Medical official path

Chapter 334 Under the cocoon

Heng scolded Zhang Yang all over in his heart. The villagers of Zhu Xiaoqiao Village came to make trouble, but he didn't come. Not to mention to protest against the construction of roads in the county, it's all to protest against Du Tianye, the secretary of the municipal party committee. Zhu Heng said, "They came to make trouble because of the death of villager Zhu Hongwei!"

Zhang Yang said, "How did Zhu Hongwei die?"

Zhu Heng is only now' Ming-white. This boy's voice attacked east and west, and his purpose was still for the Qingtai Mountain fighting incident. At first, he didn't know what to say, which made Zhu Heng secretly pinch a cold sweat, thinking that he had been caught by the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection.

3Q Chinese website (∽.3QZW. M) The netizens collected and uploaded this surprise, and his mood was obviously affected. Zhu Heng picked up the teacup, took a sip and cleared his throat and said, "There is no doubt about this matter. Chen Chongshan shot him to death."

Zhang Yang said, "Are there any other witnesses at the scene besides the old Taoist priests Li Xinyi and Su Yuanyuan?"

Zhu Hengxin said that you are not the deputy leader of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection? How can it be like a public security? He was really scared by the words he just said. At this moment, he couldn't have any fighting spirit. He sighed and said, "The scene was so chaotic at that time. Who would notice it?"

Zhang Yang said, "It is not the first time for Zhu Xiaoqiao Village to make trouble. The incident in Chunxi Valley Hot Spring was caused by them. At that time, Secretary Zhu was also present. After a long time, there was a bigger disturbance. It seems that they did not learn from the last incident.

Zhu Heng understood that he was accusing him of his poor work. He frowned helplessly: "There is banditry in the bones of the people of Qingtai Mountain. We responded in time and dealt with the matter of Chunxi Valley without mercy. Zhu Mingchuan, the secretary of the village committee, was also taken down. This time, the matter is The villagers spontaneously organized and had nothing to do with the leaders. Zhu Heng is telling Zhang Yang, don't blame me, "I'm not so easy to bully.

Zhang Yang said, "Secretary Zhu, in your opinion, why did the fighting incident happen to the extent of today?"

Zhu Heng said, "Director Zhang, in fact, this matter is not complicated. We Chinese have a saying that people are for money, and birds die for food. This armed struggle is nothing more than to fight for the treasure. Secretary Du happened to appear at the scene. He wanted to stop the fight, and his personal safety was threatened, so Chen Mengshan fired a 'gun, and his motivation was simply to save Secretary Du.

It was originally very simple. It is not a coincidence that someone came to Chunyang in such a timely manner. Someone revealed the news to the news ▲ department, and your Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection also did not agree. If you intervene in this matter for no reason, someone must have reported it to you. Zhu Huan has not been in the political arena for a day or two. He is also very thorough about this matter. He is very clear about one thing. No matter who is the promoter of this incident, no matter who the conspirator is targeting, he is involved by Wuting. The greater the impact of the Qingtai Mountain Fighting Incident, the more he needs to bear & #39; The greater the responsibility.

Zhang Yang mentioned another key e! ; Question: &qu; What do you think of the police-civilian conflict in Zhuxiaoqiao Village? Did you order to arrest people in Zhu Xiaoqiao Village?

Zhu Heng shook the number and gathered his head: "No, absolutely not.

Zhang Yang said, "That is to say, the matter of Zhu Xiaoqiao Village is the decision made by Director Shao?"

Zhu Heng said, "I think Comrade Wei Jiang also tried to quell this incident as soon as possible. Unexpectedly, he added fuel to the fire, which intensified the contradiction." On the surface, Zhu Heng's words were to protect Shao Weijiang, but in fact, they put the responsibility on Shao Weijiang.

Zhang Yang can't see the intention of this man, but Shao Weijiang's approach to the handling of this matter does make people suspicious. He has been working as the director of the Chunyang Public Security Bureau for many years. His work has always been stable, and there have been overly conservative comments. This sudden radical approach is contrary to his usual style of doing things Chi.

Zhu Heng was keenly aware that Zhang Yang's arrival this time meant that the Qingtai Mountain fighting incident had moved the province. He asked carefully, "Director Zhang, will Secretary Du be in trouble this time?"

Zhang Yang asked rhetorically, "Do you really want him to be in trouble?"

Zhu Heng shook his head in a hurry and said, "No, no, Director Zhang, don't misunderstand!"

Zhang Yang said, "The province is very dissatisfied with the handling of this incident. I'm not afraid to tell you the truth. Secretary Gu and Governor Fang of Song made up their minds that they must dig up the fight incident this time, and the relevant responsible persons will be punished!" The tone of the twit's tone was suddenly aggravated, and Zhu Wei was so scared that he couldn't help shivering.

