Medical official path

Chapter 143 Counterattack from now on

Chapter 143 [Counterattack from now on]

Jiangcheng Standing Committee Jinbu, Li Changyu slowly spotted the scene of the mourning on that day... When everyone was silent. Everyone, including Hong Weiki, Secretary of the Jiangcheng Municipal Party Committee, has a sour nose, the eyes of the people are bright, and their hearts are the fairest standard for judging a cadre.

Li Changyu said in a sad voice, "I've been reflecting on this for the past two days. There are indeed a lot of problems with our cadre team, but these problems are not only their personal reasons, but also the problems in our cadre system itself, which makes some people devote their energy to the pursuit of official positions, and even ignore their own real responsibilities.

Comrade Hu Aimin's affairs have taught us all a lesson. At any time, we should not forget that we are the public servants of the people and the people who have given us power. We should use the power in our hands to benefit the people. Instead of domighty!"

Zuo Yuanchao, the acting mayor of Jiangcheng, nodded with the same feeling and said, "Vice Mayor Li said it very well. When we saw the problem itself. We should also see the root cause of this problem. The affairs of Comrade Aimin are not uncommon in our group. For the sake of official positions, we use some disgraceful means, and even forget the most basic principles of a party member and a national cadre. People have a conscience. At the critical moment of life and death, we can still see that our party members The real quality of the department!"

Hong Weiji put out the cigarette butt in the ashtray and whispered, "In the era of peace, the test faced by our party and our cadres is not easy. Don't let peace become a breeding ground for comfort**! Small. The decision not to prosecute Hu Aimin and not to publicize was made by Hong Weiji. He did not deny that Hu Aimin's death was a heroic act of sacrificing himself to save others. But Hu Aimin's problem is also there. Hu Aimin once bribed Yang Shouyi, while Yang Shouyi was involved in Li Guozheng's case. Although the case was temporarily stagnant, Hong Weiji had a hunch. Sooner or later, one day, the old things will be mentioned again. As the first leader of Jiangcheng City, he can't be emotional. He wants to see the long-term, and he can't think that his future career will leave hidden dangers.

The reason why Li Changyu mentioned this matter at the Standing Committee is that Qin Qing and Zhang Yang both raised the issue of treating Hu Aimin fairly to him. Li Changyu was responsible for the flood control command of Chunyang. He learned a lot about the situation in Chunyang. Hu Aimin's deeds were indeed very touching, but we can see Hong Weiki' He already understood that it was difficult to reverse the case for Hu Aimin.

Hong Weiji really didn't want to do too much entanglement on this matter. He turned the topic to the development of Jiangcheng, and put forward the plan to build the Third Ring Road on behalf of Mayor Zuo Yuanchao. Then he distributed the plan to everyone and the Standing Committee for discussion.

The construction of the Third Ring Road had been proposed as early as when Xu Changde was the Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, but because of the problem of funds, it has been delayed until now. After Zuo Yuanchao became the acting mayor, he proposed that if he wanted to fundamentally change the appearance of Jiangcheng, he must start with improving the municipal infrastructure. The Ring.

Hong Weiki smiled and said, "It's still an old problem, capital! What our city lacks most is capital! Road construction is a good thing, but how to solve the financial problem? We should not only engage in development zones, develop tourism, and build the Third Ring Road. How can we have so much money? I think it's better to do it step by step!"

Li Changyu agreed with Zuo Yuanchao on this point. He whispered, "This spring flood shows that the infrastructure of various districts and counties in Jiangcheng is very poor. Not only roads need to be built, but also ditches and rivers need to be dredged, and they need to be carried out immediately. Otherwise, we may face a more serious situation this summer.

Hong Weiki said, "Jiangcheng wants to develop. The economy is the foundation, and the burden on our investment office is heavy again."

Li Changyu raised another question. The heavy rain caused part of the ancient city wall of Jiangcheng to collapse, and a sum of money was needed for emergency repair.

Hong Weiji laughed and said, "There should be no problem with this matter. Andeheng did not invest 200 million yuan in the Nanlin Temple Scenic Area. He can allocate part of the money to build the ancient city wall!"

Zuo Yuanchao said, "Secretary Hong, the money invested by Andeheng is to repair the Nanlin Temple, rebuild the Lecture Light Tower, and build a food shopping mall. The memorandum of understanding we signed does not include the follow-up development project of the ancient city wall

Hong Weiki frowned: "What's the difference!"

