Medical official path

Chapter 1061 Who is afraid of who? Next

Jiang Honggang calculated that it was impossible for Gong Huanshan to go to Song Huaiming's place to confront him, but it was not wise for him to pull Song Huaiming in his words just now. He could only let everyone see that he lacked confidence, and some people even felt that he pretended to be a tiger and pulled out Song Huaimming

Gong Huanshan still wanted to speak, but Xiang Cheng stopped and said, "Forget it, everyone is their own comrades, not private grievances, and it's all for the good of Beigang. What are you arguing about here? Is it interesting to make you blush and have a thick neck? We are a team. We need to have team spirit. Only by cooperating with each other can we manage Beigang well. I know that we are all good comrades. There is a way that the son does not think the mother is ugly, and the dog does not think that the family is poor. How can there be a reason to slander his family? If that's the case,

Jiang Honggang's face was choked. Xiang Cheng's words were simply scolding himself, but it was not easy for him to refute. Even if he wanted to refute, Xiang Cheng would not give him a chance to refute. He waved his hand and said, "The meeting is over!"

Jiang Honggang was the first to walk out of the conference room. For the first time, he showed such indignation and gaffe for the first time.

The members of the Standing Committee have all witnessed the confrontation between Jiang Honggang and Xiang Cheng. How could they be completely defeated?

Xiang Cheng and Gong Huanshan finally left. When Gong Huanshan accompanied Xiang Cheng to go out, they whispered, "Little man!"

Although Jiang Honggang expected Xiang Cheng to fight back, he did not expect his counterattack to be so fast and fierce. Xiang Cheng and Gong Huanshan of the Standing Committee attacked him, and Jiang Honggang even began to regret participating in the Standing Committee this time. After the meeting, he did not return to his office, but called the driver to leave the municipal party committee. After going out, Jiang Hong just remembered that he had not planned to go anywhere. He picked up his mobile phone and looked over the un answered phone. He went back to Ding Gaoshan.

Ding Gaoshan's voice did not sound too different. He whispered, "I'm at Yuping Mountain Golf Course."

Jiang Honggang was quite surprised. Will he still play golf in Ding Gaoshan's current mood? With full of confusion, he came to Yu and Pingshan.

When he came to the court in the staff's battery car, he saw Ding Gaoshan standing high on the grassy hill swinging. The golf ball drew a white arc in the air and then jumped into the distance.

Ding Gaoshan did not continue to play. He threw the bat to his assistant, and then removed the gloves and threw it over. He walked to Jiang Honggang.

Jiang Honggang also slowly walked to Ding Gaoshan. Compared with the powerful pace of Ding Gaoshan, Jiang Honggang seemed to be a little heavy. Most of the time, a person's mood can be seen through a person's pace. Jiang Honggang is in a solemn mood. Although Ding Gaoshan's mood is not as relaxed as Jiang Honggang's, he is full of fighting spirit. Ding Gaoshan is ready for a battle.

Ding Gao Shan said, "Are you in a meeting?" He knew that Jiang Honggang would not answer the phone for no reason.

Jiang Honggang nodded and said, "The city held a standing committee to talk about the crackdown last night."

Ding Gaoshan said, "Who are you hitting? Is it a full-scale strike or a key strike?

Jiang Honggang sighed and said, "Secretary Xiang personally gave the order."

Ding Gaoshan said, "Someone is avenging privately!" The person he mentioned is Yuan Xiaogong.

Jiang Honggang said, "Gangshan, you must not be impulsive. Impulsiveness can't solve any problems."

Ding Gao Shan said, "My brother has been caught. Now I want to prove that he is involved in the crime. Even those things in the past have been found out. What do they want to do? If you want to implicate me through my brother, Yuan Xiaogong is cruel enough!"

Jiang Honggang said, "This time it's the order given by Secretary Xiang." He repeated what he had just said.

Ding Gaoshan nodded. Jiang Honggang's this time obviously showed his paleness and weakness. Ding Gaoshan originally had a glimmer of hope for Jiang Honggang, hoping that he could turn this matter into small things. Even if he was asked to make some concessions, as long as he could calm down this matter, he was willing to do it, but he Jiang Honggang's energy is far less powerful than the confidence he has shown in the past. Ding Gaoshan has always been a businessman. His support for Jiang Honggang is not only because they are old classmates, but also an important reason. He wants to get rewards from Jiang Honggang. Jiang Honggang is also an understanding person. Of course, he knows what the foundation of his relationship with Ding Gaoshan is. Jiang Honggang's performance this time obviously disappointed Ding Gaoshan.

Ding Gaoshan said, "He, Yuan Xiaogong, is clean by himself?"

Jiang Honggang suddenly realized something from Ding Gaoshan's cold eyes. He persuaded in a low voice, "Gaoshan, things may not have no room for maneuver."

Ding Gaoshan said, "How to swing?"

Jiang Honggang's answer is still pale and weak: "High mountain... Let me think about it again,"..."

Ding Gaoshan nodded, patted Jiang Honggang on the shoulder and said, "Please!"

Jiang Honggang did not stay for too long. He still felt a little guilty about Ding Gaoshan. His so-called thought of a way, but there was no way at all. This time, there was no doubt that Xiang Cheng took the initiative. He wanted to set fire in Beigang to prove that his position in the Beigang regime was still supreme. As for whether Xiang Cheng wanted to burn the fire on Ding Gaoshan's head, Jiang Honggang had no way to know.

