Medical official path

Chapter 84 Children of the Compound

Chu Yanran was unhappy: "Grandpa Du, don't look at me for three days. Don't underestimate my grandfather!"

"I teach him how to write, and I'm his teacher..." When Du Shankui spoke, Chu Yanran had called her grandfather Chu Zhennan over there. ( Full-text novel reading, all in .16κ.(1κ.O. Text. Learning Network)

When Chu Zhennan happened to hear this, he picked up the phone and scolded: "Bullshit, in addition to chasing the female soldiers of the art troupe, what else do you have? Damn it, I'm not the old man who charged you. You can climb to where you are today."

Du Shankui also scolded with a smile: "I'm from real estate. I like Tujia finches. Unlike some people who pretend to be stupid to look for canaries, then... The American female reporter is still waiting for you."

"Bullshit, you just!"

Zhang Yang almost laughed while listening. Shit, the general is also a human, and the general's conversation is also so fucking and direct. Du Shankui and Chu Zhennan scolded each other a few words. They began to boo each other. After chatting for about ten minutes, they hung up the phone. Looking at Zhang Yang's eyes were different again It's polite. Now it's out of kindness and warmth to his nephew. He smiled and said, "Zhang Yang, you are Yanran's boyfriend!"

Zhang Yang was stunned. Obviously, it was Chu Zhennan. The open-mouthed old man said something, but although he and Chu Yanran can't talk about a passionate couple now, they are by no means ordinary friends. The feelings and mutual care between the two have long exceeded the boundaries of ordinary friends, and Chu Yanran's tenderness towards him has already moved him, with a vague smile. He laughed and did not admit it or deny it. In the eyes of Du Shankui and his girlfriend, this is equivalent to admitting. Because of the sudden increase of this relationship, the distance between them became much closer. Du Shankui invited Zhang Yang to have dinner at home. Zhang Yang was still worried about Qin Qing in his heart. In addition, he did not like to eat at other people's homes. This atmosphere would make him feel constrained. When he was about to leave, Du Shankui's Du Tianye, 36 years old, is now the director of the fifth room of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection. Hearing about the relationship between Zhang Yang and Chu Yanran, he also enthusiastically kept him for dinner.

When Zhang Yang saw his sincere invitation, it was really true. It's difficult to be kind. Du Tianye has a cheerful personality, broad friendship, and extremely talkative. Zhang Yang is also an eloquent figure. Although he has restrained the madness of the past, agility and humor are still everywhere. Originally, in his impression, these senior cadres's children are all useless and diligent, and suffer from the shadow of their ancestors. However, with the increasing contact with these high-ranking cadres's children, it is found that most of them are outstanding figures. Thinking about it, this is also very normal. Their parents are extremely excellent. From the perspective of genetics, their genes should not be too bad. In addition, the environment of living from childhood is different, the vision is naturally different. From the perspective of the problem, the position of standing is naturally more far-reaching than that of ordinary people.

Du Shankui and his son are all massive, they. His ancestral home is Shandong. Adhering to the toughness of his ancestors drinking and eating meat in large bowls, Zhang Yang is an unambiguous figure in drinking. Two bowls have made Du Shankui and his son have a deep good impression.

Feng Yumei did not drink alcohol. After cooking, she held a cup of tea and smiled. With the three of them, the quietness and kindness of the old lady and the boldness of Du Shankui are in sharp contrast. In military families, such a collocation is not uncommon. Feng Yumei said, "Yanran came to Beijing with his grandfather when she was a child and lived in our house for half a year. I treat her as my own granddaughter!"

Du Tianye smiled and said, "Mom, you're talking about Yanran, that little girl, when she was a child. Always with two braids, I also took her to the glass factory to play. She asked me to buy her sugar-coated haws all day long. Speaking of which, I haven't seen her in six or seven years.

Du Shankui stared at him discontentedly and said, "You don't stay home all day. I can't even see you, let alone others.

Du Tianye has some embarrassment. He smiled awkwardly and said, "Dad, am I busy with work? Running around all day, now is no more official than in the past. There are more officials and more criminals. When we work in the Commission for Discipline Inspection, we have to work all day to eliminate the worms in the cadre team.

