Medical official path

Chapter 642 Money Laundering Network

"Qiao Zhenli said: ... Is there any clue?"

Gu Yun knew: "I don't know, but I believe there will be a clue soon...

Qiao Zhenliang nodded, and the phone in his study rang. Qiao Zhenliang smiled apologetically to Gu Yunzhi. I walked over and picked up the phone. When answering the phone, Qiao Zhenliang's two thick eyebrows were twisted together. After listening, he put down the phone and turned to Gu Yun to know, "Tang Xing is alive and dead!" Gu Yunzhi was slightly stunned. Tang Xingsheng was one of the two suspects who killed Jiatong. If he died, then Wang Junyao's suspicion was even greater.

Qiao Zhenliang then asked another question: "Gu [book]. Did Zhang Yang go to the United States?

Gu Yunzhi thought for a moment and finally nodded. Zhang Yang's matter can't be concealed. Even if he doesn't say it, the consulate will reveal it.

Qiao Zhenliang said, "This boy is really a trouble. I'm afraid it's not easy to make such a big leak in the United States...

Gu Yunzhi said meaningfully, "It's too early to make an assertion. It depends on the final result of the matter. Some things have to be done by someone."

Qiao Zhenliang nodded and said, "That's good." Someone has to do it.

After Qiao Zhenliang sent Gu Yunzhi to leave. Qiao Mengyuan came over and said with concern, "Dad, Gu [Shu] Remember to have something to do with you?

Qiao Zhenliang sighed and said, "Jiatong had a car accident in the United States, and Gu [book] remembered the old lost daughter. I feel sad in my heart. Well, I found someone to talk to him. I took this opportunity to persuade him.

Qiao Mengyuan said, "Dad, I heard that Zhang Yang has gone to the United States."

Qiao Zhenliang smiled and said, "There are many rumors outside now, which may not be credible! Aren't you and him good friends? You can call him directly."

Qiao Mengyuan didn't say anything. She didn't call Zhang Yang, but Zhang Yang seemed to have evaporated from the world, and suddenly became uninable. Although Qiao Mengyuan was calm on the surface, she was extremely nervous in the bottom of her heart. She began to realize that she cared more about Zhang Yang than herself.

,., " ..................................... " ..........................................................................................

It is not a difficult thing for Zhang Yang to sneak into Tang Yuling's apartment. After being convinced that the [police] had left, he asked Zhao Tiantian to look at the wind downstairs and came to Tang Yuling's apartment building. Breaking into the door is the simplest and direct way. Tang Yuling has a three-bedroom and one-living room apartment here, which is in good condition, and the interior decoration is luxurious. It can be seen that Tang Yuling's life in the United States is quite luxurious. Although Tang Xingsheng is dead, Zhang Yang has no sympathy for such people. The reason why he has come to this point can be said to deserve it. It is difficult to speculate that Tang Xingsheng embezzled a large amount of wealth during his tenure as the director of the Nancy Public Security Bureau.

Tang Yuling has two computers, a desktop computer and a notebook in her room. Zhang Daguanren doesn't know which one has evidence in it. He took the notebook. Then the host of the desktop was removed.

Things went smoothly. Zhang Yang packed both things in a big bag and swaggered out of the gate with a big bag.

He put his things in the car, and Zhao Tiantian immediately drove away from the scene after he was on the car.

Zhao Tiantian said, "Where are you going?"

Zhang Yang said, "New York!" Not long after leaving Bufaro, they encountered a snowstorm on their way to New York. The two had to give up their plan to go directly to New York and temporarily stop at the nearby motel to wait for the storm to stop before moving forward.

Zhao Tiantian asked a suite with a computer to connect the desktop to the monitor first. The desktop did not have a password, so it was easy to log in and search carefully, but did not find any valuable files.

They opened the notebook, which was locked with a password. Zhao Tiantian whistled softly and said, "It seems that the secret is here."

Zhang Yang said, "Open it!"

Zhao Tiancai said, "It takes time to crack the password! Be more patient."