Ding Gaoshan saw this matter very thoroughly. The fire at the gate affected the pond fish. This time, the severe crackdown in Beigang originated from the power struggle with Xiang Cheng provoked by Jiang Honggang. He put the treasure on Jiang Honggang at the beginning, but Jiang Honggang did not have the strength to compete with Xiang Cheng at all. As soon as the There is a contradiction. Yuan Xiaogong pointed the finger directly at their brothers. The root cause is because of their grievances with the Yuan family.

After this conversation with Jiang Honggang, Ding Gaoshan has lost confidence in Jiang Honggang, let alone believe that he will bring a turnaround. It is better to rely on himself than anyone in the world. Based on this idea, Ding Gaoshan made an appointment with Yuan Xiaoshang.

Ding Gaoshan believes that Yuan Xiaoshang is the smartest of the Yuan brothers, and it is always easy to communicate with smart people.

Yuan Xiaoshang came as promised. When he came to the seaside lighthouse, he saw Ding Gaoshan standing there alone in front of the lighthouse, looking at the sunset in the distance and the flying seagulls.

Yuan Xiaoshang came to Ding Gaoshan. Ding Gaoshan threw a bag of bird food in his hand into the distance, and dozens of gulls rushed down at the same time, competing for that little food.

Ding Gaoshan said, "There is less and less food, and fewer and fewer birds. Every time I come here to feed the seagulls, I always see them scrambling. Most of the time, I see them fighting head and bleeding."

Yuan Xiaoshang smiled and said, "Mr. Ding's words are always thought-provoking."

Ding Gaoshan said, "I like to speak in the open place, and I also like to do things in the open place."

Yuan Xiaoshang said, "Such a person can't eat it in today's era. Ha ha, to be honest, Mr. Ding must not be angry."

Ding Gaoshan said, "I'm not angry. If I'm angry about a small thing because of one sentence, I won't be here today."

Yuan Xiaoshang said, "Mr. Ding didn't come to me today to invite me to see you feed the seagulls, did he?"

Ding Gao Shan said, "Do you know what happened last night?"

Yuan Xiaoshang said, "I just heard today that the whole city has cracked down on many bad elements who violate the law and discipline."

Ding Gaoshan said, "One of the bad elements you mentioned is my brother.

Yuan Xiaoshang said, "I'm sorry, I always don't turn the corner. Mr. Ding should not be angry because of one sentence."

Ding Gaoshan said, "What do you want?"

Yuan Xiaoshang frowned. Ding Gaoshan's words were too direct. Although he understood what Ding Gaoshan meant, such a naked way of questioning still made him a little uncomfortable.

Ding Gaoshan said, "I want my brother to be safe!"

Yuan Xiaoshang said, "Mr. Ding, everyone wants their relatives to be safe. I think you have found the wrong person. You should find an excellent lawyer for him."

Ding Gaoshan stared at Yuan Xiaoshang and said, "Recently, anything that has happened to your brother has nothing to do with me." He realized that there might be a problem between them.

Yuan Xiaoshang said, "I believe it!"

Ding Gaoshan said, "What do you want?"

Yuan Xiaoshang said, "Mr. Ding, don't you think I really can't help in this matter?"

Ding Gaoshan said, "What will happen to the result of the collision between porcelain and tiles? Who do you think will be afraid of who is more?

Yuan Xiaoshang said, "When the tiles encounter porcelain, both sides should be hurt, but have you ever thought that porcelain also has its own choice. It's better to break the jade than the tile!"

Ding Gao Shan smiled and said, "As long as the tiles are made up their minds, porcelain can't be avoided!"

Yuan Xiaoshang took a breath and looked at the sunset that gradually fell into the horizon in the distance and said, "The sunset is infinitely good, but near dusk, people will eventually grow old one day. Mr. Ding, have you ever thought about retirement?"

Ding Gaoshan said, "I have thought that if my family is safe, retirement is also a good choice."

Yuan Xiaoshang shook his head and said, "You misunderstood. I have had the idea of retirement for a long time. My life is only a hundred years. I have wasted my best time in Beigang. I really want to go out and have a look. I heard that the world is very big."

Ding Gaoshan said, "I don't have any curiosity. I always feel that it's safer to grow old in my hometown."

Yuan Xiaoshang took a few steps forward, bowed and picked up a pebble, and threw it into the sea in the distance. The pebble sank into the sea and could not see any waves. Yuan Xiaoshang said, "In this world, people are actually as small as pebbles as the sea, so the most important thing in It's the most important thing for yourself.

Ding Gaoshan said, "I have something in common with you."

Yuan Xiaoshang turned to Ding Gaoshan, and Ding Gaoshan said word by word, "I care about my family. If someone dares to hurt my family, even if I fight for my fortune and my life, I will ask him for justice. Do you believe it?"

Yuan Xiaoshang nodded and said, "I believe it! But we have one thing in common. We are not afraid of death. Two people who are not afraid of death meet together. Guess who will laugh to the end?

Ding Gaoshan said, "You're wrong, I'm afraid of death!" Only a person who really knows how to cherish life can find ways to let the other party die and save himself.

Yuan Xiaoshang smiled and said, "I'm a little scared after hearing what you said!" ( To be continued)