Medical official path

Chapter 626 Under the bluff

Li Changfeng shouted awkwardly: "Uncle, second uncle!"

Xu Guangran hummed, and his voice was very low, but his eyes did not look at Li Changfeng. He whispered, "Don't you have to go to work today?"

Li Changfengxin said that you asked me to come. Even if I go to work, I have to come over, not to mention that I have resigned. Li Changfeng said, "The main stadium is about to be completed, and I have been idle a lot recently."

Xu Guangran said, "Didn't you resign?"

Li Changfeng was suddenly exposed by him and blushed with embarrassment: "Uh, yes"

Xu Guangsheng complained, "What's there to cheat? Don't you tell us the truth?"

Li Changfeng said, "I'm afraid you'll tell me."

Xu Guangran said, "What are you talking about? What can you do if you don't resign and stay in the company?

Li Changfeng said, "My uncle hasn't come out yet. I... I don't want to go either. Coco's project has been taken over by the Sports Commission now, and I'm also a decoration there."

Xu Guangran said, "I didn't ask you about your resignation. What did you say to your little aunt?"

Li Changfeng was tongue-tied. He had expected that this matter would reach his uncle's ears sooner or later, but he didn't expect it to be so soon.

Xu Guangsheng said, "You are really ignorant. What can't you tell us first? It's not that you don't know who your aunt is. You ran to her to talk nonsense. She took it seriously. Yesterday, she ran to my house and cried for a long time, and then came to your uncle to cry. What is the purpose of telling her about this? Do you still think this family is not messy enough?

Li Changfeng is really miserable. If Zhang Yang hadn't threatened him with the photo of his date with Xu Xiao'e, he would never have run to Liu Cuiyan to poke out the matter. Well, he is not a person inside and outside. If his uncle knew that he betrayed him, he didn't know how to deal with him. Li Changfeng said with a bitter face, "I don't know where my aunt heard the news. She called me to ask. I wanted to hide it, but I didn't hide it."

Xu Guangran said coldly, "But she said she was listening to you."

Li Changfeng was innocent: "How can she say that? If my uncle knew, he would have to record me alive!"

Xu Guangsheng pointed to Li Changfeng's forehead and said, "Your boy is just not promising. Now she is making trouble everywhere and shouting that she wants to divorce your uncle. The Xu family's face has been lost in front of her."

Li Changfeng estimated from their words that they should not know their relationship with Xu Xiao'e. Before Li Changfeng went to the hospital to tell Liu Cuiyan the truth, he had quietly given Xu Xiao'e a sum of money and asked her to go back to her hometown in the countryside. He told her that he was temporarily avoiding the limelight. In fact, he

Xu Guangran said, "Ciang Sheng, go downstairs to help your sister-in-law cook!"

Xu Guangsheng nodded and knew that the eldest brother had something to ask Li Changfeng alone. He got up and went out to close the door of the study.

Li Changfeng was uneasy in his heart. What he was most afraid of was his uncle. If what he and Xu Xiao'e really happened to his uncle knew that he was sure it was over.

Xu Guangran said, "I heard that the Sports Commission is investigating the financial situation of your new century company."

Li Changfeng said, "There is such a thing. Recently, they took our purchase documents and income and expenditure books for review, saying that they wanted to settle the final payment for us, but I always feel that's not the case."

Xu Guangran said with gloomy eyes, "Do you want to resign, or is someone forcing you to resign?"

Li Changfeng was so scared that he didn't dare to look at his uncle's eyes and whispered, "I want to resign myself."

Xu Guangran didn't believe that he would resign by himself. The flute said, "You have been with your uncle for so many years. You should know best how he has come over the years."

Li Changfeng recognized the meaning of his uncle. He replied carefully, "Uncle..., I'm just a department manager. I don't know many of the internal affairs of the company, and my uncle didn't tell me."

"I didn't tell you about his lover outside, did he?" How did you know?"

Li Changfeng said, "He asked me to send her money."