Although Tang Yuling set the password, it was difficult for Zhao Tiancai. Zhao Tiancai was not only an excellent mechanic, but also a first-class computer expert. In just three minutes, Zhao Tiantian unlocked the password and said with a smile, "Fortunately, I remember her birthday.

Zhang Yang said, "It's okay. Why do you remember her birthday? I'm interested in her!"

Zhao Tiantian smiled and didn't say anything. What was stored in the notebook were Tang Yuling's personal privacy. Judging from some photos found in it, her private life was quite rotten. In some explicit photos, even the official Zhang, who was used to the wind and moon, felt blush, not to mention Zhao Tiantian.

Zhang Yang scolded, "Just like her father. It's not a good bird...

Zhao Tiantian's attention was attracted by an encrypted folder. The user was only a beginner's level in terms of computer file encryption. The password set was difficult for Zhao Tiancai. Zhao Tiancai quickly cracked the file, unfolded one of the forms, and gathered it over, but saw that it marked Tang Xingsheng's bribery. Some records of bribery. 04821, Xu [Book] Birthday, 200,000: 04928, Secretary Xu's eldest daughter got married. 100,000... Zhang Yang was stunned. Xu [Book] Nine times out of ten is Xu Guangran. He really didn't expect that Xu Guangran had collusion with Tang Xingsheng, but the following figures, the more Zhang Yang looked at it, the more frightened he was. The documents left by Tang Xingsheng involved a wide range of aspects, and the number of officials he could not imagine before. Now Zhang Yang's mood can only be described as shocking.

Zhao Tiantian has no idea of most of these names, but he also understands the meaning of these numbers. He whispered, "All these people are involved in corruption?

Zhang Yang didn't say anything. The documents left by Tang Xingsheng solved a terrible shady story. No wonder someone wanted to kill him. There are many diaries of Tang Xingsheng in the folder, and Zhang Yang opened one of them.

... This is my first day in Canada. I thought I would have a feeling for the rest of my life, but my mood was not relaxed, but unusually heavy. After the death of Qiaoyue, I found that I loved her so much. If it weren't for the pressure, I didn't want to kill her and left my hometown. Why do I have to think about these things? I should completely forget, forget everything in the past, and even forget my name. I am no longer Tang Xingsheng, and I am no longer a Chinese...

... It has been a month since I came here. Uncle Li is an unscrupulous vampire. I regret finding him. The money I have worked so hard for so many years. After his hand, it became legal. But it depreciated to a rather pitiful level. Every time I see his insatiable smile, I wish I could take out a gun and kill him with one shot. Hu Luo Pingyang was bullied by dogs. This is not my hometown. I have paid too much. In order to protect them, I left my hometown." But they are at ease. Why? Why should I bear all this? The problem of the right of residence was solved, and my whole body seemed to take off a skin. Looking at the mirror, I didn't dare to recognize myself. "I spent countless energy and money, but what I got was just a poor right of residence. I finally understood that this is not my home. Even if I have a legal identity, I am still an outsider...

... I happened to meet an old friend on the street today. He is an official of Yun'an Province, and he also fled here for economic reasons. Coincidentally, he also found Uncle Li. We had dinner together. "Sitting face to face" suddenly gave birth to the feeling that we are also fallen at the end of the world. Why do we have to know each other when we meet? It turns out that there are still many officials like us who have escaped. And it's well disguised. If we continue to be free at home, if we want to wash our money, we must go through a vampire like Uncle Li. Even if we have any resistance, we still have to bear their record. Is this all retribution? Is it true that the use of ill-gotten gains will not end well...

Zhao Tiancai said, "This Uncle Li seems to be very powerful."

Zhang Yang said, "From Tang Xingsheng's diary, we can know that Uncle Li specializes in money laundering for domestic corrupt officials, and he doesn't know how many corrupt officials he has in his hands." What disappoints Zhang Yang. The records in the computer are not related to Mrs. Heather. It seems that the woman has covered it up well.

Zhao Tiantian said, "I believe that any industry has a market. Uncle Li made huge profits through money laundering."

