The superstar little boyfriend of the evil president

Chapter 66 A little thing about father

"You seem to be very excited?" Chen's father hummed a little song and prepared for dinner today.

"Of course, Xiao Chenchen is coming back."

"That's right," Yin Feng didn't expect that Chenchen would successfully counterattack. It seems that this guy is thinking about how to counterattack himself every day and sits helplessly watching TV.

"La la la, la la la, la la..."

Because the success of the counterattack is not a success, Chenchen can finally take his neighbor Yu Wen home to see his parents. To be precise, it should be his father.

When Chenchen was only three years old, his mother died of illness. Chenwen, Chen's father, lived alone with Xiao Chenchen, and never thought of finding a stepmother or stepfather for Xiao Chenchen, mainly for fear that Xiao Chenchen would be wronged. Decide that a person can also raise Xiao Chenchen into a human being.

The development of things is always so unexpected. The so-called plan can never keep up with changes. Is that probably the case?

Since there is such a dog-blooded start, of course, how can the dog-blooded plot not continue?

When Chenchen was six years old, Chenwen decided to be with a man who was Chenwen's boss, Yin Feng.

In Chen Wen's words, there is nothing we can do. This man has seduced him for three years. Can he not compromise?

Originally, when they decided to grow up in Chenchen, they told Chenchen about their relationship, but they didn't expect that when they first decided to be together, on a dark and windy night, weren't they there? The dog-blooded plot began again, and it was bumped into by Chen Chen, who got up to go to the toilet.

Things began to get big, and the plot began to complicate. Originally, I thought that my son would feel disgusted and would not accept it, but I didn't expect that after knowing the truth of the matter, Chenchen only said such a sentence.

"Uncle Yin, why were you seduced by my father? It's too self-control."

Chen Wen, who heard this, almost died of breath and shouted in his heart, "It's not your father who seduced him, but this wolf in sheep's clothing who seduces your father."

How can his heart be heard by Chenchen?

Cough, it seems to deviate from the topic? Then let's get back to the topic.

"Yow Wen, you... Are you all right?" Chenchen supported Lin Yuwen worriedly.

"There is no... It's okay."

Lin Yuwen's feet trembled and clenched his teeth. What is this pain? Although it's true to think so, the buttocks are still painful.

Due to Chenchen's counterattack last night, Lin Yuwen's little fart began to become inflamed, swollen and painful to tighten his fart.

It's terrible to recall the scene at that time.

Chenchen was very anxious to counterattack. Without any measures, he suddenly advanced. Lin Yuwen's scream sounded in an instant, which could be said that the whole building trembled.

The counterattack was successful, and Lin Yuwen's fart was injured. He didn't let him sit or stand. On the way, he has been suffering. At this time, the five-hour plane journey was finally over, and Lin Yuwen was also relieved.

"Yes... I'm sorry," Chenchen said guiltily. How could he be so angry at that time? Looking at the scene of his lover, he will never counterattack again.

Lin Yuwen would have thought so if he knew that Chenchen thought so, and the injury was worth it.


"Ha~~~~~ Yu Wen, I love you."

"I know, fool."

"Do you know?" Chen Chen muttered discontentedly.

"Chenchen~~~~~" Lin Yuwen deliberately paused for a moment. How could he not know what he was thinking?


"I love you."

They fell in love and got together.

Arriving at the door of the house, Chenchen rang the doorbell. He didn't know which country his keys had been thrown to.

Chenchen has such a bad habit that it is easy to lose the key. With a key, it can only be used for 2 days in Chenchen's hand and is often locked out of the door.

In this regard, Lin Yuwen had a headache, so in order to prevent this situation, he put one at the agent, one at the assistant, one at Mu Yingyan's home, one at Li Yuliang's home, Meng Hangpei's home, and finally, one at the doorman of the community, and finally, a hundred at home.

The situation has improved. Although the key still fell, at least it has not been closed outside the door.

The moment the door was opened, Lin Yuwen was stunned, forgot the pain in his buttocks, and also forgot the nervousness and nervousness of seeing his parents. Don't tell him that it was Chenchen's father who came to open the door!!!!!

Chenchen is now 22 years old. I heard that his father had him when he was 19 years old. In this way, Chenchen's father is only over 40 years old. Why is it that the people who come to see the door at this time are only in their 30s, and there not much difference between 40s and 30s?

"Dad Yin," Chenchen put down his luggage and rushed to Yin Feng's arms, acting coquettishly in Yin Feng's arms, once again stunned Lin Yuwen.

Yin's father? Chenchen's father should be surnamed Chen. Isn't it Chenchen's father?

"Xiaochen, have you been on the plane for so long, are you tired?" Yin Feng spoiled Chenchen's soft hair and completely forgot that Lin Yuwen was still standing outside the door at this time.


Before he finished speaking and was interrupted, Chenchen shook his head, "No... I'm not tired. Chenchen misss Yin's father very much.

"Which..." Lin Yuwen really wanted to interrupt their old story. Did they forget that there was still a big living person standing behind them?

"Yin's father also wants Chenchen. Come into the house quickly. Your father has prepared a lot of Chenchen's favorite food."


Because Chenchen was too excited, he once again forgot Lin Yuwen standing outside the door, so he was ignored again. His voice was like the existence of ants in the vast universe.

"I said, have you forgotten my existence..."

Seeing that Chenchen was about to disappear in front of his sight, Lin Yuwen finally said loudly unbearably, and his small universe was about to explode.