Zuo Yuanchao laughed and said, "Special funds, especially foreign investment. I'm afraid it's not good if we don't do it with other people's permission!"

Li Changyu's heart moved quietly. He suddenly found that there was a great flaw and loophole in Andeheng's investment plan. Andeheng's investment in Jiangcheng may not be optimistic about the tourism prospects of Jiangcheng. What he valued are projects that can benefit in the short term. He wants to recover his investment in the shortest time.

Zuo Yuanchao has kicked the ball to Li Changyu. He whispered, "Vice Mayor Li is in charge of tourism. Vice Mayor Li should think of something about this matter!"

Zhang Yang stood in front of the collapsed ancient city wall. Fortunately, there was no one around when the wall collapsed, and there were no serious casualties. This is also a blessing in misfortune. Originally, the Tourism Bureau was not responsible for this, but Qin Chuanliang called him and respected the old father-in-law. He came to the scene for the first time and saw Qin Chuanliang jumping in the ruins of the city wall, with an extremely sad and regret on his face. He has long put forward the proposal to repair and protect the ancient city wall, but until now, he has not seen a specific implementation plan of the Jiangcheng City Government. Although the city leaders have paid unprecedented attention to the development of tourism recently, most of the attention can be placed in the Nanlin Temple, where the Buddha's relics were found, and this ancient city wall is still in

Zhang Yang arrived, and Executive Vice Mayor Li Changyu also came here. He walked to Zhang Yang and looked at Qin Chuanliang in the distance side by side with Zhang Yang. He couldn't help sighing: "Lao Qin has mentioned many times about the maintenance of the ancient city wall. Unfortunately, I haven't paid enough attention to it, so it led /P>

Zhang Yang also understands that although Li Changyu is the executive vice mayor, there are several people who are older than him in Jiangcheng. He doesn't say anything, otherwise they will not fall into the wind in the struggle of Nanlin Temple Scenic Area and watch their political achievements being robbed by others. Zhang Yang is a person who is unwilling to fail, and so is Li Changyu. However, Li Changyu is more patient than Zhang Yang in this regard. He is not unwilling to fight back, but choosing the opportunity. Once the time is ripe, he will definitely strike with all his strength and not give his opponent a chance to breathe.

"; Zhang Yang said: "Now the ancient city wall belongs to the scope of the development of Nanlin Temple Scenic Area, and the maintenance problem should be solved jointly by the municipal government and Andeheng!"

Li Changyu smiled and said, "And Heng is a businessman. He invests to make a profit, and he is eager to make a profit in the short term!" He looked at the collapsed ancient city wall and said, "The city has left me to solve the problem of the ancient city wall. Mayor Zuo divided the ancient city wall and the Nanlin Temple scenic area very well. He thinks that the special funds should be dedicated!"

Zhang Yang said disdainfully, "They want to take advantage of it. When I put effort to pay, I hid aside!"

Li Changyu smiled and said, "It depends on things in two. What does it mean to be cheap? What does it mean to suffer losses? Things are developing dialectically, and Jiangcheng is also constantly developing and changing. As the director of the Market Development Department of the Tourism Bureau, should you do something? In addition, as the deputy director of Jiangcheng Investment Office, you haven't seen any outstanding achievements since you took office. If it goes on like this, even if I can't help you, others won't be able to see it!"

Zhang Yang said lowly, "Is there a shortage of money in the city?"

Li Changyu looked up at the gloomy sky and whispered, "Jiangcheng may be facing the fastest-growing era in history. It takes a lot of money to build a development zone, develop the tourism industry and build the Third Ring Road, which means unprecedented opportunities and challenges for each of us. Zhang Yang, don't limit your eyes to Nanlin Temple, but focus on the whole river city. Only by standing in a higher place can you see a farther range!"

Zhang Yang nodded slowly. From Li Changyu's words, he realized a realm, a realm that he could not reach at present. He somewhat understands that Li Changyu's future plan Xiao Li Changyu has never changed his strategy of developing a green economy in Jiangcheng.

Li Changyu has been reflecting on his past shortcomings during this period. He is looking for his past shortcomings. He has too much hope in the development of Nanlin Temple Scenic Area, so once there is a problem in the scenic area, he will give Zuo Yuanchao an opportunity to take advantage of it. In the first confrontation, the reason for his real defeat was that his eyesight was too narrow and limited. If you want to be invincible, you must establish the plan of Dajiangcheng and focus on the development of Jiangcheng from the overall situation.