Du Shankui took a sip of wine, put the glass on the table and said, "You can't say that. Most of our party cadres are good."

When Du Tianye heard this sentence, he smiled indifferently.

Zhizi Mo Ruo's father, Du Shankui immediately realized that his son had different opinions about his words, and his eyes widened and said, "What's wrong? Unconvinced?"

"How dare I not be convinced? If I don't obey, no one dares to disbe you. Who let you be my father!" The meaning of Du Tianye's words is still unconvinced.

Zhang Yang couldn't help laughing.

Du Shankui scolded and turned to Zhang Yang and said, "Xiao Zhang, you're right. After all, corruption and using power for personal gain are an isolated phenomenon. Most of our cadres are good."

Zhang Yang nodded in agreement: "Most cadres who are not corrupt are good!" His answer was extremely cunning. Du Tianye was the first to realize it and said with a smile, "Zhang Yang is a little slick. No wonder he sneaked into the Beijing office at a young age."

Du Shankui put a piece of beef in his mouth, narrowed his eyes, tasted it for a while and said, "Although I am not very familiar with the affairs outside the army, I also heard that the reputation of the Beijing office is not very good. It is said that the land prices in Beijing have been fired by the Beijing office all over the country. Beijing Office, it can be said that the gift-giving atmosphere in the officialdom in the capital is brought by the Beijing Office.

Feng Yumei knew that her wife was open-minded and was afraid that he would make the guests embarrassed. She interrupted with a smile, "How can it be so exaggerated!"

Zhang Yang smiled and Du Tianye said, "In fact, the emergence of the Beijing Office has a long history in China. In the past, it was called the Guild Hall, now it is called the Beijing Office, and now it is demonizing the Beijing Office, but after all, the Beijing Office is useful. The capital is large, and the threshold of the relevant parts The bridge of the Beijing Office is indispensable. When you see the disadvantages, you should also see its advantages. There is a saying that... Existence is reasonable. Since the Beijing Office can exist, it proves that it has the value of existence.

Du Shankui said, "If it's just for the purpose of making a relationship, I think it's okay for this office to be closed in Beijing." He turned to Zhang Yang with a smile and said, "I'm talking about the matter, but I'm not targeting you."

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "The level of my office in Beijing is very low. I want to give gifts, but unfortunately I can't find a way out. To put it, our place is the Beijing office of Chunyang County Government Guest House."

Du Tianye laughed and said, "But it's easy to have an accident to do this business in Beijing. Think about it, you face gold and silver treasures all day long. The life is full of feasting. If you are not careful, you will fall into the water and never turn over. If you can pass this test, it will be of great benefit to While talking, his mobile phone rang. After connecting, it turned out to be Hong Weiki, his classmate of the party school. Hong Weiki invited him to go to Kunlun Restaurant for lunch tomorrow. Du Tianye readily agreed. He hung up the phone and said to Zhang Yang, "Hong Weiki's phone, he and I are classmates of the party school."

Zhang Yang sighed in his heart that Hong Weiji is the secretary of the Jiangcheng Municipal Party Committee. He represents the strongest existence in one mu and three cents of land. Now when he comes to Beijing, he also wants to invite people to dinner. It may not be just because of his old classmates that Du Tianye can make Hong Weiji so valued. It seems that his position is quite important.

Du Shankui sighed again: "Now the party school has become a place for you to contact social relations."

"The army is still the melting pot of your revolutionary sentiment. In fact, the study of the party school is like that. There is a saying that you should get a basin, learn some words, recognize two people, and cultivate your mind. Everyone goes with some political purpose. Who will study steadily? The Party gives you the opportunity to contact the revolutionary sentiment, and you always teach us to listen to the Party.

Du Shankui couldn't say anything about his son. He picked up his glass and drank it: "Damn it, your generation is really different from us."

Du Tianye said, "You are looking down on us. In fact, our revolutionary consciousness may not be lower than that of you old people. We just know more about adaptability and adapt to the trend of the times, but we will stick to the principle to the end."

