Medical official path

Chapter 335 Ideological Work

Fang, my brother was killed, and I was unjustly imprisoned. We Zhu Xiaoqiao Villagers will not give in. As long as one is alive, we will continue to sue.

Zhang Yang said, "Do you know me?"

Zhu Hongxing nodded.

"Why are you so excited? I'm not a policeman and I'm not a judge. Is it useless for you to say those words to me?

Zhu Hongxing didn't expect Zhang Yang to be so familiar. He blinked his eyes and said, "What...what did you do when you see me?"

Zhang Yang said, "It's okay, I'm just curious!"

"What's so charming?" Zhu Hongxing's eyes widened. He was used to staring his eyes wide, thinking that he looked fierce. In fact, the most fierce person in Heishanzi Township was not him, but the three Shi brothers.

Zhang Yang has a good temper today, maybe because he is in the detention center, or because he didn't see Zhu Hongxing at all. If others had dared to stare at him like this in the past, he would have slapped him in the face. Zhang Yang said, "Are you a pig killer?

Zhu Hongxing said, "There is no distinguish between noble and low" He is most afraid that others say that he kills pigs.

Zhang Yangle said, "You are really uneducated and don't know how to be afraid. Do you know why you are here?"

Zhu Hongxing said, "I'm wrong!"

"It's wrong. Don't think fighting is an ordinary thing."

"We are fighting in groups!"

"I can't see that you, a pig-killer, are quite quibbly quibbly. If you fight in a group, you fight in a group, but why do you fight in a group? Because you robbed the country's property, who owns the things in the treasure cave?

"An Dahu's!"

Zhang Yang sneered and said, "It's not An Dahu, it's the country. The mountains and rivers of Qingtai Mountain and everything on the ground and under the country are all the country. You all committed robbery!"

Zhu Hongxing's eyes widened and said, "Anyway, what are you talking about? I didn't do it alone. There were three or four hundred people that day. Why did you arrest me in?"

"Have you heard of two sentences? Shoot the first bird, which temple is in the pan - there is no ghost to die!"

Zhu Hongxing understood that Zhang Yang was threatening him, and he snorted.

Zhang Yang said, "As far as I know, you have committed the three charges of robbery, injury and assaulting the police this time. If you are convicted, I'm afraid you won't want to get out of here in your life."

Zhu Hongxing said, "You scared me. Now my brother has been killed. You should investigate his criminal responsibility. Don't think he has something to do with him. You can protect him. Justice is in the hearts of the people. I believe that the law is fair!" This one can't even talk big.

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "The law is fair. You are really right. Chen Chongshan's case has nothing to do with you. Whether he is guilty or not, it has become a fact that you have violated the law. You will never escape the punishment of the law because your brother died. In addition, your brother Zhu Hongwei also committed the crime of robbery You have to go to prison, too."

Zhu Hongxing said, "You scared me!" He is obviously deer and short of breath.

Zhang Yang said disdainfully, "Is it necessary for me, a national cadre, to scare you, a criminal? I feel sorry for you and want to save you. You are not yet thirty years old. If you are not good this time, you will be sentenced to more than ten or twenty years. I'm afraid your hair will be gray when you come out.

Zhu Hongxing said, "You officials will bully old people like me if you protect each other."

Zhang Yang said, "If you want not to be bullied by others, don't break the law. If you break the law, you have to accept the fate of being bullied." He stood up and said, "Actually, you are also quite pitiful. It's just a pawn. I really don't understand what's worth being arrogant about? If you sincerely avenge your brother, I can still look at you, but as you are now, I don't know why you make such a scene? Is there any benefit?

Zhu Hongxing said, "Don't think you can cover the sky with one hand. Many reporters are watching you!"

Zhang Yang said, "You are stupid! Is it the government or the news media that enforces the law? I feel more and more that you are a fool!"

"Why are you cursing?"

"I'm too lazy to scold you, a fool who doesn't know how to die!" Zhang Yang scolded Zhu Hongxing and left the detention center. He found that Zhu Hongxing was a simple-minded master. It was impossible for such a person to plan this series of events and set off such a big storm. He didn't even know who pushed it. According to Zhang Yang's words, he was just a chess piece. The chess pieces of the foot path.

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Xu Zhaobin agreed happily.