When the Gu Jiatong sisters came to Jiangcheng. At the end of the spring flood in Jiangcheng, the urban area seemed very messy and dirty. There was still a lot of water on the road, which was muddy. Gu Jiatong drove all the way. After entering the Second Ring Road, it was blocked for an hour. She was so depressed. Unexpectedly, Jiangcheng was more congested than the traffic situation in Dongjiang. I came here, so I didn't call in advance. Seeing that it was more than a little time, Gu Yangyang looked at the traffic in front of him and couldn't help but be a little anxious: "Sister, why don't you call Brother Zhang? What if he is not in Jiangcheng?

Gu Jiatong smiled and said, "I didn't tell him that we would come here on May Day, and he won't go far!" In fact, Gu Jiatong originally said that she would come on May Day. Today is only April 29th. She worked hard for two days than expected.

Gu Yangyu nibbled with biscuits, hoping to have a good lunch.

Gu Jiatong saw that the traffic jam in front of him had not been alleviated, so he had to pick up his mobile phone and call Zhang Yang.

In the past two days, Zhang Yang has been investigating the damage of the ancient city wall. Things are similar to his expectations. An Deheng heard that the matter of the ancient city wall has been cleaned up. He is building a Nanlin Temple scenic spot, and signed a memorandum of understanding with the government to repair Nanlin Temple, but it does The ancient city wall. Instead of making Zhang Yang feel depressed, An Deheng said this guy happy. In the past two days, he and Li Changyu have drawn up a plan to build a large scenic spot in Jiangcheng. Although Nanlin Temple is bustling, a monk temple will not have much climate in the end. According to Qin Chuanliang's original idea, the Nanlin Temple scenic spot is With this ancient temple as the center, the other center is the ancient city wall, but Andeheng voluntarily gave up the repair of the ancient city wall, which is equivalent to handing another tourism development point to others. It can be seen that Andeheng invests in tourism. The main purpose is to exchange the development zone and the land of the imitation factory in exchange for the support of Block. The 200 million investment he claimed includes too wide, which fully shows the cunning and wisdom of a businessman, and the utilitarian is too heavy.

Hearing that Gu Jiatong had arrived at the Second Ring Road, Zhang Yang was overjoyed. From Gu Jiatong's description, he learned that now Gu Jiatong was not far from where he was. At the moment, he called and trotted all the way to Gu Jiatong's car and found that the Second Ring Road was still blocked.

Gu Yangyang saw that Zhang Yang was wearing a cowboy on the street and hurriedly fell down the window to him


Zhang Yangle came over and motioned Gu Jiatong to drive over from the gap in the guardrail and drove the car directly onto the sidewalk. Anyway, the car could not walk for a while, so he simply stopped to eat first.

Gu Jiatong couldn't help complaining, "The traffic in your urban area of Jiangcheng is too poor. I have been stuck here for an hour.

Gu Yangyang screamed bitterly, "I'm starving to death!"

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Who asked you to come suddenly? Don't call in advance. I want to know that you have booked a hotel at Yayun Lake."

Gu Jiatong said, "It's not that troublesome. Eat whatever you want!"

Zhang Yang pointed to the front and took the two of them through the alley. There was an ancient city rooster restaurant next to the ancient city wall. Famous for being a husband's chicken, Zhang Yang has been inspecting around the city wall for the past two days and basically eats here. When the boss saw Zhang Yang coming over, he gave them a stewed husband's chicken first. Zhang Yang ordered a few Jiangchengchi square dishes and asked for a few bottles of beer.

Gu Jiatong smiled and said, "I forgot that I brought you two boxes of Maotai in the car. It's up to my father!"

Zhang Yang laughed and said, "This habit is not good. Let Secretary Gu know that I'll steal his wine. I'm afraid I'll have to give it to me, a section-level cadre tomorrow."

Gu Yangyang Gege laughed. Because of the hot weather, she also had a glass of beer for the first time. Both of the sisters were hungry and were not polite. They picked up the chopsticks and ate them. After putting his stomach half full, Gu Jiatong also had the strength to speak: "Why don't you work here at the Tourism Bureau?"

Zhang Yang said, "Do you know what I do at the Tourism Bureau?"

"The head of the Market Development Section!" Gu Yangyang answered first.

Zhang covered his eyebrows and said, "I said to raise, that's called the Market Development Office!"

