Medical official path

Chapter 523 Big Mouth On

Zang Jintang and Li Hongyang both looked at Zhang Yang in a stinglancholy, okay! The new official took office with three fires, and the fire had begun to burn, but no one expected that Zhang Yang's first fire would burn on the meritorious coach Yang Guangzhi.

Yang Guangzhi was blushed by Zhang Yang in front of so many people. It was really wrong for him to answer the phone, but the new director of the sports committee did not show mercy to him at all. He scolded him in front of so many people. He couldn't swallow his breath. Yang Guangzhi said angrily, "Isn't What's so great? I've seen a lot of officials, but I've never seen you so arrogant!"

Zhang Yang made a gesture to ask him to leave. He didn't look at him anymore. He said to the microphone, "Today is my first day to work in the Sports Committee. I hope to give everyone a good impression. Everyone I've been in contact with knows that I don't have any airs, but not having an airs doesn't mean Respect, whether it is between friends or colleagues, we need mutual respect, which is the basis for everyone to cooperate happily.

The mobile phone rang again at the scene, but no one dared to answer the phone again.

Yang Guangzhi nodded with hatred and turned away.


Li Hongyang complained in his heart. Yang Guangzhi is one of their important generals in the National Games. As long as Yang Guangzhi orders, his disciples of the provincial national team will certainly come back to help without hesitation, but Zhang Yang offended Yang Guangzhi on his first day in office. I'm afraid that this matter will be troublesome in the future.

Sheng Jintang looked at Zhang Yang indifferently and said to himself that you are capable. You dare to offend anyone. Gymnastics is the big event of our Nancy's gold medal. If you continue to play like this, the first thing to play is yourself. The incompetence of being a leader is terrible, and ignorance is terrible. You don' Let's wait and see, there will be times when you cry.

Zhang Yang said, "I know that everyone doesn't like meetings. The reason is very simple. This kind of conference is boring. The leaders follow the script on the stage, and the comrades are drowsy below. I sat on the main stage of the Nancy Sports Committee for the first time today. Thank you for giving me face. So far, I haven'

A few good-hearted laughter came from the stage, most of which were caused by the mobilization of transportation, and these young people began to rise to the young director of the sports committee.

Zhang Yang's style is different from that of any leader of the sports committee in the past. Whether it is wise for him to drive away Yang Guangzhi, the meritorious leader, his behavior has indeed played a role in knocking the mountain. Yang Guangzhi is an iconic figure among all the coaches in Nancy. He was expelled on the spot and naturally attracted everyone' Although there are many transportation mobilizations who came to attend the meeting today, the best transportation mobilizations in Nancy have not come back. Most of them are in the provincial and national teams. How can they have time to participate in such a meaningless meeting?

Zhang Yang used the sentence just now to ease the atmosphere a little and continued: "First of all, the meeting is to have a clear theme. Let's emphasize the theme of the meeting first. Today's meeting is to mobilize everyone present, that is, Nancy's best coaches and transportation. What to mobilize? Mobilize the theme of the First Provincial Games of Pinghai Province to be held in Nancy next year, that is, in October 1995, and then I will tell you our purpose! The city has given a clear goal. He glanced at Sheng Jintang and motioned Sheng Jintang to say something.

Sheng Jintang cleared his throat, which is not because his throat is itchy, but at this time, he likes to clear his throat and has formed a habit. Sheng Jintang said, "I interrupt that the city leaders attach great importance to next year's provincial sports meeting and clearly point out that we want Nanxi City. Sports workers play the spirit of hard work and make sure to achieve good results at the first provincial sports meeting. The city leaders gave us a goal to ask us to enter the top three in the number of gold medals and medals at the Provincial Games. This is a difficult task, and it is also an unprecedented height for the sports industry in Nancy City. Do you have any confidence?


The scene was silent, and no one responded. Sheng Jintang couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed. He habitually cleared his throat. When he hesitated to ask for the second time, Zhang Yang said, "Everyone doesn't talk. I know the reason. Everyone feels that the goal set by the city leaders is too low. We, Nancy Host, it's not good to get the second place. I think the city has given the top three goals. We can't look down on ourselves. On behalf of the Sports Committee, I will set a goal for everyone. In next year's Provincial Games, we must win the first place in the number of gold medals and medals!"

Zhang's words were really amazing. As soon as he finished his words, he was suddenly in an uproar. Almost everyone is questioning, isn't this one crazy? It's not a big deal to be the first gold medal in Pinghai Province, but Nancy can't rank in Pinghai Sports at all. It can't be achieved in a short time to improve the comprehensive sports strength. The gold medal list and the medal list are the first. That's right. Everyone heard it correctly. It's the new director of the sports committee Huh? Is it still the era when people are bold and prolific?

Li Hongyang almost reached out to plug Zhang Yang's mouth. NND, you can't talk nonsense. It's going to die. You're bragging. How can you end up in the future?

Sheng Jintang's sneer, numb, you blow it, I don't know the depth of the sky, and the ignorant are fearless. If you can achieve this goal, I will eat all the medals.

No matter whether the goal put forward by Zhang Yang can be achieved or not, he has done at least one thing. He has successfully attracted everyone's attention and successfully made every participant remember him. It's hard to remember whether he doesn't remember it. This person is too bragging.

Zhang Yang said, "Now that we have a theme and a goal, the rest is the specific work arrangement and the achievement of the goal. The achievement of the goal does not depend on us, but on everyone, but on every coach and transportation mobilization present."

Finally, a brave man raised his hand, and Jiang Fangji, the responsible person of the Nancy Table Tennis Center, raised his hand.

Zhang Yang nodded and said, "This comrade, please speak!"

