A red apricot climbs the wall

Chapter 38 Doomed

Maybe, he is destined to be her predestined person


Su Siman's face was ashamed, and his ears were a little hot. At the same time, he smiled that he was not promising. At the same time, he hurriedly squatted down to pick up the smashed porcelain pieces on the ground. His heart seemed to be scratched by a cat, and he was a little flustered.

As soon as he picked up a few pieces, Liang Shaojun squatted down and said, "Don't pick them up. Be careful not to hurt your hands. Leave these trivial things to the maid."

Su Siman was so embarrassed that his words fell, and an accidental finger was cut, and the broken porcelain pieces in his hand were scattered all over the ground.

"Show me, are you hurt?" Liang Shaojun picked up her hand and turned it over, and the red blood on her index finger slowly spread. Liang Shaojun frowned slightly and took out a neatly folded silk from his arms to wrap it up for her carefully and gently. Why are you so careless? Do you want me to ask the doctor to show you?"

There were some imperceptible concerns in his faint tone. Although it was as plain as ever, Su Siman noticed it and couldn't help but feel sweet as honey in his heart.

"A little injury, there is no need for a working doctor." When Su Siman stood up, Liang Shaojun seemed to inadvertently help her gently and stood up himself. Realization of his little move, Susman's face, which was thicker than the city wall, turned red untimely. She also knew that her face must be as red as a turkey at this time, so she lowered her head in embarrassment, twisted her hand with the handkerchief he had just wrapped, and began to have nothing to say: "Why do you think of Chuxiang Pavilion so early?"

"I just went down. When I came back, I heard someone report that you were not feeling well, so I came to have a look." Liang Shaojun carried one hand on his back and was straight, and his eyes moved from the fish swimming in the pool to Su Siman's face.

Uncomfortable? Su Siman thought to himself, isn't it just a little allergic to spices, as for such exaggeration? Sure enough, a big fart happened in the East Palace and spread all over the night. Which maid of honor who likes to chew her tongue said it?

Su Siman twitched and smiled dryly: "It's not uncomfortable, but it's just a little allergic. It's because they're too fuss."

"Allergy?" Liang Shaojun looked at her with some doubts in his eyes.

"Cough--" Su Siman coughed dryly and knew that he had used the wrong word. It seems that there are no such avant-garde words in this era. "Nothing, it's our dialect of Chu. Hey hey, dialect means cough. But it's all right now. Don't worry."

"That's good. In a word, if you are not feeling well, you must go to the doctor as soon as possible.

"I know." Even if these words are a little cumbersome, Su Siman is very useful in his heart.

"It's rare that the sun is so good today. Let's go for a walk in the Royal Garden." Liang Shaojun proposed.

Su Simman nodded.

The East Palace is not too far from the Royal Garden. The two walked quietly without saying anything. The sun shines warmly on the earth, and there is a faint fragrance of osmanthus in the air. At this time, there are no butterflies lingering or birds singing. It is very quiet around, but Su Siman feels that everything is full of vitality, and everywhere is so cute that there is nowhere to be picky.

The imperial garden ** is in full bloom, with a wide variety of white, yellow and red, and the begonias are also very pleasant. Although it is not spring, there is no lack of gorgeous fragrance in the garden, but most of the flowers Su Siman don't know it. It can be seen that the craftsmen who grow flowers are extremely attentive.

Unconsciously, she walked to a gazebo. Su Siman couldn't help but be happy. It was the place where she first met Liang Shaojun.

"I'm a little tired of walking, Your Highness, shall we go inside and have a rest?" Su Siman pointed to the pavilion, and his face was a little moved.

"Good." As he spoke, he walked to the gazebo.

Although both of them were recovering from a serious illness, Liang Shaojun was a man and recovered quickly. He only thought that Su Siman was physically exhausted and needed to rest for a while, so he did not object.

"Your Highness, do you remember that this is where we first met?" Su Siman stood in the pavilion, but did not sit down. He held the red-painted wooden armrests and leaned out slightly, pointing to a tree with only bare trunks in front of him. "You lie under the willow tree, wearing light green clothes, about the same color as the grass on the ground. I would enjoy the cool in this pavilion. If it hadn't been for my good eyes, I can't see a man lying on the grass. You looked like a child at that time, small and cute. Bixi told me that you must be the little prince who sneaked out to sleep late during his lecture. How could I have thought that you would be my husband at that time..." When Su Siman said this, his face was full of trance and intoxicated with memories. He didn't expect that he remembered it so clearly. The situation at that time was vivid, as if it happened yesterday. She remembered the child's pale and beautiful face, sharp and alert eyes, and vigorous and rapid posture. Although he never told her a word, why does she still remember so clearly? It's really strange.

However, in just over two months, Liang Shaojun has been reborn and has transformed into an elegant young man, no longer like a child. As she said, how could she think that he would be her husband at that time? All this she encountered was so strange that she couldn't explain it at all and couldn't understand it.

Maybe it is doomed that he is her predestined person. I grew up quickly in order to be with her.

She thought obsessively, and a hidden smile appeared unconsciously on her lips. He didn't say anything, had a pale face, and looked at the decaying willow tree. He was probably thinking about the situation when he first saw her, right?

After a long time of distraction, Su Siman woke up and remembered something. "That's right, Your Highness, why did you suddenly grow up in just a few months..." Su Siman saw him smile coldly, stopped his mouth, and secretly regretted asking this.

"I have been sick since I was a child and have never grown up. A fortune-teller once said that I have a strange fate. I have a bad life and can't live long. I should die early when I am young. I think his words are not all right. Now I am not only an adult, but also get rid of the little bad luck. I can't explain the fate.

The elegant and mocking cold smile on Liang Shaojun's pale face is like a kite that broke the line in the wind, vague and far away. He smiled beautifully, especially the slightly curved corners of his lips, which was perfect, but it made people feel warm and only felt a cool chill.

Why did you suddenly tell her about your fortune-telling today? He doesn't know either. Perhaps, he just felt that they were both fallen people; or maybe, it was the past that she blocked him in the depths of his memory, and the heavy burden made him breathless and needed to be relieved and talk?

Enough, what's the use of saying this? There is no need to mention it with people who have nothing to do with it. Liang Shaojun turned around and stopped looking at the fallen willow tree.

Su Siman looked at his straight purple back, lonely and arrogant, like the still looseness under the accumulation of snow, and the slightly thin shoulders seemed to be pressed with the weight of Qianjun. The autumn wind moved the light purple crown, and his slim brocade robe sleeves moved slightly, adding a bit of desolation. It made her feel so sad and heartbroken for no reason.

She thought that he must have experienced something, otherwise, how could he have such a cold smile and such a lonely back. Where does this pain come from? In an instant, she made a decision that she must help him. Whatever it is, she has to help him.

She originally wanted to ask him why she married her, who was fat and stupid, why she married her for so long and snug her, why she appeared at the door of Qin Yuelou, and why she helped her hide the departure from the palace, but she finally didn't ask.

The two stood quietly in the pavilion. Liang Shaojun looked straight ahead with no expression on his face. Su Siman stood behind him and looked at him.

There are two people not far away who seem to be talking and seem to be arguing. They are a man and a woman.

If you are right, the woman with a pink jacket and a light blue plain skirt is the tourmaline.