Medical official path

Chapter 191 Origin

What he said is not a matter of attracting investment. What does education have to do with him? Thinking about it, the reason why people broke in by mistake was that there was no sign in their office.

Jiang Le was also a little embarrassed. He scratched his head and said, "Well! Mr. Zhou, I think you'd better react to your superiors about this matter first.

Zhou Baoqi also seems to be a stubborn temper: "Jiang Le, don't be afraid that I will get involved. I'm just to reflect the situation. Just tell me where Vice Mayor Li's office is. I'll find him!" Zhang Yang was also idle: "Does Mr. Zhou want to report the situation?" Zhou Baoqi sighed and then opened the conversation. More than a year ago, Zheng Xiantai, the director of the Education Bureau, promised a high interest rate of 30% under the guise of seeking benefits for classroom workers, and went to various middle schools to raise funds together with the financial staff of the Education Bureau. The teachers saw that the director of the Education Bureau came out in person, which was a good thing to build a house for everyone, so they took out their own savings one by one, and even borrowed more money from the east. They gave the money to the Education Bureau. However, since the Education Bureau received the money, their money seemed to be wasted. Not only the house not built I didn't see it for a pen. The teachers elected representatives to find Director Zheng to argue. They all said that the land they bought had not been demolished so far. Seeing that the teacher was looking for it frequently, the relevant responsible person simply hid. Later, the teachers heard that the Education Bureau used this fund-raising money to speculate and sell the land. The land was bought. Unfortunately, the price was lost, and it was all covered in their hands.

The raising funds have made the whole education mouth panicked. Who would have thought that the Education Bureau often owed teachers' wages for more than a year this year. At first, it was only delayed for a month or two, and then three or four months. Now it has been in arrears for more than half a year. It is said that they use teachers' They went to the Education Bureau, and the Education Bureau pushed it to the city, found the city, and the city called back to the Education Bureau. Zhou Baoqi said, "My two sons are going to get married, and all the savings of my family have been cheated by the Education Bureau. My wife quarrels with me every day for this matter. Although my son doesn't say anything, he is also complaining about me in his heart. My sons are getting married. I can't afford the money, so I can Pay attention to education and don't owe teachers' salaries. How can we become a piece of paper in Jiangcheng? Why does the Education Bureau hold our hard-earned money and don't pay it back? Is there anything reasonable in Jiangcheng?

Zhang Yang heard that this is also a little strange. Zheng Xiantai, the director of education, is not familiar with him, but this person's brain is too big. He not only occupies the fund-raising funds, but also owes teachers' salaries. This kind of person is a corrupt official.

Zhou Baoqi said, "We teachers have also discussed it. As long as the salary is not paid this month, we will all stop the classes. The teacher is high, but we can't be so high that we are selfless and dedicated. Are you hungry to substitute for the class?"

Jiang Le said, "Mr. Zhou, you can't see Vice Mayor Li like this. You have to go through the procedure!"

Zhou Baoqi said, "I have come to the municipal government several times, and I haven't even touched the door of the mayor's office. Jiang Le, I'm not here to make trouble, and I'm not going to destroy harmony and stability. I've been teaching all my life, teaching and educating people, and letting my students be good Isn't it the government of the people? Don't we ordinary people have a place to talk?"

Jiang Lechen went down. It's not that he doesn't want to help, but that he doesn't have that ability. Not to mention Zhou Baoqi, even he can't see Li Changyu himself.

Zhang Yang said, "Well, Mr. Zhou, give me the materials, and I'll give them to Vice Mayor Li for you later!"

Zhou Baoqi didn't know who Zhang Yang was, and he was a little stunned.

Jiang Le was overjoyed. He was very clear about Zhang Yang's ability. As long as Zhang Yang promised to help, this matter would definitely attract Li Changyu's attention. He quietly winned Zhou Baoqi: "Mr. Zhou, give the materials to Director Zhang. He is very familiar with Vice Mayor Li!" The words were very clear. Zhou Baoqi vaguely guessed that the young Director Zhang must be very simple, and handed over the complaint materials to Zhang Yang.