Zhang Yang quite agrees with Du Tianye's words. He has always had a view that as long as the final result is good, it doesn't matter the means used. Therefore, he often has a more tolerant attitude towards some violations of officials. Speaking of which, he is also a cadre with many minor problems, but he can't hide his flaws. If he can achieve these four words, he should be regarded as a good cadre.

Feng Yumei looked at her son with love. The two men's nature seems to be a little different on the surface, but in fact, they are all very principled people. As Du Tianye just said, their generation is more tactful than the older generation. Feng Yumei whispered, "You can't focus on your work all day long. You should also consider your personal marriage."

Zhang Yang did not expect that Du Tianye had not been married yet. He looked at him in surprise, and then thought that a young cadre like Du Tianye, who has a prominent family background and excellent conditions, has no shortage of women's pursuit around him. The reason why he is not married may be that he likes this kind of solitary life. Style.

Du Tianye smiled and didn't say anything. He picked up the glass of wine in front of him and drank it up.

Du Shankui really didn't regard Zhang Yang as an outsider, and even said the family affairs without scruples: "I met your uncle Wen two days ago. He meant that you don't wait. Wen Ling has been sleeping for ten years. You have been waiting for her for ten years, and you have an explanation for your feelings. Are you going How can you wait for her all your life? Wen Ling is Du Tianye's girlfriend. When she was preparing for her wedding with Du Tianye ten years ago, she fell off the roof and became a vegetable since then. She has been sleeping ever since.

Du Tianye slowly put down his glass, and his eyes became affectionate and sad: "Dad! Mom! I know that you are good to me, but no one in the world is more important to me than Wen Ling. These ten years have not allowed me to diminish my feelings for her at all, but made me more attached to her. She did not sleep, but just integrated her life with me. Giving up her is equivalent to giving up a part of my own life. "I can't do it..." He stood up and said, "I should go!"

Du Shankui and Feng Yumei looked at their son with pity. They did not stop him. In fact, before advising their son, they knew that it was impossible to change his choice, but they couldn't help saying that they didn't want to see their son spend their life in loneliness and waiting.

Zhang Yang also got up and said goodbye. Du Shankui left his home phone number to Zhang Yang and asked him to come as a guest often during his stay in Beijing.


Du Tianye was about to go to the city. He happened to bring Zhang Yang. His car was a military license plate Beijing Jeep. Zhang Yang got into his car and told him the address of the office in Beijing. Du Tianye nodded and pulled out a cigarette to point it. It could be seen that his mood had become a little depressed because of what his parents had just

Zhang Yang wanted to comfort him, but he didn't know how to open his mouth. He suddenly remembered Hailan and whispered, "In fact, you may not be the only unfortunate person in the world. I have always loved a woman deeply, but I don't know anything about her. Just as she was about to open her heart to me, a sudden disaster Let her almost die. After waking up, she forgot all the memories of me..."

Du Tianye whispered, and the topic of publicity aroused his interest. He looked at Zhang Yang and said, "At least she can know what she is doing..."

Zhang Yang nodded and said, "I tried to walk into her world again, but I didn't expect her to show strong resistance to me. Every time she saw my eyes..." He paused for a moment, and there was a painful look in his eyes: "Fear and scared... as if... as if I were a nightmare, her eyes made my heart Broken, I dare not disturb her, so I can only choose to avoid it far away.

Zhang Yang's words made Du Tian wild feel like a fallen person at the end of the world. He whispered, "Maybe everyone has their own misfortune!" But I thought to myself that maybe I was the most unfortunate one.

Zhang Yang said, "I always believe that although everyone has their own misfortune, we can't always be immersed in this misfortune, otherwise our lives will become bleak and lose the meaning of existence."

Du Tianye laughed, and Zhang Yang's call suddenly rang. He looked at it, and it showed Qin Qing's message. It turned out that she had finished the affairs of the party school and waited outside the school for a long time without seeing a car, so he remembered to let Zhang Yang pick her up.

Du Tianye knew that Zhang Yang was going to pick up someone, so he readily agreed and drove to the party school.

