feet were on a line, posing in a posture similar to horse steps, with their front feet against each other. Xiao Linan held his hand and held it together. "By exerting strength to the other party, the other party loses its balance and wins as much as possible." Xiao Linan explained that these were also heard from other partners.

The boy nodded without understanding. Only by experiencing it himself did he know the fun of the game. He lost the first game, but at the beginning of the second game, he did not lose again, because he already knew how to play and it was really fun.

After playing ten games, they all fell to the ground, and Xiao Linan also admitted defeat. He didn't expect that he was so powerful for the first time, because he was the Changsheng army of his group of friends, but today he was defeated in a mess, a mistake, a mistake.

"The skin of Linan is so comfortable," the boy stared at the little man under his body and involuntarily stretched out his hand and gently stroked his cheeks. At this time, their posture was one on the top and the other below. Of course, it was Xiao Linan who was pressed below.

"Eh?" Xiaolinan looked at the people who were pressing on him with a red face, because they were still small, and he didn't know how ambiguous this posture was and how ambiguous this action was.

"Let's pretend to be a family," the boy proposed to Xiao Linan, because he saw other children playing it in the class, so he knew the game.

"Well, okay... OK, just... Can you get up first?" Such a posture made Xiao Linan a little impossible to kick over, because he was too nervous to know how to breathe.

Hearing what Xiao Linan said, he knew that he was still pressing him now. He got up in a hurry and stared at other places with some embarrassment. Whether it was because of the sunset or because of shyness, his face was also extremely rosy.

"I'm leaving, but I still want to play games with Linan. We play the role of husband and wife, Linan plays the wife, and I play Linan's husband, okay?" This may be their last game, but he won't forget him.

What is a wife? What is the husband?" Xiao Linan asked without understanding. Is it delicious? What is husband and wife? He is curious.

"Just like your parents, your wife is your mother, your husband is your father, and they are husband and wife," the boy answered patiently.

"Okay, okay," Xiao Linan was full of joy, because he felt very funny. And this seemed to be their last day together. At this time, Xiao Linan became a little sad, because he didn't seem to want to separate from him and seemed to want to play with him.

"Then let's start, Linan, you have to remember that we are now pretending to be a family, so we have to integrate into the role. Linan wants to call me husband, and I want to call Linan wife. If Linan is wrong, he will be punished," the boy pinched Xiao Linan's lovely cheek and lift Wake up and say. In fact, he was just talking about punishing him casually, just to scare him, because he didn't know how to punish him.

"Well, I know," Xiao Linan replied proudly. Although he doesn't know what punishment is, as long as it is punishment, it should be terrible.

"Wife, I'm leaving. What should I do? I can't bear to part with my wife," the boy said the truth. He really didn't want to leave him.

"Old... "Public, where are you going?"

"I want to go out to make a lot of money. Only in this way, when I have money, I can be with my beloved wife forever." Because he was deeply influenced by his family's treasure, he understood that the husband and wife should have such a dialogue.

"Really? Really... Can I be with my husband forever?

"Really, my husband can't lie to my wife."

"Okay, I can be with my husband in the future," Xiao Linan was very happy, because he could play with him again. He took his words seriously, but he forgot that they were just playing games now.

"Now that my husband is leaving, should my wife give her husband a farewell kiss?" The boy looked at the little man who was so happy, and his mood was a little complicated. Was he really so happy, or was he so happy just because he pretended to be a family?

"The kiss of parting? What is that? What should I do for my husband?"

"That's it," the boy put his face close to Xiao Linan and watered on Xiao Linan's rosy little lips.

Xiaoli man stared at him in amazement. Did it turn out that this was a parting kiss? Why does his heart beat so hard? "Honey, why am I beating so hard here that it seems to come out?" He touched the position of his heart and asked puzzledly.

"Because the little man likes his husband very much, he came up with it," although he doesn't know why, maybe it's really true, because his position also beats a lot.

Is that so? How does it know that I like my husband? Does my husband like me? This made Xiao Linan feel amazing. He actually knew what was in his heart. It was incredible.

"I like it and like it the most, so the wife can't forget her husband's name. The husband now tells his wife the name. Remember, don't forget her husband's name," the boy stressed that they are about to separate, but no matter how reluctant they are.

"Well," Xiao Linan nodded, but in the end he still forgot, and even forgot that they had played together.

"My husband's name is Li... Yu... Good..."

The picture suddenly disappeared, and everything disappeared. The cherry tree doomed by their fate, the little boy named his wife, the picture regressed little by little, everything disappeared, and everything that happened with him disappeared. He suddenly woke up and sat up from **, he remembered everything. He remembered what happened 16 years ago, but why would he forget?

"Li Nan, are you awake?"

I heard someone talking to him, and it was still a familiar voice. It was night, and it was in a state of no light. The whole room looked very dark. Zhang Linan came to his senses, but he heard the sound of Lin. After all, they have been together for 11 years. He also remembers that he was sent back to his home by Yuliang. Now He must be in his room, " Lin... Why are you at my house?"