Jiang Fangji said, "Director Zhang, I'm Jiang Fangji, the head of the Table Tennis Center. To be honest, with our current sports level in Nancy, even if it is the host, it occupies the right time, place and people, and there is still no hope to win the double first place in the number of gold medals and medals. Not Even if it is difficult for Nancy to enter the top three of the medal list, everyone is a sports worker, which does not mean that sports workers do not need to seek truth from facts. I won't say anything else. Take our table tennis and badminton events as an example. In the last Provincial Games, we only won a silver medal in women's singles, and Jiang is a traditional strong team. What should we do to fight with others? In addition, our table tennis and badminton project has developed well in Pinghai.

The participants began to discuss one after another, and for a moment, the whole venue seemed to be much more chaotic.

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Coach Jiang is very realistic!"

Another coach of the boxing team, Yaning, got up and said, "Director Zhang, there is another question. Every year at the Provincial Games, each city will call up from the national team provincial team to mobilize. You call up, and others are also recruiting, and there have always been very few people in Nancy who are willing to come back to participate in I hope the leaders must pay attention to it.

Zhang Yang said, "Everyone may think that my goal of putting forward the first place in the gold medal list and the medal list is too unrealistic. They think that I don't know the situation and think I'm open-minded."

No one is talking, but everyone is thinking so.

Zhang Yang said, "I would like to emphasize a few points here. First, our sports committee will do everything possible to persuade the excellent transportation in Nancy City to come back to participate in this provincial sports meeting. Second, on behalf of the sports committee, I will make a guarantee that all the transportation mobilization will get the best western training in the early preparation process." Third

It is mentioned that everyone is rewarded to look at the main seat.

Zhang Yang said, "Coachelors mobilize and work hard to win glory for the city and the citizens. It's okay if you can't give a verbal reward. I hereby promise that the reward to every gold medal winner in Nancy this year will exceed that in any city in Pinghai."

The mobilization of the transportation below was full of energy. Someone said loudly, "Director Zhang, there is no evidence for empty words. How much do you want to win? There is probably a number."

Zhang Yang laughed and shouted at the stage, "In the last Provincial Games, how much was the highest prize in other cities?"

Many voices responded together: "Alanshan has the highest bonus, each gold medal winner has a bonus of 5,000, and the coach has a bonus of 3,000."

Zhang Yang said, "We still need to discuss the specific prize amount, but I'm here to give you a minimum limit. As long as you can win the gold medal at the provincial sports meeting, the transportation mobilization is not less than 10,000, and the coach is not less than 5,000!"

As soon as Zhang Yang said this sentence, the whole venue was like a frying pan. To find out that this was the Provincial Games, the prize amount proposed by Zhang Yang had shocked everyone.

The two deputy directors, Li Hongyang and Sheng Jintang, looked at each other with a wry smile. They all thought that it was over! This boy doesn't know how much this sentence is worth. With 30 gold medals, he has to pay more than 500,000 yuan for the bonus of mobilizing coaches. Who will pay for this money? What a big mouth, there is no door on the mouth.

Jiang Fangji said, "Director Zhang, our current training conditions are very poor, and the equipment in all aspects is not in place. If you actually inspect the training venues at all levels, you will know that our preparation is not just talk about it."

Sheng Jintang said, "The new sports center is under construction. In order to prepare for the provincial sports meeting, the city has specially built five training venues, which can be completed before the New Year. At that time, you can go to train."

Jiang Fangji said, "Director Sheng, you'd better go to the construction site to have a look. Now the focus is on the main stadium. Where is the training hall? Has the city considered it?

Sheng Jintang smiled and said, "Now the city's finances are also very tight. Let's overcome it! Carry forward the spirit of loving your hometown and motherland, and everything will be solved.

"I'm not venting any dissatisfaction, but you want to make achievements and don't improve our training. If you want to win the first place in the double list, I don't think it's possible!" After saying that, Jiang Fangji sat down.

Zhang Yang said, "The question raised by Coach Jiang is very realistic. I promise here that I will inspect the training venues at all levels as soon as possible. As long as there are difficulties, I will try my best to solve them for everyone. If you want to do a good job, you must first use your weapons. In front of the Analects, don' The style of the Communist Party, today's era is an era where as long as you work hard, you will be rewarded!"

After the meeting, Li Hongyang said to Zhang Yang with a sad face, "Director Zhang, we can't say anything! The city has given us too little financial allocation, and the problems they raised can't be solved at all.

Zhang Yang said, "Didn't you mean to make every effort to prepare for the Provincial Games? Why don't you allocate funds financially?"

Sheng Jintang said, "Give it, a drop in the bucket. Now there are some problems in the accounts of the Sports Commission, and the procuratorate is investigating."

Zhang Yang frowned and vaguely guessed that this matter had something to do with Zhou Danian, the director of the former sports committee. When the three walked out of the small auditorium, Ya Ning, the coach of the boxing team, caught up with him. He came to find Sheng Jintang and said from afar, "Director Sheng, the money you approved

Sheng Jintang looked embarrassed: "Our sports committee has passed, but the money has not been transferred to the sports committee's account, and there is nothing we can do!"

Zhong Yaning said, "If it goes on like this, we can't do it. Not to mention the training equipment, we can't even keep up with the nutrition of transportation and mobilization. Nancy is not poor. Why is it dedicated to us?"

Zhang Yang didn't ask because he didn't know the specific things.

Sheng Jintang said, "Well, you go back first. Let's discuss it at the meeting in the afternoon. Director Zhang is here, and we have to report a lot of work to Director Zhang."

Zhang Yangxin said that he began to push on me.


I'm afraid that everyone is in a hurry. Let's start with 4,000 words, and there are still 6,000 words before 12 o'clock! Continue to sincerely ask for the monthly ticket! To be continued)