Medical official path

Chapter 84 Children of the Compound

Qin Qing took his luggage and walked out of the gate and saw Zhang Yang who came to greet her. He actually held a bunch of flowers. It was not abrupt to pick up people with flowers, but Zhang Yang was different. The bouquet he used to greet Qin Qing was a red rose. He smiled heartlessly, stared at Qin Qing's bright face and str Go and present the roses with both hands: "On behalf of all the staff of the Chunyang Office in Beijing, I welcome the County Magistrate Qin to Beijing!"

There are a lot of eyes around the man and woman. Few people don't understand the meaning of a man giving a woman a red rose. Qin Qing of course understands it. She doesn't believe that Zhang Yang doesn't understand, so she came to a conclusion that this man is really hateful. He sent flowers to himself for personal gain, and he then What. Mobile phone fast reading: à.1κ. It is normal for the O text version to send flowers to the leader at the airport, but it is a little ambiguous to send roses to the female leader.

After a short hesitation, Qin Qing still reached out to take the bouquet of roses and smelled it: "It's very fragrant, very beautiful!"

Zhang Yang took her luggage attentively and accompanied Qin Qing out of the airport. Today, Qin Qing did not wear high-heeled shoes, which was a little shorter than Zhang Yang. Zhang Yang found a lot of advantages with his head held high. Chunyang's office in Beijing did not have a car. Zhang Yang stopped a taxi, put his luggage in the trunk, Looking at Qin Qing's face, he took out a caring expression and whispered, "You've lost weight. Don't invest too much in your work!"

Qin Qing's heart was warm. Although she thought that this man was not qualified to say such a thing, she was involuntarily moved by him. The faint fragrance of flowers made the air in the car warm and romantic. Qin Qing's eyes softened a lot. After moving away from the political arena of Chunyang, her tense nerves all day long could Jiangcheng Investment Office was responsible for welcoming Hong Weiji's three high-end cars. Zhang Yang was no stranger to these cars. His eyes chased the shadow of the car gradually moving away and whispered, "What big man is here today? Have all the luxury cars of Jiangcheng's office in Beijing been dispatched?

Qin said with a light smile, "Secretary Hong is here. I didn't expect that you didn't come to Beijing for a long time, and you looked at the problem much more thoroughly than in the past.

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Liu Zhi, Director of Jiangcheng's Office in Beijing. Yu is the most capable one of all our offices stationed in Beijing in Pinghai Province. I heard that this guy is very familiar with the leaders of the central ministries and commissions. I haven't seen anything else, but his ability to drive the car directly to the airport proves that he is very capable and has a good relationship with the airport.

"Are you envious of him?"

Zhang Yang shook his head and said, "I'm stationed in Beijing for the first time. Yes, when I first came, they reminded me that my task is to usher in and send it to China. To put it plainly, it is to make it comfortable for you leaders when they enter Beijing, and by the way, it plays the role of threading needles and threading. As for threading needles, it is our turn to care very little. After all, In Beijing, I, a small deputy section-level cadre, can make waves.

Qin Qing couldn't help laughing. The mood of this one was so pessimistic. It's the first time since I met him. As soon as I met him, I emphasized the deputy section level to myself. I shouldn't think that my official position is too low, and ** I'm sick again. If you want to help him improve politically, Qin Qing said, "You are now the head of the office stationed in Beijing, and you will not I'm afraid I'm so beautiful in my heart.

Zhang Yang deliberately said with a bitter face: "Exiled, I was exiled. At the beginning, I thought. It's a good thing to go to Beijing, but after I came, I found that the exile of a cadre was not to stuff him into a remote place, but to throw him in the capital. I didn't know my official until I didn't go to Beijing. I left the small yard of the office in Beijing. I had to be careful when I walked.

Qin Qing smiled and said no words. She knew that Zhang Yang was complaining, but not in her heart. It must be so. In a short time, it is difficult to change this guy's temperament. If it can really be restrained, it is not a good thing for him. Qin Qing said, "It seems that you have a lot of resentment in your heart. By the way, what happened to the matter that you told me two days ago that you were going to have a third birth?"

