A red apricot climbs the wall

Chapter 4 The Beginning 1

The blood collapsed, the blood collapsed, and I miss the era of giant Band-Aids


On the way, Su Siman began to wonder that he had no figure or beauty. Why did someone always want to do that to her? Is the world too crazy? Or are the men here so hungry that they can't choose to eat?

Alas, it's really puzzled. In accordance with the principle of ostrich, Susman, who couldn't figure it out, stopped thinking about it.

She didn't know where she had gone. She didn't turn out of the forest for a long time, and it was getting late. If she couldn't get out, she would only sleep in the mountains and forests at night. It was really hard.

When she was full of anxiety, she also saw pity from heaven. She turned a slope and came down from the mountain as a young man dressed as a hunter with wild animals in his hand. She rushed forward to talk to her. Fortunately, the hunter was also kind and readily promised to let her stay overnight.

The next day, the hunter went to the town to deliver game to the store, and Su Siman followed him. It happened that Liang Shaoheng and others lived in the store where hunters sent wild animals, and they bumped together.

Liang Shaoheng looked sideways at Su Siman's reverse clothes, his thick waist without a belt, and his face was full of disgust, and only rewarded the hunter's silver. Su Siman looked at his expression and was not angry at all. He was about to ask him why he didn't send someone to find him, but he saw Liang Shaoheng turn around and left.

"Hey!" Su Siman stamped his feet angrily.

"Princess!" Hearing the sound, Bixi's body was as light as a wild goose. He swept across the wooden stairs like the wind. He grabbed Su Siman's hand and looked at it carefully. "Princess, it's a maidservant who has made you suffer..." With tears.

As soon as she cried, Su Siman couldn't get angry and said warmly, "Don't cry. Am I fine? Go and prepare something for me. I'm hungry.

After hearing this, Bixi quickly wiped her tears and went to find the second child in the store.

In the evening, Liang Shaoxuan Liyuan and others also rushed to the inn and the group met.

When Liang Shaoxuan saw Su Siman, he seemed to be a little surprised. He bent his eyes and said, "I haven't seen you for a few days. The princess seems to be much haggard. What happened?"

"Uh..." Su Siman looked at Liang Shaoheng, who was jubilant beside Liang Shaoxuan, swallowed, and thought that it was better not to tell this future uncle. Maybe he will look up and see him in the future. Don't be stiff with him now. What's more, he is still a child, and he is too unmannered to argue with him. "It's okay."

After a while of greeting, Su Siman really felt bored and began to pretend to be stupid, clamoring to eat chickens and sell them. Everyone was stunned on the spot. Liang Shaoxuan had no choice but to ask Bi Xi to help her back to her room to rest.

Su Siman was able to appreciate the inconvenience of transportation in ancient times. From the capital of Chu, he actually walked for four months to reach the capital, Daliang City. Although he was assassinated several times during this period, fortunately, none of the thieves did not win.

Su Siman originally thought there would be a grand scene of ten miles to meet each other, but it turned out that she thought too much.

The team quietly entered the palace from Desheng Gate. Su Siman sat in the sedan chair and took a nap. He didn't know anything. When the tourmaline called her, she had already arrived at the palace.

The tourmaline helped her get off the sedan chair. Su Siman looked up at the palace in front of him, looked at the plaque hanging on the jade beam, pointed to the three golden words on it and asked, "Where is this?"

"If you go back to the princess, this is Xiangyi Hall." A middle-aged woman in gold and silver bowed her knees and said, "Before the wedding, this is the princess's residence. You can tell me what you need to do."

Su Siman looked at her with his head and asked in a muffled voice, "Who are you?"

"The maidservant is Gu Xiulian, the leader of the palace. If the princess needs anything, just send someone to tell the maidservant.

"Oh." Su Siman's attention had long been attracted by the palace, and strode to the meteor to step up the steps. This palace was more luxurious than her previous bedroom. In her eyes was a crane standing with golden light, with crane eyes inlaid with topaz and black crystals, which was very realistic. She was looking up to the sky to attract her jaws, as if she was calling for friends.

"How about it, princess? Do you still like the gift I gave you?" I don't know when Liang Shaoheng, who changed into a moon-white robe, leaned against the door of the palace, with a strong smile on his childish face.