Zhang Yang felt that he was almost knocked on him. I was too lazy to stay here. I got up and said, "Secretary Zhu, don't tell others about Zhi's identity for the time being. I will stay in the county in the next few days. Understand some information and find some relevant responsible persons to clarify the beginning and end of this matter.

Zhu Heng scolded in his heart - he was a villain, but now under the aura of the deputy leader of the working group of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, it's better for him to be a county-level cadre not to offend easily. He respectfully sent Zhang Yang out of the lounge. At the ' stairs', Zhang Yang waved his hand and said, "Don't send it, let others see that the impact is not good!"

3Q Chinese website (∽.3QZW. M) The novel is complete, and the update is fast. Zhu Heng is puzzled. You swaggered in. Who didn't know that you were coming, and now you are thinking about the impact? I don't even know what's going on in Mini's mind?

In fact, Zhang Da's official deliberately pinched the leader's style, and the way of speaking also synthesized Gu Yunzhi and Song Huaiming's usual style. It's a little strange in the eyes of others.

When Zhang Yang walked out of the office building, it suddenly rained heavily again. The demago cursed the abominable weather. He quickly ran to his jeep with his briefcase, got on the jeep, picked up the towel and wiped the rain on his face. The mobile phone rang again. He picked up the phone and said, "Who?"

The voice of Xu Zhaobin, deputy magistrate of Chunyang, came from the phone: &qu;Brother Zhang, I saw your Jipu car. Are you coming to Chunyang?

Zhang Yang has never liked Xu Zhaobin. I feel that this person likes speculation too much. "The two of them are both virtuous, but Xu Zhaobin and his wife have always been good to him, so Zhang Yang's words are still a guest: "Xu County' long, you can also notice me in such heavy rain.

Read a good book, please pay attention to 3Q Chinese website (∽.) Xu Zhaobin laughed. He was standing in front of the window of the office and looking at the jeep in the parking lot downstairs: "Brother, it's raining heavily, let's go out for a drink!"

Zhang Yang looked around through the window and didn't find Xu Zhaobin: "No, I have to go to my mother's ' have a look, and I'll contact you later!"

Xu Zhaoyu hummed. The reason why he didn't chase out and talk to Zhang Yang was that he guessed that the Standing Committee suddenly interrupted Kenneng today. At this time, Zhang Yang came to Chunyang for the fight in Qingtai Mountain. Who in the Jiangcheng system did not know his relationship with Du Tianmen? Du Tianye was in trouble, and Zhang Yang would not sit idly by and ignore it. q-a, q\ Zhaobin said that this was an opportunity. He was ' The official career JL has never been much improvement. In his opinion, this is due to the lack of ' backer. In the political arena of thousands of countries' special' color, governance ability is by no means the main criterion for evaluating officials. Xu Zhaowei'general'feel' to be full of ambition. With his ability, he should not live in a long position in a sub-county.

Of course, the fighting incident in Qingtai Mountain also shocked Xu Zhaobin. He was in charge of tourism work in the county government, and his wife Yu Qiuling was also the head of Heishanzi Township. Zhu Xiaoqiao Village, who made trouble, belonged to Heishanzi Township. The impact of this incident is greater than expected. If the responsibility is investigated in the future, it is obviously difficult for Yu Qiuling to get rid of the matter. Xu Zhaobin wants to ask some information through Zhang Yang's mouth.

Zhang Yang left the county party committee' and then went to the county public security bureau. Shao Weijiang has been staying in the Public Security Bureau recently. After the violent clash between the police and the people in Zhu Xiaoqiao, he has been pushed to the forefront of the storm. It is not others who pushed him into such a predicament, but himself. It was he who made the decision to take a heavy punch against Zhu Xiaoqiao Village that led to the scene. 9; Police-civilian conflict. Because of this matter, Shao Weijiang has been under many questions and pressure.

Today, Shao Weijiang is calm on the surface. When Zhang Yang walked into his office, Shao Weijiang was reading newspapers. In the past, he did not have the habit of reading newspapers, but after the Qingtai Mountain Fighting Incident, he paid strong attention to news production.

Shao Weijiang and Zhang Yang are also old acquaintances. I remember that he first met Zhang Yang two years ago. At that time, Zhang Yang was just a health school student who was an intern in the People's Hospital of Chunyang County. He was still an impulsive young man who fought at a long-distance bus station because of a conflict with others. Now this man still often takes action, ' He is still Jing is a deputy department-level cadre, the future son-in-law of the governor of Pinghai Province, and a close partner of the current secretary of Jiangcheng City.