Zhang Yang said, "Gu Jiatong. I plan to open an authentic Huaiyang restaurant. I will prepare for this matter when I go back to Dongjiang this time. Anyway, the house of our office in Beijing is empty. It's better to take it out and cooperate with her. The decoration management is all the responsibility of her. Our office in Beijing office is only waiting to collect the money..."

Qin Qing interrupted him and said, "The office in Beijing is not your private property, and all existing assets belong to the county and belong to the country."

Zhang Yang narrowed his eyes and said, "I don't want to put state-owned assets in my pocket. What I'm thinking about now is expansion and development. Since we have ready-made conditions, why don't we make use of them?"

Qin cleaned up his hair: "So many things have happened. You should understand the four words that people are afraid of. I opposed you doing this because the impact left by Xie Yunting's incident has still not been completely eliminated, but your idea of focusing on development cannot be said to be wrong. Take good care of yourself, be sure to make it clear in the accounts, and don't harm the interests of the country. She said this and agreed to Zhang Yang and Gu Jiatong to cooperate to open a restaurant. Zhang Yang immediately smiled and said, "Thank you for your support!"

The taxi has entered the yard of Chunyang's office in Beijing. Although Qin Qing has not been the county governor for a long time, he has also moved here twice and got out of the car. Li Jianjian and Yu Xiaodong have greeted him with a smile. Yu Xiaodong rushed to pay for the fare. She also served as an accountant of Chunyang's Zhang Yang left everything to her to deal with the financial accounts. Li Jianjian is just a temporary firefighter. His main job is to deal with those petitioners. Although he is in the Beijing Office, no one in the Beijing Office regards him as a real member of them.

Qin Qing smiled. Accompanied by Xiaodong, he returned to the room arranged for her first. Although the Chunyang Office in Beijing was well decorated, except for Qin Qing, other county-level leaders rarely chose to move in here. The main reason was that they were all their own people in the Beijing Office, and the details of each other were very clear. This This is also a kind of inconvenience. Before Qin Qing came to Beijing, he also considered staying in a hotel outside. After all, the gossip between her and Zhang Yang spread all over the city in Chunyang. He had to study in the Central Party School for a period of time, and he inevitably had to contact Zhang Yang, but later he thought that even if he did not go to the You can't control the mouth of outsiders. You can only let others say what they want to say. Do your part well, and you are not afraid of the shadow. However, the bouquet of red roses in her hand was really eye-catching. Yu Xiaodong's beautiful eyes were shining. Director Xiao Zhang dared to act and openly showed his love to the county magistrate of Meimeier. Since Qin Qing accepted it so calmly, it seemed that the rumors about them were indeed a little credible.

After Qin washed the bath and changed his clothes, he followed Yu Xiaodong to the restaurant. Zhang Yang had made people ready for the luncheon. He knew Qin Qing's temperament very well. He knew that she did not like extravagance and waste, and her diet was mainly light. In addition to letting Lao Jiang go to Quanju In addition, I only made four colds, two boils, and two stir-fry, but this has exceeded the official standard of four dishes and one soup.

Qin Qing is not a person who seizes the opportunity to go online. Although she gives more than enough impressions to many people, in fact, she is still tolerant. She smiled and expressed her gratitude to all the members of the Beijing Office. Zhang Yang originally prepared a bottle of Maotai, but Qin Qing said that there were still urgent things to do in the afternoon. It is said that today is not a legal day off, and you can't drink according to the system. In front of others, Zhang Yang also showed rare cooperation.


After lunch, Zhang Yang called a taxi and personally sent Qin Qing to the Central Party School at No. 100 Dayouzhuang, Haidian District. He originally wanted to wait for Qin Qing to come back after finishing his business. Qin Qing told him not to wait. After reporting, he took a taxi back by himself.

