Medical official path

Chapter 641 Pure Coincidence

"If it weren't for the desperate, Zhang Yang would never have taken hostages." But Gu Jiatong's death has made him almost crazy, and he will find the murderer of Gu Jiatong at all costs. Originally, Zhang Yang had locked the biggest doubt on Tang Xingsheng, but today's events proved that Tang Xingsheng and he were also designed by others. This enemy hidden in the dark wants to get rid of not only himself. And Tang Xingsheng. Tang Xingsheng should know a lot of inside information, but just when he wanted to say it. A bullet from the U.S. special police killed him. However, Tang Xingsheng still left some clues, his daughter, the computer. What is the connection between this? Maybe only when you see Tang Yuling can everything come to light.

The roar of the siren interrupted Zhang Yang's thoughts. He looked back. The police car was still chasing, and more and more police cars joined the chasing team.

Guan Zhiqing whispered, "You can't escape. The U.S. [police] inspection is very efficient."

Zhang Yang ignored her.

Guan Zhiqing said, "Why commit a crime? No matter what happens, this extreme method should not be used.

Zhang Yang whispered, "You will never understand!"

Guan Zhiqing said, "Is it for Gu Jiatong?" In this sentence, she is gently exploring Zhang Yang's identity. From her flamboyant voice and demeanor, she faintly saw some clues, but she was still not sure.

Zhang Yang said, "Drive quickly!"

Guan Zhiqing said, "Yangran is on the way to Bafaro. Don't make any more mistakes, don't let others worry about you!" This sentence is tantamount to revealing that she recognized Zhang Yang from her voice.

Zhang Yang said coldly, "I'm sorry that you got the wrong person!"

When Guan Zhiqing spoke, she did not slow down the speed. Her driving skills were good, and she went back and forth in the traffic. Pulling the police car in the rear farther and farther, it can be seen that she is doing her best to help Zhang Yang get rid of the pursuit of [police]. Zhang Yang suddenly pulled the door to close the door and said in surprise, "What do you want to do?" The voice fell, and Zhang Yang had jumped out of the jeep.

Guan Zhiqing exclaimed, but saw that Zhang Yang had grabbed the truck carriage beside him. His body climbed up flexibly and appeared on the top of the truck.

At this time, the police car in the rear caught up again. Guan Zhiqing bit her lip, increased the accelerator and continued to drive forward. She decided to help Zhang Yang, use herself to attract the attention of [police], and give Zhang Yang enough time to escape.

The reason why Zhang Yang decided to leave Guan Zhiqing's jeep was not only because she saw through her identity. The police cars in the rear are chasing, and more and more police cars are joining the ranks of tracking themselves. If they stay in the jeep all the time, it is difficult to get rid of it. Only while the police are not paying attention. Leave the jeep and use your light power. Only when you cross the edges in the traffic can you avoid the pursuit of the police.

Zhang Yang jumped from one truck to another, and his body was flat on the top of the container. The police's attention is still focused on Guan Zhiqing's jeep, which is surrounded by police cars in front of the bridge.

Guan Zhiqing was forced to step on the brakes, and the [police] with live ammunition surrounded a swarm of bees, and all the muzzles were aimed at the jeep. Guan Zhiqing raised her hands.

When they saw that there was only Zhiqing in the jeep, everyone was dumbfounded and no one knew where the kidnapper had gone.

Guan Zhiqing said calmly, "He jumped out of the car and let me drive straight ahead!"

..................................................................................," ..............................。。。。。 ..........................................

Zhang Yang is lying on the container at this time. Enjoying the sunshine at noon in the French, he was lucky to escape the siege of [police], but Tang Xingsheng died under the gun of [police]. The clue he finally found was interrupted again, and Zhang Yang dialed Zhao Tiancai's phone.

Zhao Tiantian's voice sounds a little unnatural: "Um...,..."

"Are you all right?"

Zhao Tiantian said, "It's okay... Where are you? Let's talk about it later!"

Zhang Yang did not go directly to the barn, but went to a remote phone booth and called Zhao Tiantian's mobile phone. After Zhao Tiancai rushed to the meeting place to meet with Zhang Yang, Zhang Yang knew that Tang Yuling had escaped. Zhao Tiantian said with an embarrassed face, "It's all my fault. I didn't watch her and let her run away... Zhang Yang didn't believe that it was so simple. When he left, Tang Yuling was tied up and wanted to escape It must be that Zhao Tiantian couldn't bear to kill her, so he kindly let her go.