Shao Weijiang took off the old flower and nodded to Zhang Yang with a smile: "Xiao Zhang is coming!" In his eyes. Zhang Yang is just a little lucky. Even though he has some background, he is still a child of a worker.

Zhang Yang did not choose the chair opposite Shao Weijiang to sit on, but sat on the sofa. Far away from Shao Weijiang, Shao Weijiang rubbed his sore neck and smiled, "Xiao Zhang, what can I do for you?"

Zhang Yang said, "The Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and the Public Security Department have set up a joint working group. I am currently serving as the deputy team leader and entrusted by the organization to come to you for some information."

Shao Weijiang was stunned. He was a little confused about Zhang Yang's identity at this time. Zhang Yang said, "Deputy Director Tian is responsible for the affairs of Jiangcheng. The investigation on Chunyang's side has been handed over to me." He took out the identity certificate and said secretly in his heart, "Fortunately, let Liu Yanhong issue the certificate first, otherwise I'm afraid no one in these old guys will believe in their own identity."

Shao Weijiang saw the big red poke from afar and hesitated for a moment. He got up and walked over, sat down beside Zhang Yang, and picked up the letter of proof. He narrowed his eyes, pulled the distance away, and saw the official seal of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection clearly. He handed the letter of introduction to Zhang Yang: "Xiao Zhang, we are all old acquaintances. What do you want to know? Just ask, in fact, I have reported all the relevant information to my superiors. It's just to say those things again.

Zhang Yang said, "Shao Bureau, I basically know the matter of the armed struggle'. I want to ask how many villagers were arrested who participated in the armed fighting at that time?"

3Q Chinese website (∽.3QZW. M) Netizens collected and uploaded Shao Weijiang: "More than 20 people have been arrested, and they are currently detained in the detention center."

Zhang Yang said again, "Zhu Xiaoqiao Village' Did the person who attacked the police be arrested?"

Shao Weijiang nodded and said, "I only caught Zhu Hongwei's second brother Zhu Hongxing. You know, the law is not to blame the public. This kind of thing is not easy to do.

Zhang Yang is full of doubts about Shao Weijiang. If Chen Chongshan's shot fired the battle, the police-civilian conflict caused by Shao Weijiang undoubtedly pushed the battle to **. Shao Weijiang's performance in handling this matter is abnormal. People can't but doubt his motives.

Zhang Yang said, "Shao, I heard that the cause of this incident was a group of tomb robbers, who stole the collection of An Dahu. Baodong, and then triggered a fight with the use of property. The purpose is to cover up their crimes. Is there any clue to these tomb robberies?

Shao Weijiang shook his head and said, "There is no clue! Their goal has been achieved. The villagers' looting and fighting in the mess of the scene has caused us to encounter great obstacles in the collection of evidence and the solving of the case - Xiao Zhang, the current focus is no longer the theft case.

Zhang Yang said, "Does Shao think the point is Niu Bu?"

Shao Weijiang sighed but didn't say anything. Didn't you ask knowingly? Zhang Yang said, "Can you arrange for me to meet with Zhu Hongxing?"

Shao Weijiang said, "That boy is a stone in the pit, smelly and hard. Why did you see him?"

Zhang Yang said, "Has he been involved in coaxing and robbing property?"

Shao Weijiang nodded.

Zhang Yang said, "I want to see how hard he is!"

Chunyang doesn't know that there are very few publicity, especially in Heishanzi Township. Almost every villager has heard of the prestige of the director of the family planning office, who single-handedly challenged more than 40 men. Such a story is destined to become a legend.

Zhu Hongxing looked at Zhang Yang, and there was some fear in his eyes. Zhang Yang did not remember him, but he remembered Zhang Yang in the Chunxi Valley hot spring incident. He once received a flamboyant fist, which made him hurt for more than a month.

Zhang Daguan has fought too many people, and he will definitely not remember the role of Zhu Hongxing, a passer-by.

Zhu Hongxing's attitude is still quite arrogant. There are two kinds of people's arrogance, one is that he is not afraid of heaven and earth. There is another kind of pretending and posture. When you meet the weak, you will become more and more arrogant. Once you are afraid, you will also use rudeness to hide your uneasiness. Zhu Hongxing obviously belongs to the latter.

[Recently, I've been very busy at work, and I have to type words after work. I'm under a lot of pressure, so I want to drink and relax. Yesterday, I accidentally relaxed the scale and didn't pinch it well. I drank too much! I still have a headache. It seems that I can't use alcohol to relax in the future. I hope you can forgive me. Don't miss the recommended monthly ticket!] ∫To be continued. If you want to know what will happen, please log in to F