The superstar little boyfriend of the evil president

Chapter 64 To counterattack, counterattack, counterattack

Wu Duoduo liked this atmosphere. The two clasped their fingers, walked on the embankment, and some people walked scattered. They all looked at them with inexploring eyes. They didn't think so.

The breeze ushered in and enjoyed the tranquility at this time. Their world only accommodated the two of them, and they looked at each other and smiled.

Love is like a growing tree. When it comes, it begins to grow.

The throbulation means that it has been sown in the heart and begins to grow and germinate. The people who began to care about making themselves throbbing began to deepen and thicken with their love for the throbbing people, and the trees sown in their hearts began to become higher and bigger.

Love has a good result and luxuriates. Love withers without fruit, and finally dies, waiting for the next growth, germination, thriving, and finally luxuriant and foliage.

Wu Duoduo and Zhang Linan also had a throbbing before, but before the trees began to grow, they were uprooted and replanted and grew.

Love is really a magical thing. I thought it was out of reach, but when it really came, it was at hand.

Although the love between Wu Duoduo and Meng Hangpei is not ordinary, it is very plain.

Maybe as they think, the only obstacle between them is the father. What can hinder them if they agree with them?

"Chenchen, can you be quieter?"

On the afternoon of the weekend, the sun was shining and sitting on the balcony. They leisurely basked in the winter sun. Lin Yuwen, who was originally calm, looked very irritable.

He scratched his hair extremely depressed. He didn't know what stimulated Chenchen had suffered. In the past few days, as soon as he found the opportunity, he wanted to counterattack. It was not impossible for Chenchen to be on it, but what should he say? He is pure 1.

"Yunwen, you don't love me anymore, you don't love me anymore, Yu Wen doesn't love me," aggrieved expression, aggrieved expression.

Lin Yuwen thought that he was the pure No. 1 and did not let Chenchen on it, so Chenchen repeated this sentence every day these two days, which made Lin Yuwen very angry. He really had no choice but to deal with Chenchen.

"Chenchen, how can I not love you? You have to believe me, I really love you," Lin Yuwen pulled Chenchen's body squatting next to him and let him sit on his lap. Chenchen cooperated. He looked directly into Chenchen's eyes and said earnestly.

"Then why don't you let me counterattack?" Chenchen didn't believe it. If she really loved him, what would happen below?

"This..." He is going crazy. Why didn't Yan, Yuliang and Hang Pei encounter anything to counterattack? Why did he meet? He always thought that even if the three met, with Chenchen's character, there was no idea of a counterattack. Chenchen's father is so disgusting.

The culprit, Chenchen's father is laughing in someone's arms.

"I can't answer, which means that you don't love me anymore. Yu Wen must have disliked me. Is it...?" Is what Dad said wrong? Chenchen looked at Lin Yuwen in fear. If this is really the case, what should he do?

"Chenchen fool, what on earth are you thinking about? What is it?" What dislike, what doesn't love, don't you let the counterattack? Is it really such a big problem? Lin Yuwen** at the corners of his mouth.

I noticed that Chenchen had changed from pitiful to grievance and angry. He was really about to go crazy. Why did he suddenly fight back? In fact, if it's Chenchen, it's not impossible to pull.

"Yu Wen must have a new lover outside," Chenchen suddenly burst into tears, with a very positive tone, which made Lin Yuwen a little at a loss. What new lover can he have? Who chews his tongue in front of Chenchen is not afraid of rotten mouth.

The person who chews the root of the tongue has a mouth that is not rotten, and at this time, he is still nibbling chicken feet with relish.

"Chenchen, good boy, of course you can counterattack." He was afraid of Chenchen and was fucked. He was cruel and gritted his teeth.

"Really?" Chen Chen stopped crying and waited for the next article.

"Let me see your parents." Under this condition, he refused to agree and said that he had a new lover, and he also admitted it.


Is there a ghost in his heart that he promised so freely? In fact, is he the one who has a new lover?

"Chenchen, tell me honestly, do you have a new lover?"