Gu Jiatong couldn't help laughing and said, "What's wrong with the Market Development Office? It's still a section-level cadre. Can't you become a department-level cadre because it's called the Development Office? Vanity!" Zhang Daguan is not only vain. And it's not ordinary vanity. This director sounds better than the director!

Gu Jiatong said, "That" Director Zhang. Now you can tell me what you are doing here, right?

Zhang Yang pointed to the tattered ancient city wall not far from the window: "Two days ago, Jiangcheng was hit by continuous heavy rains, and the ancient city wall collapsed for a period of time. The city handed it to our Tourism Bureau. I'm investigating the situation around the city wall.

Although Gu Jiatong is not in the system. However, the functions of various departments in the officialdom are still clear. This matter should belong to the Bureau of Cultural Heritage. Why is it the turn of the Tourism Bureau? She raised her own questions.

Zhang Yang said, "Now the Garden Cultural Relics Bureau is mainly focusing on the construction of Nanlin Temple Scenic Area. People can't take care of the things here, and I'm idle, so let me take a look and find investment by the way. Let's see if anyone is willing to help repair this ancient city wall!"

Gu Jiatong said, "You are so generous!"

"That's right, although it's a false name. I am also the deputy director of Jiangcheng Investment Office, Chairman Gu. Are you interested in investing in Jiangcheng?

Gu Jiatong stared at him and said, "Our sisters are here to travel. Let's not talk about business matters!" To be honest, Gu Jiatong has indeed been a little depressed recently. The auction of Dongjiang imitation department store has been frustrated. She doesn't want to mention business matters for the time being.

Zhang Yang also deeply understood this. During the meal, he received a phone call from Fang Wennan. He was hesitating to tell him about Gu Jiatong's visit to Jiangcheng. Gu Jiatong recognized Fang Wennan and said with a smile, "Tell Mr. Fang that I'm coming!"

Fang Wennan learned that Gu Jiatong had arrived in Jiangcheng. He also showed considerable enthusiasm. He immediately proposed to hold a banquet for Gu Jiatong in the evening.

Although the cooperation in Dongjiang ended in failure, Fang Wennan still showed his due demeanor.

Gu Jiatong took the phone from Zhang Yang's hand and politely declined his kindness.

Not long after hanging up the phone, I saw Fang Wennan driving to their hotel.

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Mr. Fang, Mr. Fang, you are a genius in espionage. I didn't tell you where you are. How can you find it?"

Fang Wennan explained with a smile, "I know you have been here in the ancient city wall for the past two days. When you saw your car parked in front of the hotel, you found it.

Zhang Yang knew that there must be something wrong with Fang Wennan's hurry to come over, so he asked the boss to add a set meal for him.

When Gu Yang was full, he got up to see the ancient city wall.

Fang Wennan said, "They are all our own people, and I won't hide it from you, Director Zhang. I'm looking for you to arrange for me and Mayor Li to meet!"

Zhang Yang nodded cheerfully and said, "It's easy to do. I'll make an appointment with him to tell him


Fang Wennan looked at Gu Jiatong and said, "Why didn't Miss Gu drive here?"

Gu Jiatong just told me about the traffic jam just now.

Fang Wennan sighed: "Now the urban traffic in Jiangcheng can no longer adapt to the development of the city, and traffic jams occur almost every day. Such a big city should have built the Third Ring Road for a long time." He paused and said to Zhang Yang, "I heard that the city has planned to build the Third Ring Road. I'm looking for Mayor Li for this.

Only then did Zhang Yang understand that after Fang Wennan's investment in Dongjiang was frustrated, he immediately turned his eyes to Jiangcheng. He took a fancy to the project of the Third Ring Road. Zhang Yang also heard Li Changyu mention this matter. It seemed that the city intended to hand over this job to Li Changyu, but with Unable to make a final decision, the decision is in Hong Weiki's hands. Zhang Yang's other party, Wennan, knows very well and knows that this person never fights uncertainly. Since he asked Li Changyu, he must have heard something.