After Zhou Baoqi left, Jiang Le came over with some embarrassment: "Director Zhang, I'm sorry to trouble you!"

Zhang Yang stared at him. In fact, he couldn't complain about Jiang Le about this matter. Zhou Baoqi came to the door by mistake. After hearing his experience, Zhang Yang was indignant and took the initiative to take this matter. After Zhang Yang came out of the Tourism Bureau in the past two days, he was really idle. Although he was the The office has never assigned him any specific work. Basically, it's just a cup of tea and a newspaper. If it's just a day's chat, Dong Hongyu, the director of the China Merchants Office, is also very loose with Zhang Yang. Her exhaustion is to let go. It doesn't matter whether Zhang Yang comes or not, but Zhang Yang has It's better to go to the office to blow the free air conditioner.

After reading the complaint materials handed over by Zhang Yang, Li Changyu couldn't help frowning. The education mouth was his scope. It was right for Zhang Yang to give the materials to him. He also heard a little about the fund-raising of the Education Bureau. In the past two years, the fund-raising trend rose, and there were various forms of fund You can't jump to conclusions, but it's obviously wrong to owe teachers' wages. After reading the materials, Li Changyu made a phone call in front of Zhang Yang.

Zheng Xiantai was not too surprised to receive a phone call from Li Changyu. In the past two days, he heard that a teacher was going to go to the higher authorities to sue him. The starting point of his fund-raising was indeed to improve housing conditions for the education system. He was wrong that he should not believe the chief of the finance department and used the fund Pi, I bought a large area of land in Jiangcheng and waited for the appreciation. Who would have thought that the land price would plummet, and the fund-raising funds were put on it.

Li Changyu did not ask too much about the wheres of the fund-raising funds were going. He mainly reminded Zheng Xiantai to pay the salary owed to teachers.

Zheng Xiantai knew the loss, but there was really no money in the account of the Education Bureau when he said this.

Li Changyu couldn't help but be furious. He shouted at the phone: "How can you go back? Do you also misappropriate the teacher's salary? Don't you, the director of education, want to do it anymore?

Zheng Xiantai hurriedly explained, "Vice Mayor Li, I have my difficulties. How many primary and secondary schools in our city have Chen Bo? If they are not repaired in time, I'm afraid there will be danger. No matter how hard it is, I can't suffer the children, so I can only spend the limited funds on the maintenance of the school Complaining, Li Changyu had hung up the phone.

Li Changyu's second call to the Finance Bureau. He meant that he asked the Finance Bureau to allocate a batch of money first to solve the problem of teachers' salaries. No matter what problems there are in the Education Bureau, you can check it slowly, but now the teacher is very excited and pay the salary in arrears first. Let's calm down the grievances of the teachers. If it is not handled properly, there will really be a suspension of classes and strikes, and the social impact will become bad.

After Pang Bin, the director of finance, received a phone call from Li Changyu, he sank for a while, and then replied in a dilemma: "Vice Mayor Li, you know the financial situation I have given. It is indeed very difficult. The special funds are dedicated, and every payment needs to be reviewed layer by layer. We have allocated the work Once.

Li Changyu said, "Pang Bin, I know the financial situation of Jiangcheng, but many things need to be flexible. Now the salary of the Education Bureau has been misappropriated by them for other purposes. The teachers' salaries have been in arrears for several months. If they don't pay, something will happen. In any case, we have I have passed the Education Bureau.

After listening to Li Changyu's words, Pang Bin still insisted on not giving funds: "Vice Mayor Li, this is against the principle, and I can't make the decision! Li Changyu was a little angry: "You are the director of the Finance Bureau. You can't make the decision. Who can make the decision?" After saying this, he suddenly understood that Pang Bin was a cronie of Zuo Yuanchao. Acting Mayor Zuo Yuanchao served as the director of Jiangcheng Finance Bureau before he became the mayor. Pang Bin didn't buy himself.