It's really strange. This is the first time that Su Siman has seen him smile so happily. This smile made her feel a little uncomfortable, as if she suddenly swallowed a dead fly.

Liang Shaoheng smiled more happily, raised the corners of his mouth a little evilly, staring at her for a moment, as if waiting for her to answer.

"I like it, I like it very much. Thank you, Eleventh Prince. Su Siman said with a silly face, but it's not that she wanted to do so. No matter what kind of expression squeezed into the face of the big cake, it looked silly and ridiculous.

"This was sent by your father and has been put in the storage room as a decoration in your hall. I guess you will like it." Liang Shaoheng left Xiangyi Hall with a smile on his face, just like a child who succeeded in a prank.

Su Siman naturally doesn't know that the crane actually has other meanings in the State of Liang, which is a symbol of stupidity.

After a few days, neither summoned her nor told her when to salute. Life was a little confused, and Su Siman began to be irritable. At least she is a princess who came to make peace. What's wrong with the people of Liang hanging her in this palace? The more she thought about it, the more angry she became. She refused to eat the meal sent by the maid of honor on Liang's side angrily and did not shock anyone. However, the hunger strike can't be played. Although she wants to lose weight, somehow her willpower is not as strong as in modern times. What's more, I drink medicine every day and get flustered if I don't eat. Nowadays, she is served deliciously every day, but she is still getting thinner and thinner.

She is holding herself in the palace every day, and she is about to grow green hair.

This morning, taking advantage of the daylight, Su Siman took a moment and asked Bixi to go for a walk together. In the past few days, she came to the Liang Palace, she always felt that the two maids sent to serve her were secretly monitoring her, which made her uncomfortable. Today, the two maids of honor were all dismissed by her. One was sent by her to the imperial hospital to get medicine, and the other was assigned to the imperial dining room to get bird's nest porridge.

The two turned around in the palace of the beam and lost their way before they arrived at the Royal Garden. Finally, a Gong'e came to the opposite side, and Su Siman quickly asked Bixi to ask for directions.

Gong'e looked at them several times. When she looked at Su Siman, she curled her lips, pointed to the northwest and said, "Go straight this way, and then turn left to the Royal Garden." After saying that, he waved his waist and left. Finally, he didn't forget to give Su Siman a contemptuous white eye.

Su Siman is not angry with people. Now she has been used to other people's white eyes. Isn't she fat? You haven't seen your aunt's previous appearance, which is much fatter than now. When we lose weight, you dare to stare!

The two walked forward according to Gong's instructions and walked for a short time. As expected, they arrived at the Royal Garden, surrounded by purple and red and green willows, and the shallow water rockery surrounded the clear pool. It was jingling and beautiful. The lotus flowers in the lake are in full bloom, white as snow, and the pink is crisp, reflecting the green lotus leaves.

Su Siman doesn't know many flowers in the north. He asked the tourmaline all the way. The tourmaline was also born in the south and grew in the south. Like her, she didn't know it. The two walked and stopped, and all the way was pleasing to the eyes and full of interest, which made Su Siman in a good mood.

After walking for a while, I felt a little tired. I saw a pavilion on the lakeside not far away and quickly lifted my skirt and ran over. Sitting on a stone chair, she couldn't help fanning with her hands and looking around curiously. Suddenly, she saw a man lying under the willow tree by the lake, wearing light green clothes, similar to the color of grass. Su Siman thought to himself that this person would enjoy sunbathing, which was interesting. After looking at him for a long time, I didn't see him move. This aroused Su Siman's interest. He got up and walked there and squatted down beside people. It turned out to be a child.

Looking at the appearance, he is only twelve or three years old. He frowned slightly and his eyelashes moved slightly, as if he didn't sleep well. The little face was too pale, and the mottled sunlight cut by the leaves shone on his childish face, and the scattered and broken shadow added a little sadness to him.

Ah, this child is so beautiful, like a pink jade! Just like a porcelain doll, Susman secretly praised and resisted the impulse to touch his little face. Seeing that his eyebrows are somewhat similar to the little devil Liang Shaoheng, it seems that this doll is not small.