Fang Wennan has indeed heard some news, which is very reliable. Su Xiaohong learned from Hong Weiji, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, that the city has preliminarily decided to build the Third Ring Road. According to Hong Weiji's intention, the specific project of the Third Ring Road will be handed over to Li Changyu, Executive Vice Minister. This matter may be a little strange in the eyes of ordinary people. After all, the loudest thing about the construction of the Third Ring Road is Zuo Yuanchao, the acting mayor, but it is reasonable to think about it carefully. Secretary Hong is looking for a balance and balance the power between the acting mayor and the executive deputy mayor. It is obviously not good for Zuo Yuanchao to be too strong in the limelight


Fang Wennan also understood that it was not suitable to disturb others now. After a few words, he said goodbye and left. When he left, he paid for the meal first. He also proposed to arrange for Gu Jiatong to live in the emperor's prosperous world in the evening. Gu Jiatong could only nod and agree when he saw the difficulty of the kindness.

Zhang Yang and Gu Jiatong walked out of the door and came under the ancient city wall, only to find that Gu Yangyang had climbed the wall. Gu Jiatong was worried about the danger above, so she hurriedly walked up the steps with Zhang Yang. Although Gu Jiatong just said that business matters should not be discussed, she was moved when she heard that Jiangcheng was going to build the Third Ring Road. She whispered, "Jiangcheng really wants to build the Third Ring Road?"

Zhang Yang nodded and said, "It should be settled. You have seen the traffic situation just now. If the Third Ring Road is not built, the city will no longer accommodate so much traffic!"

Gu Jiatong smiled and said, "This is a good opportunity!"

The two walked up the mossy wall. Gu Yangyang stood at the mouth of the stack in the distance and looked at the moat flowing in the south. Although the river was a little turbid, the scene of weeping willows fluctuating with the wind by the river was also quite intoxicating. Look further south. There is also a small lake in the distance. The surface of the lake was shining, and sometimes a few white ducks flew by. To the west along the moat is an old street. There are many ancient buildings on both sides of the old street. Many of these buildings are left over from the Ming and Qing Dynasties. Although they are seriously damaged, they generally maintain the style of the past.

Gu Yangyang sincerely praised: "It's so beautiful here. Standing here is like returning to ancient times

Zhang Yang laughed and said, "There was nothing fun in ancient times, but it's much free now!"

Gu Jiatong smiled and said, "Listen to your tone like an experienced person!"

Zhang Yang said in his heart, I naturally came over. I was a small person from the Sui Dynasty, but he could not say such words to Gu Jiazan. It's impossible to tell anyone.

Gu Jiatong stood on the wall and looked at it. I appreciate the scenery around the ancient city wall.

Zhang Yang said, "If we build the ancient city wall, re-dig the moat, and then repair the ancient street, the ancient city wall scenery belt will take shape."

Listen to his words. Gu Jiatong has understood what he means. This man still doesn't give up and wants to persuade her to invest in Jiangcheng tourism. Although Gu Jiatong didn't say anything, Gu Yangyang was quite appreciative of Zhang Yang's rules. She clapped her hands and said, "Okay, get some painting voyages on this moat and find someone to put on ancient costumes. The ancient streets are all arranged in accordance with the ancient regulations, which will definitely attract a lot of tourists!"

Gu Jiatong bit his red lips and looked at them with a smile, but he still didn't say a word. Zhang Yang told him the news that Fang Wennan wanted to meet Li Changyu. Li Changyu was a little surprised. He was about to be in charge of the Third Ring Road project. Only Hong Weiji told him alone, and even the other members of the Standing Committee did not know that Fang Wennan must have heard something and found his head through Zhang Yang. Since the news was not revealed by himself, there is only Hong Weiji. When Li Changyu learned that Hong Weiji wanted to be responsible for the Third Ring Road project, he knew that Hong Weiji was trying to balance the power between himself and Zuo Yuanchao. Zuo Yuanchao was too popular recently, so Hong Weiji wanted to use himself to check him. If Fang Wennan's news is really Hong Weiki's unilateral disclosure, which proves that Hong Weiki's attitude on this matter is still shirking responsibility, Li Changyu does not admire the old classmate's old-fashioned political skills. Such a person may be stable, but he can never do a real big deal.

Li Changyu thought about it for a moment before telling Zhang Yang that he was responsible for the Third Ring Road project. Zhang's comprehension was also much better than in the past. He immediately understood that the real purpose of Fang Wennan's close approach with Li Changyu was this. Zhang Yang also thought that Li Changyu's responsibility for the Third Ring Road project was an opportunity to not only build the Third Ring Road, but also implement the construction of the ancient city wall scenic spot. Since Andeheng can take advantage of the construction of Nanlin Temple Scenic Area. From the city to the imitation of the land of the weaving factory, and from the development zone to a large amount of land, he can use the same method to do it more beautifully. He told Li Changyu his preliminary idea.