Xu Guangran said, "You disappoint me!"

Li Changfeng drooped his head and dared not say a word.

Xu Guangran waved his hand and said, "Get out!"

Li Changfeng retreated silently and Xu Guangran pulled out the cigarette from the cigarette box and lit it all the time. He got up and went to the window and looked out of the window quietly. The leaves of the old tree in the yard were not much left in winter. The cold wind blew by. The branches trembled slightly, and the yellow leaves shrank like On the tree, he finally did not carry the involvement of the cold wind and suddenly flew into the air. With the ups and downs of the cold wind, the fallen leaves seemed to be unwilling to pass with the wind. They floated across the glass window and adsorbed on the glass. "Xu Guangran looked at the yellow leaf, and his eyes showed compassion. He When I saw the fallen leaves, I also saw myself in the glass window. I was much more haggard and lost a lot of weight...


Despite the hurried twists and turns, the main part of the new stadium in Nancy was completed on January 8. On the day of completion, Executive Vice Mayor Li Changyu made a special trip to the scene. The internal decoration work has begun to be intense. Zhang Yang accompanied Li Changyu around the location of the runway that was about to be laid slowly. Step by step, Li Changyu expressed his satisfaction with the completion of the stadium as scheduled. The main stadium project occupies a very important position in the construction of the whole new sports center, and it is also the most prone to problems. The special background of the company in the new century, Xu Guangli's arrest, this series of things made the leaders of the municipal party committee feel a The response measures taken by Guangli after being arrested are decisive and correct. If he hadn't decisively adopted the intervention mechanism and strictly supervised the construction process of the new century company, there might have been a big problem with the stadium project.

Li Changyu nodded and said, "That's good!"

Zhang Yang said: "The interior decoration has begun to be carried out synchronously at the end of last year, and now most of the decoration projects have also been carried out. The runway laying, lawn planting, and lighting will be followed up immediately. It is estimated that we will be able to complete the interior and exterior decoration of the main stadium by March at the latest."

Li Changyu smiled and said, "The construction of other venues should also be followed up as soon as possible. Now the countdown to the Provincial Games has begun."

Zhang Yang said, "No problem, but the financial allocation promised by the city is only 30 million yuan, and the other 30 million yuan has not been received."

Li Changyu said: "The 200 million yuan obtained from the stadium auction" will be received at the end of the month according to the contract. Don't worry, you will never delay the use of your PS. He walked to the center of the stadium with his hands behind his back. Zhang Yang followed him and whispered, "I heard that Mrs. Heather was going to move the land?"

Li Changyu said, "It's a good thing to develop it early. I've read her plan, and I should say that it's done very well. If her plan can be fully realized, the stadium plot will definitely become our new commercial center in Nancy."

Zhang Yang said, "I hope so." He doesn't like Mrs. Heather very much.

Li Changyu said, "I heard that Li Changfeng resigned from the new century?"

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Our Sports Committee only supervises and manages the construction of stadium projects, and the internal affairs of the company in the new century." We don't care. Personnel matters have nothing to do with us.

Li Changyu stopped and said, "I heard that you are investigating the New Century Company."

Zhang Yang looked at Li Changyu. He knew that Li Changyu would not mention this matter for no reason. It seemed that he did not come here today to inspect the main stadium, but because of this, Zhang Yang nodded. At this point, he did not need to hide it.

Li Changyu said, "Xu Guangli was investigated for bribery. I heard that Hui Jingmin will be tried soon." Now it is a ** period." Li Changyu's words are not very clear.

Zhang Yang couldn't help laughing. He could understand what Li Changyu meant.

Li Changyu said, "What are you laughing at?"

Zhang Yang said, "Hui Jingmin has nothing to do with what I investigated, right?" You are worried that I will investigate Xu Guangli" may touch the nerves of some people**.

Li Changyu said, "You are so arrogant that everyone knows what you want to do."

Zhang Yang said, "This is called Mingcha!"