Zhao Tiesheng and Xu Lihua have moved to their new home. Although Zhang Yang does not live at home, they still have a room on the second floor for Zhang Yang. It can be seen that Zhang Yang's position at home has changed dramatically.

Not long after Xu Lihua returned to Chunyang, Qin Mengmeng and Qin Huan have completed the formalities and have gone to the United States. Although they tried their best to invite Xu Lihua to go there together, Xu Lihua is still a little afraid of going abroad. In her heart, it is only the most secure to stay in Chunyang.

Hearing that the county magistrate Xu was coming, Xu Lihua hurried to the market to buy vegetables. Zhang Yang told her not to be too grand, just make two small dishes.

Now Zhang Yang is different from the past. He called Xu Zhaobin to come home for dinner to look up to him. Although the two are both deputy ministers, their status is far different. When it comes to the relationship and background behind him, he doesn't know how to put aside Xu Zhaobin.

At 5:30 p.m., Xu Zhaobin and his family came together. Yu Qiuling drove. She also just learned her driver's license and drove all the way from Heishanzi Township. The two brought a lot of gifts. "Xu Zhaobin held a box of Maotai, and Yu Qiuling carried a snakeskin pocket, which was full of

Zhang Yang invited the two people into the gate with a smile: "County magistrate Xu, Township magistrate Yu, you will come here. Why are you shopping?"

Xu Zhaobin said, "We didn't bring anything to see you. The wine was bought for my uncle, and these mountain specialties were for my aunt to taste!"

Xu Lihua and Zhao Tiesheng came out, and they also saw a lot of worlds. Even in front of the deputy magistrate of Chunyang, they looked calm. Zhao Tiesheng stretched out his hand and said, "Good, magistrate Xu!"

Xu Zhaobin took a step and shook hands with him. When Zhao Jiaosheng saw that the county magistrate was so polite to him, he couldn't help but feel a little proud. He had to look at Zhang Yang's face. A deputy county magistrate may not even look back at himself.

Yu Qiuling politely called Aunt Xu and went into the kitchen to help Xu Lihua. Zhang Yang and Xu Zhaobin came to the terrace on the second floor. There was a glass ceiling above. Sitting here, you can see the scenery of the Chunshui River not far away, and you can also hear the sound of raindrops knocking on the glass. Six cool The dishes are all made by Xu Lihua himself. Although Zhang Yang made her simple, Xu Lihua's opinion is that after all, the deputy county magistrate is coming, and there is neglect in etiquette.

Zhang Yang did not use the wine brought by Xu Zhaobin, but opened a bottle of 30-year-old Feitian Maotai. Although it was a detail, it was deliberately done by Zhang officials.

When Xu Zhaobin saw Zhang Yang's wine, his momentum suddenly weakened a little. After 30 years of storage, the wine he gave Zhao Tiesheng was much higher than that of Zhao Tiesheng.

When Zhang Yang poured wine, Xu Zhaobin went to invite Zhao Tiesheng over. Zhao Tiesheng smiled and waved his hand:

"I have high blood pressure and high blood lipids. Now I only drink porridge at night. You drink it!" In fact, Xu Zhaobin didn't want him to come over and went back to Zhang Yang to sit down.

Zhang Yang had filled three glasses of wine and shouted, "Yu Xiangchang, come and have a drink!"

Yu Qiuling's voice came from the kitchen: "You two chat while drinking, and I'll cook a fish for you!"

Xu Zhaobin picked up the cup: "Brother Zhang, thank you for your family's hospitality!"

Zhang Yang picked up the cup with a smile: "I didn't treat you as outsiders, so it's a little simpler!" We Chinese are polite. They say it's simple. There are six cold dishes, six hot dishes, and four stir-fried dishes.

The two of them drank this cup together.

Xu Zhaobin praised: "Good wine, this wine is different from what I used to drink!"

Zhang Yang said, "Secretary Gu gave it to me!" The understatement made Xu Zhaobin's admiration for him increase a little. He has always sent wine to the secretary of the provincial party committee, and Zhang Yang can actually accept Gu Yunzhi's wine, which is really unusual.

Xu Zhaobin said, "I can drink the wine of the secretary in the light of my brother!" While talking, the rain suddenly fell heavily again, and a dull spring thunder sounded in the distant sky.

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "The rain in the spring is not small!"