Li Changyu did not show any opinion on this, but just smiled and said, "If only Miss Gu was willing to invest!"

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Yang thought for a long time before he realized that Li Changyu's last sentence was absolutely emotional. He asked Gu Jiatong to intervene in the Third Ring Road project, not because he liked her Zijin, but because of her influence. Li Changyu has foreseen in advance that the bidding process of the Third Ring Road project will not be smooth, and the acting mayor Zuo Yuanchao will definitely create all kinds of obstacles. If Gu Jiatong intervenes, Zuo Yuanchao will inevitably throw a mouse taboo, and this time the matter is bound to be much smoother. The depression that had been on Zhang Yang's heart for many days was suddenly swept away. He understood that it was time to fight back.

In the evening, Zhang Yang took Gu Jiatong's sister to have a fisherman's meal in Yayun Lake. It was past ten o'clock when he moved into the prosperous era. Although Zhang Guanren really wants to kiss the young lady's Fangze, because of taking care of this super light bulb around him, he dares not take a step over the thunder pool.

Gu Yangyang's spirit that night was particularly good. After bathing, she asked her sister and Zhang Yang to play poker together. Gu Jiatong originally planned to slip into Zhang Yang's room next door after her sister fell asleep, but she didn't expect that the little girl was not sleepy. A pair of beautiful eyes looked at Zhang Yang quietly, which was full of Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Take care of it. How is your health recently?

"Very good, walking is no different from normal people!"

"I'll help you check your pulse!" Zhang Daguan pretended to be concerned.

Gu Yangyang didn't know what he was thinking. He stretched out his hand, Zhang Yang pressed on her pulse and pretended to take her pulse. He frowned and said, "Your breath is not good. Turn around and I'll help you treat it!"

Gu Yangyang obediently turned around, showed a cunning smile on the corners of his lips, and casually clicked her sleeping hole. Gu Yangyang only felt a tired intention to hit her, yawned, and actually lay down **.

Gu Jiatong was shocked to see that his sister suddenly fell down. Seeing the proud smile on Zhang Yang's face, she realized that it must have tampered with the raised body.

Zhang Yang pointed to the room next door, and he left first.

Gu Jiatong blushed and covered her sister with a quilt, making sure that she had slept peacefully. Then he crept out of the room.

Come to Zhang Yang's room. But he found that the man did not turn on the light. His powerful arm pulled Gu Jiatong in and pressed her against the wall. In the dark, he accurately caught her cherry lips and kissed her hard. One hand held her back, the other hand reached into the hem of her long skirt, and pulled off her underwear. The big hand stroked it over: "I miss me so to death!"

Gu Jiatong didn't answer, but just tilted his head back, closed his eyes, clenched his fists with his hands and beat Zhang Yang's strong chest hard. He muttered, "Bad guy, I don't want it, don't." Zhang Yang leaned Gu Jiatong's beautiful back against the wall and separated her slender After that, she picked up her plump and elastic ** and put her strength against Gu Jiatong. Gu Jiatong's beautiful eyes widened and no longer struggled halfway. "Ah" With Zhang Yang's invasion, she moaned in a low voice. She held Zhang Yang's face with both hands, and her trembling cherry lips kissed Zhang Yang's forehead.

In the quiet night, Zhang Yang and Gu Jiatong fought fiercely in the room...

Gu Jiatong's white and delicate body trembled like a lily in the wind under Zhang Yang's body. She hugged Zhang Yang tightly and immersed herself in the aftertaste of extreme joy he brought to her for a long time.

Zhang Yang stroked her hair and stroked her silky and smooth skin.

Gu Jiatong snuggled up in Zhang Yang's arms and said softly, "I really want to hold you like this and sleep like this!"

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "It's okay. You must sleep until dawn!"

"You are so bad, how can you treat the upbringing in such a way!" Gu Jiatong gently bit her puffy chest. She reluctantly tried hard. After biting, she licked it gently with the tip of her tongue.

Zhang Yang closed his eyes and felt comfortable as if he was about to go to sleep.

Gu Jiatong laid his arm in his arms and said softly, "Zhang Yang, I really want to lie in your arms forever!"

Zhang Yang hugged his delicate body tightly: "Yes, I will!"

From now on, the monthly ticket will be doubled. If you still have a monthly ticket, please vote for it. One is two. It's miserable. Don't make me vomit blood! ( To be continued)