A red apricot climbs the wall

Chapter 5 First wave 2

At least we are also the princess who came to kiss. We have been hanging for more than a month and have a hairy ball!


"What?!" Su Siman was stunned, and another severe pain hit him. He involuntarily broke free from the tourmaline and rolled on the ground in pain. The most painful thing is that the body is so painful, but the mind is always awake, and every little pain is strangely clear. The pain made Su Siman couldn't help kowtoing his head to the ground.

"Princess! Princess! ..." Bixi's crying voice was full of fear. She knelt down and hugged the princess tightly, stopped her self-harm, and shivered and stuffed a towel into her mouth.

After the fierceness just passed, Su Siman almost exhausted his physical strength and was about to collapse, as if he had just taken a shower, and his clothes and hair were all wet. She gasped and her voice was so low that it trembled weakly almost close to the ground, "What's wrong with me? What poison?"

"You were born with a bloodthirsty poison worm from the Queen. For so many years, the imperial doctor in the palace has been giving you a prescription to curb the attack of poison. The maidservant clearly remembered that the imperial doctor said that as long as the princess had been taking medicine on time, bloodthirsty would not attack before the age of 18... How could it become like this..."

Obviously felt that the tourmaline was shaking violently, and fear surged all over her body from the soles of her feet. Su Siman grabbed her arm. Although she was calm, her voice was still shaking violently. "You should make it clear that the poison has had an attack. What are some symptoms and consequences."

"When the sunflower came, it was a poison attack. I heard from the imperial doctor that it will take about 15 days. During this period, the princess will... be very painful..."

"Fifteen days?!" Su Siman suddenly raised his head and stared at the tourmaline in disbelief and horror, with his two small eyes wide as wide as possible.

Bixi didn't dare to look at her and only nodded slightly.

Su Siman's hand holding Bixi's arm tightly loosened weakly. At the same time, the severe pain hit again, which made her cramp all over and uncontrollable. She screamed hysterically, and the towel fell fiercely from her mouth. The painful voice tore the dark night, and the whole palace was awakened.

At the thought of 15 days of pain, Su Siman's sadness and depression were naturally incomparable, and he simply wanted to hit the wall. The pain was so intense that she couldn't spare the energy to curse the fallen crane fairy.

Bixi was so anxious that he didn't know what to do. Seeing Xiang'er and Baoqin running over, the three helped Su Siman to ** together. Bixi also ordered Baoqin to invite Gu Lingsi and Xiang'er to boil hot water.

When Gu Lingsi came over, he also brought the imperial doctor. Su Siman's face was pale, his hair was wet against his forehead, and he lay ** with his eyes closed. He did not move. When he heard someone coming, he opened his eyes.

The imperial doctor didn't control his pulse. He went straight up and shook the scalpel. Baoqin next to him immediately brought a white porcelain plate and held it in both hands. Then the imperial doctor sat on the edge of the bed, picked up Su Siman's hand, went down with a knife, and began to bleed. The light red blood fell along the pale wrist into the porcelain-white plate, splashing with a little red dots. At this time, Su Siman had already fainted by the bright knife.

When he woke up, Su Siman was sore all over and found that he was lying face down, with a little cold on his back. He was about to turn over and was pressed by the tourmaline, "Princes, don't move!"

"What's wrong?" Su Siman asked weakly.

"Your back is full of silver needles. Don't move around. It's not good to get hurt." Bixi turned his head and said to Baoqin standing next to him, "Go and call Dr. Li."

"What time is it now?" Su Siman rubbed his forehead, and his eyes were still a little blurred.

"Ah?" Bixi was a little confused and stared at the princess suspiciously.

"Well, what time is it?" Su Siman reacted and scratched his head. At this time, he was surprised to find that the pain had eased.

"It's time. The princess is hungry. Let's eat something." With that, he went to bring porridge.

Unfortunately, Su Siman just took a few bites, and it was painful. Fortunately, Dr. Li came and cut his wrist with a knife, and the pain eased a lot when bleeding. This is strange. What's more strange is how her blood flowed like red ink.

After that, Dr. Li came to release blood and prick silver needles for her three times a day. During this period, in addition to drinking medicine, she almost ate anything and vomited, and quickly lost weight. After lying on ** for half a month, Su Siman was very depressed and seemed to have died once.

It was not easy to pass 15 days. On the 16th day, my whole body was normal and there was nothing wrong. Except for the wound on my wrist, the other parts were as usual.

Su Siman sat in the garden basking in the sun and looked down at his wrist wrapped in thick white gauze. He suddenly frowned and died for 15 days a month. Looking at my belly that has lost a large circle, there is some faint sadness. I don't have to lose weight at all. After 15 days, it is more effective than any kind of weight loss!

This time, she began to take a big tonic again. Every day, she was either ginseng or bird's nest. She didn't refuse to come, no matter what it was, all poured into her stomach. Anyway, she doesn't have to worry about poisoning or something. In fact, she hopes that she can be poisoned. Maybe she can return to modern times if she dies. It's a living crime to stay here! Unfortunately, he can't die again. The blue seal has been poisoned, and even the medicine has been carefully checked.

According to Bixi, the bloodthirsty poison would not have occurred three years earlier. She secretly went to check the previous medicine residue and found that all the medicinejian before had been tampied by the Liang people, which contributed to the current disaster. Bixi blamed himself and begged Su Siman to punish him.