Zhang Yang also had something to do in the afternoon. Before he left Chunyang, Chen Chongshan once entrusted him to do two things. One was to send things to Chen Xue. He had done it well, and the other was to send words to people. This matter was almost forgotten by Zhang Yang. Just now, he found the word when he was packing up in the room After Chen Chongshan's matter, there was nothing to do after sending Qin Qing, so he looked for it all the way according to the address above.

The address is a military district compound located near Xiangshan. The inspection in front of the door is very strict. It took Zhang Yang a long time to convince the guard that he is not a bad person. He is a Communist Party member and a national cadre with a root. The person Zhang Yang is looking for is Du Shankui. After hearing the name of the Yang knows that he must be at a high level. However, he had already prepared for a senior official in Beijing. The guard asked him in detail what he wanted to send, who asked him to send it, and then checked the items he had brought. Then he made a phone call. Zhang Yang was a little impatient by repeated checks. He handed the word to the guard and said, "Don't be like that either. Sorry, I'm just a postman. Now I've left my things with you and let Du Shankui pick them up when he is free.

After the guard made the call, he raised his head and said, "The chief, please come over!"

Zhang Yang frowned. Du Shankui's airs are really big. Considering that Chu Yanran's grandfather Chu Zhennan is also the commander of the Beiyuan Military Region, why is he not so big? He originally wanted to leave, but he thought about Chen Chongshan's instructions, and he was curious about why Chen Chongshan knew such a high-ranking official, so he decided to stay.

Du Shankui's home lives in the No. 15 small building. It has green bricks and red tiles, and the walls are full of green wall-climbing tigers. It seems that this small building has been a lot of years. There is already a guard waiting in front of the door. He saluted Zhang Yang and said, "Are you

Zhang Yang nodded, and he began to feel a little uncomfortable again. He was paralyzed. Shouldn't he start a new round of checks again? Fortunately, the guard did not investigate, but invited him into the yard with a smile.

The front yard is a small garden. There is a fish pond in the middle of the garden. A silver-haired and energetic old man is standing by the fish pond feeding koi. Hearing the movement behind him, he turned around and his eyes fell on Zhang Yang's face, perhaps the unique insight of soldiers. Zhang Yang from him. I feel a sense of déjà vu on his body. Chu Zhennan also has this majestic temperament, but compared with Du Shankui, Chu Zhennan looks more bold, and Du Shankui has to restrain a lot. His waist is straight. Although his figure is not high, he is still full of a charming atmosphere when he raises his hands and feet: "Z

Zhang Yang nodded: "Hon, chief! I'm Zhang Yang from the Chunyang Office in Beijing. This time, I was entrusted by Mr. Chen Chongshan to send you something.

Du Shankui nodded, with a rare smile on his majestic face: "Chen Chongshan! I wrote countless letters to the old monkey, and he was finally willing to give me a reply. Take the scroll in Zhang Yang's hand: "Come in and sit down!"

Zhang Yang followed Du Shankui into the small building. The guard made tea for Zhang Yang. Du Shankui had already unfolded the scroll. Although Zhang Yang had always brought the scroll with him, he did not know the content of it. He glanced curiously, but saw a line of big words written on it - ten years of life and death! After not seeing it for a period of time, Chen Chongshan's penpower is even more spicy, especially the detached wind and bone that Zhang Yang can't learn.

Du Shankui sighed, "Ten years of life and death are boundless, and you can't forget it without thinking about it. Chongshan, Chongshan, what can make you so sad and tired of watching this rolling world?"

From Du Shankui's words, Zhang Yang had speculated that they were probably old comrades-in-arms. He took a sip of tea and said, "Old chief, have you known Uncle Chen for many years?"

Du Shankui's eyes stayed on that line of big characters and said thoughtfully, "For more than 40 years from the War of Liberation, Chongshan has been my savior. In those years, he carried me back from the Korean battlefield. Without him, my life would have been taken away by the artillery fire of American imperialism."

