A red apricot climbs the wall

Chapter 3 Robbery

Beast man, if you dare to be strong, I will let you be a beautiful man!


After half a night, the prince who brought people to the rescue was comforted for a long time before Su Siman calmed down. Because the princess will be sent to the marriage tomorrow, the prince ordered the people present not to reveal what happened that happened that night.

Early the next morning, Bixi came to wake up Su Siman. The girl looked as usual and seemed to be unaware of what had happened last night. Su Siman couldn't help sighing secretly. Alas, he thought Bixi was a master, but it turned out that he had read it wrong. If Bixi was a master, would he win those three tricks? Maybe one day I will be killed by the tourmaline! It seems that the bodyguard of Tourmaline is still unreliable!

As soon as she finished breakfast, Liang Guo's female official came to test her body. From head to toe, from nostrils to armpits, all carefully checked. Finally, she was asked to lie flat on ** and start checking her private parts. Su Siman felt like the pork lying on the chopping board. He only waited for another chapter to poke it down and put it directly into the market after proving that it was qualified.

In the atmosphere of resentment, the female officials finally completed their physical examination. After the leading female officials touched a little palace sand on her plump right arm, their merits were finally complete.

Before departure, it was a sacrifice and a farewell. The scene was grand and bitter, which made Su Siman's nose sour. She had the impulse to cry several times, but she had to hold it back. Who said that she is a bitter fool now! If she cries with everyone at this moment, it may be suspicious. So she happily hugged the imperial grandmother and nibbled for a long time, rubbed her nose on the emperor's father, waved her hand gracefully, and stepped on the car to welcome her.

When she turned around and was about to board Luan, she heard the Empress Dowager crying bitterly and the call in her throat: "Xing'er--"

Su Siman suddenly paused, his hand holding the plate in the front of the carriage was tight, his knuckles turned white, and suddenly he cried out. Because she thought that in the State of Chu, at least there was a royal grandmother who loved her. Her relatives were all here. When she arrived at the State of Liang, she really had no relatives. The road ahead depended on herself. Judging from the current form, compared with Liang, the State of Chu must be inferior to Liang, otherwise she would not have been defeated and asked Liang for help. She, a stupid princess of a weak country, will marry and marry, and I'm afraid it will be difficult in the future.

The foot on the collapsed board was a little unstable and almost couldn't stand. Liang Shaoxuan's eyes were fast and he came up to hold her arm with an arrow. Under the breeze, the young man's white clothes were fluttering, his hair was flying, and his jade-like face was slightly red. Su Siman's eyes stagnated.

Seeing the princess crying, the ministers below also burst into tears, especially those old ministers, who burst into tears one by one. The prince also couldn't bear to bear it, frowned his sword eyebrows, and his thin lips squeezed tightly. At least he still couldn't cry. The send-off ceremony was like a memorial service, which made Su Siman feel very sad, as if he had been crushed by an invisible stone and couldn't breathe.

"Princess, it's not early. It's time to go."

A gentle and plain voice sounded. Liang Shaoxuan, who had been riding a tall horse, was looking at her gently beside the carriage.

"It's so big, and I'm still crying. I'm not ashamed." Liang Shaoheng followed Liang Shaoxuan and made a grimace at her, while shaving his forefinger to shame her.

"You! You..." Su Siman stared angrily. Liang Shaoheng rolled his eyes and turned his horse's head to ignore her.

The group of people set out from Xuanwu Gate and gradually moved away. The prosperous capital faded into a light gray wall, in a trance under the dazzling light of the noon sun.

After half a month, I arrived in Qingzhou. I heard that the boundary of Qingzhou has not been peaceful recently. Just a while ago, after the war, the army withdrew. Bandits were rampant and the city was in a mess. Originally, General Li Yuan proposed to go to Youzhou, but Liang Shaoxuan felt that it was too round to go there and disagreed, so he still came to Qingzhou.

As a result, something happened. Although the guard was strengthened, the mountain thieves of Mangzhang Mountain took the fifth prince without knowing it, and left a note asking them to redeem people on the mountain with the princess and dowry.

After discussion, the welcoming team was divided into two places, one was taken by Li Yuan to Mangzhang Mountain, and the other was led by the eleventh prince to take the path and left the town. Su Siman was also among them and made an appointment to meet there.

Unexpectedly, when the group was drinking tea in the tea shop on the post road, they were hit by sweat medicine and were all numb.

When Su Siman woke up, he found that he was face to face with a beautiful man with big eyes and small eyes. The most surprising thing is that this beautiful man looks very much like the boy she secretly fell in love with in modern times! Su Siman was a little puzzled and confused. She stared at the beautiful man in surprise, while the beautiful man stared at her with disgust and oppression.

This posture... Why does it feel a little weird... Mao has such a strong sense of oppression...

At the beginning, I was still a little confused. I felt that I had seen so many beautiful men as soon as I traveled through time, and I was quite happy. But after that nymphomaniac passed, she found something wrong.