Xu Zhaobin sighed and said, "There will be a traffic jam in Chunyang tomorrow, and many places will be flooded!"

Zhang Yang didn't say anything, picked up a peanut and chewed it slowly.

Xu Zhaobin said, "The road construction in Chunyang County has been for quite a long time. After such a long delay, the project has not been carried out in half. In the past, although Chunyang County was not beautiful, it was at least neat and tidy. Look at now... Hi! I'm afraid that when the Japanese devils occupied Chunyang, they were more neat than they are now!" Xu Zhaobin's complaint is not only for his resentment against Zhu Heng. After all, he is the deputy county magistrate, and he is still very sad about the current situation of Chunyang.

Zhang Yang said, "I heard that Zhu Heng wants to make Chunyang the second county-level city in Jiangcheng!"

Xu Zhaobin said, "Brother Zhang, we have known each other for so long, and I don't hide anything. This person is so happy that he just wants to make political achievements. Chunyang has not developed in his hands, but has regressed a lot. The reason why I say this is not that there is no personal grudge. I also think about the development of Chunyang. I don't want Chunyang to be destroyed in his hands.

Zhang Yang said, "I don't know much about Zhu Heng. My first contact with him was the Chunxi Valley Hot Spring incident, and the people went to Wenquan Resort to make trouble!"

Xu Zhaobin said, "Last time it was also the people of Zhu Xiaoqiao Village. I heard that Zhu Heng's hometown is Zhu Xiaoqiao Village!" This is not very good. He wants to say everything ne^j\}: "County Magistrate Xu, what do you think of the Qingtai Mountain fight this time?"

Xu Zhaobin said, "The people in Qingtai Mountain have never been afraid of heaven and earth. You have worked in Heishanzi Township, and you should know them better than me. This time, things should not have been so big, but some people are constantly poking up and making a lot of trouble that could have been controlled in Chunyang County. I don't believe that the people in Zhu Xiaoqiao Village have such insight.

Zhang Yang said: "There are many factors in all aspects that have developed so far. What we need to do is not to find out the problem, but to solve the problem! County Magistrate Xu, how do you think this matter should be solved and what methods should be used to calm down the incident as soon as possible?

Xu Zhaobin took a sip of wine and said, "This matter is complicated, simple and simple. As long as the mood of the people in Zhu Xiaoqiao Village is stabilized, let them stop making trouble."

Zhang Yang said, "You have also done your ideological work, and the police have also sent it, but the effect does not seem to be very obvious.

"Not strong enough!" Xu Zhaobin said.

Zhang Yang looked at him quietly.

Xu Zhaobin said, "If you want them to stop making trouble, one is to make them afraid, and the other is to pay a pension that can make them satisfied! Do you think these people are really in justice and indignation? They are just whose vital interests have been damaged, that's why they are so noisy!"

Zhang Yang said, "Since you have thought of a solution, why don't you do it?"

Xu Zhaobin said, "The leader of Chunyang is Secretary Zhu Hengzhu. Just as he said, if the county wants to build the road, it must be built. He said that the county's finance must take care of it. Even part of the investment funds for the tourism development of Qingtai Mountain have been used by him for road renovation."

Zhang Yang was shocked, and he dropped an empty glass: "Zhu Heng really used the investment funds for the tourism development of Qingtai Mountain for the transformation of roads in the county?"

Xu Zhaobin whispered, "There are evidence to check!" Zhang Yang said in his heart, "Zhu Heng, Zhu Heng, you're fucking!" Although Zhu Heng's misappropriation of Qingtaishan tourism investment has nothing to do with his immediate solution, it is still a quite surprising discovery for Zhang Yang.

Xu Zhaobin did not inadvertently say something lucky. He deliberately revealed to Zhang Yang that he had wanted to bring down Zhu Heng for more than a day. It's just that there is no right opportunity. This chaos is a great opportunity for Chunyang to reorganize. He wants to seize the best opportunity to bring down Zhu Heng.

At this time, Yu Qiuling came over with the freshly cooked mandarin fish. Zhang Yang smelled the fragrance and couldn't help praising, "Sister Yu, good craftsmanship!"

Xu Zhaobin pulled a stool to let his wife sit down and said with a smile, "Your sister-in-law's cooking skills are ridiculous!"