Zhang Yang stood up and walked to the window. Looking at the fluttering snow outside, he couldn't help but feel ups and downs. He knew what the document left by Tang Xingsheng meant? If these secret information is exposed, it will certainly cause an unprecedented shock in Nancy's politics.

Tang Yuling went to the police station that night to report the theft. Two computers were lost, but no other belongings were passive. Tang Yuling was nervous about the ** photos she stored in the computer. She was afraid that someone would use the photos to blackmail herself.

Uncle Li also learned about this quickly. Tang Yuling's computer was lost. Why did the thief specifically target her computer? Is there anything important in the computer? Uncle Li remembered the secret that Tang Xingsheng might know and suddenly became nervous. He sat in a villa in New York, looking at the flames in the fireplace with red wine in his mind. At this time, his mood was quite restless. Although Tang Xingsheng was killed by him as he wished, the boy who kidnapped Tang Yuling was not caught by the police. According to the confessions of Tang Yu and Ling after their escape, it can be inferred. There are two suspects, and one of them should not speak English.

The antique phone in the room suddenly rang, interrupting Uncle Li's meditation, and he sucked it. In anger, he stretched out his hand and picked up the phone: "Hey!"

A young and cold voice sounded: "Uncle Li" Are you still alive!"

Uncle Li was slightly stunned, and the two white eyebrows were twisted together. He remembered a person: "It's okay. My body is still strong!"

"After the mantis catches the cicadas and the yellow finch, you are really not easy. Killing people with a knife is also perfect.

Uncle Li laughed: "Young man, I don't even know what you're talking about!"

"You are not an old fool, you are pretending to be a fool. The box containing white powder was given to Tang Xingsheng, and then you called the police, saying that Tang Xingsheng and I were in a drug trade, and wanted to kill Tang Xingsheng and me with two birds with one stone.

Now that the matter has been made clear, Uncle Li does not need to continue to pretend to be happy. He said indifferently, "I don't know you, and I don't have any deep hatred with you. I want to deal with Tang Xingsheng. Now that he is dead, the matter is over."

A sarcastic laugh came from the phone: "It's over, do you think it will end here?"

Uncle Li said coldly, "What do you want?"

"Tang Xingsheng left something in his daughter's computer, and now these things are in my hands. I think you should be interested!"

Uncle Li suddenly became nervous. After all, he is a veteran of the battlefield. He said indifferently, "Tang Xingsheng is dead. I'm not interested in his affairs. Don't think that catching something can threaten me. Young man, I advise you to leave as soon as possible, otherwise you will regret it.

"Why do you blame Gu Jiatong's affairs on Tang Xingsheng? Did you plan her thing?

Uncle Li said, "You are Zhang Yang! It seems that I have always underestimated you in the past. That's good. I did Gu Jiatong's work. What can you do? This is the United States. As long as I move my little finger, you will die without a burial place.

Zhang Yang said, "Remember your words" You must live well for me. I want to take away your dog's life with my own hands!"

Zhang Yang had hung up the phone, but Uncle Li still held the phone in a daze. After a long time, he came to his senses and quickly dialed a number: "Madam, Zhang Yang found me!"

"What on earth did you do? Why did you let him trace it to you?

Uncle Li said, "Tang Xingsheng left something in his daughter's computer. He must have told Zhang Yang before he died, so..."

"Do you know why I want you to kill Tang Xingsheng, because he asks for indiscretion" endangers the interests of a large number of domestic officials. If he really leaves information, those information will shock the whole political arena in Pinghai. What we do is the business of these officials, if they are over. We have lost the source of customers. Losing the source of customers means that we can no longer maintain it, and if something goes wrong with them. Who else will trust us? Who else will launder money through our means?

Uncle Li was speechless.

"I don't care what you do or what you use, you must catch him, and you must not let him return to China."

Uncle Li said, "It's not easy to find him..."

"You don't have to worry about this. With his temperament, if you know that Gu Jiatong did what you did, even if you don't look for him, he will come to you!"

Uncle Li shuddered when he heard this, but he immediately remembered that Zhang Yang was just a person. No matter how good he was, he could not set off wind and waves on his own territory.

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