If Chenchen has no intention of ignoring Lin Yuwen, then Yin Feng intends to ignore Lin Yuwen.


"What's the matter, Chenchen," Chenchen suddenly screamed, and Yin Feng didn't know why.

Chenchen turned around guiltily, "I'm sorry, Yu Wen, I'm sorry..."

Have you found his existence now? Lin Yuwen sighed helplessly.

"There is no... It's okay." Is it easy for him as a patient to walk in with difficulty? Seeing this, Chenchen hurried forward to help him.

"Who is this?"

"Dad Yin, he is my lover, Lin Yuwen."

Lin Yuwen is very satisfied with this introduction, which shows that his relationship with Chenchen is a couple.

"Oh~~~~~~ He is the person Chen often talks about, and it's not very good," Yin Feng inquired about Lin Yuwen and hummed disapprovingly. He thought how excellent he was, but that's all. I really don't know what Xiaochen thinks. He likes such an ordinary person.

"..." Lin Yuwen is sweaty, and it is not easy to refute.

"Yin's father... You are not allowed to say that about Yu Wen, and Yu Wen is also very powerful." Chenchen's maintenance made Lin Yuwen's heart flutter, and proudly thought that Yin Feng raised his eyebrows.

"Hey, Chenchen has grown up, and his elbows have begun to turn out," Yin Feng said sadly.


"Is Chenchen back? Why can't you see anyone?" Hearing the sound outside the door, he never saw anyone, which puzzled him.

I walked into the room with difficulty and came to the table, and received a burst of scrutiny. However, compared with the eyes just now, this time, Lin Yuwen felt that his scalp was numb, and he looked like a fierce look, as if he was going to eat him.

"Tut, it's not good."

"I think so too, but... Chenchen seems to like it very much.

"Well, it seems difficult for them to break up..."

The two chatted with each other and completely ignored the existence of the two parties.

"Dad, Yin Dad, what are you talking about?" Chenchen interrupted the conversation between them and looked at the two fathers depressedly, bulging their faces.

"Well, we're joking."

"It's not funny at all, Yu Wen, I'll help you go to my room to rest," Chenchen didn't bother to pay attention to them and helped Lin Yuwen walk to his room.

Even if he is not at home all year round, his room is still the same, which makes Chenchen a little moved.

"My son has grown up and doesn't recognize me as a father, honey~~~~~ I'm so pitiful."

"Good boy, isn't there still me? These days, the married son is equivalent to spilling water, so don't be sad. I will be heartbroken if you are sad, baby.

Listening to the disgusting dialogue from the living room, Lin Yuwen had a chill. Although he had heard Chenchen say on the way here, his family was very special. There was no mother, only his father, and there were still two.

I was vaccinated before I came. When I really saw it, I was still a little surprised. No wonder Chenchen said that his father would not oppose them.

What Chenchen didn't know was that when he told his father that he liked men, Chenwen objected.

Chenwen didn't want Chenchen to take this road. He didn't know how difficult this road was. He and Yin Feng came over like this. At that time, not only Chenchen's grandparents opposed it, but also Chenchen's grandparents also opposed it and were rejected by the people around them.

He doesn't care. He cares about everything. In order to be with Yin Feng, he broke off his relationship with his parents. In order to prevent his father-in-law and mother-in-law from taking Chenchen, they left their original urban life. Because of this experience, he opposed Chenchen being with a man, but he didn't expect that he would break off his father-son relationship with Chenchen.

was enlightened by Yin Feng. As long as Chenchen can be happy, what if he likes to be a man? Only then did he slowly accept the fact that his son was with a man, which also eased the relationship between father and son.

Blood relationship is really a terrible thing. If you are stubborn, the two father and son are comparable. This is Yin Feng's feeling.

From the meal to the end, the atmosphere was very strange. Lin Yuwen regretted it. If he had known it, he would not have asked Chenchen to take him back to his home. Chenchen's two fathers were too horrible.

"Kid, you should understand that although I promised you to be with Chenchen, it doesn't mean that I won't break you up, but I'm waiting to have a grandson."

"If you die, I won't let you break up with Chenchen," Lin Yuwen doesn't care who Chenchen is. Since he wants to break them up, he won't be polite.

Is that right? Let's wait and see."


"Dad... Yu Wen, "Chenchen looked helplessly at his lover and his father, looking at each other, lightning and thunder, colorful fire, and water and fire.

"Well, leave these two people alone. How about coming back once and having a good chat with Yin's father?"


Yin's father is still so gentle that he doesn't want his father at all. Chenchen once again looked helplessly at the two people who were still looking at each other and left the table with Yin Feng.

With these two living fathers, I believe that the lives of Lin Yuwen and Chenchen will be wonderful, which belongs to the mutual help of the two of them.

As for why Chen's father wants Chenchen to counterattack so much, the reason is very simple. He can't counterattack Yin Feng. Every time he wants to counterattack, he is easily resolved by Yin Feng.

I had to instigate my son to counterattack his lover. Both father and son suffered and lost face. By the way, I also tested how much Lin Yuwen loved Chenchen. Judging from Lin Yuwen's behavior, Chenchen did not lie to him. It seemed that he loved him a little more deeply than Yin Feng.

"Yin Feng, let me fight back."

In this night, Lin Yuwen heard a roar in the next room and understood why Chenchen had to counterattack. He was really a living father.