A red apricot climbs the wall

Chapter 60 Xia Shouyi

Tomorrow is the emperor's birthday. General Xia Shouyixia, who has not appeared for more than half a month since he disappeared on the night of the reunion festival, suddenly returned to the court. In the early morning, it caused a burst of **. The ministers waiting outside the hall gathered around and asked for warmth. Everyone was curious about where he had gone and what he had done for a long time. Is it true that he was kidnapped by a thief as rumored?

The ministers all have doubts in their hearts. Xia Shouyi was born in a clan and has learned good martial arts since he was a child. There are no three people who can fight against his enemies in the country. If someone really kidnapped him, it can be seen that the other party is very capable. Xia Shouyi has always regarded himself as very strict and straightforward. Sometimes it is inevitable that he will offend people. It is not known that he has been tied up, but he must have kidnapped him.

In short, his disappearance must be tricky and interesting. Previously, the emperor secretly issued an order, which is said to have temporarily transferred Xia Shouyi to Liyang for inspection. But the paper still didn't wrap the fire. The queen sent Captain Hong to find his whereabouts. At first, it was still secretly, but it didn't attract much attention. All the ministers were indeed sent to patrol the border as a colleague, secretly for him. This Xia Dacai was transferred back to Beijing and was sent to patrol the border so quickly. However, since Lieutenant Hong was scolded by the queen, he increased his search and hung a person who came and went at the exit of each city gate. Only then did everyone realize that there were other hidden things. The more unclear the many things were, the easier it was to attract random speculation, so that the last ministers decided that Xia Shou Yi must have offended the queen before being blackmailed by the queen. Maybe she is not just missing, but I'm afraid she has been killed. The queen sent someone to look for him just to disguise her real purpose of eliminating dissidents.

These courtiers naturally knew that although Xia Shouyi was also one of the few generals who were secretly nicknamed the "South Academy", they had always been at odds with Captain Hong, the red man in front of the queen. In addition, Xia Shouyi's many political opinions were not at odds with the queen and were often excluded. Therefore, this time, it is not ruled out that the queen made trouble. Let me introduce this South Academy. As mentioned above, it is a power group that supports the queen. The main members are civil servants. Most of them are from the South Academy - Royal Academy. It has always been the location of the important ministers of the State of Liang. For example, the Empress's father, Zhang Zhen, the imperial historian Fan Wenzhong, and Situ Li Shizhi, were all former students of the South College. . The queen's prime minister and imperial lieutenants gathered together, with both literature and martial arts and great power. Although the queen never came to court, her prestige was far better than that of the emperor. She is a generation of women who are in the deep palace but have power over the world. The story about the rise of this queen and the queen's family will be mentioned later)

"I'm sorry to remember that Xia is ashamed. During the period of leaving Beijing, nothing major has happened in the court, right?" Xia Shouyi quietly led the topic away from himself.

"For good, nothing big happened in the court. Tomorrow is the birthday of the emperor. It is really a happy event for General Xia to return safely. God really bless my dynasty. He held his fist to the sky and spoke respectfully.

"Xia thought of this floor, so he rushed back to Daliang City to celebrate the emperor's birthday at night." Xia Shouyi only didn't hear the meaning of his right words, but also bowed and replied politely.

During the conversation, the eunuch's shrill voice said "Upward--"

Everyone stopped chatting, dressed whole, and filed in with the boards in their hands.

After the imperial court that day, many people went to the general's mansion to visit Xia Shouyi.

Xia Shouyi is also quite prestigious in the court, especially in the army, where the prestige is better than that of the lieutenant Hong Chenglin, and most of the generals are ahead of him. Although he was born in a meritorious family, today's achievements are not protected by his ancestors. Every inch of military achievements are his real knife * set up on the battlefield. He shared joys and sorrows with the sergeants, with clear rewards and punishments, and is deeply loved. Although some military power has been gradually withdrawn in recent years and transferred from the station to Beijing, its prestige has not diminished. The previous national teacher once said that he was a rare minister of the society, which was the reason why the queen not only enlisted him and was afraid of him to suppress him.

One of these people who came was very low-key. That was Chu Wenyuan, the prince of the State of Chu, who came to thank him this time.

This trip to the State of Liang, when he first arrived at the border of Chuliang, Chu Wenyuan's mission was attacked by a group of mountain thieves on the Tianzi Cliff. The mountain thieves on that day's cliff always thought that they were dangerous to live alone. In addition, the State of the State of Liang did not care about them, which was very rampant, and even the prince of the State of Chu dared to rob. Chu Wenyuan was almost captured and saved by Xia Shouyi, who passed through Tianzi Cliff. Chu Wenyuan was supposed to thank him, but Xia Shouyi was eager to go back to Beijing to report his work. After a few words, he left first.

Xia Shouyi was a very reliable person. At present, he sent his entourage back to the station to send troops to suppress the mountain thieves on the Tianzi cliff, and even the old nest was burned.

Chu Wenyuan admired Xia Shouyi very much, and also fell in love with Xia Shouyi. After the banquet and the crowd left, they stayed for a while. The two talked happily, and it was already night when they came out.

Besides, Su Siman drank all night and was found to be drunk on the cold marble pillar. After lying drowsiness for a day, I woke up with a terrible headache and heavy eyelids. After drinking several bowls of sobering soup, I didn't recover.

Su Siman felt cold all over and covered with a thick quilt. His teeth trembling so much that he knew that he must have caught a cold at night. Her brain was chaotic, her scalp suddenly hurt, and her whole body was uncomfortable. There seemed to be a fire in her throat, which made her dizzy.

Qing Ran found that it was already twilight when she had a fever. She wanted to ask a doctor, but she couldn't get out. No one would come again so late, and she couldn't even hand over a message. Bixi somehow learned the news of his master's illness and forced his body to stay by the bedside to apply a cold compress for Su Siman. Because he bent down and pulled the unhealed wound on his body, his face turned pale and he couldn't help sweating coldly. Qing Ran was so anxious that he couldn't stamp his feet. Originally, I wanted to make a bowl of ginger soup, but when I entered the kitchen, I found that there was nothing to eat in the kitchen.

Just as a group of people were helpless, there was a rhythmic knock on the door.

"Du Du Du--"

Zhou Lulin quickly ran over and opened the door. In the future, it was Yurong from Jiaheng Hall.

Yurong's face is clear. After being in front of the queen for a long time, she has also learned some manners and walk generously. After entering the bedroom, he bent his knees slightly, which was regarded as a salute. She came forward to see Su Siman lying in **, but there were several maids around the bed. She didn't really see it. She pinched the silk and coughed gently. The tourmaline was interested and immediately motioned the maids holding towels and basins to disperse, and she also got up and let them aside.