For hair?

Because she found herself lying on the grass and her body was a little cool, Su Siman couldn't care about the three circles of cakes on her chin and looked up. KAO, where are the clothes?! Su Siman thought that there was too much fat on his neck, which blocked his sight. He quickly reached out and touched his body again, leaving only his belly pocket?!

Your sister! Dare this boy want to be strong?! Mao, this beautiful man is a beast in human skin. He blinded my mother's 24K titanium alloy dog's eyes, and he actually think that this man is a good guy! This is such a big misunderstanding! Su Siman's brain exploded, and countless little stars jumped in his head.

Looking at the beautiful man again, he was frowning and staring at her with disgust. He grabbed her hand on her stomach and said, "Don't move!"

"You...you...what are you going to do?" Su Siman's head was dizzy and asked an extremely retarded word. He spoke badly and his tongue was knotted violently.

"I raped you." The beautiful beast smiled evilly and began to take off his clothes.

"Don't, beautiful man, I'm so fat and not good-looking. I'm so at a loss... I can't bear to harm you so much... The girl who served me is very beautiful. If you are very hungry and thirsty, I'll give her to you tomorrow..." Su Siman raised his other hand and shook it lively, while actively followed After a good inducement, he quickly got up while he let go of his hands and was taking off his clothes. Originally, he wanted the carp to get up quickly, but his weight was really uncooperative, and a quick action was dismembered into slow motion. While picking up the scattered clothes on the ground, he randomly put them on himself.

The beautiful beast man did not speak, took off himself, and ignored Su Siman at all. As the robe peeled off, his middle clothes scattered, and soon ** came out a thin and strong upper body.

Su Siman was not in the mood to appreciate the beautiful man. He just wanted to escape. He hated that as soon as he stood up and ran for two steps, his heavy body was tripped by something and fell straight forward in a bucket-like graceful posture, accompanied by the rough cry of "ah-" and landed on the ground. At the moment Susman fell down Finally, it occurred to me that the boy stepped on the hem of her skirt! This trick has fallen too much!!

"Don't want to run. I don't mind posting it upside down. Be honest and stop trying to escape." The beautiful beast man grabbed her chest and began to cherish the jade land without pity (pity for the jade? Cough, the pickled fat and fat sheep jade is almost the same...) Peel her clothes. As soon as he took action, Su Siman covered his chest, clamped his arm, and threatened, "Do you know who I am? I'm a princess! If you dare to touch my hair, my father will send someone to destroy your whole family!"

"Then wait until your father sends someone to talk about it. Be honest!" As he spoke, the beautiful beast man tore her little jacket, grabbed her hands with the other hand, tied her hands in two circles, and tied a solid knot, which was buckled back to the top of his head.

"You stop! I have AIDS, you don't want to die?!" Now Su Siman was completely crazy and forgot that the ancients didn't know anything about AIDS at all. He shouted, "Help! Help! ..." I shouted a few times and suddenly remembered that the population density in ancient times was small, not to mention that it was still in the barren mountains, and the probability of someone coming to rescue halfway was too small. Just as she was calculating, the belt was torn off, " Stop it! I can't stop biting people!" Unfortunately, Su Siman's threat didn't work at all. At the moment she finished shouting, her clothes were scattered in the place where the beautiful man's salted pig's hand stroked.

"Do you dare to go on such a thing?! Dare to rape my mother, you won't die! Curse your ancestors for 18 generations! Give birth to a son without asshole! ..." Su Siman struggled with his feet and searched for swearing words in his mind. When he was scolding hot, the beast man probably also became angry. He nodded a few times on her with disgust. Su Siman only felt numb and a little painful. He knew that he had just given himself a hole, but fortunately She was fat, her flesh was too thick, and the strength of the beast and beautiful man's acupuncture points did not penetrate, which did not have much impact on her.

Su Siman quickly stopped struggling, but he couldn't let the boy see that she had not been tricked, and he was quickly thinking about how to deal with it. NND, with a stunned kung fu, the blasphemy trousers were also pulled down. Su Siman raised his head slightly and glanced at it. It was not difficult to find that the boy's body parts had changed through his trousers. He couldn't help scolding that the man was really a lower body animal. He could also react physiologically to a crooked jujube-shaped fat woman. Suddenly, a light appeared in his mind, and there was a master. Yes, she remembered that she seemed to have seen it somewhere, saying that men can't be stimulated at a certain moment. Hey hey... Yes, didn't she learn taekwondo in college? Why did she forget it in a hurry...

"Handsome man, beautiful man, you... You should be gentle. Now I can't move, and I won't resist you... You... Hey, don't worry! Can this cooked duck fly? You see, you are so handsome, but you have to stick to me. I know you must have suffered, and I feel sorry for you. How about I sing a little song to cheer you up? Su Siman looked calmly at the beautiful beast man who was already naked at this time, extremely sincere.