Qin Qing, wearing a dark blue T-shirt and light-colored jeans, stood in front of the public phone booth next to the party school, like a small spring tree, young and energetic. Du Tianye couldn't help taking a look and whispered, "Your leader?" He has seen a lot of young department-level cadres, but it was the first time he had seen such a beautiful female cadre.

Zhang Yangle nodded, rolled down the window and waved to Qin Qing. Qin Qing saw him with a faint smile, and then slowly walked over. She opened the door and sat down in the back seat. Zhang Yang introduced Du Tianye to her: "This is Director Du from Room 5 of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, this It's my immediate boss, Qin Qing, the magistrate of Chunyang County!"

Du Tianye smiled very gentlemanly. Qin Qingbao smiled politely, but he was a little surprised in his heart. Zhang Yang, a small deputy section level, could actually climb to the officials of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, and it seemed that they got along well. Regardless of Du Tianye's level, it was just his position, even if it was Ping Remember, I also want to give him some face.

Du Tianye said, "County of Qin County, we are also alumni."

Qin said with a smile, "I have just entered the school, and Director Du has graduated."

"I'm your brother, haha! By the way, Secretary Hong Weiki of Jiangcheng and I are at the same time, and now Governor Xu of Pinghai is also at the same time as me. In the past, we often drank together at the time of the party school.

Qin Qing smiled gently and said, "Does Governor Xu also drink?"

"Drink, and the amount of alcohol is amazing. It's no problem to eat a catty and a half of Maotai!"

In Qin Qing's impression, Xu Changde is a person who rarely drinks. At most, he will drink a few cups symbolically on the occasion of receiving distinguished guests. Unexpectedly, he has such a drinking capacity in Du Tianye's mouth. It's not surprising to think about it. Everyone has their own circle. When Xu Changde was in Jiangcheng, Maybe he disdains to drink with others. In the party school, in the circle he met, there is no longer the sense of respect of the stars and the moon in the past, so he will treat others with an equal attitude. Drinking looks simple on the surface, but the knowledge and mystery contained in it are actually the most subtle and complex.

In the middle of the car, Du Tianye received a phone call. His face suddenly changed. He shouted to the phone, "No one can do it without my permission!" His voice was almost roaring, which shocked both Zhang Yang and Qin Qing. Then Du Tianye suddenly turned to Qinglongtan Hospital in the southeast of Beijing. Drive to. He, who had always been calm and calm, completely lost his mind after receiving this call. He even forgot that there were Zhang Yang and Qin Qing in the car.

The jeep was moving at high speed in the rolling traffic. Du Tianye's eyes stared at the road ahead and held the steering wheel with both hands. As the accelerator increased, the code meter was also climbing.

Qin Qing frowned. She didn't know what had happened, but at Du Tianye's level, she shouldn't have controlled her emotions so badly. Zhang Yang vaguely guessed that this matter was probably related to Wen Ling. Although the contact with Du Tianye's family was very short, the Du family left a very good impression on Zhang Yang, and Du Tianye's own infatuation also moved Zhang Yang.


After the car stopped at Qinglongtan Hospital, Du Tianye didn't even have time to explain to the two, so he strode to the rehabilitation ward behind him.

Qin Qing didn't want to go, but when he saw that Zhang Yang followed him, he could only follow him. This was for Zhang Yang's sake. She knew that Zhang Yang was a person who was afraid of chaos in the world, and Du Tianye did not seem to be a good-tempered person. The two people rushed over and were sure that

It turned out that Qin Qing's worry was not superfluous. In front of the door to the ward, two men in black blocked Du Tianye's way. Du Tianye's eyes turned red. Now he is like a crazy beast, roaring, "Get out of here! Whoever stops me, who I will destroy!"

The two men didn't mean to get out of the way. They obviously knew Du Tianye. The middle-aged man of medium height whispered, "Director Du'd better go back. This is the Wen family's own business!"