Pang Bin didn't say who made the decision. He said, "Vice Mayor Li, I really can't make the decision!" Li Changyu said coldly, "You can't make the decision. Why are you still occupying your position?" After saying that, he hung up the phone fiercely.

Li Changyu's cruel words made Pang Bin's heartbroken, but when he thought of Zuo Yuanchao, he was soon relieved. I can't be the master of the financial allocation, and you, Li Changyu, can't be my master. You are the executive deputy mayor of Jiangcheng, and there is also the mayor and the But Pang Bin also knew the reason for the fire. He had to transfer this contradiction. He immediately called the acting mayor Zuo Yuanchao and reported the original matter that Li Changyu had just found him.

After Zuo Yuanchao figured out the context of the matter, he whispered, "Lao Pang, when you do it!" Although Pang Bin is his subordinate, his actual age is two years older than him, so Zuo Yuanchao is used to calling him this.

Pang Bin said, "I have allocated the labor fee to the Education Bureau on time. Even if there is a problem, it is their own problem."

Zuo Yuanchao said, "You don't have to think too much. A national cadre should put the national Lizhan first in everything he does. There are rules in everything. A qualified cadre must first adhere to his own principles!"

Zuo Yuanchao's words reassured Pang Bin. He whispered, "Mayor Zuo, don't worry, I won't let you down!"

Zuo Yuanchao smiled secretly in his heart. Pang Bin's flattering taste was too heavy. He wanted to correct Pang Bin's statement, but after thinking about it, he still didn't say anything. It's good not to let himself down. After all, there are still few such cadres around him.

The contradictions are constantly developing and changing. Li Changyu and Zuo Yuanchao both know that they will meet one day, but they have been avoiding the premature arrival of this kind of struggle. They are waiting for opportunities, waiting for them to accumulate enough energy, and suddenly attack, one blow will hit, but the change and development of things is not As they imagined, their conflict came early.

At the Standing Committee, Li Changyu made a speech on the problem of teachers' wages owed by the Education Bureau, and the goal of the pool was directly to the Finance Bureau.

In the eyes of Acting Mayor Zuo Yuanchao, Pang Bin is a member of his own camp. Li Changyu accused Pang Bin in public to blame himself. Of course, he will not sit idly by. Zuo Yuanchao said, "Comrade Changyu, there is one thing I want to ask, what is the root cause of As far as I know, the Finance Bureau issues the work of the education system on time every month! This matter doesn't seem to have anything to do with the Finance Bureau, does it? There is a reason for everything. Such a thing happened in the education system. We need to find the fundamental reason. The education industry raised funds and defaulted on teachers and workers! It is not a trivial matter to divert it for other purposes. Vice Mayor Li is in charge of education. Haven't he ever heard of it? Zuo Yuanchao directly pointed the finger at Li Changyu.

The internal fund-raising of the Education Bureau happened before Li Changyu took office. Although he had heard of this matter, he had not paid enough attention to it for a long time. He also expected that Zuo Yuanchao would use this matter. He smoked a cigarette and said, "I don't think Mayor Zuo understand what I mean. Now the fire has Should we catch the arson first? Or do you want to find a way to put out the fire first? I think we should put out the fire with water first. This water is money. If you want to put out the fire as soon as possible, you have to pay the teacher's salary.

Jiangcheng's finances are not ideal, but I don't believe that even such a small salary can't be paid! What we need to do is to calm the dissatisfaction of teachers as soon as possible and avoid further deterioration of the situation.

Zuo Yuanchao said: "The fund-raising incident has been happening for more than a year. Why hasn't it been raised until this year? The teachers' salaries have not been paid normally for a year. Why haven't they been discussed until now? I'm not here to accuse anyone of making mistakes in work, but we should we think about it Think about whether you have done your job well? Fire can be avoided, so why wait for the fire to burn before paying attention to it? Why should we use the state's finances to put out the fire after the fire broke out?

All the members of the Standing Committee, including Hong Weiji, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, have maintained their sinking. Everyone has seen that the official battle between Zuo Yuanchao and Li Changyu has begun today!