Medical official path

Chapter 674 Beauty confidant

"It was already 9:30 p.m. when Zhang Yang left the Commission for Discipline Inspection. He was planning to find a place to eat and drink a little wine alone. No matter how much trouble he caused today and made a mistake, after all, the matter of water pollution has been initially solved. Although the process of struggle is difficult, he has made it. Victory, since it is a victory, it is worth celebrating.

People need to share when they fail, and people need to share when they win. At this time, Zhang Yang stood on the streets of Dongjiang and suddenly felt an unprecedented loneliness and confusion. If in the past, the first person he thought of must have been Gu Jiatong, but now..."

Standing in this steep spring home, Zhang Yang suddenly felt an indescribable cold from the bottom of his heart. He wrapped his body tightly in his clothes, and he forced himself not to think about Jiatong's appearance, because whenever he thought of Jiatong's voice and smile, he would feel a heartbreaking pain.

The ringtone interrupted his meditation. Zhang Yang picked up the phone. He hoped that the other end of the phone would surprise him. He fantasized that Gu Jiatong would suddenly call himself, but he knew that it was impossible.

There is a gentle voice on the other end of the phone, Qiao Mengyuan.

Zhang Yang was slightly stunned. He whispered, "I didn't expect you to call me so late!"

Qiao Mengyuan whispered, "I heard that you came to Dongjiang, so I want to say hello."

Zhang Yang said, "Have you eaten yet?"

"I've eaten!"

"I didn't eat!"

Qiao Mengyuan was silent on the other end of the phone. After a while, she said, "I invite you. There is a Sichuan restaurant opposite the door of my house. Boiled fish is delicious."

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "I'll be there soon!"

On the dark blue night, Qiao Mengyuan was wearing a dark blue windbreaker, quiet and beautiful, so harmonious and so calm. Standing in the moonlight, the world is beautiful, and the calmness between her eyebrows is rarely found in others.

Zhang Yang got out of the taxi and grinned brightly. This man separates work and life very well, and never affects his mood because of things at work.

Qiao Mengyuan pointed to Chuanxiangyuan beside her and whispered, "I'm sorry to come here to know that their kitchen is off duty."

Zhang Yang laughed and pointed to the end of the street: "I remember there was a roadside stall over there."

Qiao Mengyuan said, "Let's go!"

Zhang Yang strode over, and soon walked side by side with Qiao Mengyuan, and then the stride immediately slowed down. With Qiao Mengyuan's rhythm, Qiao Mengyuan did everything slowly. She had just washed her hair, and some wet night wind brushed her hair, sending her hair fragrance into Zhang Yang's nose, and sucked it. Nose: "It's so late, Joe [book] still let you out?"

Qiao Mengyuan said, "My father seldom asks me about my personal affairs!" The clear eyes turned around and whispered, "You didn't drive!"

Zhang Yang said, "This time I came to Dongjiang to do business and came by bus. Recently, the fuel cost has always risen, and I can't afford to drive at that salary."

Qiao Mengyuan couldn't help laughing.

The two soon came to the roadside stall owner. They were an elderly couple. They opened this snack shop at the end of the street. Every night, they pulled out a few tables and put them on the roadside to solicit some business, but the business was still very deserted. Several old hens were cooking in the pot. Zhang Yang smelled the smell of hen soup because he was hungry, and his stomach cooed. He laughed and said, "Boss, give me a chicken!"

The old man smiled and said, "Do you want to drink?"

Zhang Yang nodded: "Let's have a bottle of Erguotou!"

Qiao Mengyuan said, "It's not good to drink with an empty stomach!" She said to the boss, "Let's have a bowl of dull first!"

Zhang Yang ordered two more dishes. They sat down at the small table on the roadside. At Qiao Mengyuan's suggestion, Zhang Yang first drank some chicken soup and ate a bowl of chaos. Then he picked up the poured glass of white wine and took a sip. He smashed his mouth and said, "I can finally have a stable meal."

Qiao Mengyuan also poured herself half a glass of wine and took a sip with Zhang Yang. She couldn't stand the strength of Erguotou. Her eyebrows were slightly frowned for a long time before she recovered: "It's too spicy!"

Zhang Yang said, "It's spicy enough!" He picked up a chicken leg and put it in Qiao Mengyuan's bowl.