"Get out of here!" Du Tianye tried to push him away. The middle-aged man did not have an obvious dodge. When Du Tianye's hand was put on his shoulder, it sank slightly, and then inconspicuously pushed forward. A potential spread to Du Tianye's arm. Du Tianye was unstable and staggered back a few steps. Fortunately, Zhang Yang He.

Du Tianye completely lost his mind. He shouted, "No one is allowed to take Wen Ling away, no one has the power..." He suddenly rushed to the fire cabinet beside him, broke the glass with a punch, grabbed the fire axe from it, and rushed forward with a loud roar.

Zhang Yang had to admire his toughness, but he had seen from the middle-aged man's move just now that Du Tianye was not his opponent at all, and the two people in black guarding the door were all masters.

Du Tianye waved the fire axe. The middle-aged man made a very ordinary Taijiquan move. He grabbed the sparrow's tail and clamped his arm and twisted it gently. Du Tianye could no longer hold the fire axe. He fell to the ground with a bang. The middle-aged man pushed it gently, and Du Tianye's body A lot.

Du Tianye is not powerless, but in front of the real master, his little fight *** man is still far from it.

Zhang Yang waved his hand to Du Tianye's waist and put it close to his body. He pressed clockwise, removed the strength from his body, stopped Du Tianye's momentum of flying backwards, and let him fall on the ground smoothly.

The two people in black showed surprised eyes. Zhang Yang can easily resolve Du Tianye's predicament. It seems to be a plain trust, but he has to grasp the strength and angle extremely accurately. It is too rare to have such skills at such an age.

Zhang Yang had already walked over, and the middle-aged man who took action against Du Tianye slowly took a step, and his eyes became extremely solemn. From Zhang Yang's sudden into a fanatical look, he had already felt that the young man in front of him wanted to challenge himself.

Zhang Yang walked very slowly, and each step seemed to have been accurately measured. He came to the other party in three steps and smiled and said, "Please let me go!"

The middle-aged man's right hand moved and wanted to grab Zhang Yang's arm. Zhang Yang did not dodge. He let him grab his arm, and then took the opportunity to pull one by one. The middle-aged man followed his strength to send forward, leaned forward, squeezed his shoulders on Zhang Yang's left shoulder, and then exerted his The young man in front of him suffered a little.

Zhang Yang saw through the other party's intention, but this time he did not use the intention to decoll the other party's strength, but to carry the internal force, and was forced to be pushed by the other party.

The sudden explosion of power of the middle-aged man was enough to push a car away, but his power broke out on Zhang Yang's body, but it was like being pushed on a big mountain. The Zhang Yang's two-legged iron casting took root on the ground. The powerful power of the middle-aged man did not shake him at all.

The middle-aged man's eyes were full of surprise and consternation. When his strength reached its peak, he suddenly felt empty around him. Zhang Yang suddenly withdrew his resistance and grabbed the other party's arm with his backhand, trying to use inertia to throw the middle-aged man's body out.

The middle-aged man was also very fast. His body leaned slightly forward, his arm shook clockwise, and he broke away from Zhang Yang's palm. Zhang Yang's back hand came one after another, pushing one palm on the other party's arm. The middle-aged man stepped back two steps before standing firm. His heart was full of blood, and In an instant, he broke through his obstruction and walked inside.

The man in black standing in the rear is only twenty-seven or twenty-eight years old. When the middle-aged man was sold, he had been watching coldly. He saw that Zhang Yangcheng *** forced the middle-aged man back, and a cold light burst out in his eyes. He and the middle-aged man had two completely different styles. If he In the attack, his right leg kicked at the open door with lightning speed, and the air around him was bulging by his lightning legs. What he used was twelve legs, a whip out of the head road, a cross on the second way, a cross on the third way to smash the wheel, the fourth way to kick and stop, the five-way lions both The seven-way phoenix spread its wings, the eight-way turn the golden stool to the sky, the nine-way capture the dragon and seize the jade belt, the ten-way magpie climb the plum tip, the eleven-way wind swings the lotus leaf legs, and the twelve-way mandarin ducks are in a series.