Zhang Yang did not know the past. Du Shankui and Chen Chongshan completely took two different paths. One chose to continue to work in the military world, while the other chose to understand Jia Guitian and place his love between the mountains and rivers. Zhang Yang also thought silently. I don't know if Chen Chongshan saw through the world because of the loss of On the road to seclusion? The official career has a huge ** power in Zhang Yang's eyes. The deeper he goes into it, the more he feels that he can't give up. For those who can give up his career, Zhang Yang is very admired. It should take a lot of courage to resist this kind of **.

When Du Shankui was talking to Zhang Yang, she walked into an old lady with a kind face from outside the door. She was wearing a military uniform, with short hair, and a sharpness between her hands and feet. Seeing Zhang Yang, she couldn't help smiling and saying, "Lao Du, there are guests at home!" She is Feng Yumei, Du Shankui's wife. Before her retirement, she served as the head of the Kongzheng Song and Dance Troupe. Judging from the dignified appearance of the old lady, she must have been a graceful beauty when she was young.

Du Shankuile introduced Zhang Yang to his wife. Zhang Yang saw that it was getting late. When he was about to leave, his call rang. He saw that Chu Yanran asked him to call back and pick up the mobile phone, and then found that the mobile phone was out of power.


Feng Yumei was sensitive and pointed to the phone in the living room and said, "Xiao Zhang, use our phone back. Don't delay your business!"

Zhang Yang smiled shyly, then picked up the phone and dialed back to Chu Yanran.

Chu Yanran's voice seemed a little angry: "Zhang Yang, why don't you always answer my phone?"

"Miss, my mobile phone is out of power. Can I give it back to you without finding the phone?"

"I want to inform you that the medical beauty center will officially open on October 18th. You can come back for the ribbon-cutting ceremony that day!"

Zhang Yang was stunned. Unexpectedly, the medical beauty center was still open. He has now left the maternal and child health center, which seems to have little to do with that incident. He coughed and said, "Let's see if I can make time. I just arrived in Beijing, and many things have not been straightened out, you know..."

"I didn't ask you to come back. I tell you, you picked up this matter. If you don't come back, I will withdraw the capital!" Chu Yanran's tone was strange, and she seemed not so consistent.

Zhang Yang smiled secretly. It was not difficult to hear that Chu Yanran just wanted to go back by herself. He lowered his voice and said, "What... Do you miss me?"

"Less stinky and beautiful, who misses you..." Chu Yanran's voice suddenly lowered.

Zhang Yang looked at Du Shankui's family. He was probably afraid of delaying him to speak. Both of them went to the small yard. Zhang Yang said, "Dear, I'm at home. It's not convenient to talk now. I'll call you as soon as I get back."

Chu Yanran hummed a little reluctantly, but soon said in surprise, "Whose house are you at? Grandpa Du's house?"

Zhang Yang was stunned and immediately realized that Du Shankui was an old general, and Chu Yanran's grandfather was the commander of the Beiyuan Military Region. Bao Bulqi knew each other in the past. Otherwise, how could Chu Yanran be so familiar with this phone number? He looked outside and said, "Do you know Du Shankui?"

Chu Yanran let out a string of silver bell-like laughter: "What a coincidence. You give the phone number to Grandpa Du, and I'll talk to him!"

Zhang Yang is a believer. The world turned out to be really small. You can meet acquaintances when you go out and enter the door. Du Shankui not only knows Chen Chongshan, but also Chu Zhennan. Maybe the three of them know each other, but now they pay attention to the network. In the past, the older generation also paid attention to this Kui, please come in and hand over the phone receiver to him.

Du Shankui didn't expect it to be Chu Yanran's phone call. When he figured out who the other party was, he couldn't help laughing: "Yianran, you girl, you haven't come to Beijing for a long time. How's the old man's health? Isn't it as stingy as it used to be? Haha... Is he still writing big characters like a bear? Dou Da can't read a basket of words.