Zhang Yang limped into the car. Zhao Tiantian said in a shocked voice, "Are you hurt?"

Zhang Yang said, "Find Tang Yuling immediately. She may have some important evidence in her hand."

When Zhao Tiantian heard Zhang Yang's words, he realized that he might have caused trouble. In fact, he secretly let Tang Yuling go. Although Zhang Yang guessed that his ear was not broken, since it had happened, it was meaningless to complain.

Zhao Tiantian looked at Zhang Yang with some guilt. He obviously poked a leak for Zhang Yang and whispered, "I have seen her certificate and know her address."

Zhang Yang said, "Go find her immediately!"

Zhao Tiantian drove outside Tang Yuling's apartment and saw a police car parked in front of the apartment. He and Zhang Yang looked at each other, and the two dared not stop and continued to drive forward.

Stop at a street corner that is easy to hide. After a while, I saw a few [policemen] and found out. Tang Yuling and her mechanic boyfriend Bo De then came out. Although they were far away, they could still see that Tang Yuling was crying. Bode put his arms around her shoulder and kissed her forehead while comforting her.

Zhao Tiantian whispered, "She's fine!"

"How can something happen if you help her?" Zhang Yang stared at him, and Zhao Tiantian lowered his head with a red face: "What should I do?"

Zhang Yang said, "I guess she already knows that her father was killed. Now she should go to identify the body. Let's leave here first and wait until the evening."

Zhao Tiantian said, "What do you want to do?"

Zhang Yang said, "When Tang Xing was dying, he told me that some evidence might be in his daughter's computer. I have to get that computer."

Zhao Tiantian nodded.

The two first went to a nearby fast food restaurant to eat something. Zhang Yang's leg was scratched by a bullet. Fortunately, he only scratched the skin and did not hurt his bones. This injury was nothing for Zhang Yang. He came outside and called Tangshan.

After Tangshan heard that it was Zhang Yang, his voice was a little nervous: "Where are you?"


Tangshan said, "Leave as soon as possible, [Police] Because the matter of Masahiro Ono has been investigated on my head, I dare not do anything. Your affairs can only be done by yourself. Try not to contact me recently."

Zhang Yang said, "Who is Uncle Li?" Tangshan was silent when he heard Uncle Li's name. After a while, he said, "Uncle Li is the leader of the largest Chinese gangster in New York. He has a high prestige in the Chinese circle. You can't afford to provoke him!"

Zhang Yang said, "Tang Xingsheng was killed by him. When I met Tang Xingsheng, he called the police! Tell me how to find him."

Tangshan sighed and said, "There is nothing I can do about this. I advise you to leave the United States as soon as possible. If you continue to investigate, there will be no result. "Maybe you will leave your life in this foreign country in vain." He is quite afraid of Uncle Li.

Zhang Yang said, "Don't worry, I won't cause you trouble. Tell me how to find him!" From the dialogue, he already felt Tangshan's deep fear of Uncle Li.

Tangshan hesitated for a moment, and finally told Zhang Yang in a low voice how to find Uncle Li.

Back to the fast food restaurant, Zhao Tian was drinking a drink while watching the TV news. The news was reporting today's gunfight in the gymnasium on the ice. The ubiquitous surveillance in the gymnasium has recorded his publicity. Zhao Tiantian couldn't help but be a little nervous when he saw the photo, but it was good. The photo was extremely blurry and the recognition was very low. Zhang Yang lowered his head. For fear of attracting the attention of others," Zhao Tiancai picked up the hamburger and said, "It's time for us to go!"

The two returned to their Ford cars. Zhao Tiantian said, "It's okay. The front is very vague and I can't recognize it."

Zhang Yang said, "Anyway, it's a fake identity." I'm not afraid to recognize it."

Zhao Tiantian said, "You can go to Mr. Tang."

Zhang Yang shook his head and said, "Now [police] is eyeing at him. Let's find him, which is equivalent to throwing ourselves into the net.

Zhao Tiantian said, "What should I do?"

"Give Tang Yuling's computer first."

