The superstar little boyfriend of the evil president

Chapter 65 The Last Obstacle, Happiness Holding Hands

Wu Duoduo's hometown is in F city. It will take about a day to start from C city. When he arrived in F city, it was already dark. He walked on the street with a suitcase, accompanied by his beloved person. Obviously, the journey these days is not boring at all.

They can always be with their loved ones. They are satisfied and don't expect too much. They only hope to grow old together.

A lover who falls in love and is together will ask such a sentence: Do you still love me? Over time, both sides were afraid that love had begun to cool down and become cold. They asked this sentence and sought the most desired comfort in their hearts.

Standing downstairs of the community, they are reluctant to hug each other tightly. Even if they are only separated for one night, it seems that they have been separated for so long.

"Okay, Duoduo, go up quickly," Meng Hangpei rubbed Wu Duoduo's head dotingly. Soft, silky, scratched from the hand, very comfortable.

Wu Duoduo likes to take care of his hair. He will buy a lot of hair care products at home. He never perms and dyes his hair, but he can't use anything that harms his hair quality. Love for hair has reached a peak. Sometimes he is jealous of his hair and cares for his hair so much, but ignores him.

"No..." Wu Duoduo acted coquettishly in his arms and leaned on his chest, but did not want to leave. "I'll go back to the hotel with you."

"Fool, what are you talking about? Your father is still waiting for you at home.

"Then let him wait. Anyway, I don't want to leave you like this." Wu Duoduo pouted.

"Oh... Meng Hangpei is helpless.


Wu Duoduo suddenly stiffened and slowly turned around. He looked at the middle-aged man standing behind him with fear, "Dad..." The salutation reveals their relationship.

W's father, who had just walked home, noticed that the two people standing downstairs were dark and there was no light, but Wu Duoduo was the one who brought it big one and should always be recognized, but it was still so uncertain.

but it's confirmed.

"You..." He looked incredibly at his son hugging a man or downstairs at home. Didn't they really care about it at all? But there is no sign of anger, which may be the most terrible for them.

"Dad, this... This... As you can see, this is my lover, Meng Hangpei," Wu Duoduo did not hide it. He took this opportunity to let Dad know whether he was beating or scolding him.


"Hello, Uncle Wu." Meng Hangpei could only greet him respectfully. Although the first impression was gone, this second impression was still needed.

"You... Enter the room," Wu's father said to them with a stern expression.


They hold each other's hands tightly. No matter how strong the storm is, they have to face it together. Of course, Wu's father saw these little actions in his eyes.

Back home, the two stood honestly on the side of the sofa, waiting for Wu's father to fall, but this was not the case.

"Sit down first. How tired it is to talk to you with your neck up."

"Yes..." They sat on the side of Wu's father in fear.

After sitting down, the surroundings could only be quiet, too quiet. They dared not kick, and Wu Duoduo swallowed nervously.

" Uncle Wu, please... Please... Please give me more, I... I... I will take good care of it... Take care of... Take care of him and make him lucky... Fortunately... Happiness and happiness. Meng Hangpei said a complete sentence.

"Ha ha, isn't it?"


They don't understand. What's so funny about this?

"You don't have to be too nervous. I don't object to you being together," Wu's father looked at his son funny.


"Don't be too surprised. It's strange that some girls will like your personality," Wu Duoduo said very calmly.

"Yes... Is that so?" Although his father doesn't stop them from being together for this reason, he is his son. How can he belittle him so much? Although the truth is that no girl likes it.

"Yes, your name is Meng Hangpei, right?" Wu's father ignored Wu Duoduo and asked Meng Hangpei sitting next to his son. From that sentence just now, it can be seen that he is a good child.

"Yes, Uncle Wu."

"Is it still called Uncle Wu? Or is what you said just now a lie?

"No... No, of course not," Meng Hangpei was frightened.

"Since that's not the case, why don't you change your words?"

Wu Duoduo stabbed Meng Hangpei's arm with his hand and reminded him, "Call Dad." I really didn't expect that when his Hangpei was still at a loss, he was really loving.

"Dad... Dad..."

"Hmm..." The three hugged each other, and Wu Duoduo felt that he was about to die of happiness, and tears couldn't stop flowing out. His family and lover who loved him and understood him were enough for this life.

"What a fool."

** Lying in Wu Duoduo's room at night, they hugged each other. Wu Duoduo leaned his head on Meng Hangpei's chest. From the moment they saw Wu's father, their hands had not been released. Originally, they thought it would be stormy, but they didn't expect it to pass so easily. They looked at each other and smiled.

With the approval of Wu's father, there are no more obstacles for them. They can be together forever and never be separated. Even if they finally separate, it is a problem between them.

Wu's father sat alone on the sofa in the living room. Wu Duoduo didn't know that the reason why he could pass the test so easily was that at the moment Wu Duoduo's mother left, Wu's mother told Wu's father that if Duoduo had excessive requirements in the future, he could not object to it, which was also a debt to Duoduo.

And now, Wu's father has also done it. This is the first time since she has wanted him to make a request. How could he not agree? She will not be pleased in the spirit of heaven.

From the beginning, Wu's father knew that Wu's mother had passed away. He didn't want Duoduo to know, which made him sad. He didn't tell Duoduo. Because of the pain, he chose to leave them and go to Lijiang to recover. Before leaving, Wu's mother told Wu's father not to tell Duoduo.

Wu's father has never mentioned it. He would rather never have it than hold hope all the time, and finally bring heavy despair. But sooner or later, Duoduo will know. Finally, when he chooses to go to Lijiang, he will tell him the address and let him see where his mother once lived.

Because of the debt, they no longer want to see Duoduo sad, so no matter what excessive demands they make, they will not object. Of course, they believe that Duoduo also has his own proportion and chooses to be with a man. After careful consideration, how can he stop them from being together?

"Wife, he has someone to rely on. I can see that they will be very happy in the future. Are you at ease?"

Wu's mother's face appeared in Wu's father's eyes, thinking happily that this sentence may have been conveyed to her in heaven.

After leaving, Wu Duoduo knew the original purpose of the matter. It turned out that his mother did not love him, but loved him silently, but he did not find out.