She was thinking that the doll seemed to feel someone and suddenly opened her eyes. The alert in her eyes quickly replaced the confusion of the first awakening. Her eyes were so sharp that she didn't look like a child. A carp stood up neatly, which shocked Su Siman, bent her legs and retreated back. As a result, she sat on the ground. She didn't expect the child to react so much and quickly.

The child looked at her in surprise and disgust, ran away quickly, and disappeared without much effort.

Bixi rushed over to help her, squatting and patting the grass crumbs on her robe, looking up and saying, "What's the matter, princess?"

"It's nothing, but the child is very strange. He is obviously a cute and upright cute man, but his personality is a little strange." Su Siman muttered, and his eyes were still looking at the direction of the child's disappearance.

Bixi rolled his eyelids and said, "Maybe he is a little prince, too naughty. He sneaked out to sleep while the wet nurse was not paying attention. The maidservant looked at him and looked a little like His Royal Highness Eleven."

"I think so too."

"Princess, it's not early. It's time to go back for lunch."

"Well, I'm hungry." As soon as the words fell, Su Siman's stomach cooed. She looked at her belly and found that she had really lost a lot of weight recently. The dress she is wearing now would be loose without a belt, but now she still has not separated the word obesity.

Fortunately, the tourmaline has a good sense of direction. After walking, they saw the familiar palace. In the distance, they saw a light pink little man standing in front of the hall and looking at it, they found that it was Baoqin.

"Princess, you are back. Hurry up!" Baoqin ran down the steps quickly to meet her, and her face was a little happy.

The three entered the inner hall together. Bixi went to make tea. Baoqin held a fan and asked, "What does the princess want to eat at noon today?"

"Whatever you want. Oh, where's Xiang'er? Su Manya lifted the cover and flirted with the fragrance of tea, as if she asked casually. In fact, she guessed that Xiang'er should have reported the news of her departure from the palace.

"She was called out by Gu Lingsi for something." Baoqin blushed and hesitated before answering.

Su Siman is also too casual. These days, he has asked them to go to Liangguo's famous dishes. As a result, they are either sour or spicy. Today's lunch dishes are mostly spicy. Before they finish eating, their stomach hurts faintly. They don't feel right. It seems that their aunt is coming. When I ran to the hut, I saw that it was really! The trousers have been wet and dark, but the blood color is very light, not like the blood of a normal person.

Su Siman was dumbfounded. After crossing for so long, this is the first wave! God, what happened to the ancient woman? What should I do if there is no sanitary napkin? I remember that I was curious and searched on the Internet about what to do when the moon came. There were many answers. Some people didn't say anything and stayed at home every day. Some said that ancient women used a kind of thing called "sanitary belt". There are a variety of explanations.

As a modern person who traveled through time, Su Siman didn't feel ashamed of this matter. It couldn't be more normal, so he quickly called Tourmaline and handed her dirty trousers.

"How could...how could it be..." Bixi was shocked and pale when she saw the blood stains!

"What's wrong?" Su Siman was a little confused, but he didn't delve into it any more. He just rubbed his legs uneasily and felt strange without trousers. "Go find me another pair of trousers."

Before Bixi recovered from the shock, Su Siman's repeatedly urged him to look for it. Su Siman stood beside her and watched her rummage through the box and cupboard for a long time.

Su Siman only felt that his whole body had been emptied, and he was weak and had no strength. His feet seemed to be stepping in the clouds and could not fall into reality. He panicked and came down in a cold sweat.

Srout pain began in the middle of the night. There seems to be an insect in the stomach, and the pain of bone erosion seems to be slowly transferring, and the pain spread all over the body after much time. The first second seemed to be a fire burning, but the next second it was like being poked by the sharp edges and corners of ice slag. She rolled all over the bed in pain, bit the quilt and forced herself to make a sound. Finally, the pain was fierce. The person and the quilt rolled under the bed together. Her head was knocked unconscious, but not long after she fainted, she was awakened again.

When I woke up, I found a candle lit in the bedroom. The tourmaline was helping her. Under the dim candlelight, I could see that she was also pale and tearful.

"What's wrong with me?" Su Siman pressed his abdomen with one hand that was almost cramped. The blue veins on his forehead jumped straight, and his back was soaked with cold sweat.

"Princess, there is a poison attack..." Bixi sobbed, and her shoulders trembled violently.