,., " .....................................,. " ..................." .................................................................., Qiao Zhenliang did not expect Gu Yunzhi to visit the door." He also heard about Gu Jiatong and hurriedly invited Gu Yunzhi into the room: "Gu [Book], when did you come back from the United States?"

Gu Yunzhi's expression was a little haggard, and he whispered, "I just got off the plane, and I'm coming to see you."

Qiao Zhenli knew that Gu Yunzhi would never come here to talk to him. Although he had always admired Gu Yunzhi's attitude, they did not have a deep friendship except for their work relationship. He guessed that Gu Yunzhi must have an important purpose this time.

So Qiao Zhenli directly invited Gu Yunzhi to sit in the study. Instead of being in the living room like other guests.

Qiao Zhenliang invited Gu Yunzhi to get off the sofa in the study. He made a pot of tea for him in person and said with concern, "Gu [Book], I've heard about Jiatong's affairs. The world is unpredictable. Please be sorry for your trouble."

Gu Yunzhi nodded and said, "The white-haired man sent the black-haired man. Of course, it's uncomfortable in my heart, but everything has become a reality. Even if I don't want to accept it, I have to accept it." Although Gu Yunzhi encountered such a major change, he could still maintain his sanity. This control is by no means what ordinary people can have.

Qiao Zhenliang patted Gu Yunzhi on the back of his hand and said, "Gu [book], time does not spare people, body is the most important thing. You must cherish yourself, the deceased has passed away, cherish the people around you, and let your children feel at ease!" Qiao Zhensiao is also a parent. Of course, being able to understand the suffering of the old woman's death, Gu Jiatong's departure obviously hit Gu Yunzhi a huge blow.

Gu Yun knew: "Joe [Book], the first thing I do after getting off the plane is to see you, because I have something to ask for your help!"

Qiao Zhenliang said, "Gu [Book], as long as I can do it, I will do my best, but I will not shiy." This sentence fully shows Qiao Zhensui's frankness. He did not emphasize the principle of party spirit. He believes that although Gu Yunzhi has left the political arena, his contribution to Pinghai is indelible. He believes that Gu Yunzhi is a principled person, and Gu Yunzhi will not make excessive demands.

Gu Yun knew: "I have reason to believe that Jia Tong's death was not an accident."

Qiao Zhenliang frowned, and he waited patiently for Gu Yunzhi's follow-up.

Gu Yun knew: "When Mingjian and I went to the United States, someone wanted to be against us. Mingjian was almost hit by a speeding car."

Qiao Zhenliung said in surprise, "How about it?"

Gu Yun knew: "It's good that he has a big life. Bad luck turns into good luck.

Qiao Zhenliang said, "Gu [Book], does anyone want to use Jiatong's affairs to lead you to the United States and wait for the opportunity to do it?" With Qiao Zhenxun's wisdom, he immediately grasped the key points.

Gu Yunzhi nodded and said, "I caused Jiatong's tragedy, and I implicated her."

Qiao Zhenliang said angrily, "Who is so shameless to do such a despicable thing?"

Gu Yun knew, "This is exactly what I want you to help."

Qiao Zhenliang picked up the tea cup and took a sip.

Gu Yun knew: "I have been in charge of Pinghai for many years, and it is inevitable that I will offend some people when I am on the stage. These people may not dare to move, but now that I have retired, these people have begun to move frequently.

Qiao Zhenliang said with deep emotion: "In fact, being an official is really the most risky profession."

Gu Yun knew: "I'm not afraid of any risks. Since I chose this path, I didn't consider going backwards. However, I didn't expect that "I will involve my children," when I said this sentence. Gu Yunzhi felt an indescribable heartache. His son used drugs to hurt people at the beginning. If it hadn't been for Zhang Yang's finding evidence that was in his favor. At this time, he may still be in prison. Compared with his daughter Jiatong, he is lucky.

Gu Yunzhi's words made Qiao Zhenliang have a feeling of common hatred. Gu Yunzhi's today may be his tomorrow. These people who plotted the conspiracy behind his back were despicable and arrogant. They were crazy and revenged by any means. Gu Yunzhi came to himself to prove that he locked his doubts inside Pinghai. Qiao Zhenliang was The current leader of Pinghai has the responsibility to remove all the scum lurking inside Pinghai. ..................。。。。 ......PS