Qiao Mengyuan said, "I've eaten it all!"

Zhang Yang said, "Good things should be shared, and only sharing is happy."

Qiao Mengyuan smiled and said, "It sounds like your level has improved a lot. What do you want to share with me?"

Zhang Yang squeezed again. The wine said, "It's not that I want to share with you, but you took the initiative to share with me."

It was indeed Qiao Mengyuan who took the initiative to meet tonight. Qiao Mengyuan's long black eyelashes drooped down and stared at the transparent and clear white wine in the glass: "I heard that you made trouble again!"

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "You seldom pay attention to my work!"

Qiao Mengyuan said, "Guo Zhijiang came to my house today, and my father asked him something."

Zhang Yang said, "This bastard, have you sold me?"

Qiao Mengyuan said, "I live in the compound of the Provincial Party Committee, and many things can't be concealed. Director Liao of Dongjiang Development Zone, his wife believes in Buddhism as much as my mother. She usually has a good relationship with my mother. Tonight she cries and it seems that my family..."

Zhang Yang said, "What did Qiao [book] say?" He already knew that he couldn't hide it.

Qiao Mengyuan raised her face and said, "My father is very angry. I can see that Zhang Yang, you have caused a lot of trouble this time. I think you'd better be mentally prepared."

Zhang Yang said, "Thank you for reminding me!" Qiao Mengyuan's words have fully shown that Qiao Zhensang is very angry about this matter. Tonight, Liu Yanhong went to the Commission for Discipline Inspection to understand the situation and was not alarmist. I'm afraid that this time she really caused a big trouble in the slap of Liao Bosheng.

Qiao Mengyuan said, "I always feel that you are not suitable for politics!"

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "If you come, you will be at ease. I have embarked on this road, and I don't want to go yet. It feels very interesting."

Qiao Mengyuan said, "No one will regard politics as a game. You can't act frankly. You can't mix too many personal emotional factors in politics." Although she did not work in politics, her family's edification made her understanding of politics naturally superior.

Zhang Yang said, "Do you care about me?"

One sentence made Qiao Mengyuan's heart confused. She bit her rosy soft lips, and her beautiful eyes insisted on looking at Zhang Yang. Finally, she nodded and said, "I have always regarded you as my friend!"

"I always feel that we are closer than friends." Zhang's official got an inch to the foot.

Qiao Mengyuan shook her head: "If the distance is too close, it will make people feel insecure. I still regard you as an ordinary friend!"

Zhang Yang said, "No matter what you say, I know it's not! It's not ordinary between us anymore. Why do we deceive ourselves and others?"

Qiao Mengyuan's cute face suddenly felt a fever. She picked up the glass in her hands, drank a large sip of wine, and then closed her eyes tightly.

Zhang Yang said, "When I came out of the Commission for Discipline Inspection, I always thought about it." I want to find someone to say a few words from the bottom of my heart, but who should I look for? Just thinking about it, you just called. What's the word? That's called..." The man pretended to be thinking hard.

Of course, Qiao Mengyuan knew what he wanted to say. She whispered, "Say it, say whatever you want. I don't mind being a listener."

Zhang Yang stared at Qiao Mengyuan's water-cut eyes and swallowed. Spit.

Qiao Mengyuan was keenly aware of something." Suddenly, she picked up the chicken leg, stuffed it into his mouth when she opened her mouth, and blocked all the words under Zhang's official: "Don't say it! You don't even have to be a friend when you say it!"

A red flag car passed by the roadside. Song Huaiming sat in the car and saw a scene beside the road. He unconsciously frowned and subconsciously clenched his hands together. After the car passed by, he turned his head again, as if he heard the laughter of Zhang Yang and Qiao Mengyuan.

Song Huaiming came out so late to meet Liu Yanhong. This meeting is no different from the past, purely for work.

Since Liu Yanhong's promotion failed, Song Huaiming has never had a chance to have a good talk with her. Whether as a superior or as her old classmate and friend, Song Huaiming should comfort her.

The meeting tonight was invited by Liu Yanhong. After dealing with Zhang Yang's affairs, she dealt with some things at the Commission for Discipline Inspection. When she left, she called Song Huaiming. She invited Song Huaiming to have supper together.

When Song Huaiming came to Fujin Tea House, he saw that Liu Yanhong's car had been parked outside the door. After getting out of the car, he asked the driver to go back first.