Li Changyu said, "Does Xu Guangli's wife's matter make you very unhappy?" Do you want to check whether the new century has anything to do with this matter?"

Zhang Yang said, "It's all for you to guess." In fact, Liu Cuiyan is so noisy that it doesn't make me ugly. She makes our Xu [book] ugly.

Li Changyu smiled and said, "You all know how dare to do this. Didn't you deliberately touch the reverse scale of Xu [book]?"

Zhang Yang said, "Xu [Book] Remember to ask you to come to me?"

Li Changyu shook his head and said, "He won't tell me this. Zhang Yang, Liu Cuiyan is just a housewife. It's really wrong for her to make trouble before." But it's over. Don't take that matter to do it."

Zhang Yang said, "She's not a housewife. She's a shrew." Didn't you see her come to the Sports Commission to make trouble?"

Li Changyu said, "It's terrible for women to go crazy." Hui Jingmin's case was sentenced, and Xu Guangli's matter was almost clear. "He has a lot of questions."

Zhang Yang said, "If he has a problem, it means that the company in the new century has a problem."

Li Changyu reminded him: "The kidnapping of Mayor Gong's daughter has made your relationship with the public security system very stiff. You should learn a lesson from it. Some things are not within your authority and should be investigated, but it is not your turn to investigate." This is called clear responsibility."

Zhang Yang said, "I understand. In fact, I don't really want to investigate. I just made some impact. Didn't she come to the sports committee to disgust me? I also have to make their families feel uncomfortable.

Li Changyu said meaningfully, "Nanxi or Xu [Shu] has the final say. He is a face-loving person, and we should still be measured about some things.

"Through this conversation with Zhang Yang" Li Changyu learned that Zhang Yang deliberately investigated the affairs of the New Century Company. First, it was to vent the evil spirit of Liu Cuiyan's trouble two days ago, and the second reason to disgust Xu Guangran. In fact, many people in the Nancy system understand that Xu Guangli's problem is not just bribery It's so simple. There must be a problem with the New Century Company, but no one dares to investigate. Xu Guangran will take the initiative to mention it on any day. "Zhang Yangcha New Century" is actually a kind of bluff. He just wants to make Xu Guangran nervous and put pressure on Xu's family through Xu Guangran.

Zhang Yang looked at the sky above the stadium and smiled and said, "Although the process is tortuous, after all, the stadium has been built."

Li Changyu said, "It must not only be built", but also ensure the quality. You should know that in another ten months, the eyes of the people of the whole province are all watching here, and this stadium will become the focus of attention in Pinghai.

Zhang Yang said, "What I value most is quality. With Koji Kameda to check it, there will be no problems with quality."

Li Changyu is still satisfied with today's inspection. Judging from the current progress of the new sports center, all construction should be completed within the scheduled time limit. Although Zhang Yang is fucking, his working ability is outstanding. This has been verified many times from Chunyang to Jiangcheng to Nanxi.


After talking about work, it is inevitable to have a few words. Li Changyu is still very concerned about his goddaughter Zhao Jing. He whispered, "Zhang Yang, it's winter vacation. You call Xiaojing and ask her to come to Nancy for a few days. Your Aunt Ge has moved here, and the house is very big." Your Aunt It hasn't been implemented yet. It's boring every day. It's good to ask Xiaojing to come and chat with her."

Zhang Yang said, "She is going to have an internship this year. I've been too busy with my work recently, and I didn't pay attention to her affairs. I called her a few times." She didn't reply.

Li Changyu nodded and said, "Well, I'll call her." Why don't you just let her come to Nancy for an internship and let her stay at our house?"

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Xiaojing is as unrestrained as me. I don't think she will definitely agree." How about you ask her over and talk to her face to face?" Zhang Yang also wants to see his sister." Since he heard Zhuo Ting say that Ding Bin is going to study in the UK, he has a worry, but she didn't reply after calling Zhao Jing several times. Originally, he wanted to ask Ding Zhaoyong, but it was not appropriate to think about it carefully. It's better to ask his sister first.