Yu Qiuling said, "In the future, when I step down, I will stay at home and cook for you at ease!"

As the head of Heishanzi Township, Yu Qiuling knew that she could never get rid of this incident and had to bear the corresponding responsibility, so she said what she was willing to cook.

Zhang Yang said, "Sister Yu, I get off work very early today!"

He said, "I'm on sick leave. I haven't been at home for four or five days!" In fact, she wants to avoid trouble. Although she can't avoid it completely, she may hide as much as possible. The leader of Heishanzi Township is Zhu Qingmin, and it should be up to him when the sky falls.

Zhang Yang knew what the two people were, and he didn't break it. He whispered, "After the incident, the village did not do the work of the villagers related to Zhu Xiaoqiao Village?"

Yu Qiuling sighed and said, "I went to several township cadres, but they were all beaten back!" They are catching one thing now. Zhu Hongwei is dead. They want to return justice to the dead!"

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Isn't Secretary Zhu a master of Xingyiquan? Let him go. I don't believe it. Someone in Zhu Xiaoqiao Village dares to fight with him!"

Yu Qiuling said, "Zhu Qingmin, you still don't understand. He has always been a role that has nothing to do with himself. This time, it happened in Heishanzi Township. He can't avoid it, and his attitude is not very positive. Anyway, the matter has fallen on his head. Looking at his appearance, he is willing

Zhang Yang said, "It can't be so negative. If you keep procrastinating, the problem will not be solved!"

Yu Qiuling said, "There are people in the county, and there are also people from the county public security bureau. They can't solve it. How can we solve it? In this incident, a person died in Zhu Xiaoqiao Village, and many people were arrested. Some people in Shangqinghe Village also participated in the armed robbery. This time he (! ···&Qu;:! ': ('&qu; Come on, I didn't catch any of them. The people in Zhu Xiaoqiao Village think that we are doing this! ' . :.,「'. · · It's unfair, so I've been making trouble all the time, and I don't know where so many reporters came from, the whole process ∫;, two, ↓.. ' The matter of humanity has made a lot of noise. Speaking of this, she paused and said, "Zhang Yang, are you here for this matter?"

Zhang Yang said, "I'm $! Some problems!"

Xu Zhaobin and his couple stayed for more than two hours before leaving.

Zhang Yang returned to the room and called Rong Pengfei, the director of Jiangcheng Public Security Bureau. He didn't need to hide anything from Rong Pengfei. He told him about his temporary secondment to the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee, and described what he learned in Jiangcheng today.

Rong Qianfei said, "The intention of Shao Weijiang's singing is obvious, that is, to add fuel to the fire is to make a big deal!"

Zhang Yang said, "What on earth does Chen Chongshange say?"

Rong Xifei said, "There was no doubt, but Su Yuanyuan suddenly revolted her confession and cheated Secretary Du!"

Zhang Yang said, "The key to solving this matter is not the group of people in Zhu Xiaoqiao Village. If the family of the deceased does not pursue it, no matter who is behind it, the disturbance in this matter will naturally subside.

Rong Xifei said, "The group of people in Zhu Xiaoqiao Village are not easy to do. In case something wrong, if something happens to them, the impact will be even worse."

Zhang Yang said, "I still don't believe it. There is no one in the world who is not afraid of death!"

Rong Qianfei said, "What do you mean? Don't mess with me!"

Zhang Yang said, "Rongjuo, I want you to do me a favor and put Zhu Hongxing back! Rong Xifei said, "He is one of the main people who encouraged Zhu Xiaoqiao Village to make trouble. If you let him go back, he will definitely make trouble!"

Zhang Yang said, "Let him go back. I'll take care of anything!"

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Zhu Hongxing came home with his forefoot, and a monk came to the village. The monk circled around the village, because his behavior was so strange that many villagers couldn't help asking. After asking, I knew that the monk came from the famous ancient temple Nanlin Temple in Jiangcheng. He happened to pass by Weiqingtai Mountain and found that the village was shrouded in bleak evil spirits, so he came to have a look. These villagers are not afraid of the police and the government, but when they hear the monks say this, they are all a little scared. They can't help asking the monk, where is the disaster in Zhu Xiaoqiao Village? The monk said, "I have to have a look!"

So the villagers who had a good thing took the big monk to look around the village.