Fujin Tea House is not far from the provincial party committee and the provincial government. It is located on the west side of Mingxin Park. Liu Yanhong and the owner of the tea house are good friends. It is relatively quiet here, and few people disturb it. And whenever you come, there is food in the kitchen.

Song Huaiming came to the Pearl Pavilion. Liu Yanhong sat there. The indoor temperature was very high. She took off her coat and wore a red cashmere sweater. Although Liu Yanhong was middle-aged, she was well maintained. The breasts were still plump, her skin was delicate, and no wrinkles could be found on her face.

Song Huaiming smiled and took off his windbreaker. Liu Yanhong stood up and helped him take off his windbreaker. Song Huaiming said, "I'll do it myself!"

Liu Yanhong smiled and said, "What's wrong? Are you afraid that I will eat you?"

Song Huaiming laughed and said, "I'm afraid that no one will be afraid of you, an old classmate."

Liu Yanhong said, "Women are tigers, and tigers don't have power. You think I'm a sick cat!"

Song Huaiming laughed. He picked up the wet wipes on the table and wiped his hands. When he saw the exquisite four cold dishes on the table, he said loudly, "Old classmate, it's so late. What's the important thing to invite me to dinner?"

Liu Yanhong said, "It's not a special trip to invite you to dinner. I'm working late. It's too lonely to eat alone, so I thought of you and called your Governor Song University to be my companion!"

Song Huaiming smiled happily. Only Liu Yanhong dared to say so in Pinghai, but the relationship between him and Liu Yanhong was frank.

Liu Yanhong helped Song Huaiming hang the windbreaker on the hanger. Her nose was very smart: "Why do you smell like milk on your clothes?"

Song Huaiming smiled and said, "I hugged the child for a while tonight. This child has been very withered recently."

Liu Yanhong said, "Children's love must be heroic. Old classmate, you have to be vigilant."

Song Huaiming said, "That's about it. I feel that I don't have the ambition of the past recently."

Liu Yanhong knew about Song Huaiming and knew what he said, but she never thought so. She picked up the Wuliangye on the table and poured it on Song Huaiming, and poured a cup herself.

Song Huaiming reminded her, "You drove here, you'd better not drink it."

Liu Yanhong said, "It's okay. I'll put the car here later and take a taxi back." She picked up her glass and said, "Come on, we haven't had dinner together for a long time. Thank you for giving me this face and coming to have dinner with me in the middle of the night."

When Song Huaiming heard her say this, he couldn't help but feel a little sorry. During this period, he has been deliberately maintaining a distance from her. Their position determines that the relationship between them cannot be as comfortable as ordinary people. Even if they are frank, there is nothing between them? Song Huaming whispered, "Our classmates for so many years don't need to be so polite, right? If you say so, I will have a sense of distance.

Liu Yanhong said meaningfully, "Distance produces beauty!"

Song Huaiming laughed. He knew when to answer and when to prevaricate with laughter.

Liu Yanhong and Song Huaiming touched the wine glass, drank all the wine in the glass, dropped the glass, and poured the wine and said, "I just found Zhang Yang to understand the situation. His matter is a little troublesome."

Song Huaiming has heard about Zhang Yang's slap in the face of Liao Bosheng. He put a piece of lotus root in his mouth and whispered, "This boy has this temper and can't control his emotions. This matter has been solved, but he has to make trouble."

Liu Yanhong said, "Qiao [Book] is very angry and asked our Commission to deal with this matter seriously. I think Zhang Yang is going to fall a lot this time."

Song Huaiming didn't say anything. He picked up his glass and took a sip.

Liu Yanhong said, "Maybe you should talk to him."

Song Huaiming still did not say anything.

Liu Yanhong was a little anxious: "You're talking! Although Zhang Yang was a little impulsive, those bureaucrats in the Dongjiang River should indeed fight. For the sake of local interests, they ignore the feelings of others and let the sewage flow into the turbulent river. I think even if they deal with Zhang Yang at the same time, they will do nothing at all!"

Song Huaiming said, "I saw Zhang Yang on the way here."

Liu Yanhong was slightly stunned: "What?"

Song Huaiming drank up the rest of the wine and whispered, "He and Qiao's daughter are eating at the roadside stall!"