"Auntie is worried about what's going on you. Let me see the situation," Xia Luolin explained. Originally, she was shooting promotional photos. During the break, she received a phone call from her aunt, saying that Li Nan was in a critical situation now and asked him to come and have a look. This made him not understand. Isn't Linan with Yuliang? Why did you go home again? The situation is still critical, which makes him a little confused. He explained the reason to Xiu. After Xiu agreed, he hurried to Linan's house.

Looking at Zhang Linan with a painful face lying on his face, he kept calling Li Yuliang's name, and tears kept flowing from the corners of his eyes. At this time, love made him so sad. This made him helpless. He called Yan to ask him about the original reason of the matter. It turned out that after Linan and Yuliang went back, Linan had been in a state of depression. In Yuliang's view, perhaps Linan paid more attention to his family and thought that only being with his family could he make Linan happy and happy.

When Yuliang didn't expect it, it would cause a counterproductive effect. Now Linan may be more painful than his family's incomprehension. And he didn't expect that since Li Yuliang would do this, they really looked up to him.

"I'm sorry, Lin, I'm worried you."

"It turns out that virgins still know how to be polite," Xia Luolin sighed helplessly. "What are you going to do? Do you really give up like this?"

"I... I don't know, he proposed... "Breakup," Zhang Linan looked at the together in front of him in confusion. He didn't know what to live in the future, and he never thought about it, because he thought he would be with Yuliang forever and never leave. However, maybe it was because he was too naive.

"Then are you really willing to break up with Li Yuliang?"

Zhang Linan smiled bitterly. How could he be willing to break up with him? How much he wanted to be with him forever, but, would he be willing? So far, he can't accept the reason why he broke up. He buried his head in the cotton wool to prevent Luo Lin from seeing his embarrassed appearance.

"Lin, I just had a dream, a very strange dream. I dreamed that I had seen Yuliang when I was a child. In the dream, Yuliang and I played and played games in front of the cherry tree that had not been uprooted." Zhang Linan's heart was so painful that he couldn't breathe at this time.

In the end, Yuliang clearly reminded him not to forget his name. In the end, he forgot it, and he not only forgot his name, but also the three days with Yuliang. In the end, Yuliang was the only one who remembered when he was a child. He really... Damn it.

"I... Don't want to... Yuliang broke up," Zhang Linan seemed to have made a decision. If he made a choice between his family and his lover, he might choose a lover, because his love for Yuliang had been integrated into his soul and lost Yuliang, leaving only an empty shell, a soulless empty shell.

"Linan, auntie, let me tell you..."

"My mother... What did she say?

"Auntie asked me to tell you... She said: She will not object to you being with Yuliang, because she only has a son like you, which makes you suffer. It is not what they want to see. As long as you can continue to be happy, they will slowly accept that you like men." When Xia Luolin came, Aunt Liu Mei told him like this, father The mother is a knife-mouthed and a soft-hearted heart. Maybe she doesn't know how to tell Linan before asking him to tell him.

Once, he had always been envious of Linan for having such a warm home, his beloved grandparents, and his loving parents, but he had nothing. But now he is envious at all, because he loves him, and most importantly, he has a grandfather like a child. Since Yan's grandfather accepted him, he has been treating him well, sometimes better than Yan. This is what Yan said, and he didn't notice.

"My mother... Did you really say that?" This surprised Zhang Linan and felt incredible. He didn't expect his family to agree.

"A man... You have to understand that your family really loves you. Seeing you like this, how can you have the heart to stop you from being together again? When you like Yuliang, you will be entangled, and there is also the fact that you don't accept the fact that you like men. You should know, your family is the same.

"I... Got it, but... Does my mother really agree with me to be with Yuliang?

"Well, so... Being together with Yuliang and being happy is the reward for your family.

"It's just... What should I do now? Yuliang has proposed to me... "Break up" Although he didn't want to say this, it was a fact. Even if he wanted him to escape, it was useless.

"Think about what Yuliang's expression was like when he broke up with you at that time. Is he really willing to break up with you?" Xia Luolin sighed helplessly, as if he was old, because he had changed so much.

What did Yuliang look like at that time? He didn't seem to pay much attention, because after Yuliang proposed to break up at that time, he was completely stunned, and he would still pay attention to what Yuliang's expression was. In this way, after Yuliang finished speaking, he left in a hurry, as if he didn't look at him more. Is it... Is he actually unwilling to break up with him?

"Although Yuliang has to do this, it is unforgivable, because... In the end, he was too timid. He knew that he had encountered such problems at the beginning, but he let go so easily. If it were me, I would not forgive Li Yuliang, but... It also depends on your choice. I'm afraid that Xia Luolin will not meet Li Yuliang very much during this period of time. He actually made such a decision. Doesn't he know that this decision not only hurts Linan, but also hurts himself? In the face of such problems, Li Yuliang is also a fool.

In front of love, no matter how high the IQ is, the final IQ is zero, becoming a complete fool, but it seems that his inflammation is an exception?