The monk turned around for an hour in Zhu Xiaoqiao Village, attracting the attention of almost all the villagers. This skill finally stopped in front of Zhu Hongwei's spiritual shed. He pointed to the shed and said:

"The demon is in it!"

There are many knowledgeable and educated people in the village. Zhu Hongxing is a reckless man, but his eldest brother Zhu Hongjun is a teacher, knowledgeable and educated, and an atheist. When he heard the monk say this, he came forward and said, "What do you mean? Why doesn't a monk talk at all?

The monk said, "A poor monk has never been slandering f6. I am a merciful Buddha. I see that your village is about to be a disaster, so it is easy to say. If you want to listen, you don't want to listen to it. If you are a poor monk, you haven't said it.

Zhu Hongjun sneered and said, "In your opinion, what should we do to resolve the disaster?"

The monk said, "If I'm not mistaken, the body of the demon is dead, but the soul does not melt, and it lingers in the village for a long time. I look at the top of the shed, and the resentment will rush to the sky. This resentment will inevitably anger the sky and offend the people in the village If you want to resolve this disaster, you should burn the body of the deceased as soon as possible!"

Zhu Hongxing said angrily, "Big monk, what are you talking about? It's my brother. How dare you say that he is a demon!"

The monk said, "I see that there are countless wronged souls around the village. I don't know if there is anyone in your village? Have you ever taken anything from the mountains? If you take it, send it back quickly, otherwise the retribution will soon fall on you!"

Zhu Hongxing couldn't stand it. He punched the monk in the face, broke the monk's nose and bled, and sat on the ground. The villagers around him couldn't bear to see Zhu Hongxing's family, and several of them dissuaded him.

The monk got up and ignored the nosebleeds that flowed out of the gurg. He described the horror and said, "My Buddha is merciful, and you and other villains will be stubborn, and they will not be rewarded in the future!" As soon as he said this, he was punched a lot.

The monk escaped from Zhu Xiaoqiao Village with a black nose and a swollen face.

When he came to the intersection outside the village, he looked around and heard a whistle. Then he noticed that Zhang Yang was waiting for him on the river embankment in the distance. The monk limped over and wiped his nosebleeds with the monk's clothes as he walked.

Zhang Yang saw his appearance and made a sympathetic expression: "Master Sanbao "How can people fight so miserably?"

It turned out that this brave monk who broke into the enemy camp alone was the Sanbao monk of Nanlin Temple. The Sanbao monk wiped his nosebleeds and said, "I can treat you as a brother. No one will cheat you!" The monk Sanbao said, "I was almost beat to death by those villagers!"

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Let's talk about it when you get in the car!"

The Sanbao monk got on his jeep full of grievances and regrettedly said, "I should have known that getting on your car is getting on the thief's boat!"

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Get on my thief ship, do you still want to go down?"

"Please, let me go down. I'm a monk. You have to force me to lie!"

Zhang Yang said, "The monks should be compassionate for all sentient beings!"

"I know, but you obviously made me confused!"

"What did you say? When did I hurt you? Everything I asked you to say is true, and it won't take long for you to understand.

The monk of Sanbao said, "What do you understand? Don't you just want me to lie to them? Zhu Hongwei's body is cremated?

Zhang Yang said, "If you follow my words, it won't be long before these people in Zhu Xiaoqiao Village will have to lift the sedan chair and invite you back!"

Zhang Yang drove the Sanbao monk to the Chunxi Valley Hot Spring Resort Center. Lin Xiu saw that the monk was beaten like a pig's head, sympathetic and funny, and asked people to send the Sanbao monk to the health room to treat the wound.

Zhang Yang sat down in Lin Xiu's office: "Aunt Lin, let Master Sanbao live with you for two days!"

Lin Xiu said, "No problem. Why do you get a monk here?"

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Master Sanbao is very powerful. He has a wisdom root and is a leading figure in the Buddhist world of Jiangcheng! Don't you believe in Buddhism? Taking this opportunity, I just asked them for advice.

Lin Xiu said, "Drinking the piano randomly, although the incense of Nanlin Temple is very strong, compared with the Guanyin Academy of Jingshan Temple, I always feel more secular and less sense of birth in the Buddhist situation.