Su Siman thought of other things and was not in the mood to blame her. He only asked the people of Liang why they tried to promote her to have a poisonous attack, which made her feel pain. What conspiracy did they have? Unfortunately, this tourmaline can't answer.

I couldn't ask why, and Su Siman was so irritable that she felt that she was the fish on the cutting board, waiting for people to slaughter it.

At least she is the princess who came to make peace. It has been more than a month since she arrived in the State of Liang, but she didn't have any letter about the marriage. It's really going to grow hair if she consumes so vaguely. So on this day, I specially sent Xiang'er to invite Gu Lingsi and asked her to ask the queen if this marriage will be married or not? If you don't, I'm going to pat my ass and leave.

Xiang'er just went out, and halfway, she met Gu Lingsi and the great eunuch Zhuo Chongde in front of the emperor to Xiangyi Hall.

It turned out that it was to read the edict.

The wedding date is set on the seventh day of July, that is, ten days later, which is the seventh and 49th day after she reached the State of Liang.

Su Siman was not excited when he received the imperial edict, but felt a little angry. He felt that Liang Guo was too contempt for her princess and didn't pay too much attention to the prince's wedding. However, it occurred to me that I was just a princess of a weak country, a fat man and a fool. The prince married her, which was really a little wronged. Liang Guo seemed to understand this. However, Su Siman is still very angry. It's you who are trying to marry me, and it's not that I want to climb a high branch and put on airs for me. Damn it!

The boundless resentment is like the sea, and the days are particularly difficult. In addition to eating to vent my anger, there seems to be no better way to find it.

After only a few days, the bad results came out. The fat that was finally lost after being destroyed immediately stuck to her body like a dog skin cream, but she couldn't control that much. On the one hand, she was depressed, and on the other hand, she was really greedy! Seeing that she had gained weight and returned to the ball state, she was quite helpless, but did not dissuade her.

Now she lives a pig-like life. She eats and sleeps. When she wakes up, she eats. She doesn't want to do anything and wait for "being slaughtered" at ease. Because I thought a lot of things before, I couldn't figure it out. If I asked others, they couldn't answer. Since I thought about it for nothing, I simply didn't think about it. I'm too lazy to waste brain cells.

At noon that day, she slept at noon and faintly heard the voice.

"Where's the princess?" He is a gentle and magnetic male voice, a little familiar, but Su Siman can't remember who he is for a moment.

"The princess is resting. What's the matter with the fifth Highness looking for the princess? Hearing this, Su Siman suddenly realized that it was indeed Liang Shaoxuan's voice!

"There is something important." When saying these three words, Liang Shaojun's voice was very low, as if there was a big secret. Su Siman couldn't lie down. He rolled his round body, got out of bed, and randomly put a set of shoes out. As soon as he turned out of the screen, he saw Liang Shaoxuan, who was dressed in white and snow, standing in the hall facing the wind, talking to Bixi sideways. Next to him stood Liang Shaoheng, the eleventh prince in a blue satin cardigan.

"The fifth prince and the eleventh prince are really rare guests. Why did they come to my palace?" Su Siman asked enthusiastically and unconsciously leaned over to Liang Shaoxuan.

Liang Shaoxuan quietly retreated a little and distanced himself from her.

Liang Shaoheng, who was beside her, looked at her angrily and gave her a big white eye. "I heard that you were not feeling well before, and the fifth brother was kind, so he asked me to come and have a look."

When Su Siman heard this, he looked at Liang Shaoxuan in surprise and saw two red clouds on his pink and jade-white face, which was quite shy, but cute and tight.

"Is the princess all right now? Are you used to living there?" Liang Shaoxuan covered his lips and coughed gently. With a smile, he bent down and arched his hand. The folding fan in his hand was narrowly folded. The slender and white hand holding the handle of the fan was so beautiful that Su Siman, a woman, was jealous.

"Okay, I'm used to it. Your body is also very good. Your Highness, thank you very much. Su Siman lowered his head and twisted his sleeves with some embarrassment. There was no way. He felt too oppressive towards a handsome man.

"That's good." The gentle tone, like a drizzle falling on the jade beads, scattered little by little, and diffused into people's hearts. Liang Shaoxuan arched his hand again, "Congratulations, princess, Princess Hexi!"

"Don't dare to be, what's so happy." Su Siman was a little depressed.

"The princess doesn't seem to be very happy?" Liang Shaoxuan looked up at her, with a bent mouth, a warm smile in his star-like eyes, and his hand with a folding fan around his waist.

"It's not good, but it's boring. It's boring to be bored in this hall every day. Su Siman sighed and wanted to say that you two brothers would come to sit more often when they were free, but it was inappropriate for her to say this. At least she was their future sister-in-law, who was too close to their brother-in-law to gossip, so she didn't say anything. After thinking of something for a long time, he quickly pointed to the pear blossom wooden chair and said, "Fifth Prince, Eleventh Prince, please sit down." He also ordered the tourmaline to pour tea.

Liang Shaoheng curled his lips and looked at his brother without squeaking or moving.

Liang Shaoxuan waved his hand and said, "Princess is too polite. My two brothers thanked me first, but I'm going to say goodbye to the empress dowager later. Now I have to say goodbye."

"Oh." Su Siman was a little embarrassed, "That can't be delayed. I'll send it to your highnesses."