"If I don't agree, are you going to use this as an excuse to break up with me?" Lin Yuwen went straight into Chenchen's eyes. Did any clues want to escape his eyes? He was as angry as the Monkey King, and he could not hide it from him.

"How come?" Chenchen is inexplicable. Why are people so inexplicable recently?

"Otherwise, why counterattack?" Although he knew that he was instigated by his father to have this idea, it was a little too strong.

"Because... My father said that if he doesn't counterattack, he won't let me go home." Chenchen lowered his head shyly. He wanted to go home so much that Yu Wen would not let him counterattack. What can he do?

I went back to a week ago and received a phone call from my father.

"Xiao Chenchen, have you eaten, slept, and went to the toilet?"

The frivolous accent and inexplicable topic, you don't need to look at the electric display to know who called.

Dad, how do you know? I just finished lunch and was ready to take a nap. The toilet was over when I was ready to go to bed. Now I'm lying ** and ready to go to bed. Dad, what can I do for you? The underlying meaning is that if nothing happens, then he will hang up the phone.

"Chenchen, you are so cruel. Don't you miss your father after leaving home for so long?"

"But I'm very sleepy now." Last night, I filmed until dawn. At this time, I can finally take a break. There are still scenes at night. Is it easy for him?

Chenchen has recently been busy shooting a new film, a remake of Pu Songling's Liaozhai (Xi Fangping), which tells the story of Xi Fangping's father being framed by a traitor, and Fang Ping's soul entered the City God Temple to avenge his father. Chenchen plays the protagonist Xi Fangping.

"Will Xiao Chen go home for the Spring Festival? You and your father can miss you very much."

"Okay," he was going to go home and take Yu Wen with him by the way.

"Although I expect you to go home, I will discuss with your father Yin. Here, I will ask you a question first." The serious tone, without a trace of joke, makes Chenchen have to take it seriously. What will be the problem? Let this originally careless father be so serious.

"What's the problem?"

"Are you a top or a receiver? However, you don't need to ask this question. Xiao Chenchen must be suffering, "What does father look like and what does his son look like? What is the attack for Chenchen? He doesn't know.

"Dad, what is the top?"

As soon as the question was asked, Chen's father had an impulse to run away. He didn't even know what the attack was, and he even learned from others to come out. Why did he give birth to such a stupid son?

"Dad~~~~~~~?" The other end of the phone has been silent.

"Simply put, one is on the top, one is on the bottom, one is on, and the other is on," it is clear enough.

"Oh~~~~~~" Chenchen still seems to understand.

"Oh, what, do you understand?" Chen's father was on the verge of rioting. If it hadn't been for the lover who had been listening to the phone to him, he would have really wanted to drop the phone.

"I don't understand." If you make a choice between understanding and not understanding, it seems that you don't understand, which is equivalent to not understanding. Chenchen is a very honest answer.

"A simpler thing is to insert one by one, one by one," if he doesn't understand, he will really go away.

"Dad, you are so rude. I don't know how Yin's father has endured you for so many years." Is this blaming him? Is this disgusting of him?" Damn Chenchen, you have grown up and rebelled, right? The elbow is turned out, isn't it? You don't have your hard-working father who pulled you up with a handful of shit and urine, right?

Before Chenchen said, "If you don't come back for me, don't enter the house." After saying this angry sentence, he hung up the phone, which made Chenchen puzzled.

Inexplicable phone calls, inexplicable conversations, inexplicable hang-up, everything is inexplicable.

Although it's inexplicable, it's better than anything else to sleep. Let's talk about it when you wake up.

A few days later, a phone call every day to tell him the consequences of not counterattack, and the possibility that the other party will not allow the counterattack. He has also stressed that if he does not counterattack, he will not let him go home. Chenchen didn't think so at first. Yu Wen's reaction made Chenchen start to be afraid, so persistent in counterattacking. Similarly, he can't counterattack Yes.

Why does Chen's father insist on Chenchen's counterattack? He is selfish. As for what selfishness is, he will explain later.