For a while, his feet were all over the sky. He pushed forward from all directions. Tan's legs were vigorous and coordinated. The moves were changeable, and the attack and defense were fast. The rhythm was clear and the explosive power was extremely strong. It was the first time that Zhang Yang had met so many masters at the same time since he was reborn. After the best one, somehow, Zhang Yang suddenly remembered An Yuchen. Compared with the one in front of him, An Xiaoyao's good leg *** can only be regarded as a pediatrician.

Zhang Yang's body at this time is simply like a ghost. Under the other party's lightning-like leg, he can always avoid the attack at the most critical time. Obviously, he will hit him when he sees this kick, but he can avoid it in a few milliseconds.

The middle-aged man stared at Zhang Yang's footwork, and the expression on his face became more and more solemn. The legs of the Twelve Roads had been finished, and he didn't even touch the corners of Zhang Yang's clothes. Such a figure can be described as unpredictable, and Zhang Yang did not fight back in the whole process, but turned Standing at the gate with a smile: "If you hit me again, I'm going to fight back!" He is calm and his face does not change, which is enough to prove that his Wu *** is far beyond this first-class opponent.

Qin Qing and Du Tianye were standing there. Although they couldn't see the mystery, they knew that Zhang Yang's Wu*** had deterred two people in black.

The middle-aged man took a step forward. Obviously, he would not let Zhang Yang go in. The young man in black will go to Zhang Yang from another angle. They are going to join hands.

Zhang Yang's face also showed solemnity. The two men in black are both first-class strong men. If they join hands to attack, one strong and one soft, one disease and one slow, the power is bound to multiply, and Zhang Yang is absolutely not sure to defeat them in a short time. However, Zhang Daguanren is a person who never give up. The more difficulties he encounters, the stronger the man's competitive spirit will become. His clear eyes burst into a fanatical light, which is a kind of desire for a lively war.

Qin Qing is most familiar with this man's temperament, but the two people in black obviously bear the responsibility of protecting someone. If Zhang Yang continues to conflict with them, he may make the matter impossible to end. She quickly walked over.

Qin Qing walked into the space where they were facing each other, and an invisible pressure suddenly enveloped her heart. Qin Qing's beautiful eyes were calm and waveless, like a pure and flawless lily floating into the wind and rain. Zhang Yang and two men in black weaved an invisible net with a powerful murderous atmosphere. Qin Qing walked into the net. Her quiet beauty penetrated into the chirified murderous atmosphere like a trickle, instantly diluting the tense atmosphere, looking at Zhang Yang, as if looking at a child causing trouble, and shaking her head gently.

A calm female voice sounded: "Let them in!"

Qin Qing raised his eyes and looked at a middle-aged beautiful woman in her fifties. She was not tall and well maintained. She looked like she was in her forties. Her skin was very white, and there were some subtle crow's feet at the corners of her eyes, but she could not see it without looking carefully. Qin Qing's beauty obviously attracted Attention, she looked at Qin Qing and smiled kindly.

Only then did Qin Qing feel that her smile was a little familiar. Where should she have seen it in the past? She thought hard. After a while, she remembered that it should be on TV. Zhang Yang also looked at the middle-aged beautiful woman in a stun. In the eyes of outsiders, his eyes were a little impolite. The middle-aged beautiful woman did not look at Zhang Yang from beginning to end, and finally fixed on Du Tianye's face: "Tenno, are you here?"

Du Tianye nodded, and he strode inside: "Aunt Luo, why did you do this! I want to see Wen Ling! I want to see her!"

Qin Qing's beautiful eyebrows jumped. She and Zhang Yang followed at the end and whispered, "Who is Wen Ling?"

Zhang Yang shrugged his shoulders: "Director Du's girlfriend seems to have become a vegetable..."

Zhang Yang and Qin Qing did not follow into the rehabilitation ward. The two of them stood outside the glass window and looked at the scene inside. From their position, they could see a long-haired woman lying motionless on the disease**, and a tall and broad back sat facing them, thinking that it was Wen Ling's father.

Zhang Yang whispered, "Who is this man?" He raised his head and saw that the two men in black in the distance were still looking at him warily. Only then did he realize that the person who could protect the two masters close to him must be a great man.