Zhang Yang said, "Hasn't Aunt Lin heard of the saying that Da Yin is hidden in the city? In the eyes of monks, practice does not have to be in remote mountains and forests. The more trouble they make, the more they can show their fixed table tennis■!"

Lin Xiu said, "This is a hot spring resort, and there are beautiful men and women in swimsuits everywhere. Didn't you send him here to test the determination of the Sanbao monk?"

Zhang Yang laughed loudly.

Lin Xiu said, "Does your coming back this time have anything to do with Zhu Xiaoqiao Village? Recently, their village has been very noisy. Even Commander Chu made a special trip from Jing'an to Jiangcheng. I wanted to borrow his old man to rest here, but he insisted on staying in Jiangcheng and had to wait for his comrades-in-arms to release him. In the past two days, my family was basically in Jiangcheng, and the old chief scold

Of course, Zhang Yang understands Chu Yunan's temper. Speaking of which, the old commander still invited him to Jiangcheng, but this matter is a little difficult to end up now. In response to a sentence, people who are not afraid of wearing shoes barefoot. The villagers in Zhu Xiaoqiao Village have the momentum to fight to the end, and Zhang Yang is Bai, Du Tianye is in an awkward situation now.

Lin Xiu also heard more or less about what happened around her. She sighed and said, "Du Tianye should not have been so big this time. I think someone in Jiangcheng is making trouble with him.

Zhang Yang said, "It's not just the city. If no one supports them, they won't dare to make trouble no matter what!"

Lin Xiu said, "It's really strange. Gu Yunzhi hasn't made a clear statement until now!"

Zhang Yang understood in his heart that Gu Yunzhi was about to leave, and Du Tianye was not his cronies. Obviously, he did not want to cause any more trouble. As for Song Huaiming, the first thing he did after returning to China was to deal with the troubles of Jiangcheng. He sent himself here to solve the problem. The matter began with a fight. It was inconvenient to ask such a small matter as Gu Yunzhi and Song Huaiming, so Song Huaiming let himself appear.

Zhang Yang thought very thoroughly. When it comes to his fists, he looks at Jiangcheng. He said that second, no one dares to be the first, but this matter cannot be solved by fighting and killing. From the beginning of the fighting incident, reporters from all sides have been lurking in this small county. As long as there is any wind and grass, It's all around. It's hard to say whether Du Yaoye's trouble can be solved. Instead, he guided the trouble to his own head. Zhang Yang summed up one of the characteristics of the other party's pushing the wave, all of which are through a small thing to snowball the momentum, effectively using the news media to amplify the event infinitely.

Du Tianye's dilemma this time is surprisingly similar to his last beating of Andavin, but Du Yaoye is not as resolute and decisive as himself in dealing with the problem, and there are too many emotional factors, which has caused the current dilemma. As soon as he talked with Gu Yunzhi and Song Huaiming in Dongjiang, Zhang Yang understood a lot. "The fundamental reason why Gu Yunzhi couldn't make a statement was that he saw the pusher behind the scenes of this matter, and the behind-the-scenes pusher used the small incident of Qingtai Mountain to make the political scene of Jiangcheng's In the situation of hands for clouds and hands for rain, no one wants to have a head-on conflict with such an opponent. Gu Yunzhi chose to be silent and avoid.

What about Song Huaiming? Zhang Yang still can't figure out what the future father-in-law thinks. Maybe Song Huaiming and Gu Yunzhi have seen clearly who the behind-the-scenes pusher is, but it is not convenient for Song Huaiming to take action. Political matters can never be solved by punching and kicking, so Song Huaiming sent himself back to Jiangcheng It is to let yourself help Liu Yanhong and others understand the situation, but to let him solve the problem.

Killing chickens with a cow knife. Secretary Gu and Governor Song's level will not personally take action against the Qingtai Mountain fighting incident, no matter who is behind the scenes? The fight between them is also destined to be done in a silent way that beats cattle across the mountain.

Zhang Yang is best at simple violence, but since he finished playing Andavin, he has understood a truth that he should take action, but he must take good measures to deal with the aftermath. This is called preparing for a rainy day. Now that this incident has developed to the point that it cannot be solved by violence, it must be in a more round-and- Coincidentally. If you want to fundamentally solve the problem of Zhu Xiaoqiao Village, you must make these ordinary people give in ideologically. Originally, ideological work is the strength of our party, but it is also the target. F