A red apricot climbs the wall

Chapter 39 Flying Vinegar

Liang Shaojun was looking at it, and his arm was caught coldly. He looked down and saw Xiao Eleven Liang Shaoheng raising a slightly childish face, grinning with a small neat tooth and smiling brightly at him.

"Eleventh brother, why are you here? Why are you alone, your wet nurse? Liang Shaojun raised his eyebrows in surprise, and then a warm smile rippled from his lips.

At this time, Su Siman noticed that a little child who was not yet far from Liang Shaojun's chest was happily sticking to him and couldn't help gritting his teeth. This little bastard didn't learn well at a young age. He dared to ridicate her husband's oil and water in front of her. It's really unreasonable! Fortunately, I didn't ask her to see Liang Shaojun's gentle expression at this time, otherwise someone would definitely rush up and pull the little stinky child down with green eyes.

"The wet nurses are so talky that I got rid of them, hehe. I just passed by the Royal Garden and saw my brother here, so I came. Liang Shaoheng held his second brother's arm more and more tightly, "Is the royal brother well? Go back to see you, but you are still unconscious. Originally, I wanted to come to see you yesterday, but my mother was afraid that I would disturb you and delay your rest. She insisted on not letting me go, which made me angry.

"Do you think I'm fine now?" Liang Shaojun smiled gently, squatted down, lowered his eyes, and leveled with Liang Shaoheng, "Are you going to study too much now?"

"Hmm." Liang Shaoheng nodded. At this time, he noticed that Su Siman, whose face was green and black-eyed, spit out his tongue at her, rolled his eyes and made a grimace. He lowered his head and pulled Liang Shaojun's sleeves. His face was full of serious and lowered his voice, "Brother, why are you with her? She is a fool. Staying with her for a long time will affect the wisdom of her brother.

Can this dead child whisper a little? However, it's not loud, and it's not quiet enough. It just made Su Siman hear it really and made her angry that she almost burst into smoke. Is this boy born with a grudge against himself? I haven't given her a good face since I first met her. I always blow my eyebrows and stare at her. Where did I provoke this little ancestor?

"Don't talk nonsense!" Liang Shaojun touched his head and scolded in a low voice, but his tone was not very harsh. "She is your sister-in-law. Please greet her quickly."

Hearing Liang Shaojun say this, Su Siman's anger in his heart immediately dispersed cleanly. He looked at Liang Shaoheng proudly and saw that he was wrinkled his little face reluctantly, with a pair of big eyes blinking pitifully and aggrieved look.

For a long time, seeing that the emperor's attitude did not loosen, he had to let go of his hand and bow his head and earnestly said to Su Siman: "Shao Heng has seen the royal sister-in-law. May the emperor's sister-in-law be healthy." Before Su Siman was happy enough, Liang Shaoheng hugged Liang Shaojun's arm like a dog skin plaster and shook him like a cash cow. "Brother, I haven't been to school with you for a long time. Let's go together today?"

"Well, okay." Liang Shaojun nodded, stood up, turned to Su Siman and said, "I still have something to do, so I won't accompany you. Go back by yourself." After saying that, he looked around. The man and a woman not far away did not seem to find anyone on the side of the pavilion and were still talking. Liang Shaojun took Liang Shaoheng and turned away from the pavilion. Liang Shaoheng took a few steps and looked back at Su Siman, with a proud face. He seemed to be saying, look, the royal brother is still kind to me!

Su Siman really wanted to rush up and beat the stinky child to calm down. Looking at the two figures leaving like a high and low wind, I can't tell what it feels like, and it's a little empty. Well, although someone himself thinks it's very promising to be jealous of a little boy, and he won't admit it. However, what is hateful is that he does have such a small finger jealousy of the little stinky boy beside Liang Shaojun. Looking at them, she didn't withdraw her eyes until the two intimate figures disappeared from sight.

At this time, Su Siman saw two people behind the bushes about 20 feet away from her. She recognized the tourmaline at a glance, but the man who talked to the tourmaline did not know it. Su Siman immediately became interested, and his gossip thoughts spread. He didn't expect that Bixi did a good job underground. She didn't know which prince brother she could come to the palace.

After a closer look, I couldn't help but be disappointed. It turned out that it was not a young descendant who talked to Bixi, but a man who was more than 60 years old. The clothes are a little strange and colorful, not like the style of Liang Guo.

When she was wondering, she saw Bixi kneeling down in a panic (something fell to her hand) to say goodbye to the Liang Shaojun brothers. The man next to her also bowed and put his right hand on his left chest to worship, which was regarded as a salute. Liang Shaojun only nodded slightly, said a few words to the man next to him, and then walked away with Liang Shaoheng.

Bixi said goodbye to the man and hurried to the East Palace, but did not see Su Siman in the pavilion.

Su Siman stood in the pavilion for a while and felt bored, so he slowly walked back to the Storage Pavilion.

When Su Siman went back, he was lazy. As soon as he lay down on **, it was noon when he was woken up by Baoqin. After washing up, Xiang'er came in for lunch. The lunch dishes are very rich, including Su Siman's favorite braised pig's feet. It hasn't been long since she recovered from her illness. Although the dishes are rich, the cooking method is still mainly light. Although it is mostly medicinal diet, the ingredients used are not ambiguous, either chicken or meat, and with several vegetarian dishes. A table was placed in red and white, which looked very appetizing. Su Siman sat down and stared at the maid of honor who picked up vegetables in her bowl for her. Baoqin beside her was not idle and filled her with a bowl of glutinous rice pan-color soup.

After drinking the soup, the maid's cloth dish is almost done. Su Siman picked up the silver chopsticks and stretched out his evil claws to the red and fragrant roast pig's feet. He picked them up and was about to put them into his mouth. Yu Guang saw his plump body, and his hands were stiff. Finally, he put the braised pig's feet back into the bowl and only picked up the light ones to eat.

At present, she is fat and thin, and she is suitable and plump. She has to keep it. Try not to be infinitely obese.

Nowadays, it is very different from before. With a person who pleases herself, she naturally pays a lot of attention to her appearance. Although you can't lose weight, your figure is still well-proportioned at present, and you can't let the fat grow.

After lunch, I took a walk around the Chuxiang Pavilion. When I got to the backyard, I saw Tourmaline sitting alone under the osmanthus tree, as if he was thinking about something.

"Bixi, why are you hiding here? I'm looking for you." Su Siman overtood over and stopped beside her.

"It turned out to be a princess." The tourmaline seemed to be shocked and almost jumped up.

"Look at your strange face. What's wrong?" Su Siman asked.

"Nothing." Bixi lowered his eyes, quickly looked up at his master, and reluctantly smiled.

Su Siman dismissed left and right, approached the tourmaline and said, "When I went for a walk in the imperial garden this morning, I saw you talking to a man. Who is it?"

"Did the princess see it?" The blue face turned white, biting his lips, and his lower lip immediately turned white.

Su Siman only said "um" and his eyes still stopped on her.

"Uh... unrelevant people, find slaves to ask for directions." The tourmaline paused for a while before returning.

Su Siman was a little disappointed and shook his head and joked, "It's really boring. Previously, I thought it was a prince, but it turned out to be an old man. Bixi, you really disappoint me. Looking at you talking to him, I was really worried about whether it was your father or not at that time. Hahaha, it's not.

"..." The blue face turned unnaturally and he didn't talk again.